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Breath Taking (St. Leasing Book 2)

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by L. P. Maxa

  He let out the breath he had been holding all damn day. He was pathetic. Baze was right. Merely dating Molly was going to be agony. The need to know what she was doing paled in comparison to the need to know that she was his. He had let all kinds of crazy things run through his mind waiting for her text. Maybe the guy from the coffee house had gone to yoga class and they had hit it off. And maybe they went for breakfast. Maybe one thing had led to another and she had let the FBI jackass bend her over the bathroom counter.

  See? Crazy.

  He resisted the urge to text her back and ask how her morning had gone, ask her to go into detail about every step she’d taken that day. Instead he left his phone safely on his desk and went in search of a distraction. And he got one. Keller heard arguing coming from Dom’s office as soon as he stepped foot into the hallway.

  “You are not my boss, Dominic Hardy.”

  “You’re right, sweetheart, I’m not. I’m your m—I’m your fiancé and the father of that baby. And I’m not going to budge on this.”

  Keller jumped out of the way as Coop came barreling out of Dom’s office, nearly knocking Keller over with her huff. “Hey, Coop, slow down. What’s going on?”

  She shook her head, throwing her hands in the air. “Ugh. Just your possessive domineering douche of a best friend being his usual self. Acting like the ruler of the free world.”

  Keller grabbed her flailing hands and pulled her back into Dom’s office before closing the door. “What the hell are you two doing arguing on campus with the damn door wide open, where any kid or investigator could hear you? Use your heads.”

  Corey glared at Keller and then thankfully turned her icy gaze to Dom. “Well, if he wouldn’t boss me around all the damn time, I wouldn’t have to argue with him in public.” Her eyes narrowed further. “But he just can’t seem to help himself.”

  Dom rubbed his temples, taking deep breaths. “Keller, will you please tell your precious Coop that she absolutely cannot try to get a confession out of Franklin.”

  Keller chuckled. Dom couldn’t be serious. When Coop shrugged, Keller stopped laughing. “What are you talking about?”

  “Corey thinks that it would be a good idea to wear a wire and then goad Franklin into confessing that he had Henderson murdered.” Dom nodded his head, his eyes wide as saucers.

  “Coop. You’re joking, right? Did you actually think any of us would be okay with our pregnant pac—sister doing something so dangerous? Not to mention stupid?”

  Corey closed her eyes and collapsed into a nearby chair, the fight seeming to drain out of her all at once. “Look, I know it’s not the best idea and I know it’s dangerous. But that guy loves to brag and he absolutely hates me. It seemed like a good combination. I’m just terrified that the boys will get caught in the crossfire if they lead the Feds to Franklin.” She turned pleading eyes on Keller. “I can’t let them get hurt again.”

  Keller crossed the room and stood behind Corey rubbing her tense shoulders, ignoring Dom’s possessive growl of disapproval. “You need to remember that those boys aren’t just your average teenagers, they are tougher than they look. We know you love them and we are going to do everything in our power to make sure they stay safe. All you need to worry about is cooking that baby girl. No more crazy talk about trying to get a murderous mobster to confess by wearing a wire in your cleavage. Okay?”

  “Okay, okay. I know you’re right.” She held her hands up in surrender. “I’m sorry, it was an insane idea. Blame these hormones. They make me act like an invincible badass.”

  Keller grinned. “No, they make you act like a protective mama. Which means you are gearing up to be one amazing parent.”

  Corey stood and hugged Keller, ignoring Dom when he growled in protest again. “Thanks, Kel.”

  Dom got to his feet, his expression irritated. “Excuse me? I said the exact same thing to you not five minutes ago and you blew up and threatened to shoot me in the balls with your pink gun.”

  Corey put her hands on her hips, whirling on her fiancé. “You told me no, that you forbid it. You know damn well that sets me off. You brought this on yourself, babe. Maybe you should learn to be more diplomatic, like Keller.”

  “Yeah, Dom, you should really try to be better.” Keller pushed a huge shit-eating grin across his face. “Like me.”

