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No Is Not Enough

Page 33

by Naomi Klein

James H. Marsh, “Japanese Internment: Banished and Beyond Tears,” Canadian Encyclopedia, last edited November 28, 2016,​en/​article/​japanese-internment-banished-and-beyond-tears-feature/.

  Shock Resistance in the USA

  Trump: “ghettos”

  Sean Sullivan, “Trump Talks of ‘Ghettos’ in Describing Urban African American Areas,” Washington Post, October 27, 2016,​news/​post-politics/​wp/​2016/​10/​27/​trump-talks-of-ghettos-in-describing-urban-african-american-areas/​?utm_term=.fb85e0b410e9.

  Women’s marches: 600 cities, 4.2 million people

  Sarah Frostenson, “The Women’s Marches May Have Been the Largest Demonstration in US History,” Vox, January 31, 2017,​2017/​1/​22/​14350808/​womens-marches-largest-demonstration-us-history-map.

  Grandmother in Hawaii: “I think we should march”

  Laila Kearney, “Hawaii Grandma’s Plea Launches Women’s March in Washington,”, December 5, 2016,​article/​us-usa-trump-women-idUSKBN13U0GW.

  Women’s march mission statement: “This march is the first step…”

  Women’s March, “Mission & Vision,”, accessed April 18, 2017,​mission/.

  Demonstrators: “we are all Muslims” and “let them in”

  Stephanie McCrummen, “New Citizens Take the Oath in Trump’s America,” Washington Post, January 29, 2017,​national/​amid-the-turmoil-surrounding-the-immigration-ban-new-citizens-take-the-oath/​2017/​01/​29/​957da00e-e64c-11e6-bf6f-301b6b443624_story.html?utm_term=.4bc80143f72e.

  Bodega strike: closed over a thousand businesses

  Jamiles Lartey, “Yemeni Bodegas Close in New York in Protest at Trump Travel Ban,” Guardian, February 2, 2017,​us-news/​2017/​feb/​02/​yemeni-grocery-stores-close-new-york-protest-travel-ban.

  Islamic organizations: raised more than $160,000 in funds for Jewish cemeteries

  “Campaign: Muslims Unite to Repair Jewish Cemetery” (crowdfunding campaign),, 2017,​project/​muslims_unite_to_repair_jewish_cemetery#/.

  National Public Radio, “Muslim-Led Fundraiser to Help Vandalized Jewish Cemetery Be Repaired. Morning Edition,”, February 22, 2017,​2017/​02/​22/​516582971/​muslim-led-fundraiser-to-help-vandalized-jewish-cemetery-be-repaired.

  January 2017 Mosque shooting: death toll

  “Quebec City mosque shooting victims include businessman, professor and fathers of young children,”, January 30, 2017,​news/​canada/​montreal/​quebec-city-mosque-shooting-victims-1.3958191.

  Hundreds of cities and counties: “sanctuaries”

  Jasmine C. Lee, Rudy Omri, and Julia Preston, “What Are Sanctuary Cities?” New York Times, February 6, 2017,​interactive/​2016/​09/​02/​us/​sanctuary-cities.html.

  American Civil Liberties Union: raised nearly $80-million

  Larry Neumeister and Michael R. Sisak, “ACLU Is Seeing a Trump-Era Surge in Members and Donations,”, February 12, 2017,​node/​13364934.

  ACLU: one thousand communities

  ACLU, personal communication with author or her research assistants, April 19, 2017.

  Day Without Immigrants organizer: “We want to make sure…”

  Dan DiMaggio and Sonia Singh, “Tens of Thousands Strike on Day without Immigrants,” Labor Notes, February 23, 2017,​2017/​02/​tens-thousands-strike-day-without-immigrants.

  Twelve restaurant workers fired in Oklahoma: offered jobs

  Ethan Hutchins, “Claremore restaurant offers jobs to fired employees from “IDC” bar and grill,” February 20, 2017,​news/​local/​claremore-restaurant-offers-jobs-to-fired-employees-from-idc-bar-and-grill.

