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Breath Taking (St. Leasing Book 2)

Page 6

by L. P. Maxa

  “’Night.” Brooks smiled at Molly and then sent a glare Keller’s way.

  Keller wanted to take the two strides between them and clock the smug bastard on the fucking jaw. He was here, behind Keller’s back, trying to get more time with Molly. A girl who Brooks knew was taken. Before Keller could make a move, Molly grabbed his hand and started to pull him toward the entrance. They walked to his truck hand in hand and then Keller opened the door, helping her up into the cab.

  “He’s not worth it.”

  Keller nodded his head once but kept his mouth shut. He was angry and he was feeling more than a little possessive. He didn’t want to say something to upset Molly, something he’d later regret. Once they were safely on their way to Molly’s apartment and he had taken several deep breaths he stole a quick glance in her direction. “So how long was Brooks hanging out at the bar tonight?”

  “He came in around eight-thirty, ordered some dinner then stayed.” Molly was looking out the window, watching the town square go by.

  Keller gripped the steering wheel, his knuckles turning white. Brooks had been there for hours. “Was he bothering you?”

  She shrugged, still not looking at him. “Not really.”

  “Did he hit on you?”

  Molly nodded slowly. “Sort of, I guess. He came to sunrise yoga this morning and then asked me to breakfast. I told him no. Then he came to the bar tonight and asked me if I needed a ride home. Again, I told him no. He wasn’t pushy about it either time, but he’s persistent.”

  Keller could feel the anger pulsing through his body once again. That douche bag had been told, numerous times, that Molly and Keller were together. Either he was stupid or he was looking for an ass kicking. “Molly. I, uh, I’m not…” He sighed. “Look, I don’t want to sound like a jerk here. I really don’t. But no more. No more playing nice with the FBI agent. Don’t placate him.”

  “Keller.” She finally turned to face him, her gaze like fire against his cheek. “That is the second time in one evening that you have told me what to do. I’m not okay with that. I am an adult. I live alone. I pay my own bills. I kill my own spiders. So unless you want me to bite your tongue off the next time you decide to stick it down my throat, I’d watch the way you talk to me.”

  He smiled despite his ire. He couldn’t help himself. He loved that she wouldn’t let him tell her what to do. It should irritate him, but instead it amused him. “I’m sorry about the kiss. It was too much, I know. I just, well, I don’t like him around you. I don’t like him trying to take what’s mi—uh, I don’t like him hitting on the girl I like.”

  Molly giggled. “Are you always this bad with words? Or is it just me that gets your tongue all tied?”

  “It’s you.” He winked at her as he pulled into the driveway, relieved that she was joking with him. Her apartment was sort of a loft situated over a little ice cream shop one block north of Main Street. He had eaten countless scoops of ice cream at that place, and he had dropped her off here a few times, but he had never been in her home. He was excited to see where she lived. See her things and be enveloped in her sweet smell.

  When she unlocked her front door and flipped on the lights, the place was exactly what he expected. A lot of whites with splashes of bold colors. Feminine pillows and throws all over the place. Candles and framed photos. What he didn’t expect was the large Persian cat that suddenly flew out from under the couch and sunk its claws into his leg. “Uh, Molly? Can you get your cat?”

  “Oh my gosh. I am so sorry. She is usually so shy. She never comes out of hiding when new people are over. And she has never scratched anyone before.” She pried the cat off his leg, the sound of her claws scraping against his jeans like nails on a chalkboard. “Tibby! What is the matter with you?” Molly winced. “Really, she likes everyone. Well except for dogs, she hates dogs.” She tossed the cat toward the kitchen and it sauntered around the corner, its head held high.

  Lovely. His soul mate had a dog-hating, perceptive, cat. “That’s okay. No worries. I don’t think I’m bleeding that bad.”

  Molly laughed. “Aw, poor baby. Come here, let me have a look.” She pulled him down next to her on the couch, propping his leg on the coffee table. She lifted his pant leg, her lips pursed. “Barely a scratch. I think you’ll live.”

