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Portals Of Time

Page 5

by Coulter, J. Lee

  “ did. But that is one wave ye should nae ride high on, lass. Men have very little of value these days but their pride and honor. Tis nae taken lightly. Rubbing salt in that wound will nae bring peace between ye.”

  “Listen ta your husband, Arianna. He speaks true...especially where Angus is concerned.”

  She glanced between the two men and nodded agreement. It would not be wise to antagonize the man who she feared in her dreams. Nope! Not smart at all! Maybe I should mention it to Lucian.

  “Would ye like that, Anna?”

  “Huh? I’m sorry. I wasn’t paying attention.” Glancing up at her husband, she stared deeply into his eyes. The vividness of the emerald color held her captive with invisible chains. She had never seen anyone before who held such a rich hue. They began to darken as desire flared between them. Arianna quickly looked away with a blush.

  “I kenned that ye may wish ta ride with me on the morrow. Would ye enjoy that?”

  “That sounds wonderful, Lucian! Shalizar was not very pleased with the run he got today.”

  “Then tis settled. Come wife...tis time ta retire.”

  They bid her father a good eve and departed.

  As soon as they crossed the drawbridge the next morn, Arianna gave Shalizar his head. He leapt forward in joy as he flew across the open expanse before them.

  Lucian urged his mount to keep pace but lost ground steadily. The more distance she put between them caused his alarms to go off inside. How was he to protect her if he could not keep up with her? Just as he was about to call to her, she turned the stallion in a wide arc and returned toward him. It seems that me wife is nae ignorant of the danger...that is good.

  She came up beside him grinning widely. He brushed errant tendrils of fiery hair from her flushed cheeks, enjoying the sparkle of life in her azure eyes.

  “Ye relish scaring the life out of me, wife?”

  “Maybe,” she replied with a sideways glance at him. “It depends on how you handle it. Am I to be punished...or cherished?”

  Startled at her seductive wit for a moment, he was speechless. The corner of his mouth twitched, threatening to break into a smile. Latching his large hand about the back of her neck, he drew her to him.

  “Mayhap both, wife.” His lips claimed hers with a passion better suited for their bedchambers than in an open field in front of his men. Loud hoots of encouragement and approval finally broke them apart. “We shall finish this later, Arianna.”

  “Is that a promise or...a threat?” she asked as she gathered the reins and took off once again at a gallop.

  “Both!” he yelled after her as he followed suit.

  The sound of wind whistled past her ear as she neared the tree line. She ignored it, glancing back to see how close Lucian was on her tail. Laughing at the determined look on his face she straightened in her saddle just as Shalizar screamed in pain. He pitched forward, falling to the ground as Arianna flew over his head.

  Lucian’s neck was on fire as he had seen the first bolt miss her by inches. He had urged his horse faster to close the distance but it was too late. His wife was unaware of the danger as she glanced back at him laughing. He saw the events unfold in slow motion before him. Fear clutched his heart as he leapt from his mount and knelt beside her crumpled body.

  His guard surrounded them quickly as a small group rode off to find the culprit. Lucian swiftly checked for broken bones as he observed her breathing. He could find nothing amiss.

  “Ian! What of her mount?” he barked.

  “He is injured, m’laird. I do nae ken if he can be spared. Mayhap if we can get him back ta the keep...”

  He brushed dirt gently from her cheek. He knew how much her horse meant to her. They had to try.

  “If ye can nae get him ta rise on his own then return here with a cart and enough manpower ta hoist him. We must do all that we can ta save him.”

  “Aye, m’laird.” He hurried off to do his bidding.

  Lachlan, his captain of the guard, handed him a skin of uisge beatha. Nodding his thanks, he parted her lips with his thumb and poured a small trickle into her mouth.

  Lucian peered intently at her still face, frowning. Why has she nae awakened? Why did she nae sense the danger? Did she forget the warning sign or was she nae warned? He rubbed his neck absently as he mulled over these thoughts.

  Arianna moaned as her eyes fluttered open.

  “Lucian!” she cried out in panic.

  He grasped her flailing hand to his chest to comfort her.

