Book Read Free


Page 8

by James, Clare

  “You know, I really dislike you,” she says with a smile.

  Yeah, this just might work.

  “Likewise,” I say. “Now let me see those beautiful tits of yours.”

  I rip her shirt open the rest of the way. I’ve been holding it together for too long, waiting for her decision. My desire has been pent up for weeks now and it can no longer be restrained.

  Aria smacks my arm for the damage done to her shirt, but I latch my hand around her wrist before she connects. I slam it over her head against the wall. Her eyes grow wide, and so do mine as I take her in.

  With traveling hands, I discover that the black bra I’ve grown so fond of has another spectacular feature. A front clasp. With a quick word of gratitude to the Gods, and a flick of my fingers, the bra opens and Aria’s breasts spill over my hand.

  “Oh, God,” she whimpers and I store the new intel for our future endeavors. She likes to be restrained.

  I grip her other wrist and bring it above her head as well. She’s so fined boned that it’s no trouble holding both in one hand, giving me the opportunity to explore with the other.

  My palm brushes over her tight peaks and Aria’s eyelids flutter and her mouth opens – just a sliver. My mind goes crazy thinking of ways I want to invade those lips and consume her from the inside out. But tonight isn’t about that. We need wild, reckless, and fast. So fast that we don’t have time to think.

  Still, I can’t resist. I take a quick bite of that ripe lip, before dropping to her chest to pull her nipple deep inside my mouth. Her breasts are so fucking incredible, I probably take a little longer feasting on them than I should.

  My erection presses between us now, creating the most pleasurable friction. Christ, I’m hard and swollen and we’ve only just begun.

  “Please,” Aria whines. “I need more.”

  Her words shoot straight to my cock. And I push into her.

  “Yes,” she says, grinding into me, and I know I won’t last much longer.


  This is a hate fuck, and that’s all this is. Oh God, I hate that term. As old fashioned and pathetic as it sounds, when I think about sex, I think about love and making babies. Not surprising, I guess.

  It’s been so long. Could I possible do this? More importantly, should I?

  We detest each other.

  But, maybe, that’s why it’ll work. No emotion, just simple relief.

  Tris suckles my nipple, one and then the other and I feel a pull deep in my core. Every lap of his tongue, the pressure and suction, and the way it bites – a sensation that’s on the border between pleasure and pain.

  It’s the same battle I face with him – getting too close, yet not close enough. I’m feeling the latter at the moment, so I tug off his shirt to even the score, and to feel him. Really feel him.

  I’m rewarded with a spectacular treat. Half-naked with a body that would make a weaker woman crumble, Tris smiles and allows me a nice long look. I happily take it, trailing my eyes over him – inch by inch.

  Without clothes, he looks much more muscular than I expected. A true badass, toned and cut to perfection. He hardly resembles the boy he once was. He’s broad-shouldered with hard planes and ripples that start at his abdomen and get lost in the waistband of his pants.

  I explore the contrast of the peaks and valleys across his body – he’s nothing like Alex, who was more bulk and brawn than cut and toned.

  “Hey now, I’m the person in charge here.” Tristan tries for stern, but it comes out amused. “Now back to my show.”

  Taking hold of my arm again, his large hand tightens around my wrist.

  “That’s right,” I say. “You want to get the fast fuck out of the way.”

  “More like get us started with a bang,” he says. “And Ari, I want you to know that when you come through these doors, I’ll be in charge. You can let everything go. I will take care of you. Plus, I’d rather not hear anything from that smart mouth of yours while we’re in the throes. I have a feeling it could be a real mood killer.”

  He tries to make light of it, but this is the real deal. He wants to dominate me and he secretly knows I want to let him.

  Tris moves closer and I know what he’s going to find when he touches me. Damp panties and scalding skin. Oh God, I need to get it under control. Or give it up. I’m just not sure I can.

