Book Read Free

Here's My Heart

Page 16

by Maxene Novak

  “He's definitely that,” I laugh as she pretends to fan herself.

  “Nervous?” she asks as she smacks my hands away from my hair.

  “Terrified,” I admit, trying to take a calming breath.

  “You are going to be fine,” she encourages, looking at my hair.

  She pulls my hair out of its ponytail and begins brushing my hair. I immediately begin to calm down as she starts fixing my hair. I close my eyes and focus on my breathing until she's finished. When I open my eyes, my hair looks amazing and not its usual can't-do-anything-with-it style.

  “You're a miracle worker,” I gasp while glancing in the mirror.

  “It's your hair,” she insists. “I just molded it to perfection.”

  “You're so humble.” I grin at her.

  She smacks my shoulder and sits down beside me.

  “You own what you're good at,” she points at me. “You, Nova, are a talented young woman. Accept it. Own it. Then you will be unstoppable.”

  She gets up and walks out of the small dressing room. I hear Bruce call my name and quickly run out toward the stage. Lisa hands me a microphone and shoves me out. It's a full house tonight, literally. The girls are going to love or hate me tomorrow. I wish them lots of tips.

  “Hello, everybody!” They immediately start cheering my name.

  Symbols start crashing, cuing the guitarist to start the song. Bruce lets out a guttural scream; I think he surprised himself because the look on his face is priceless. Nice. He wants it metal, we can do it metal. I pick up on his little changes and do the same when it's my turn and let out my own scream at the breakdown to follow his.

  The crowd literally explodes into movement as we jump to the heavy rhythm. I'm not sure Reggie’s was prepared for this. The song was a huge success and definitely set the bar for the night. Now we've got to do better than that, but as I look out at the crowd. I know that we will. Lisa was right.

  I am a talented artist. These people wouldn't be cheering me on if I weren't. The crowd wouldn't be so supportive if Nova Rose sucked. Even if these record executives don't like us—I know a lot of people that do. We're going somewhere.

  Soon enough, Bruce's band is carting their gear off the stage and it's our turn. When we're set up, we take a moment backstage to collect our thoughts.

  “This is it,” Dorian says. “You've practiced tirelessly for this night.”

  “I think I'm going to be sick,” Bryan responds, but I pat him on the shoulder.

  “No matter what happens here tonight, I'm proud of you guys. We're a success, whether the suits like us or not.”

  “Exactly,” Adam replies. “Let's get pumped everybody!”

  “I've never felt so excited and terrified in my life,” Chad comments. “It's exhilarating!”

  All of a sudden, we hear the crowd start chanting for us.

  “That's the call if I've ever heard it.” I throw my hand out.

  They all put their hands in on top of mine and just listen to the chants for a moment.

  “We're ready,” Chad incites with a grin. “Let's go.”

  We join in on the chanting and soon enough Nova Rose is all you can hear throughout Reggie’s. Chad slings his guitar over his shoulder, Adam rushes to his drum kit, Kyle and Bryan join them and I wait back for the opening music for our first song. When I hear it, I step onto the stage and the already raucous crowd begins shouting louder.

  I don't even have to speak to the crowd. They won't hear a word I'd say, so we head straight into our first and second song. We ride the energy as if we'd made it with our own hands. The fans are focused on us as we rock and dance together on stage feeling the emotion with us. We've never sounded so good.

  “Wow, you're all amazing!” I say to the crowd after the second song is over. “Let's give some love to everybody that came out to support us tonight!”

  They cheer wildly in response.

  “Chicago… truly has… real talent here,” I continue, panting. “You just watched two of their best. Let them hear you this time!”

  The crowd roars so loudly I can barely hear myself.

  “Now, I know,” I comment between breaths, “you have all been waiting… for a new song for a few weeks now.”

  Shrill whistles and cheers erupt.

  “As you can see, we've seen better days.” Laughs echo throughout the venue. “But we haven't been lazy,” I continue, receiving more cheers. “We have two new songs for you.”

