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The Blackstone Lion: Blackstone Mountain Book 5

Page 13

by Alicia Montgomery

  When her heart finally stopped threatening to jump out of her rib cage, Georgina managed to calm herself. You can do it, she said. Oh God, she didn’t want to. She forced herself to think of an image in her head. Of Mark, lying in a pool of his own blood. Then she imagined it as Grayson. And Luke.

  You have to do this, she said as she stood up from her desk, her knees wobbly as a newborn foal’s. She took a deep breath, looked around her (which was silly because she was all alone) and then headed into Jason’s office. It was so quiet, she could only hear the soft whirring of the air conditioner. She crossed the room, the USB drive from Adrian clutched in her fist.

  Kneeling down next to the CPU, Georgina opened her palm. The small piece of metal seemed heavier than it looked, and her heart was beating a thousand miles a minute as she moved her hand closer to the open port.


  She stood up so quickly the blood rushing to her brain made her dizzy. Bracing herself on the table stopped her from toppling over, and she bit the back of her hand to stop herself from crying out. I can’t do this. She couldn’t betray these people who had been so kind to her and Grayson, not to mention, risked their lives to save them in the first place.

  Growing up, she was blind to what The Chief was really doing—that their family businesses were nothing but a front for a hate group who wanted to eradicate all shifters on earth. She found out the hard way. When she realized her parentage and where she came from, she wanted to rip out of her skin. Because how could she have possibly come from such hatred, when she carried the most precious thing in the world?

  Georgina took a deep breath and smoothed her hair back. She would have to figure out another way, though really, there was only one way. Come clean. To Jason and Matthew, and to Luke. The Chief’s influence was far-reaching, but surely, she and Grayson were safe in Blackstone. She hadn’t done anything yet, and if she confessed now, maybe they would believe that she never had any bad intentions.

  As she got ready to leave, Georgina looked around her, making sure she didn’t disturb anything on Jason’s desk. She scuttled toward the door, grabbed the handle and practically leapt out the door. In her haste, she didn’t notice the solid figure standing by the door until she bumped into it.

  “Georgina?” Luke’s hands gripped her arms. “I was looking for you. I thought I heard you in there.”

  “You have?” Her heartbeat went wild. “What are you doing here?” He looked behind her. “Where’s Jason?”


  “Georgina, we need to talk—Luke?”

  Oh no. Glancing around Luke’s wide frame, she saw Jason walking into the suites with Christina right behind him. Both wore serious looks on their faces.

  Luke whipped around. “I’m taking Georgina and Grayson to lunch.”

  “You’re not going anywhere,” Jason said, his voice low and gravely. The temperature in the room suddenly dipped low, and Jason’s silvery stare zeroed in on Georgina.

  Luke took a defensive stance, placing himself in front of her. “What the fuck is going on?”

  Jason ignored Luke and circled around him to face Georgina. His eyes blazed as he fixed them on her, and she could feel the immense power radiating from him. “Christina didn’t call me.”

  She swallowed the lump in her throat and opened her mouth, but nothing came out.

  “You were in my office.”


  “Don’t deny it!” Jason shoved his phone in front of her face. “We have live cameras in there.”

  Her heart dropped straight into her stomach. “I, I—” She shut her mouth when she saw herself on the small screen, walking into Jason’s office and going to his computer.

  “Give me that!” Luke grabbed the phone from Jason’s hand.

  As Luke stared at the screen, all the air rushed out of her lungs and the blood drained from her face. His expression was inscrutable, but she could see the way his jaw tightened and his eyes became as hard as steel. Slowly, he turned to her. “Tell me you have a good explanation.”

  What could she say? She was caught red-handed.

  “What were you trying to do?” Jason asked. “And just who the hell are you?”

  “I’m sorry. I wanted to tell you—”

  “Don’t even think of lying,” Christina added, her voice icy. She tossed a brown envelope toward her, which Luke easily caught. “Someone just had that delivered. It was addressed to me.”