  “I think I need some kisses to make it all better.” Keller winked, making Molly smile. When his girl smiled, it was like the whole room lit up. Her happiness, no matter how small or fleeting, warmed his heart in a way he’d never experienced before.

  She cleared her throat. “About tonight…you know, me walking to and from work, me being pleasant to Brooks? I—”

  Keller held up his hand, cutting her off. “I was out of line.” Probably true. “I need to be better about the way I say things.” Probably never going to change. “I, well, I worry about you. A beautiful woman walking home in the dark is not smart. And it’s not like you don’t have other options, right? I mean, you have a car and you have me. I’d always be more than happy to bring you home. As far as Brooks goes?” He shook his head. “Sorry, not sorry. He is hitting on you, knowing you have a boyfriend. He is trying to get under my skin and he’s being a real prick.”

  Molly narrowed her gorgeous eyes, another grin playing at her lips. “Compromise? I’m not going to stop Agent Brooks from coming to yoga or from eating at Moon Bar, but I will be…colder to him. And I’ll agree not to walk home in the dark, but I will walk to work if I feel like it. How does that sound?”

  Keller pursed his lips, acting like he was seriously thinking over her offer. He didn’t really have another choice. It wasn’t as if he could come clean tonight and explain how their bond made him crazy. “Sounds okay to me, I suppose.” At least for now anyway.

  “Good. Now that all that’s out of the way…”

  A surprised smile spread across his face as Molly climbed into his lap, placed her hands on his face, and kissed him softly. When she went to pull back, he fisted his hands in her hair at the nape of her neck. He wasn’t ready to let her go. He fused her mouth to his in a scorching, deep kiss. He ran his tongue along her lower lip before pulling it in his mouth, sucking it gently. He wanted to see her mouth red and puffy from his kisses; he wanted her to wear evidence of him for days.

  Ultimately, it was all part of his need to claim her, to make her his. She moaned once again against his lips and he could barely control his reaction. His hand left her hair and grabbed her ass. He guided her movements until she was grinding against his dick.

  Fuck, she felt amazing. Her long, toned muscles drove him crazy. He wanted to see every inch of her skin. He wanted to taste her, feel her writhing underneath him, and hear her scream his name. He wanted Molly to fill all of his senses so completely that he became lost in her.

  His head was so clouded with lust, he didn’t realize what her hands were doing until he felt air hit his rigid cock. Wow, his girl worked fast. Her small hand fisted him, pumping up and down slowly, creating the most sinful friction. It took everything in him to still her movements. “Molly, darlin’, you’ve got to stop. I’m seconds away from coming in your hand. I want you too much, everything feels so good. Too good.”

  “I don’t want to stop. I want you, Keller.” Molly continued to play with his dick, placing sweet kisses on his neck.

  This girl was going to be the death of him. He was trying like hell to do right by her, to be honorable. He refused to claim her without her knowing the truth, without her understanding what it would mean. He leaned his head back against the couch, swallowing past his dry throat.

  But fuck, she felt so damn good on top of him.

  Chapter Eleven


  “Baby. Slow down, give me a second.” Keller grabbed both her hands in one of his and stilled her movements. She sat back slightly, panting loudly.

  Molly felt like she was on fire. She wanted Keller like she’d never wanted anyone else. All her nerve endings were tingling with pleasure. Then suddenly, all at o
nce, she didn’t feel so playful anymore. That pain she’d experienced last night was back with a vengeance. Her mind blanked, and instantly she had only one thought. “Please. I need you, Keller. It hurts I want you so bad.” Molly was all but begging him to fuck her, her voice sounding foreign to her own ears. She needed him to fill her. Her whole body ached with the most agonizing pain and she knew without a doubt the only one who could help her was him.

  Keller’s face contorted in worry. “Molly, baby, slow down. Hold on. Give me a second to think.” He tried to hold her still, to keep her from wiggling on his lap. She wanted to do what he was asking of her, but she couldn’t. She didn’t have control over her own body. She knew she should be scared, but the right emotions wouldn’t come.