  I can feel Tris’s confidence – his possessiveness as he pulls me close. It warms me and scares the shit out of me all at the same time.

  “So what will it be?” he goads.

  “Okay,” I say on an exhale. I can’t believe we’re going to do this. “Just get the protection.”

  His face flashes in horror.

  “What? You don’t have a condom?”

  “Hang on, there has to be one here. I just. Jesus, Aria, I was in a hurry to get here. Fuck, I’m not prepared.”

  “What the hell were you thinking? Such a rookie mistake.” I’m in shock.

  “Fuck. Shit. Fuck.” He’s yelling as he riffles through the drawers. Within seconds, it looks like someone broke in and looted the place.

  “Okay.” He comes back to me and grabs my hands. “I’m clean, Aria. I’m tested every few months and I just got a clean bill last week.”

  “And how many women have you been with since then?”

  “None. It’s been a week and I’m staying with my sick father, Aria. What do you take me for?” He looks hurt.

  “You’re right. I’m sorry. It’s just that you’re the big talker making it out like you’re some manwhore.”

  “No, I’ve been making it out like I want you. I need you.” He fidgets. “I need this.”

  “I know.” I agree. We are, after all, friends on this turf. He wouldn’t lie to me about something like that. “Still, I can’t go there without protection.”

  “Aren’t you on the pill?” he asks.

  “Yes, but I’m a double-duty safety girl.”

  He crinkles his face.

  “In case you forgot, I have a little boy at home and as much as I adore him, I won’t be bringing him a sibling anytime soon.”

  “You’re right.” He strokes his chin as if getting the most awesome idea.

  “Rain check?” I ask, somehow wanting him more now than ever.

  “Hold on. Hold on. Not so fast.” He runs his thumb along my bottom lip. “There are things we can still do. A lot of things. Just back up there and relax.”

  I do as he says and lean against the wall.

  “Now what?” I ask.

  “Now, I give you what you need,” he says in that rough, possessive voice of his.

  My whole body quivers, not at all bothered by the change of events.

  “What about you?”

  “Oh, I’ll get what I need too.” He slides down to his knees.

  All I can see once his knees hit the floor is his wild mass of dark hair. He’s too busy checking out the new scenery to look up. If he did, he’d know I’m ready to chicken out. What the hell have I gotten myself into? I’m not a prude, but this is something I’ve never been comfortable with.

  “You don’t have to do that, Tris,” I say, tipping his chin up so I can look in his eyes.

  “I know.” He looks perplexed. Then he shakes it off and pulls my skirt down. “I like what I see, Aria.” He stares at me right there, appreciating my black panties before – oh shit – he puts his face in them and inhales.

  It’s slightly obscene. And also incredibly hot.

  I’m dripping wet from the contact.

  “Yes,” he continues, “I like this a lot.”

  Tris then moves the fabric off to the side and wastes no time using his tongue to trace the line of my seam.

  “Mmm, and I think you like this too.”

  “No, no, no.” The words spill out.

  Tris stills. “What? What is it?”

  “I can’t do this,” I tell him.

  “You don’t have to do a thing,”Tris says.

  “You can’t do t
his,” I try to convince him.

  “I can and I will. We have a deal and I know this is what you want.”

  “I just don’t feel right about it. Let’s do something we both enjoy.”

  “Ari.” He looks all soft now and it makes me even more uncomfortable. “I do enjoy this, and so will you when you stop thinking and shut the fuck up.”

  He flashes a wicked grin.

  “I don’t know who gave you the idea that men don’t like doing this,” he continues. “But let me tell you, real men eat pussy and they fucking love it.”

  My insides liquefy at his filthy words – something else I don’t understand. What is going on with me?

  “Maybe it’d help to get you more comfortable.”

  “Okay, that might help,” I say and the very next second, I’m over his shoulder. A yelp escapes while I’m upside down, wearing only my panties.