  Adam pounds on the bass drum and symbols, getting people excited and then abruptly stops.

  “What was that?” I ask, getting more chuckles and he shrugs innocently.

  “Just excited,” he says with a goofy grin. “New song, yay!”

  “Don't lead them on!” I respond playfully. “They thought we were playing it now!”

  “I'm very sorry,” Adam apologizes into the microphone. “Look for it on YouTube.”

  The crowd boos playfully. They know we're teasing. We're horrible actors.

  “Well, we have to play it now!” I state and he nods.

  He holds up his hands as if he's going to begin the song and just as he's about to slam them down, I cut him off.

  “Right after this one!” I comment and he drops his arms down into our most popular song.

  I head bang with the heavy guitar and start moving. Everybody says that me rocking out on stage looks like I'm stuck between dancing and head banging. I'm a very eclectic person so I guess it fits.

  We finish the song and I look at Adam. Everything is quiet for a moment while I look at him as he keeps raising his hands as if he's trying to find his cue.

  “Do we start now?” he asks, looking around at everybody. “Are you ready?”

  The crowd laughs and whistles.

  “They're ready,” Adam points out.

  “You've been dying to do this one,” I say, and he nods his head repeatedly.

  I grab a bottle of water and start swigging it down. He waits until I'm finished with his arms in the air and he slowly starts rising from his stool.

  “Go on!” I roll my eyes.

  He pounds down on his drums, beginning the new song's wicked opening. The crowd gets pumped as the lyrics I'd been working for weeks now come out of my mouth. That dream I'd had a couple of weeks ago really helped me out here, and added with everyone's help, I'd say that it's a big hit.

  We entertain the crowd and finish our set list. We know we're playing an encore tonight. With the way the crowd is behaving, we have to and we saved that spot for Dorian's song. We don't even bother getting off stage. I just turn to the crowd and hold up my hand. When I think everyone can hear me, I address the crowd.

  “This is our last song for the night,” I wipe the sweat from my brow, “You have all… been so amazing through this journey. We have… so many people that we are so thankful for. There are no words…”

  I drop the mic for a moment and take a deep breath. The crowd erupts in a fit of cheers.

  “But we do want to dedicate this song… to someone new and very special to us,” I continue glancing stage right. I know he's there. I've felt his eyes on me through the entire show.

  “We want to thank him for everything he's done for us. We wouldn't be here without you and we hope we do you proud,” I finish and when the lights dim, my eyes lock with his.

  His eyes are confused and he points at himself. I nod then turn to Adam and he smiles at me lovingly. I grab my acoustic guitar and the spotlight comes back on. God, I hope Dorian likes what we've done to his lyrics. The crowd hollers when I start singing the intro.

  Never saw it coming

  I almost watched it leave

  Oh, falling free so perfect

  that I almost didn't see.

  I begin strumming the chords I'd prepared for this song as Adam sings the next line. The crowd whistles in response. They don't hear him much these days.

  She knows that I'm daring

  Sometimes too much to take

  and he is

  but he looks past my mistakes

  Chad joins in with a smooth leading riff and Kyle follows with a soft undertone, leaving Adam playing softly in the background, singing back up with me.

  I don't know where I'm going

  I don't know where to start

  but I know what lies in front of me

  You could make or break my heart

  The song slowly begins to pick up at the bridge then explodes at the chorus in something they haven't quite heard from us so far. We completely switched our usual metal sound and almost play a power ballad.

  So bleak, my luck

  You're going to see right through to me

  The only ones I put myself so far beneath (Me)

  Loving me

  I never said would be easy

  But here I am, here's my heart (Me and Adam clean)

  The song quickly changes into the third verse and is much more our sound and a nice blend of something new. The song's breakdown is really heavy, but we wanted to keep it clean as well. So, over the last few days I've taught Adam how to scream to back me up. Now we can do high and lows simultaneously. It worked out perfectly for this song as we circle back to the chorus for the climax of the song.