  The Revenge of Reality

  White House: deleting scientific information

  Victoria Herrmann, “I Am an Arctic Researcher. Donald Trump Is Deleting My Citations,” Guardian, March 28, 2017,​commentisfree/​2017/​mar/​28/​arctic-researcher-donald-trump-deleting-my-citations.

  White House: de facto ban on talking about climate change

  Valerie Volcovici and P.J. Huffstutter, “Trump Administration Seeks to Muzzle U.S. Agency Employees,”, January 24, 2017,​article/​us-usa-trump-epa-idUSKBN15822X.

  Internet Archive: hundreds of billions of webpages, set up a backup server in Canada

  Amy Goodman, Brewster Kahle, and Laurie Allen, “Facing Possible Threats under Trump, Internet Archive to Build Server in Canada,” Democracy Now!, December 29, 2016,​2016/​12/​29/​facing_possible_threats_under_trump_internet.

  “Data rescue” events

  Lisa Song and Zahra Hirji, “The Scramble to Protect Climate Data under Trump,” Inside Climate News, January 20, 2017,​news/​19012017/​climate-change-data-science-denial-donald-trump.

  “Hackathon” at UC Berkeley: two hundred data defenders

  Megan Molteni, “Diehard Coders Just Rescued NASA’s Earth Science Data,” Wired, February 13, 2017,​2017/​02/​diehard-coders-just-saved-nasas-earth-science-data/.

  Jane Goodall: “a trumpet call”

  David Smith, “Jane Goodall Calls Trump’s Climate Change Agenda ‘Immensely Depressing,’ ”Guardian, March 29, 2017,​environment/​2017/​mar/​28/​jane-goodall-trump-climate-change.

  March for Science: six hundred marches across the USA

  Oliver Milman, “March for Science Puts Earth Day Focus on Global Opposition to Trump,” Guardian, April 22, 2017,​environment/​2017/​apr/​22/​march-for-science-earth-day-climate-change-trump.

  Stanford biologist: “If we cannot discuss facts openly…”

  James Dyke, “Scientists Are Planning to March on Washington. Here’s Why,” Guardian, January 27, 2017,​science/​blog/​2017/​jan/​27/​scientists-are-planning-to-march-on-washington-heres-why.

  Chant: “What do we want? Evidence-based research. When do we want it? After peer review.”

  March for Science, tweet, posted by @march4scienceLA, April 7, 2017,​march4sciencela/​status/​850212220294225920?lang=en.

  Banner: “Climate, jobs, and justice.”

  Peoples Climate Movement, website, accessed May 3, 2017,

  Harvard Resistance School: over fifty thousand people signed up

  “Resistance School: How to Mobilize and Organize Our Communities with Sara El-Amine,” Harvard College website, accessed April 18, 2017,​college-events/​resistance-school-how-mobilize-and-organize-our-communities-sara-el-amine.

  Resistance School, Facebook post, April 11, 2017,​ResistSchool/​posts/​1716095658687493.

  Over seven thousand “Indivisible” chapters

  Doug Criss, “What Is Indivisible? Political Group Hopes to Be Flip Side of Tea Party,”, February 11, 2017,​2017/​02/​11/​politics/​indivisible-profile-trnd/.

  Indivisible organizer: “not just a political community, but a community that cares…”

  Kate Aronoff, “Indivisible: The Left Group Shaking Up Congress from the Grassroots,” In These Times, February 13, 2017,​article/​19871/​indivisible-trump-resistance-left-tea-party; and personal communication with author, n.d.

  Planned Parenthood: 260,000 donors in the month after the election

  Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, “Donations Pour into Planned Parenthood Thanks to Mike Pence,”, December 8, 2016,​news/​world/�

  Mike Pence: “to the ash heap of history”

  Jeremy Scahill, “Mike Pence Will Be the Most Powerful Christian Supremacist in U.S. History,”, November 15, 2016,​2016/​11/​15/​mike-pence-will-be-the-most-powerful-christian-supremacist-in-us-history/.

  United Resistance: “to take action to support one another…”

  United Resistance, website, accessed April 18, 2017,

  Greenpeace, “More than 50 Organizations Launch United Resistance Campaign as Trump’s Cabinet Hearings Begin,” press release, January 10, 2017,​usa/​news/​50-organizations-launch-united-resistance-campaign-trumps-cabinet-hearings-begin/.

