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Scream, You Die

Page 22

by Fowler, Michael

  All the time Rose was talking Scarlett could feel herself becoming more and more rigid. When she finished she said, “Does the branding look like a crescent moon and a star?”

  Rose’s forehead creased and she nodded. “Certainly a crescent moon, now you mention it. Don’t know about the star. There’s another mark but it just looks like a bit of a blob to me. It was a real mess, to be honest, when she was found. It had gone septic. By rights she should have gone to hospital, but she was too scared to go, so one of the girls treated her and she’s a lot better now. But it’s left a nasty scar.” Rose threw Scarlett a questioning look. “Do you know her or something? Is she wanted?”

  Scarlett shook her head. “Did she explain how she got be in the garages where your friends found her?”

  “She said she’d managed to escape. The men who’d kept her prisoner were taking her and her friend to another house. They told her she was going to work for them.” She paused then added, “She thinks as a prostitute. Well that’s what she said. She was certainly dressed as if she was.”

  “Did she say how she’d managed to get away?”

  “She said they put her and her friend in this big black car, but there was only the driver with them. Not long after they’d set off it got stuck in traffic, and her friend attacked the driver and she’d managed to get out and run.”

  “What happened to her friend?”

  Rose shrugged her shoulders. “She doesn’t know. She just ran until she found that empty garage. She’d been there two days before we found her. She daren’t move.” She paused a moment and added, “Very much like what happened to me.” She paused again, only momentarily, before continuing, “She was terrified of what the men would do to her if they caught her. She thinks something bad happened to her friend. She said the men who held them were really evil.”

  For a minute Scarlett was thoughtful. She ran through everything Rose had just said, desperately trying to piece things together. A new twist had been added to what she was working on and yet things were becoming clearer. After thirty seconds she asked, “Did this girl tell you her name?”

  “She’s called Grazyna. She did tell me her second name but I can’t remember it. And she did tell us the place she came from in Lithuania, but I can’t remember that either. I’d never heard of it.”

  “No problem, Rose. What about her friend she was with? Did she tell you her name?”

  Rose took on a studious look. She appeared to be thinking over the question. After several seconds she shook her head. “She did but I’m sorry, Scarl, I can’t remember it. It’s a name I’ve never heard before. I think it began with a K, but I’m not sure.”

  Scarlett leaned forward, fixing her sister’s look. “Something you said just now about the car they were put in. Did you say Grazyna told you they got into a big black car?”

  Rose nodded. “Yes.”

  “Did she say what type of car it was?”

  Rose seemed to think about the question again. After a few seconds she answered. “No, I don’t think so. I’m sure she just said they were put into this big black car. Why, is it relevant?”

  “Could be. We have a sighting of an Audi Q7, which is a big black four-by-four, on a lane close to where the suitcase with the headless woman was found. The driver of that car was the shaven-headed man whose e-fit you’ve just seen. We’ve not yet been able to identify who the woman is we’ve found.”

  Quick as a flash Rose said, “And you think it could be Grazyna’s friend?”

  “It would certainly fit.” Scarlett clasped her hands together. “One thing I’ve not mentioned. The headless woman in the suitcase had a recent scar on her shoulder. She’d been branded as well, with a crescent moon and a star, which also fits with what happened to your friend Grazyna.” Scarlett unclasped her fingers and pushed herself back. “Just one more question, Rose. Did Grazyna mention the names of any of the men who’d held her and her friend prisoner?”

  “She told us the driver’s name who she’d managed to escape from.” Rose nodded toward the TV. “She told us that his name is Arjan. She said he was Albanian. She told us so we could keep a look out for him.”

  Scarlett spun sharply and met Alex’s look.

  He was sat on the edge of his seat. He had hardly touched his beer.

  Scarlett said, “We have to find where Rose’s friends have gone; this Grazyna is crucial to our investigation.”


  DCI Diane Harris stood at the front of the incident room, a serious look etched on her face.