  We end the final song like we started the show. With pounding percussion and heavy guitars. I bow with the group and bid the crowd goodnight as we go to face Dorian. He walks up to me and grabs me in a tight hug.

  “That was exactly what I heard in my head,” he says. “Even better, because both of you sang it. No one's ever dedicated a song to me before.”

  I kiss his cheek and squeeze him.

  “Are you sure you liked it?” I ask anxiously.

  “I loved it,” he responds pulling Adam close. “You sounded amazing. You're going to sing more often now, right?”

  “I think we all are,” I note, looking at everyone.

  “So, when do we meet them?” Adam asks anxiously.

  “Right now,” Dorian says, “Lisa is holding up the merch table at the moment. She's cleared out the dressing room so we can speak in private.”

  “Awesome,” I release a held breath.

  Dorian nods and leads us through the back toward Lisa's private office. We file inside and take a seat while Dorian fetches his cousin. We all fidget nervously and Chad taps his foot on the floor.

  “Chad,” I try to get his attention, but he doesn't hear me. “Chad! It's okay. It's just a meeting.”

  “Yeah!” he says, getting to his feet, “The meeting of our lives!”

  He jumps around a bit and I shake my head.

  “If they come in here and see you jumping around like a bunny, they're going to wonder what's wrong with you,” I say, yanking him into a seat.

  “I can't help it, Nov,” he responds, squeezing my arm. “I'm so nervous.”

  “So are we, but we're handling it. Just breathe. We'll get through this.”

  Suddenly the doors open and Dorian walks in with a small group of men. We all jump to our feet simultaneously.

  “Hey, guys!” Dorian greets, gesturing to us. “Guys this is my cousin, Sean James from Century Media Records with his partner, Tommy. Tommy, Sean, this is Nova Rose. We have Chad Grover on lead guitar, Bryan Caldwell on the bass, Kyle Sawyer with rhythm guitar, Adam Rose on drums, and their leading vocalist, Nova Pierce.”

  Sean shakes hands with all of us, exuberantly enthusiastic.

  “It's nice to finally meet you all!” he says brightly. “Dorian here hasn't shut up about you guys since he found you.”

  As I look at the man, I suddenly find it funny that I was even nervous to begin with. He's not intimidating in the least and much shorter than I expected. I could take this guy in a fight—yeah, that's how I beat any kind of social anxiety.

  “So?” Dorian says, clapping him on the shoulder. “Let's not keep them in suspense. What do you think?”

  “Well, I think they've seen better days,” he remarks, looking us over.

  There's a brief pause as the guy seems to be in deep thought, but he laughs it off.

  “But they're incredible!” he claps his hands. “I thought I was seeing a professional big-named band when I pulled up to this venue. The line was backed up around the corner before you guys even got here!”

  We breathe a sigh of relief as he continues.

  “You guys put on one hell of a show!” he says loudly. “I'm seeing stadiums packed, every seat filled, you mix so many different sounds from old to new. Your lyrics are catchy, but meaningful with attitude and passion. I want to know where I sign!”

  We giggle as he pats his partner's shoulder playfully.

  “Give us your terms and let's start a conversation!” he says, grabbing Dorian's arm. “I understand Dorian will be representing you as your manager?”

  “Yes, sir,” we reply, holding onto each other for support.

  I'm pretty sure if anyone let go we'd all fall.

  “Good!” he admires, shaking Dorian's hand. “Let's talk business, cousin! You guys get back to your fans. We're going to come to an agreement, I promise you!”

  Dorian nods toward the door and we go greet the crowd. It's over. We did it. I feel a huge weight lift from my shoulders, but I know it's only the beginning. I think everyone else feels the same. I know we'd all prefer to be a fly on the wall in that room right now, but a good band doesn't keep their fans waiting.