  Luke practically tore through the envelope. The photos fell onto the carpet and when she looked down, she knew this was it. The first photo was of her and Adrian in the bathroom at the park last weekend. It was compromising, to say the least. It was taken from above, like a grainy security camera, but it looked like Adrian was all over her. The next photo was much older and one she recognized. When she was just sixteen, The Chief instructed Adrian to bring her to an anti-shifter rally. She was right there, beside him, next to some people holding up signs with hateful slurs and slogans.

  “That’s the man who attacked us in London,” Jason said, pointing to Adrian’s face on the photos. “What were you doing with him? Do you know him? And The Chief? The Organization?”

  The name coming from Jason’s lips made her whip her head up. “You know about The Chief?”

  “Dr. Mendle’s diaries,” Christina said. “We’ve had them all this time.” Her icy eyes narrowed at Georgina. “Did The Organization send you here? Was it all a ruse, you being ‘captured’ in that lab?”

  Georgina swallowed the lump in her throat. How could they even think that?

  “All this time … you were a spy? For them?” Luke roared.

  “No!” She tried to grab Luke’s arm, but he evaded her touch. “Please, it’s not what it looks like!”

  “Is Grayson even your son?” Luke asked, his hands curled into tight fists beside him.

  Anger surged as his words cut into her. “How dare you! Of course, he’s my son!” How could he say that? “Grayson … he’s mine. And the reason I’m here now.” Tears began to flow down her cheeks and she staggered back, bracing herself against her desk. “I don’t know where to begin. What to tell you.”

  Christina stepped forward. “Just tell us everything. It’ll be easier.”

  Georgina wiped her eyes with the back of her hand. “I was born into it. What you call The Organization, though they don’t have a name. I didn’t have a choice. I’m … The Chief is … I’m the Chief’s daughter.“

  Luke let out a strangled growl. “He ordered my pride killed!” He seized her arms, and she winced from the pain. “What did you know about them? Why did they kill my family?”

  “I don’t know!” she yelped. “I don’t know anything about that, I swear!”

  “Luke,” Jason said, grabbing his shoulder. “Stop. You’re hurting her. She was just a child when that happened.”

  Luke loosened his grip and let out an unhappy grunt as he stalked away from her. Oh Luke. She didn’t understand how, but she could feel the pain radiating from him. And did it hurt. Oh God, it hurt so bad and she desperately wanted to ease his pain. But she had to make him understand.

  “Luke, I swear, I didn’t mean—”

  “You—” Luke lunged at her but stopped himself. He let out an anguished cry. “I can’t believe—” His eyes began to glow, and the muscles under his face began to shift.

  “Fuck! Luke, man,” Jason said. “Get out of here. We’ll take care of this.”

  “I’m not—” An inhuman growl escaped his chest. He turned away from her, then began to stalk away.

  “Luke!” she called. “Please! Don’t go!”

  But he didn’t seem to hear her. He pushed at the doors; the slamming sound they made as they hit the walls caused her to jump. And just like that he was gone.

  Georgina covered her mouth as a tormented cry tore from her throat.

  “Please, Georgina,” Christina said. “Please continue and let us try to understand.”


stina held a hand up to silence her mate. “Jason, I think we should listen to her.”

  Jason crossed his arms over his chest. “Fine. Go on.”

  Georgina nodded. “I didn’t know, I swear. I didn’t know anything until … until Grayson. My family had always spouted anti-shifter crap and growing up, I had to listen to it and believe it. Adrian—that’s the man in the photos—I always thought he was just one of our bodyguards. The Chief told him to bring me to that rally, and many others like it. I was sixteen.” She thought that had been the worst of it. “They tried to turn me into them and make me say hateful things. I did, but my heart wasn’t into it.” The Chief could tell. The Chief knew everything, of course.

  “What about Grayson?” Christina asked.

  “It was a college fling. Mark didn’t tell me he was a bear shifter until after I told him I was pregnant. I kept it a secret from my family. I knew they were anti-shifter, but I thought, maybe once the baby came, they would change their minds.” She took a deep breath and the memories began to flood back into her mind. “They found out anyway.”