  Tris swats me on the behind. “That’ll be next, Aria. I’m going to explore every inch of you to see what you like.” He drops me on the bed. “And learn what you need. You don’t have to hold back in here. I will lead you. I’ll take you where you need to go.”

  “So, you’re quite experienced at this, then?” I can’t hide the bite in my words.

  “I had to be. “ He pulls my panties down.

  “What do you mean?” I ask, ignoring the vulnerable position he’s putting me into.

  “That topic is for another day. Right now, this is all I want. Now spread your legs, Aria. I want to look at you.”

  Jesus Christ.

  I do as he asks, slowly moving my legs apart, feeling his searing gaze on me. And then something completely unexpected begins to happen.

  I can breathe again. My walls begin to come down. I don’t know what it is, but something about giving him control in here – when I did as I pleased outside these walls – was so satisfying.

  Still, as his tongue explores every inch of me, I hold back. My body’s tense, legs tight, back arched.

  Tris must know, because he slaps me. Right where his mouth had been.

  Currents pulse though me and I can’t speak for at least a full minute.

  “What was that?” I say when I find my voice.

  And God help me, will you do it again?

  “You need to get out of your head, Aria. And I will slap you there again if you don’t stop this shit.”

  I start shaking now, with fear or raging desire, I’m not sure.

  “Maybe another position would help. Turn over.”


  “On all fours. But lean forward on your elbows. Ass in the air so I have better access.”

  “Tris,” I beg. For what I don’t know.

  I get into position and he growls. It’s a heady sound that almost makes me feel like I have all the power.

  “Shit, Ari.” His hand caresses me from my neck, down my spine, over my rear, finishing on the back of my legs. Then he moves into position – lying on his back with my legs straddling his face.

  “You look so hot like this,” he says, gripping my hips. “Let me ease you down a little closer so I can have a taste.”

  My head goes light and when I feel his mouth on me, I’m sure I might pass out. The flat of his tongue glides over my sensitive flesh, starting at my center all the way to that tiny bundle of nerves on top.


  I cry out, careful not to lean back. I keep my weight forward on my arms so I don’t suffocate him, as I’m practically sitting on his face. And there is absolutely no room in my thoughts to be embarrassed about it.

  “Quiet now,” he says gently, pulling away. “This is to help you relax. I want you to feel the pleasure I’m desperate to give you.”


  “Feel me and only me.”

  Soon, that’s all I can feel as he nips and sucks and licks. My world – my mind – goes still. He’s all there is. And when he adds two fingers to the mix, I erupt. It’s too much. The ache in my core builds; I feel him everywhere. His fingers pumping in and out of me as his tongue circles my clit.

  Then he changes course and it’s his tongue that pumps in and out while his thumb circles my throbbing bud. That’s when I fall.

  I fall for a long time.


  When I come to, Tris has me tucked in bed next to him. He hand skims the surface of my skin, anywhere he can reach without disrupting his hold on me.

  “Hey, welcome back,” he says sweetly.

  I guess hard and fast has run its course.

  “How was that for you?”

  “It was, ah, wow, I don’t know what to say.”

  “You don’t have to say a word. But I can tell you I enjoyed that immensely. Damn, you were always so beautiful. Even as a kid. You always had this glow. Always. But now? Jesus. You’re a fucking fantasy.”

  “Right,” I laugh. “Well, I guess there is more of me to look at now. I never got rid of all the weight after Cade.”

  “Trust me, it landed in all the right places. I love your curves and the softness here and here and here.” He skims his fingers over my breasts, hips, and ass. “So feminine. So perfect.”

  I lean up and run my palm across his chest, ready to return his generosity. Craving it, actually.

  “My turn,” I tell him.

  He shakes his head.

  “Let’s save that for next time,” he says, but I can’t hide my disappointment. “It will give me something to look forward to. This has been an intense night.”

  “Okay,” I say. “As long as you remember to bring the back-up next week.”