  Angela Davis: “The next 1,459 days of the Trump administration will be…’ ”

  Lyndsey Matthews, “Here’s the Full Transcript of Angela Davis’s Women’s March Speech,” Elle, January 21, 2017,​culture/​career-politics/​a42337/​angela-davis-womens-march-speech-full-transcript/.

  Letter from group of law professors: “reflect the very bigotry, xenophobia and nativist…”

  Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, “UNB Law Profs Urge Immediate Action against Trump’s Refugee Policies,”, February 1, 2017,​news/​canada/​new-brunswick/​law-professors-unb-refugees-trump-1.3961450.

  Mexico: tens of thousands of people protest Trump’s immigration policies

  British Broadcasting Corporation, “Mexico Protesters March against Trump’s Immigration Policies,”, February 13, 2017,​news/​world-latin-america-38952359.

  UK: nearly two million people signed an official petition

  “Prevent Donald Trump from Making a State Visit to the United Kingdom,” UK government petition, accessed April 18, 2017,​petitions/​171928.

  Trump: a ride in the golden royal carriage

  Francis Elliott and Fiona Hamilton, “Trump Demands Gold-Plated Welcome,” Times (London), April 15, 2017,​article/​trump-demands-gold-plated-welcome-xjnffdq32.

  …and around the World

  Barcelona: 100,000 people marched

  Agence France-Presse, “Protesters in Barcelona Urge Spain to Take In More Refugees,” Guardian, February 18, 2017,​world/​2017/​feb/​18/​protesters-in-barcelona-urge-spain-to-take-in-more-refugees.

  Theodoros Karyotis: “endured five years of austerity shock treatment…”

  Theodoros Karyotis, “Criminalizing Solidarity: Syriza’s War on the Movements,” Roar, July 31, 2016,​essays/​criminalizing-solidarity-movement-refugees-greece/.

  Germany: proposals for housing migrants

  Dagmar Breitenbach, “Creative Housing for Refugees—but a Cemetery?” Deutsche Welle, January 21, 2016,​en/​creative-housing-for-refugees-but-a-cemetery/​a-18996041.

  “Airbnb for refugees”

  Aza Wee Sile, “This Non-profit Wants to Use the Sharing Economy to Ease Europe’s Refugee Crisis,”, August 18, 2016,​2016/​08/​18/​refugees-welcome-aims-to-use-sharing-economy-to-ease-europe-immigration-crisis.html.

  Refugees Welcome, website, accessed April 1, 2017,

  New York Times: “the world’s most personal resettlement program”

  Jodi Kantor and Katrin Einhorn, “Canadians Adopted Refugee Families for a Year. Then Came ‘Month 13.’ ” New York Times, March 25, 2017,​2017/​03/​25/​world/​canada/​syrian-refugees.html.

  Jesse Klaver: “Don’t try to fake the populace. Stand for your principles…”

  Peter Foster and Senay Boztas, “Dutch Elections: Prime Minister Mark Rutte Calls for a ‘Stand against Geert Wilders’ Populism’ as Netherlands Goes to the Polls,” Associated Press via Daily Telegraph (London), March 15, 2017,​news/​2017/​03/​15/​dutch-prime-minister-calls-stand-against-populism-netherlands/.

  Jean-Luc Mélenchon support and results

  Ingrid Melander and Marine Pennetier, “French Left Must Agree a Candidate for Presidential Election—Hollande’s Party Chief,”, February 18, 2016,​article/​uk-france-politics-hollande-idUKKCN0VR1QN.

  Seán Clarke and Josh Holder, “French Presidential Election: First Round Results in Charts and Maps,” Guardian, April 23, 2017,​world/​ng-interactive/​2017/​apr/​23/​french-presidential-election-results-2017-latest.

  French election results

  Gregor Aisch, Matthew Bloch, K.K. Rebecca Lai, and Benoît Morenne, “How France Voted,” New York Times, May 7, 2017,​interactive/​2017/​05/​07/​world/​europe/​france-election-results-maps.html?_r=0.


  When No Was Not Enough

  Street slogan: “We will not pay for your crisis!”