  Behind her on the interactive screen was the latest body find – Andrius Machuta’s charred remains. There were also various photos of the old abandoned station where the brutal killing had taken place.

  She began the morning briefing.

  “While I’m not yet pointing the finger, the sad fact is that someone, and I believe it’s someone in this room, has leaked information which has caused the deaths of at least two people crucial to our enquiry.” She let her opening words hit home a few seconds before progressing. “In the case of Greta Aglinsky, it could have been Immigration and Border Control, but not in this latest killing. Only this team knew where Andrius Machuta was located. And, although SO 19 were told, the common denominator in both these murders is within this squad.” She paused and scanned the room looking for a reaction on the faces of her team. While no one looked guilty there were a lot of sheepish faces. Continuing, she said, “I will get to the bottom of this, make no mistake, and once I find out who is responsible that person will not only be off the team but they will be under arrest. I have already spoken with the commander and an internal investigation is already underway.” She paused again, taking a deep breath. “While I know it puts everyone under the spotlight I’m afraid there’s nothing I can about that and I can’t halt this investigation. All I can say is that if you are innocent you have nothing to fear.” Pausing again she let the thread of what she had just said peter away. After a few seconds she said, “Right, now to the work of the day.” She brushed the sides of her slacks as if removing something before moving on. “We have a killer or killers out there who have now murdered four people. We still haven’t found out the identity of our headless woman in the suitcase but it is natural to think she like the other victims is Lithuanian, especially given the identical branding to that of Greta Aglinsky. And it is also reasonable to believe the two women are street workers, given the premises in Wandsworth, which we believe we will link Greta to once forensics come back. As to the two men, Henrikas and Andrius, we do not yet know what part they play in all this. Diane Harris took on a more thoughtful look. “The only suspect lead we have at present is our shaven-headed friend” – the head-and-shoulders digital e-fit appeared on screen – “who was sighted on River Lane by our car thieves, standing next to a black Audi Q7 in the early hours prior to the body in the suitcase being found at the bottom of that lane, and also is identical to the driver of a black Q7 involved in a minor RTC two days before that, only a mile from the house in Wandsworth, and who was seen fighting with a young female in the back of the car. As you all know this e-fit was aired on London news last night and although a number of calls came in with names, none of those are definite. Following up those names is a priority today. If anyone is in the least bit suspicious about who they are talking with you immediately call for backup.” Directing a finger at the e-fit on screen she continued, “This man is extremely dangerous. I don’t want any heroics.” She lowered her hand. “We also still haven’t found the Audi Q7. Our viewing team are still going through CCTV and I have an ANPR enquiry out. Also today an enquiry will be allocated to check on what CCTV there is around the Brixton Station Road area to see if we can pick up anyone acting suspicious.” She pushed her hand in her jacket pocket. “That’s it, everyone. Back here tonight for eight o’clock briefing.”


  Scarlett and Tarn together with a Uniform team had been tasked with carrying out house-to-house enquiries in and around the reside
ntial streets leading away from Brixton Station Road. They had also been given responsibility for liaising with the Forensics team who were working in the abandoned station where Andrius Machuta’s body had been discovered.

  Trudging the streets with Tarn, Scarlett was having difficulty focussing. She had a heavy heart and was experiencing a great deal of guilt and shame. She felt as if she was not only betraying the squad by not disclosing what she found out from Rose last night, but also that she was betraying DCI Harris, who she respected immensely. She had a name for their suspect and she couldn’t mention it. She wanted to, but she had difficulty with how she could introduce it without mentioning where it had come from. Rose after all was still a suspect in their parents’ murder. And although she now could give a good account of herself it would still mean arrest and a couple of days in a cell while it was cleared up. She knew Rose wasn’t ready for that and it would complicate the relationship they had just resurrected again after all these years. It was a dilemma she knew she had to deal with, and soon, if she wanted to retain her credibility and her place on the team. She had her fingers crossed that Alex and Rose would come up trumps today with finding where the people had gone from the squat. That way she would have access to Grazyna and that should go some way to clearing up the problem of revealing the e-fit suspect by name.