  “I be right here lass,” he murmured. “Are ye hurt? I could nae find anything broken.”

  She tested her limbs carefully and found no problems.

  “I...I think I’m okay.” Her eyes widened in panic as she recalled what had happened. “Shalizar!”

  “Shhh...hush mo cridhe, he is being tended. Do nae fash yourself over him.” He crushed her to him as his heart thrummed in his chest. “Come...we must return ta the keep.”

  Glancing toward the steed lying on the ground he did not hold out much hope. The beast lay too still.

  “Lachlan. Hand me wife ta me once I mount then see that me orders are carried out.”

  “Aye, m’laird. It will be as ye wish.”

  Lachlan was watching his laird and lady ride off toward the keep when a loud thrashing behind him caught his attention.

  “Well, I’ll be!”

  Moving toward him at a hobbling trot was Shalizar, blood running down his leg at a slow trickle. Seeing that he was going to follow his mistress home, he ordered the men to mount up.

  Ian came up beside him giving him a lopsided grin.

  “Is that a horse or a dog, Sir Lachlan?”

  He shook his head then laughed. “I tell ye true, laddie, I do nae ken.”

  “Ye found naught?” he roared. Frustration ate at him as he ran his hand through his black locks. “Nae mount? Nae tracks?”

  “Nay, m’laird. Whoever did this must have traversed the trees. I can think of nae other way.” Lachlan shook his blonde head. He felt the earl’s frustration. He had been a bear to live with since the incident three days past.

  Lucian sighed in resignation. There was nothing else that could be done.

  “Very well. How is the Arab faring?”

  “He heals quickly but I would nae think him fit for riding for several fortnights...perhaps two moons? He is a fighter, I will give him that.”

  “Aye. He was blessed that the bolt only struck muscle. I will pass on the good tidings ta your mistress. Thank ye, Lachlan.”

  The captain gave a curt bow and took his leave.

  A short time later Arianna entered his solar on Dugal’s arm. She noted how tired he looked as he stared out the window, deep in thought. He had hardly slept at all since the attack. Without turning, he spoke to her.

  “Ye should be resting, Anna. Ye are nae yet healed.”

  “Other than a little stiffness, I feel fine. I’m on my way to visit Shalizar and wondered if you’d like to come with me.”

  He turned slowly.

  “Aye, I will come, but ye must promise me that ye will let me ken if ye tire.”

  “I promise.”

  A short time later they stood before the Arab’s stall. He whinney’d a greeting to his mistress as he limped over to receive her loving strokes.

  “How are you, my pet?” she cooed as he nibbled her sleeve. She held out an apple to him. “Are you looking for this?”

  He nodded his ebony head in agreement before gently snatching it from her hand. She giggled. Arianna inspected his wound while he devoured the treat, gasping at how near it had come to his lung. Her eyes darted to her husband.

  “Aye. It was close, mo cridhe.”

  “Who would do such a thing?”

  Lucian weighed his response to her in his mind then decided to be truthful.

  “He was nae the target. The first bolt flew past your head. Did ye nae see it?”

  She shook her head. “I thought I heard something
but dismissed it as the wind.”

  “I saw it. Tis why I tried so hard ta reach ye. Did nae your neck burn...warning ye of danger?”

  “No. Maybe it only burns when my mate is in danger.”

  He nodded. “Aye. That must be true for mine was afire.”

  She stroked Shalizar’s graceful neck as he nuzzled her arm. “Will he be alright?”

  “Aye. I believe so. There is nae sign of infection. He will need ta rest for several fortnights though. There will be nae rides or anything strenuous till he is healed.”

  Lucian reached out and stroked his forehead. Arianna’s eyes widened in surprise as Shalizar accepted his touch without flinching.

  “He let’s you touch him?”

  “Aye. Why are ye so shocked?”

  “He was beaten severely by a man who was trying to break him right before I bought him. He has always hated men with a passion since then.”

  “Mayhap he has figured out that nae all men are so cruel.”

  “Maybe.” she conceded. But not bloody likely!

  “If ye will wait here a moment, I will fetch him some water, lass. It appears that his bucket has gone dry.”

  “Thank you, my lord. I’m sure he would like that.”