  Who was I kidding? It didn’t matter. Next time, I’ll bring my own damn condoms because there is no way I’m going to miss a shot at the whole Tristan Green experience.


  As it turns out, there is a reason to miss out on the Tristan Green experience. The fact that he is a big, fat liar.

  The next day, Serena casually asks me if I’m in any of Tristan’s classes.

  “What?” I ask. “I think he’s been done with school for quite a while.”

  “No, dummy,” she says. “He’s a professor. You didn’t know that?”

  “No,” I say. “I didn’t.”

  Sure enough, she’s right. I find him in his university office a few days later.

  “Oh shit,” he says when I barge in.

  “You are such an asshole.”

  “I was going to tell you, but you’re so touchy these days, I thought you might think it’s weird that I teach here.”

  “I have to find out from my sister that you’re a professor at my university, really? That’s where we’re at?”

  “Settle down, Ari. It’s not that big of a deal.”

  “Maybe not for you. But how cliché can I be? First I go after the high school football star and now I’m hooking up with my professor.”

  “I’m an adjunct professor, Aria,” he says. “And we’re not even in the same school. I don’t go anywhere near nursing. I’m strictly technology. Are you taking any tech courses?”


  “Okay then.”

  “It doesn’t matter,” I tell him, but he just doesn’t get it. “It’s how it looks, Tristan. I’ve given people enough to gossip about. I don’t need this.”

  There it is. I can’t go through with this no matter how much I want it. We can’t keep our Wednesdays and have our lives too. Things just don’t work that way.


  When Aria says something, she means it. The whole scene at the school put her on edge. Though I didn’t quite understand just how much.

  I wait at the beach house the following Wednesday. She doesn’t show.

  So I go to her. Fuck it, I’m not taking this lying down.

  I know she’ll be at the library. It’s her one free evening of the week, and if she’s not letting me get her rocks off, she’ll be getting down to business in another way.

  The library is empty in the west corridor where she usually barricades herself with nursing books.
Her back is facing me and I can tell just by her posture that she’s tense. She fucking needs me. Or at least needs my cock.

  There, crude and concise. That’s the way I have to keep it with Aria, because she is dangerously close to weaving her way in. And I don’t have time for it. A woman. A kid. A sick dad. Teaching. And securing a V.C. to take me away from the nightmare that is Gulf Bay.

  Yet I’d be an absolute moron to let this good thing we have go to hell.

  I move slowly up behind her and place my hands on her shoulders. She tenses, until I move my mouth to the shell of her ear. I swear, in that moment, I can feel the stress leave her body.

  “You didn’t show.”

  “I told you I wouldn’t, Tristan. Or should I say Professor Green? I’m not going to be that girl again.”

  “Well, since IT is about as far from nursing as you can get, I’m not sure what you think people will accuse you of. I can’t give you good grades.”

  “Semantics. It just looks bad. I go back to school and start fucking a professor? That’s lovely.”

  “First of all, I’m adjunct faculty. Second, our arrangement is a secret.”

  “I don’t care, Tris. It just feels sleazy.”

  “It’d only be sleazy if I was asking to see your panties in return for a good grade.”

  She tips her head to look up at me. Her lids are hooded and her breathing becomes labored.

  Fuck me. She likes role play.

  “Is that what you’re asking?” she says, her voice rough.

  Damn, she needs this.

  “Maybe it is.” I go with it. “Let’s have a look, shall we?”

  I sit next to her at the table… waiting.

  She angles her body toward me and slowly inches up her skirt.

  “I shouldn’t do this,” she says.

  “If you want a good grade, you should,” I tell her. “It’s okay. Nobody has to know.”

  Aria opens her legs: long, toned, tan, bare. Inching up her skirt a little more, she flashes me her white cotton panties.

  Shit, if they weren’t sexier than black lace. So good. Pure. Perfect for our little game.

  “If I would’ve known you were coming for me, I would’ve worn something special.”


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