  “Oh god, Keller, please. I can’t stop. I need…I need…YOU.” Molly couldn’t form a rational thought. Her body was full of flames, scorching her from the inside. “Keller. What’s wrong with me?” She felt the tears running down her cheeks, and she saw the fear in his eyes. “Help me.”

  Chapter Twelve


  Help me. Her words sent a chill down his spine. He couldn’t let her stay like this; she was suffering. He had to fix it. At least he had to try.

  He picked Molly up, carried her through the house, and laid her down on her bed. In one quick tug, he tore her shorts off and then ripped her panties. Molly was literally whimpering on the mattress, rubbing her legs together trying to make the pain stop. Keller felt like his heart was breaking. He was doing this to her. He couldn’t claim her tonight; he wouldn’t make that choice for her. But he could make her come. If she needed relief, he’d give her relief all fucking night. He climbed on the bed and spread her legs as far apart as they would go, holding her down with one hand on her stomach. All at once he lowered his head and brought his mouth to her clit and his fingers to her core. It took mere seconds for her to shatter underneath him.

  “Again. More, Keller. Please, make it stop.”

  “Okay, darlin’, okay.”

  He did what she asked, using his mouth in tandem with his fingers, pushing her over the brink in a matter of minutes. He could do this; he could replace her pain with pleasure, even if it wasn’t everything she wanted. She was panting hard; her chest was heaving and her eyes were glazed over.


  She nodded as she reached down to smooth his hair. “Yeah, I don’t know what—” Suddenly, she curled into the fetal position, and Keller’s heart broke. She gripped the sheets and let out a low moan. He’d taken her pain away for all of three minutes. Fuck.

  “Molly, darlin’, open your eyes.” He hovered over her beautiful naked body, uncurling her. “Come on, baby, try to relax for me.”

  She shook her head. “It hurts too much. I can barely breathe.”

  “I know. I’m going to fix it.” Replacing pain with pleasure worked, but not for long. If he had to keep this up all damn night, he’d do it. He’d do anything for her, anything to make sure she didn’t feel the way she did right now. He kissed across her stomach, sliding two fingers inside her tight pussy, and she started to climb again, her hands gripping his hair.

  He made his girl come again and again. With his mouth, his tongue, his hands. And after what seemed like an eternity, she finally fell into a deep sleep. He didn’t know how long he had. He didn’t know how long she would sleep. How long the relief would last. He couldn’t keep doing this to her; he couldn’t keep putting off the claiming.

  Keller sat on the edge of her bed, head in his hands. He felt like his body was being ripped in two. His dick ached and throbbed, but it was his soul that was in pain. His biggest fear had come true; he wasn’t good enough for Molly. She deserved more than this. She had deserved the truth weeks ago. And because of his stubbornness and dread, and his indecisive male bullshit, the woman he loved was suffering.

  Love. Yeah, he loved her with everything he had. He didn’t know when it had happened, but he knew it was true. He also knew he should get up and leave, go home, because sleeping next to her wasn’t going to be easy. Hell, it’d be sweet torture. But underneath all the discomfort and heartbreak, he felt exhausted. And if he went home, he would lie awake for hours thinking only of her, worrying about her.

  At least this way he’d be here if she woke up in agony again, and if she didn’t maybe he’d get some actual rest.

  Chapter Thirteen


  Molly woke up to the sound of her name coming from Keller’s lips. Gingerly, she rolled over to face him, propping herself up on her elbow. Silently, she watched him sleep, a smile on her lips. He was so damn handsome, so male. And he was hers. Last night had proved that once and for all, even though he was bossy and possessive. She couldn’t be happier that they were finally together.

  She took inventory, realizing she was sore—not just her sex but her whole body. She peered down at him and couldn’t help but love the fact that he was still here, dreaming of her.

  “Oh god, Molly. Please help me. Make it stop.”

  She narrowed her eyes, his words jogging something loose in her memory. The pain. The horrible pain she’d been in, and he had saved her. He had made it go away over and over and over again. He had taken care of her until she had passed out from sheer exhaustion. Was he in that same pain now? What the hell was causing it? Why were they feeling this way? Molly couldn’t wrap her head around what was going on. Her brain felt drugged, sluggish.