  Oh God, the pain. It was too much. She closed her eyes and thought of Grayson. He was alive, and he was still here. “I was in class. They came in the middle of the day and yanked me out of Lit 101. The Chief was furious. They had eyes on me, knew everything. And then … they showed me a picture. Mark. They found him and killed him.” Oh God, the memories. It was too much, but she had to keep going. “They were going to take me back home and … purify me.”

  “Purify?” Christina almost sounded scared.

  “Get rid of the baby.”

  Christina’s face faltered, and Jason came to her side quickly, pulling her to him. “How did you manage—”

  “I escaped,” she said. It was like instinct taking over, wanting to protect her baby. “They were also stupid, coming in the middle of the day.” She remembered how, as they were taking Georgina away, the class period ended and suddenly all the classroom doors opened. The hallways filled with students, eager to get out of class on a Friday afternoon. With the chaos and confusion, she was able to escape from her captors.

  “I ran off campus. Took whatever cash I had in my purse and bought the cheapest bus ticket I could that would take me the farthest away. I made it to Wyoming, and a nice old couple took pity on me when they found out I was pregnant and homeless. He was a veterinarian, and he hired me to be his receptionist, even though he didn’t really need one.” She smiled sadly, thinking about Dr. Greene and his wife Arlene. She was just glad The Chief didn’t get to them. “And then … Grayson was born. How can I even describe what that was like? Here’s this person I just met, and yet I fell in love the moment I laid eyes on him. He was mine, all mine.” And her world completely changed from that moment on.

  “So, what were you doing in the lab?” Jason asked.

  “I thought I was safe in Wyoming. And we were for five years. But then they found us again. The Chief was furious, of course, and wanted to punish me. So, I was sent to work in Dr. Mendle’s lab, and he locked up Grayson in a cage. If I did anything wrong, he would threaten to hurt him.” She looked at Christina and Jason, and hoped they would see the truth in her eyes. “Luke killing Dr. Mendle was the best thing that ever happened to us.”

  “Why didn’t you tell us this from the beginning?” Jason said.

  “I don’t know.” She shrugged. “I felt trapped. I didn’t know you, any of you, and I wasn’t sure I could trust you. If you found out who I was, what would you have done? You’d have locked me up, and I would have never seen Grayson again. I was planning to leave Blackstone as soon as I had the means.”

  Jason and Christina looked at each other but said nothing.

  “I didn’t know that you were good people and that you could be trusted. And then, things happened and Luke ….” It hurt, even just to say his name. “Adrian followed me. I don’t know how they found me, but he said I had to do something for them.” She took out the USB drive she had hidden in her pocket. “I had to put this in your computer by noon today or they would expose me.”

  “The pictures. They arrived when they realized you didn’t do the job,” Christina deduced.

  “I couldn’t do it,” she sobbed. “I ran out of your office, and I was going to tell you everything.” But she was too late. They had already seen her, kneeling by the computer, about to put the USB drive in. “I swear, I wasn’t going to, but they threatened Luke and Grayson! They already killed Mark and—”

  “Georgina,” Christina’s voice was soothing, though her eyes were rimmed with tears. She reached out and touched Georgina on the shoulder. “I believe you.”

  The tightness in her chest loosened, but not all the way. “Thank you.” It felt good, laying it all out. Her gaze went to the doors. Oh Luke. Would he believe her, too?

  “Hold on,” Jason said. “So, this guy and The Organization, they’re here? In Blackstone?” His eyes began to glow again, and this time, his anger wasn’t directed at Georgina. “Do you know how many of them are here? Where they could be?”

  “They could easily blend in,” Christina pointed out. “It’s high season for summer tourists.”

  “This doesn’t sound good,” Jason said. “Georgina, if you can help us—”

  “Yes!” she said. “I’ll do anything. Tell you anything and everything I know.”

  “Good,” Christina said. “We can start with what you can tell us about your family.”

  “I will, but first you have to keep Luke and Grayson safe,” she said. “Adrian said he’d hurt them if I didn’t comply. He had Mark shot by a sniper as he was leaving work.”