  Amy Schrager Lang and Daniel Lang/Levitsky, Dreaming in Public: The Building of the Occupy Movement (Oxford: New Internationalist Publications, 2012), 43.

  US: lost almost two million jobs

  US Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, “The Employment Situation: December 2008,” press release, January 9, 2009,​news.release/​archives/​empsit_01092009.pdf.

  US Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, “The Employment Situation: January 2009,” press release, February 6, 2009,​news.release/​archives/​empsit_02062009.pdf.

  Obama: “the hard work and sacrifice of folks on Main Street…”

  “Obama’s Speech in Canton, Ohio,” New York Times, October 27, 2008,​2008/​10/​27/​us/​politics/​27text-obama.html.

  Obama: pledged to put a price on carbon and to create five million green jobs

  “Create 5 Million ‘Green’ Jobs,” Politifact, updated November 14, 2016,​truth-o-meter/​promises/​obameter/​promise/​439/​create-5-million-green-jobs/.

  Barack Obama: “Remarks in Janesville, Wisconsin: ‘Keeping America’s Promise,’ ” February 13, 2008, The American Presidency Project, accessed May 18, 2017,​ws/​?pid=77032.

  Obama: “the planet began to heal”

  “ ‘America, This Is Our Moment’: Sen. Barack Obama Clinches Democratic Nomination,” Democracy Now!, June 4, 2008,​2008/​6/​4/​america_this_is_our_moment_sen.

  When the Banks Were on Their Knees

  Stimulus plan: $800 billion

  Jackie Calmes, “House Passes Stimulus Plan with No G.O.P. Votes,” New York Times, January 28, 2009,​2009/​01/​29/​us/​politics/​29obama.html.

  Stimulus plan criticized for being too small

  Paul Krugman, “How Did We Know the Stimulus Was Too Small?” New York Times, July 28, 2010,​2010/​07/​28/​how-did-we-know-the-stimulus-was-too-small/.

  The Jobs Revolution That Wasn’t

  German government: created 400,000 jobs

  Yi Xu, “Fact Sheet: Jobs in Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency,” ed. Laura Small, Environmental and Energy Study Institute, December 23, 2014,​papers/​view/​fact-sheet-jobs-in-renewable-energy-and-energy-efficiency-2014.

  Germany: 30 percent of energy comes from renewables

  US Energy Information Administration, “Germany’s Renewables Electricity Generation Grows in 2015, but Coal Still Dominant,” Today in Energy, May 24, 2016,​todayinenergy/​detail.php?id=26372.

  Howard Zinn: “The really critical thing isn’t…”

  Howard Zinn, Terrorism and War (New York: Seven Stories Press, 2002), 110.

  Remembering When We Leapt

  1911 fire at the Tri
angle Shirtwaist Company in New York City: death toll

  “The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire,” Occupational Safety and Health Administration website, accessed April 18, 2017,​oas/​trianglefactoryfire-account.html.

  When Utopia Lends a Hand

  Gilded Age strikers: “cooperative commonwealth”

  Alex Gourevitch, From Slavery to the Cooperative Commonwealth: Labor and Republican Liberty in the Nineteenth Century (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2015),​files/​history-culture-society-workshop/​files/​introduction_and_chapter_4.pdf.

  Robin D.G. Kelley: “black-led biracial democratic, populist, and radical movements”

  Robin D.G. Kelley, “Births of a Nation,” Boston Review, March 6, 2017,​race-politics/​robin-d-g-kelley-births-nation.

  Upton Sinclair: 900,000 votes

  Upton Sinclair, I, Candidate for Governor: And How I Got Licked (Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1934), x.

  Milan Kundera: “the struggle of man against power is the struggle of memory against forgetting”

  Milan Kundera, The Book of Laughter and Forgetting (New York: Harper Perennial Modern Classics, 1999), 4.

  Trapped in the Matrix

  Junot Díaz: “Those of us whose ancestors were owned…”

  Junot Díaz, “Under President Trump, Radical Hope Is Our Best Option,” New Yorker, November 21, 2016,​magazine/​2016/​11/​21/​under-president-trump-radical-hope-is-our-best-weapon.


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