  We hang out until everyone finally leaves. We're literally the last ones in the place along with Lisa who's just as anxious as the rest of us. We can hear voices getting louder in the back and I get nervous. Are they arguing? Suddenly, there's a loud crash and laughter as the door swings open.

  “See you later, Sean!” Dorian bids him as he walks over to us snapping his fingers.

  He gives us a coy smile as he saunters up to us.

  “Hello, everyone,” Dorian says, sneaking a cigarette from Lisa's shirt pocket.

  “Hey,” we all return his pleasantries, waiting impatiently to hear what he has to say.

  He lights the cigarette and takes a long drag. He opens up his arms and smirks as he exhales. God, sometimes he's more dramatic than Adam!

  “I think… we've made a deal,” he announces, cracking into a bright smile.

  We all shriek in excitement literally making Lisa jump, but she joins in anyway.

  “I'm actually quite pleased with the arrangement,” he continues.

  “Impress yourself again?” I respond sarcastically and he smirks.

  “It was a tough one,” he jumps onto the counter to sit down. “Sean is stronger than he looks.”

  He rubs at his shoulder while taking another drag from his cigarette. We all give him an inquisitive look and he shrugs.

  “I may have had to arm wrestle to seal the deal,” he sighs. “I won, of course, but the struggle was worrisome at first.”

  He jumps down and puts his arms around Kyle and Bryan's shoulders.

  “He's going to have the contract printed up and looked over by next week. You're going to love the advance. I know I do.”

  “Advance?” I ask and he nods proudly.

  “Oh, yeah,” he says, “You guys are going to need your bank information for the meeting. He wants to start working on your first single as soon as possible…”

  “When?” I ask, but Adam grabs my hand.

  “This stuff takes time,” he remarks and Dorian nods. “There's still a lot to do.”

  “Yes, there is. We'll need a good lawyer to look things over and on the bright side—your first album will have a lot of songs that you already have written on it, but it wouldn't hurt to work on some new stuff…”

  “Can we get some sleep first?” Chad asks, stifling a yawn. “I think after all this excitement I'm ready to crash for a week.”

  “Me too,” Kyle echoes.

  “Guys!” Dorian says excitedly. “We're just getting started! We—”

  “Can I punch your boyfriend?” Chad asks me and I shrug.

h one?” I deadpan, making them all laugh.

  We all pack it up and drive back to my place for the night. So, my life changes completely within just a couple of weeks. I fell in love, twice, and we got our record deal. It doesn't get much better than this.


  It's been four months since we signed our record deal, and I have to say that life is finally going my way. The band has officially moved to California. Dorian, Adam, and I have a place of our own.

  The journey here has been interesting. I never thought I'd live with two men, but here I am. We make it work. It was almost simple. We all just fit so well, it all seems easy.

  Our relationship with each other is exclusive, surprisingly by Dorian's request, which is fine by me. It's been dramatic enough with two men, but it's also been the happiest four months of my life. I've never felt so complete.

  The rest of the group decided to share a place together and so far there haven't been any incidents. We still get together daily in preparation for our first album. It's going to be a long process, but it's always good to be at our best.

  Dorian's kept us pretty busy with shows and merchandise to pay off our really hefty advance as soon as possible. We're set to go on tour next spring with some bands that are already signed with Century and I'm so excited I can't stand it. I'm dying to know who we're touring with, but Dorian says it hasn't been decided yet.

  Life is about to get crazy for Nova Rose. I can't wait to see what's in store for us next. The best thing of all is that I get to do what I love with them: the band, my best friend, and our boyfriend. Sounds a little like insanity, right? Well, my name is Nova Pierce and I never said I liked it easy. Someone cue the music already.

  If you enjoyed this book, check out some of my other books!

  Three talented musicians. One satisfying relationship. And a secret none of them can reveal.

  Princess of Pop, Sabrina is on the top of the charts and the height of her career. But when she gets devastating news about her health, she's forced to slow down. Bringing an opening and closing act on tour will give her time to recuperate---and a whole lot more.


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