Book Read Free

Lovely Distraction

Page 3

by J. J. Dorn

  “Let’s do it,” Livy said boldly.

  Jamieson let out a light laugh. “Well after you.”

  He ushered me out of the bar with the rest of our friends never leaving my side. When we got to the parking lot he hesitated just for a moment before crossing the street to catch up with his friends who were waiting next to a black Cadillac Escalade.

  Livy had driven her charcoal Audi so we piled in to follow the guys to their house.

  It only took us a few minutes to get to Huntsville Mountain. We pulled off the main road and onto a long gated driveway. It was no secret Jamieson was wealthy and I should have guessed he would live in this neighborhood, but still I was taken aback as we passed mansion after mansion. We finally pulled up to a sprawling southern estate. As I watched the large house grow in size as we approached, I felt my stomach dip low in my belly. I was clearly playing outside of my league.

  We pulled up next to the Escalade and proceeded to bail out of the car. Audrey and Livy excitedly chatted about the beautiful home we were entering. Jamieson stood on the front porch in front of a massive set of dark black wood doors.

  “Ladies,” he greeted my friends as he guided them inside. I was close behind but taking my time. When I reached Jamieson he flashed me his sexy grin. “Welcome to my home, Jenna.” I didn’t know what to say so I just smiled shyly in return.

  Jamieson followed close behind me as I made my way down the front hallway. I could hear Derrick and Julian entertaining the girls nearby.

  “Would you like a tour?”

  “Yes, very much so,” I said eagerly.

  Jamieson smiled and led me through the house to a beautiful sprawling living room. It was gorgeous with its slate gray couches and dark wood flooring. There was a huge TV mounted inside a beautiful white wood built-in that showcased a cozy fireplace. In front of the couches there was a very inviting plush cream rug. I immediately pictured lying on the gorgeous rug snuggled in front of the roaring fireplace with Jamieson. I felt my cheeks flush from my fantasy.

  “And through here?” I asked trying to distract myself from my overactive imagination.

  I began walking toward the voices I heard earlier. I didn’t have to go far before I was in the middle of a massive ivory white kitchen filled with our friends. If there was a kitchen to end all kitchens this would have been it. All the appliances were commercial grade stainless steel. The cabinets were white with glass fronts. I was impressed at how organized all the dishes were aligned, especially since Jamieson was a bachelor. That was not something a boy would typically be concerned about, but then again, Jamieson Wellington was surprising me at every turn.

  “You have a beautiful home, Jamieson.” Audrey told him as he fixed a drink from the bar that ran along the far wall of the kitchen.

  “Thank you.”

  “How many rooms is it?” she quizzed him. Audrey had always been interested in architecture and interior design so I could only imagine what she was thinking.

  “Five, but one bedroom I made into a study so really six,” he said nonchalantly handing me a drink as well.

  “Seems a bit big for a single guy,” Livy piped up from across the room.

  “Oh I don’t live here alone. Derrick and Julian live here with me,” he clarified.

  “So like a mini frat?” Livy suggested, clearly trying to get a reaction.

  Julian let out a low chuckle. “Something like that.”

  “More like a mini playboy mansion.” Derrick chimed in.

  His statement sent a pang of jealousy shooting through me. I knew I had no right to feel that way considering this was only the second encounter I’d had with Jamieson, but the idea of half-naked girls running through this house sent ice water coursing through my veins.

  “I think its GTA time!” Julian shouted.

  “Let’s do it!” Derrick agreed as he grabbed a couple beers from the fridge.

  “What the fuck is GTA?” Liv asked the obvious question.

  “Grand Theft Auto, baby.” Julian said excitedly.

  “You mean the video game?” I asked totally perplexed at the thought these full grown men would be this excited over a video game.

  “Not just a video game—the best video game ever made!” Julian replied. The guys must have finally understood that Audrey, Livy and I had no idea what they were talking about. I’m sure our faces gave us away.

  “Looks like we have three virgins here,” Derrick sneered and made his way to the living room with his beers.

  “Well come on ladies, we are about to show you what the hype is all about,” Julian clamored. Audrey and Olivia followed behind him totally laughing at his boyish excitement.

  I stole a look at Jamieson to see if he shared Derrick and Julian’s obvious video game obsession. He gave nothing away. He was softly looking at me with a light smile. I shuddered lightly under his gaze.