  “Bastards,” Jason cursed. “I’ll take care of Luke, make sure he’s safe.”

  “And Georgina and I will take Grayson to the castle,” Christina said. “We’ll take one of the company cars.”

  Jason nodded. “All right, keep me posted.” He grabbed Christina and kissed her on the mouth. “I’ll see you later. Stay safe.”

  “We will.” When Jason left, Christina turned to Georgina. “Ready?”

  “Let’s go.”

  They headed to the daycare center on the second floor and quickly explained to Irene, the coordinator, that Grayson had a family emergency. After checking a confused Grayson out of the daycare, they headed to the garage.

  “Thank you again,” Georgina whispered to Christina. “I really appreciate this. I know you’re human too, and that you don’t have to get involved in this.”

  Christina gave her a small smile. “I’ll tell you about me some other time, but for now, let’s just get you two safe and sound, okay?” She led them to the service entrance in the back and pushed the door out to the garage. “We should—”

  “And where do you think you’re going?”

  Georgina’s blood turned to ice in her veins and, on instinct, she grabbed Grayson and put him behind her. Christina tensed up.

  “Well, well.” Adrian looked at Christina and Georgina. “You thought you could escape, did you?” He tsked. “Georgie, you were a bad girl and now you know what that means.” He looked at Grayson.

  “No!” she cried. “Please. Don’t.”

  “You bastard!” Christina spat. “How dare you—”

  “You are both traitors!” Adrian shouted. “And you’re going to pay.”

  Christina lunged at Adrian, fists flying, and Georgina let out a scream. While Christina was able to land a few blows, it was no use. Adrian used his sheer size and muscle to overpower her. He flipped her around and wrapped a hand around her waist, squeezing tight. “Bitch!” He reached down to the weapon strapped at his waist.

  “No!” Georgina screamed again as Adrian raised his hand and hit Christina on the head with the butt of his gun. She went limp in his arms, and he dropped her to the ground.

  “Now,” he said, pointing the gun square at Georgina’s face, “you are going to come with me or I’ll blow your pretty face off in front of your son.”

  “Mommy!” Grayson cried.
  “Don’t!” she yelled. “I’ll come with you.” She looked at Christina, who lay very still on the ground. “We need to help her first.”

  Adrian laughed. “Help her? Are you stupid? It doesn’t matter. Soon, this place will be gone.”

  “What are you talking about? What are you going to do?”

  “We’ve got big plans for Blackstone. We’re going to get rid of every last one of these animals once and for all,” he sneered, a glint in his eyes. “Now, are you going to come with me, or will I have to make you?” He shoved the gun at her face.

  A cold feeling gripped her. “I said I’ll come with you.”

  “Good girl, Georgie.” He grabbed her arm. “We’re going for a long ride.”

  Chapter Twelve

  Luke ran and ran, not caring where he was going as long as it was far away from her. Looking at her, even being around her, made him feel like his chest was caving in.

  His lion roared, wanting to get out. And Luke gave in, letting the animal take over. It ripped out of him viciously, his bones cracking and skin breaking into fur, claws, and sharp teeth.

  He tried to shut his mind as the lion controlled their body, but he couldn’t. Georgina’s betrayal burned through him like he had swallowed fire. How could she have kept it from him? That she was the daughter of that bastard.

  She knew too, right before they made love. Georgina knew The Chief ordered his pride’s eradication, yet she came to him. Was it all a game to her? Did she pretend to care for him and then fucked him to keep her secret? Of course, she did. The lying bitch.

  It sickened him to think of Grayson. She probably got herself pregnant to manipulate another man. The Chief and his Organization really were pure evil and would stop at nothing to get what they wanted.

  A loud screeching sound overhead made the lion halt in its tracks as it ran across a clearing. Power emanated from the golden creature above, making the lion freeze. Fucking Matthew. His lion acknowledged that Matthew Lennox was the biggest Alpha around, so no matter how much he tried to run, he couldn’t.


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