  Scarlett was shattered, physically and mentally, by the time she got to Alex’s place. Rose greeted her at the door in buoyant mood, skipping away back to the lounge, calling back over her shoulder, “Drink, Scarl?” as Scarlett closed the door behind her.

  “I could murder one,” she replied, prising off her boots and unzipping her leather motorbike jacket.

  Entering the lounge, she saw that the ten o’clock news had just started and flopped onto the sofa. Alex was busy in the kitchen, preparing something on the work surface. Rose was pouring a glass of wine.

  Alex looked her way. “I’m just making us a sandwich –cheese and tomato – want one?”

  Scarlett was handed the wine. She raised her glass. “That sounds delish.”

  She took a sip of the chilled white wine, removed the glass from her lips and eyeing it said, “That hit the spot.”

  “How’s your day gone, Scarl?” asked Rose, plonking herself beside her.

  Rose’s sudden movement bounced the cushion up and Scarlett had to quickly place a hand over the top of her glass to stop the wine slopping over the rim. “More to the point, how’s you two’s day gone? Did you find your mates?”

  Rose shook her head, “We went to a couple of the places where they normally hang out but there was no one there.” She glanced over her shoulder to where Alex was plating up the sandwiches. “We’re going to try some other places tomorrow aren’t we?”

  Alex nodded, taking a bite of a sandwich. Then, balancing three plates, he joined them, handing them each a plate.

  He settled in the chair looking at Scarlett. “We’ll find them, don’t worry. And we’ll find your witness.”


  Everyone was on their best behaviour. Two detectives from Professional Standards, or the “Rubber-Heel Squad”, as they were more commonly known, were sat in morning briefing. Very little in the way of results came from it. Lots of work was ongoing but no fresh leads were being delivered. Scarlett kept her head down, doodling on her pad, feeling as if a great weight was bearing down her. From her lowered head she eyed the two Professional Standards detectives with wariness. The last thing she wanted was to be interviewed by them right now. She prayed that Alex and Rose would find her sister’s friends today.

  Scarlett made her way to the office following break-up of briefing and picked up her things from her desk ready to begin her day. Tapping the edges of a bunch of house-to-house forms into line she caught the sound of Professional Standards talking with DI Taylor-Butler in the corridor outside and she attempted to jolly Tarn along for them to leave.

  “I’ve just got a couple of phone calls to make, Scarlett,” he replied, picking up the phone.

  Hearing the doors opening behind her she stuffed the pink forms into her bag and answered back, “Okay, I’ll just be with the HOLMES team next door. Just come and collect me when you’re done.” With that she hurried off, slipping past the two Professional Standards investigators coming though the doors, without giving them a glance.


  During mid-afternoon Scarlett and Tarn got a breakthrough, of sorts. Two streets along from Brixton Station Road a mechanic who worked in a small garage remembered seeing two strangers pull up in a silver car near to the premises shortly after eleven p.m. on the day Andrius was murdered. After parking up, he described seeing the men get out of their car, put on baseball caps and then walk off down the road in the direction of Brixton Station Road. He told them he hadn’t been able to see their faces, but was able to say that one was taller than the other and that the smaller of the two was overweight. He described them as both wearing mid-length black leather jackets and that the silver car they came in was a BMW. Unfortunately the man didn’t see them come back to their car because he was working in the back of the garage.

  They got a statement from him and phoned it in.

  Scarlett had just returned her BlackBerry to her bag when her personal mobile rang. She pulled it out, viewed the caller and saw that it was Alex.

  “Got to get this, Tarn,” she said urgently and turned away, swiping the screen to answer as she took a few steps out of earshot from her partner. “Hello,” she answered, deliberately not calling Alex by name.

  “We’ve found them!” he said.