  “We haven’t finished our tour.” he reminded me, never breaking our connection.

  “Sorry. I would love to see the rest of the house.”

  Jamieson lead me through the entire downstairs. There were three bedrooms on the first floor. Derrick and Julian lived on the downstairs floor. Each of their large rooms had their own en-suite bathrooms, which put most master bedrooms to shame. There was also an additional full bathroom downstairs and a home gym.

  “Wow, I can’t even imagine what you would need an upstairs for.” I said to him as we circled back toward the massive staircase in the front hallway.

  “Let me show you.” A smirk spread wide across his lips as he led the way upstairs.

  At the top of the beautiful dark wood staircase, I could see inside what I assumed to be Jamieson’s study. There was an enormous wood L-shaped dark desk that held multiple computer screens.

  “Your office?” I asked.

  “Yes.” He led me inside.

  It was exactly how I pictured it to be, sophisticated and intimidating, much like Jamieson himself. I examined the many shelves and framed diplomas on the wall.

  “You graduated from the University of Alabama?”

  “Rolltide.” he said, grinning at me.

  “That’s too bad and here I thought you were damn near perfect.” I kidded.

  “That makes two of us. I’m not usually attracted to Big Orange fans.” His confession left me slightly breathless. He was attracted to me. There it was, the confession I could feel deep down in my bones, but the real question was what did he plan on doing about it?


  I squinted my heavy eye-lids half open. I didn’t recognize my surroundings. I willed myself to try to sit up but the minute I tried to move I felt like I was going to puke. Maybe I had already puked, I felt like absolute hell. My head pounded incessantly and all my limbs felt like they were bruised. I knew I was in a bed but the real question was where?

  “Good morning, baby.” That voice broke me out of whatever stupor I was in. I snapped my eyes open to see a very naked Jamieson Wellington coming out of the bathroom. I quickly scanned my surroundings. I was not in my hotel room with Audrey and Olivia. No, I was in massive suite which I assumed belonged to none other than Jamieson Fucking Wellington and much to my absolute horror, I was stark naked in his damn bed.

  I quickly began wrapping up in the blankets to shield myself from him. I leaned over the bed looking for my dress but it was nowhere in sight.

  “Looking for your clothes?” He asked with a mischievous smile that made me want to jump up and slap his face. He strolled over to me, lightly tossing a robe from the bathroom in my direction.

  I ducked under the covers and tightened the robe around me. My mind was trying like crazy to remember what the hell happened last night but the last thing I can remember was dancing with Audrey and Olivia. What had I done? Did I just destroy my entire universe in one drunken night?

  I snapped. “Jamieson, what in the fuck happened last night?”

  “You don’t remember?” He said looking slightly amused which pissed me off even more. I
was going to be sick any second and this dip shit wanted to play games with me.

  “I wouldn’t ask if I remembered!”

  “Look at your left hand maybe it will remind you.” He barked. Why the hell was he getting pissed off? I was the one who just fucking cheated on their fiancé!

  I glanced down at my left hand trying to solve the riddle but what I saw there only brought a flood of questions. My simple solitaire diamond ring from Cain had been replaced by three massive round diamonds that were clustered with smaller diamonds all around them. But even more perplexing was there was a second ring that sat beside it. A massive stunner, it too dripping in perfect sparkly diamonds.

  “Whose rings are these?” I asked my voice shaking in fear for the answer to come.

  “Yours.” Jamieson replied, not looking at me. He was reading a newspaper and drinking coffee at a round table across the room. His nonchalant behavior was getting on my last nerve. He could care less that my life was totally imploding right in front of him.

  “Who gave them to me?” I tried again to gain answers.

  Jamieson neatly folded his paper and placed it on the table. He then turned and looked at me, examining me for a long while before he simply stated, “I did.”

  “But why?” My voice pleaded for him to put me out of my misery and just tell me how bad I royally fucked up.

  “Because you’re my wife, Jenna,” he stated coolly and without emotion. I peered down at the rings on my left hand once again. I had hoped they had disappeared and this was all just a figment of my imagination, but no such luck. I closed my eyes willing myself to get control but my body had other ideas. I shot straight out of bed and raced to the bathroom just in time to empty the contents of my stomach in the toilet. Oh God, what the hell have I done?