  “Oh yeah? Okay. Maybe you’re right. Let’s go with a little of that Keller honesty, huh?” He turned to his mate, a smile on his face. “Corey, did you know that Keller thinks Molly is his forever? But he wasn’t sure if he wanted to ‘settle down’ so he’s been lying to all of us and avoiding her.” Dom crossed his arms over his chest and rocked back on his heels, raising an amused eyebrow at Keller.

  Corey whipped around to face Keller. “What? Commitment issues? Really, Keller? Grow up. Molly is an amazing person and you should consider yourself incredibly lucky that the universe thought you were good enough for her.” She threw her hands in the air just like she had earlier outside Dom’s office. “Ugh. What is wrong with all you damn men? I swear, now I want to shoot you too.”

  Keller put his palms up and slowly backed away. “I know, I know. Coop you are so right. I was being an idiot. But I’m done running and I invited her to the game tonight and then to y’all’s house afterwards. I feel like now’s not the time to tell her about uh, you know, what we are—what with the investigation and all—but I am going to tell her. Soon. You are so good at putting up with all our childish male behavior and I just want you to know that we appreciate you.”

  Dom rolled his eyes and mumbled, “Brownnosing cocksucker.”

  Corey reached out and rubbed Keller’s arm. “I’m glad you found someone, Keller. Molly is really wonderful. Now y’all try and behave yourselves and I’ll see you tonight.” She blew Dom a kiss and walked out of the office.

  “Could you be any more pathetic?” Dom shook his head. “Pregnancy is making her irrational. She just let you blow smoke up her ass and didn’t even call you on it.”

  Keller let out a quiet laugh. “Dom, my friend, pregnant women are a whole different ball game. Always react calmly, dish out the compliments, and definitely don’t boss them around. I was living at home when my sister had her first baby. You live it you learn it.”

  “Oh yeah? Your sister, huh? Wonder how many times that brother-in-law of yours had to nail her before he knocked her—”

  “Stop.” Keller held one hand out and one hand over his mouth to hold in his gag. “Don’t mention my sister and sex in the same sentence. Asshole.”

  He left the office with the sound of Dom’s laughter trailing after him.

  Chapter Four


  Molly could hear cheering as she walked up the bleachers at the St. Leasing baseball field. She hadn’t been to a high school sporting event since she was in high school herself. She’d forgotten how palpable the excitement in the air could be. Molly walked up a few more steps and instantly spotted Corey who was standing up waving her arms over her head. Molly laughed as she carefully made her way up the stands, doing her best to not step on anyone. “Hey. Is it always this packed?”

  “Home games are for sure. The Haxton High baseball team isn’t all that great, so most of the town comes here to the St. Leasing games. St. Leasing is pretty well known in the world of high school baseball.” Corey embraced Molly in a tight hug as soon as she sat down. “I’m so glad you came tonight. I’m sorry I’ve been missing yoga.”

  Molly pulled back and sat her purse between her feet and out of the way. “No worries. How have you been feeling?”

  “Tired and hormonal, so…pregnant. I guess I’ve been feeling pregnant.” Corey laughed. “I’m trying not to complain too much. I’m over the moon pumped about having this little girl. But pregnancy is harder than I thought it would be.”

  Molly winced in sympathy for her friend. “I know you’re tired, but prenatal yoga is really helpful. It will help you keep from getting back pains, and it’s even proven to help your labor go s

  “I’m hoping that once I hit my second trimester, I’ll have a little more energy, and can get back to yoga. Can I still come to your class or do I need to go to a special prenatal class?”

  “Come to mine. I can alter the movements for you so that they are still safe. It really only starts to be an issue when your belly gets bigger.” Molly looked down at Corey’s stomach where there was only a tiny bulge under her St. Leasing baseball shirt. “You still look like you have a six pack.”

  Corey snorted, rubbing her belly. “It looks more like I have a beer gut. I told Dom I was going to make a shirt that says Baby, not Beer.” She sat up straight and pulled her shirt tight, showing Molly the teeny-tiny bump.

  “Hey. You do have a little belly. That’s so darn cute.” Molly smiled, but for just a split second she was jealous of the love between Dom and Corey, and their growing family. Molly had always assumed she’d have kids by this point in her life. She thought she’d be married too. Looked like she was wrong on both accounts. No kids, no husband; just an infuriatingly gorgeous man who she couldn’t seem to figure out.