  “Tis nae mystery why yer horse has taken a shine ta the laird, m’lady.”

  Startled, she jumped, then glanced at the next stall over. “Who’s there?”

  Ian stepped out of the shadows, curry brush in hand.

  “Sorry, m’lady. I did nae mean ta frighten ye.”

  “Don’t worry about it, Ian. I’m just a bit jumpy these days. What did you mean...about it being no mystery?”

  He gave her a lopsided grin as he replied, “Me laird tended ta his wound himself, he did. When he was nae seeing ta ye, he was here, coaxing yer beast ta live...ta nae give up the fight. Horses need that, ye ken. He took yer place since ye was nae able ta be here yourself. Shalizar trusts him now.”

  Arianna was stunned. She could not fathom her gruff husband tending an animal so lovingly.

  “Thank you for telling me, Ian. I must be certain to thank him.”

  “Nay m’lady. He would nae like it being pointed out. Tis nae his way.”

  “Very well...but I will find a way to thank him, just the same.”

  He gave a quick bow and darted away as he saw his laird returning.

  After replacing the bucket in Shalizar’s stall, Lucian turned to his wife. He stroked her bruised cheek as he gazed into her eyes. Ever so slowly, he bent closer to her until their lips met. She wrapped her arms about his neck, pulling him nearer. He moaned with desire, cradling her head in his hand, as he deepened the kiss. Her breath hitched as passion flooded her.

  He pulled back a space, studying the tender look she was gracing him with. There are feelings in her eyes. I can see it. We are truly forging a tight bond together...for I have felt the same. He cleared his throat.

  “Are ye tired, lass?”

  “Not at all,” she replied dreamily.

  Lucian grinned. “I did nae ask if ye required sleep, mo cridhe.” He leered at her.

  “Oh...Oh!” It had taken her a moment to know what he was asking. “I’ll never be too tired for you, Lucian.” Her sultry voice wound around his heart causing a rush of blood to his shaft. He swept her into his arms and headed back to the keep.

  Chapter Nine

  A sennight later the blacksmith had sent word to her that her gift was ready. She was giddy with excitement as the maid helped her ready for the evening feast. Her father was leaving in the morn so they had decided to honor him that eve. She was sad that he was returning home but pleased that he would be able to see Lucian’s gift before he went. Fergus was to bring it to the hall while they supped.

  All eyes turned to her as she entered the huge chamber a short time later. Silence reigned in admiration of her beauty. She glanced quickly behind her to see what was wrong then realized that she was the cause. Arianna frowned.

  Lucian had been speaking with Dugal when the silence alerted him of her presence. His knees quivered for a moment as he spied his stunning wife gliding gracefully toward him.

  She wore a forest green gown of velvet that clung to every supple curve. Her hair was pulled atop her head with the excess flowing down her back in a river of fiery loose curls. Across her brow lay a circlet of gold studded with pearls.

  Exquisite! I did nae notice before how beautiful me wife be! He sucked in a big breath through his gaping mouth, finally remembering to breath, then clamped his mouth shut. He strode to her swiftly, taking her arm.

  “Ye are a vision, Anna.”

  She beamed up at him. “Thank you, Lucian. You look quite fetching yourself tonight.” Her eyes darted around the room as she spoke beneath her breath. “Is something wrong? Everyone’s staring at me.”

  “Nay, wife,” he laughed. “They are in awe of your beauty...and mayhap, envious of me good fortune.”

  She blushed as they were seated on the dais next to her father.

  “For a moment there, lassie, I thought your maither had entered the hall.” Dugal’s eyes misted. “It warms me heart ta ken that I can look at ye and see her again.”

  Her blue eyes softened as she gazed at him. “I am going to miss you, Father. You promise to visit again soon?”

  “Aye, Arianna. A horde of Vikings could nae keep me away!”

  Her eyes sparkled as she laughed. Lucian gave her hand a gentle squeeze as he ordered the festivities to begin. He was pleased to see that his new wife was happy and fitting in so well with her circumstances. He had been a bit concerned at first. Even her strange speech was changing as the days passed by. Lucian did not even think she was aware of it. They were growing closer as well. Aye she pleases me greatly.