  “Molly, baby, please.” She didn’t know if he was dreaming the hurt, or actually feeling it. But she couldn’t just lie there and do nothing. She unbuttoned his pants and pulled them all the way off, same with his boxer briefs. She slid her tongue down his long length and smiled when he moaned from pleasure, not pain. Molly wrapped her lips around his cock and began to help him the way he had helped her. It seemed natural, right.

  Suddenly, her insides clenched and tightened.

  Oh god, not this again. What the fuck was happening? She whimpered, curling into a ball on her side, helpless to do anything else, praying that it would ease up. She looked over at Keller, tears filling her eyes when she saw his back arch off the bed and his fists clench the covers. He cried out again, a cold sweat breaking out across his brow. Her brain shut down but for the one thought to make the ache stop. All responsible notions and adult rationalizations left her mind. If she could just make her way to him, she could help them both.

  She knew exactly what she needed to do.

  Chapter Fourteen


  Keller smiled. Mmmm, that feels amazing. This had just gone from the worst nightmare he’d ever had to the best wet dream imaginable. He was dreaming that Molly was on top of him, riding him so hard her headboard was hitting the wall. It felt so good it was sinful, and he didn’t care if he ever woke up. That’s right, Molly, let go, you feel so perfect, so tight. He skimmed his hands along dream Molly’s thighs, her skin felt so smooth and soft and hot. He was seconds away from the strongest orgasm of his life. Keep going, baby. Don’t stop.

  “Oh god, Keller, oh fuck.”

  Wow, dream Molly had a dirty little mouth. He liked it. Ouch! Dream Molly just drew blood running her nails down his chest. Dream Molly was feisty.

  “Keller, open your eyes, watch me.”

  Wait, what? Why would he want to wake up and end this perfect dream? He wasn’t ready yet. He wanted to stay here where nothing hurt.


  Keller’s eyes flew open and his heart stopped beating. This wasn’t a dream, it was reality and he was seconds away from ruining everything. “Oh god Molly, no. No baby, please stop. Please stop moving. Oh shit, Molly hold still.” He grabbed her hips and tried to steady her.

  “I can’t. Keller, I can’t. It feels so good. All the pain is gone. I don’t want to feel the pain again. Please don’t make me.”

  Fuck. He quickly flipped them over so he was on top. He tried to pull back and free himself from her hot, wet, perfect pussy. She clamped her legs around h
is waist, pinning him to her.

  “No, Keller. If you leave me, it’ll hurt. It’ll hurt us both. Please.”

  “Holy shit, you’re stronger than you look.” He was surprised when Molly managed to flip them back over, and she was riding him again. Keller clenched his teeth; hell, he clenched his whole body. If he could hold on, if he could hold out, he’d let her take what she needed, let her finish, and then she’d fall back asleep. And he could go safely jack it in the shower or something. He could still save her. He could do this for her, for them. He cleared his mind, tried to block out her sounds of pleasure. Fuck, it wasn’t working. Molly was all he could hear, all he could feel. He closed his eyes tight, silently begging his body not to betray him.

  He knew the instant Molly came. Her little body shuddered on top of him, and her sex squeezed him like a fist and milked his dick. She screamed his name and he felt like he was dying. Like his body was being ripped into two pieces, just like it had earlier. He stopped breathing, his heart pounding in his chest as he put every ounce of strength he possessed into not coming inside of Molly. Finally, after the longest minute of his life, her body relaxed on top of his. He chuckled. Holy fucking shit, he’d made it. Damn, he should be knighted or made a saint or something.

  “Hey, why are you laughing? Look at me.”

  Keller opened his eyes and gazed into Molly’s. He expected to see lust, desire, confusion, pain—instead, he saw love, and that was his undoing. He came so suddenly, so violently, he couldn’t have stopped it if he’d wanted to. He spilled everything he had and everything he was into his forever.

  Chapter Fifteen


  “Uh, what the fuck are you doing here, man? I could have killed you.”


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