  He’d seemed friendly and flirty when they first met. She’d been attracted to him instantly, even though the other waitresses she worked with told her he was bad news. Then? Keller had started to push her away. Sure, he was still nice, still polite and chivalrous, but he’d put up a wall between them. She’d all but given up hope before the other morning when he’d driven her home. He’d been jealous at the idea of her going out with someone else, and he’d kissed her like his life had depended on it. Now, she was more confused than ever.

  “Did you see Keller this morning?”

  Molly turned to Corey. Had she read Molly’s mind? Did Corey know that Keller was invading Molly’s every thought? “Uh, no. He didn’t come to class today.” His text asking her to come to the game had shocked her. When he hadn’t shown for class, she assumed he was back to avoiding her like the plague.

  Corey pursed her lips. “But he did invite you to the game.”

  Molly nodded, trying to keep the smile on her face contained. “He did.” And as foolish as she felt, the invitation had sparked a tiny bit of hope in her heart. Molly couldn’t explain her feelings for Keller, couldn’t explain her need to be next to him. All she knew was that she liked him and that she wanted him. Keller stirred desire in her like she’d never known before.

  Corey patted her knee. “Be patient with Keller. He’ll come around.”

  Before she could respond, the two federal agents she’d met yesterday morning came through the bleachers and sat down in front of her and Corey. “Hey, I know you. Molly, right?”

  She smiled, nodding her head. “Yes, it’s nice to see you again, special agent.”

  “Please, call me Sam.” The FBI agent that had asked for her number smiled warmly. He was attractive enough. Tall with dark brown hair and deep brown eyes. He was built, his chest muscles evident through the t-shirt he was wearing tonight. But he did nothing for her. A nice, attractive man that had already asked her out didn’t make her feel one ounce of what Keller made her feel. And that sucked.

  “Sam,” she said as she turned to Corey, “this is my friend Corey Cooper.” Then Molly pointed down toward the dugout. “She’s engaged to Dominic Hardy, the head baseball coach at St. Leasing.”

  He held his hand out. “Nice to meet you, Ms. Cooper, I’m Sam Brooks and this is my partner, Randall Grimes.”

  Corey shook each of their hands. “I was wondering when you guys would make it onto campus.” She winked. “Couldn’t resist a good ball game, huh?”

  Agent Brooks chuckled. “We may be here on business, but there is no harm mixing in some pleasure along the way.” He made eye contact with Molly, throwing her a sexy smirk.

  She wanted his flirting to do something to her. She wanted to want the man sitting in front of her. He was uncomplicated, he was handsome, and he was extremely into her. But, oddly, his advances made her feel a little queasy if she were being honest.

  Chapter Five


  Keller had spotted Molly the second she sat down next to Coop. He had been looking in that direction every few seconds waiting for Molly to arrive, hoping to get a glimpse of her. When he saw her, he felt his whole body relax. Knowing she was close took the edge off in a way that baffled him. She looked amazing, as always, wearing a loose white tank and some turquoise shorts; she looked like spring incarnate.

  “Earth to motherfucking Keller?” Linc punched him in the arm, hard.

  “What?” Keller was ashamed to admit that he had one hundred percent zoned out thinking about Molly, and was a little pissed because Linc had caused him to spill his cup of sunflower seeds.

  “Batter’s up dude, look alive.” Linc shook his head in disgust, shooting his gaze toward the bleachers. “Stop thinking with your damn dick.”

  Keller turned his attention back to the game. They were up by two, which wasn’t much for them. St. Martin’s was a good team; he couldn’t afford to be distracted tonight. He clapped when Riley hit a line drive out toward left field. They had two on, and that hit had brought them both home before the second baseman tagged Riley. Two outs and no one on base.

  Keller was waiting for Riley at the entrance of the dugout when he noticed he suddenly stopped in his tracks and stiffened. Keller turned and followed Riley’s glare up the bleachers to where Molly and Coop were sitting. The two men he had seen at the coffee house had sat down directly in front of the girls and one of them had his hand on Coop’s stomach with a huge smile on his face. The other only had eyes for Molly.