  Two hours had passed before Fergus appeared in the hall. She excused herself the moment she spied him and hurried over to collect the gift while Dugal distracted her husband. He handed it to her carefully. She felt the lightness of it through the red velvet wrap.

  Her eyes sparkled. “Did you have any trouble with the metal, Fergus?”

  “Nay, m’lady. Tis the strongest and lightest I have ever made. Tis wondrous metal! If ye ever have more I would be pleased if ye allow me to forge it.”

  “I doubt that will happen but I’ll remember if it does. Thank you, Fergus. I’m in your debt.”

  “Think naught of it, m’lady. Now go and give him his prize.” He grinned widely exposing a few missing teeth. “But be careful...tis terribly sharp.”

  Nodding, she rushed back to the dais.


  “Aye, wife?” He turned to her raising a quizzical brow at the bundle she held.

  “I wanted to give you a gift...a wedding present...when I first asked Fergus to craft this. But now it is even more than that. It is in thanks, as well, for what you did for Shalizar...he even contributed to the making of it.”

  She held it out to him as the clan observed their exchange. Lucian sucked in a breath as he unwrapped the velvet exposing a magnificent sword. The silvery blade was etched in Gaelic: mo gradh (my love), mo bheatha (my life), mo cridhe (my heart), agus mo anam (and my soul).

  He glanced up at her in awe. She had declared herself to him in written word! He was speechless as he looked back at the weapon. The hilt was wrapped tightly with the finest leather in his land and was topped with a large emerald. He gripped it, amazed at the lightness as he raised it for all to see. A loud cheer rose in the hall as the light flashed across the blade.

  “I hope you like it, Lucian. Fergus says it is the finest he’s ever made.”

  Lucian pulled her against him roughly as he placed a passionate kiss on her lips.

  “Tis a beautiful sword, mo cridhe, but how did it come ta be so light?”

  Her eyes darted around them then spoke softly, “I used Shalizar’s horseshoes. They were made of lightweight steel. I didn’t think it was smart for him to wear them here.”

  “Steel? I do nae ken this metal.”

  “My point exactly!”

  “This is a strong metal?”

  She smiled at him. “It withstood Shalizar wearing it! This way you won’t tire as quickly if you have to fight someone. It will keep you safe.”

  He tested the balance and took a few swings with it. His face lit up with pleasure. Arianna frowned when she noticed the emerald.

  “Tis a fine blade, Anna, why do ye frown?”

  “I didn’t have any gems for the hilt. Surely Fergus isn’t rich enough to afford such a stone.”

  “Nay, he is nae. I gave him a handful ta make your gift.” Lucian reached into his sporran and pulled out a gold necklace sporting an emerald pendant along with a matching armband and kirtle.

  She gasped in surprise!

  “It’s beautiful, Lucian. Can I wear it now?”

  He grinned, then murmured in her delicate ear as he placed the pendant around her neck. “Ye can wear it anytime that ye wish, Anna. Tis yours.”

  She fingered the jewel then spun around giving him a huge hug. “Thank you, Lucian. No one has ever given me such a beautiful present before.”

  He held her out from him “Nay? Well that will change now that ye are me bride.” He kissed her brow as he pondered the plans he had made for the rest of the eve.

  A piper began to play a lively jig as the feast continued. He spent the rest of the night teaching Arianna some of their dance steps. It was growing late when she excused herself to use the privy.

  “Do nae be long, lass. I have plans for us this eve.”

  Arianna blushed at his innuendo before a rush of desire flowed through her. Nodding, she hurried off.

  Lucian returned to the dais where Dugal was enjoying his ale. He eyed the earl scrupulously before he spoke.

  “What think ye of me daughter, Lucian? Will she do?”

  He glanced up quickly, surprised at the inquiry.

  “Why do ye ask such a thing? We are wed. It does nae matter since the choice is settled.”

  “Ahh, I disagree, lad. I wish ta ken that she will nae be set aside after I am gone.”

  “Set aside? I would never do such a thing ta her! She is me mate! What is this nonsense ye spout at me?”


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