  Scarlett cupped a hand around her phone. “Where?” she hissed quietly.

  “Rose and I are with Gareth now. We found him at his old stomping ground at Charing Cross. Rose is speaking with him now. She’s trying to persuade him to go for a coffee.”

  “Listen, Alex, hold onto him. Don’t let him get away. I’m coming across there right away.” She ended the call and dropped her phone back into her bag. She glanced up to see Tarn looking in her direction. She walked towards him. “Tarn, I’ve got to go, something’s cropped up.”

  He gave her a puzzled look.

  “Can’t say too much at the moment. I’ve got to meet with someone urgently. Can you cover for me for a couple of hours?”

  His bottom lip tightened. “You’re not doing a Lone Ranger on me again are you?”

  She threw him a grin. “No way, Tonto.”

  The edge of his mouth curled up and he shook his head at her.

  Scarlett said, “Promise I’ll fill you in soon. You couldn’t drop me off at the Underground could you?”

  “Sure thing, Kemosabe,” he winked.


  Scarlett caught the train from Brixton, jumped off at Stockwell and then took the Northern Line into Charing Cross. Emerging from the station she texted Alex to say she had arrived and got a text back to say they were in a coffee shop on the Strand. Putting in a brisk walk she found the place five minutes from the station. Alex, Rose and her friend Gareth were sitting at a table by the window. She joined them, offering out her hand to Gareth as she sat.

  He took it and gave her a weak handshake saying, “I can’t believe I’m collaborating with the cops, man.”

  Gazing across the table she took in Gareth’s dishevelled appearance. His shoulder-length light brown hair was lank and greasy. The combat jacket, which she had seen him wearing on the last couple of occasions, was stained and the cuffs were frayed. Though she had to admit one thing as she looked him up and down – he was a good-looking man. Thinking about her sister she couldn’t help but wonder what his background story was and how he had ended up living rough.

  Rose flicked his upper arm with her fingers. “We’ve already talked about this, Gareth. You’re not collaborating with the cops. You’re helping us catch our parents’ killers and the people who hurt Grazyna. And anyway, Scarlett is my sis. She’s a good cop.”

  He looked Rose in the eye and s
hrugged. “You’ve changed.”

  Rose’s face took on a hurt look. “That’s not fair, Gareth. I haven’t changed. I’ve just seen things differently over the last couple of days. I’ve kept it bottled up all these years and now I know it’s time to sort things out. Catching who killed Mum and Dad has always been my aim. Catching up with my Scarl has brought it to the fore.”

  He held up his hands. “Your call, Rose.”

  Scarlett locked onto Gareth’s blue grey eyes and said softly, “I’m guessing Rose has explained everything to you?”

  He nodded. “I’ve known about her parents’ – your parents’ – murders a long time. She’s filled me in with what’s happened recently and also the thing with Grazyna.”

  “So you know how important it is we speak with Grazyna then?”

  His face gave up a look of reluctance. “She came to us for help. Everyone from the squat has issues, man, especially with the law. I’m not too sure about this.”

  Rose reached across and took his hand. They exchanged gazes. She said, “Look, Gareth, you still trust me don’t you?”

  He seemed to think about the question for a few seconds before responding. “Yeah, I guess so.”

  “Good. Well you don’t think I’d be going to all this trouble to cause you any problems? Especially after everything you’ve done for me. Grazyna is just like I used to be – lost, grappling with her problems and a long way from home. Can’t you see we’re trying to help her? My Sis is trying to help her.”

  Scarlett interjected, “Gareth, I know you have issues with cops. I can’t imagine for one minute what your life has been like over the years. Just speaking with Rose over the last few days has certainly opened my eyes, but I’m definitely not here to add to your burden. Grazyna and her friend were tricked into coming to this country, held prisoner and seriously hurt, and we now believe her friend was murdered. Grazyna can help us put these men away for a very long time. It is imperative we talk to her.”


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