  For his girl.

  Keller clenched his fists at his sides. Now wasn’t the time to go all possessive-mate. He cracked his neck and closed his eyes, taking several deep breaths. He was an adult. He could keep himself in check. Hell, he had no other choice.

  Riley had incredibly strong protective instincts when it came to that baby girl; it was all part of their cosmic connection. Keller couldn’t let Riley lose his cool in front of the FBI. How would they be able to explain Riley’s violent reaction to someone touching his guidance counselor’s baby bump? No, Agent, shifters aren’t real, this boy just growls aggressively for no reason all the time. “Riley. Get your ass in this damn dugout.” Keller’s heated outburst seemed to snap him out of it.

  “Why the hell is Corey letting that guy touch the baby?” Riley’s jaw snapped shut as he ducked under Keller’s attempt to smack him on the back of the head.

  “Dude, you can’t worry about that right now. Those two guys? They’re Feds, and they absolutely cannot see you lose your shit over this. You got me?” Keller looked down to the other end of the dugout and motioned for Baze to come over and join them.

  “What’s going on down here? People are starting to stare.” Baze walked up and hid the two of them from the spectators in the bleachers, his stance wide.

  “Riley came off the field and saw one of the investigators touching Corey’s baby bump and went all rigid. Where’s Dom?” Keller searched the dugout looking for him; his reaction would no doubt be worse than Riley’s had been. He spotted him chewing out a few sophomores about something a few yards away. Good, he was distracted. Keller took out his phone and shot Coop a quick text.

  Keller: Stop letting the FBI touch your stomach. Riley is losing it in here.

  He turned and looked into the bleachers, watching as Coop read his message. She looked up and immediately made eye contact with Riley. She crossed her arms over her midsection, blocking anyone access to the baby. He glanced over at Molly who was still talking to the other asshat FBI agent. If he was going to make it through the rest of the game, she needed to stop. Another text, this one to Molly.

  Keller: Tell him you aren’t going out with him, and he should quit trying. If he keeps flirting with you, I’m going to come up there and kick his ass.

  Molly pulled her phone out of her shorts pocket, read his message, then immediately looked down at the field. He stood his grou
nd, his eyes on hers unwavering. He was showing his cards, letting her know in no uncertain terms that she was his.

  He didn’t know if it was the smartest move, but he couldn’t help himself. He couldn’t stop. Not now.

  Keller turned his attention back to the game. Now where was that damn bag of sunflower seeds? He was fucking starving.

  Chapter Six


  St. Leasing had won the game. The bleachers spilled out onto the field, as was customary after a home game win. Molly had hung back. It wasn’t that she didn’t want to see Keller—she did. Her whole body was screaming at her to go find him. She wanted to touch him; she wanted him to wrap his arms around her. But his text during the game had given her pause. Who did he think he was? She wasn’t an object and he had no right to make demands on her like that. Did he want her? Or did he not want anyone else to have her?

  Molly didn’t play games. She’d told him that already. And she didn’t listen to demands, or to threats. Yet she knew she wouldn’t walk away. That thought alone had thrown her for a bit of a loop. She’d waited until Corey was done congratulating everyone, and then she’d driven back to her and Dom’s house where a crowd had begun to amass. The FBI agents had shown up almost immediately, like they had been following Corey and Molly. Now, they were stuck out on the edge of the patio, making small talk once again.

  Molly’s gaze kept darting around the backyard, waiting for Keller to show up. She was nervous and excited. And she kind of hated herself for it.

  Corey nudged her arm and gestured with her head toward the back door. Keller and Dom stepped out of the house, both sets of eyes searching through the throng. Molly held her breath as Keller’s gaze landed on hers. When he started to stalk toward her, his eyes full of fire, her pulse started to race.

  “Oh hey, here are our guys.” Corey put a big smile on her face, intercepting Dom easily with her arms around his waist. “Agent Grimes, Agent Brooks, this is my fiancé, Dominic Hardy, and Molly’s boyfriend, Keller Byrne. They are two of the four coaches you saw at the game.”


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