  I don’t know how long I had been locked in the bathroom of Jamieson’s luxury suite. I’m guessing an hour, maybe two. I had nothing more to throw up. I had stopped dry heaving about twenty minutes ago. I drank a few sips of water from the faucet and have yet to puke that up so I’m hoping that means I was getting better. I started thinking about getting up and going out there but I didn't want to face him. I didn't know what to say. Apparently I got married to my ex last night but I have no memory of it. How did this happen? Who has a Bachelorette party and ends up getting married to their ex instead? What am I going to tell Cain? What am I going to tell my family? This could not possibly get any worse.

  As I laid on the cool tile floor having my silent freak out, I heard knocking at the door. I waited to hear Jamieson answer but the knocking just continued. I tried to ignore it but then I thought maybe it was Audrey and Olivia coming to find me so I got up.

  I dizzily made my way out of the bathroom. I looked around for Jamieson but he wasn’t in the room. I opened the door and a young man in a black suit greeted me. “Hello, Mrs. Wellington, I have come to deliver your dry cleaning.”

  The young man handed me a hanger covered in clear plastic which was obviously my dress from last night. “Uh…thank you.” Crap, where is my purse he needs a tip.

  “Your wedding dress has also been cleaned. It is being boxed up and will be shipped to your home per Mr. Wellington’s request.” Dress? What wedding dress? My wedding dress is at home in Alabama waiting for me to do my final fitting.

  The young man continued to smile at me waiting for his tip. “I’m sorry I can’t find my purse —”

  He immediately cut me off. “Oh your husband has already taken care of my tip, Ma’am. Thank you for your kindness.” Of course Jamieson had tipped him in advance. The man has more money than he knows what to do with.

  “Well thank you.” I said attempting to retreat back into the room.

  “You’re welcome and congratulations Mrs. Wellington.” he blurted out before I closed the door on him. Mrs. Wellington? I was supposed to be Mrs. Stratford. I needed to get out of here and fast, so that maybe I could try to undo some of this colossal damage.

  As soon as I stopped throwing up for the second time that morning I pulled on my freshly cleaned dress from last night and made my way downstairs to the suite I shared with Audrey and Olivia.

  I still didn’t know where my purse was so I banged on the door praying that by some miracle someone was inside the room.

  “There you are! Where the fuck have you been?” Olivia fumed as she pulled open the door.

  I took a steadying breath before I continued through the door. “I was with Jamieson.”

  “Obviously.” Livy grumbled as she shut the door.

  “What the heck happened last night, Jenna? We were worried sick. You left your purse with your phone in the club.” Audrey questioned me from the corner of the room.

  “I honestly don’t know what happened guys. I’m freaking out right now. All I know is I woke up naked in Jamieson’s bed.” I swallowed down another lump of bile as I relayed what bit of information I knew.

  “Oh shit. You did what?” Livy screeched.

  “Oh no, Jenna, you didn’t.” Audrey whispered sympathetically.

  Watching their reactions to my confession was horrible. I knew they wouldn’t judge me for what mistakes I had made. They would walk this painful journey with me because they were my friends and that’s what friends do for one another. This was supposed to be a happy time but I had single-handedly destroyed all of it and I couldn’t be more ashamed.

  “It gets worse.” I choked out. I knew I had to tell them. They would surely spot the giant ring on my left hand that wasn’t Cain’s.

  “WHAT IS THAT?” Olivia demanded yanking my hand up to her face to examine the shiny bling on my left hand. Busted.

  “Apparently we also got married last night.”

  “You did what?” Audrey said jumping up from the bed to get a closer look.

  “I don’t remember any of it. I guess I blacked-out at some point. The last thing I can remember was dancing with you guys at the club.”

  “Do you remember dancing with Jamieson?” Olivia pressed.

  “No. When was I dancing with him?”

  “You guys danced most of the night.” Audrey offered.

  “Did you see me leave with him?” And why didn’t you try to stop me?

  “No you two sat down at some point and were talking for a very long time. Audrey and I didn’t want to interrupt because we thought maybe you two were finally getting some closure about the past. I’m so sorry, Jenna, we should have never left you alone with him.” Livy looked distraught.

  “It’s not your fault. Regardless of whether I was drunk or sober I made my bed.”

  “I knew I shouldn’t have listened to Derrick.” Audrey muttered.

  “What are you talking about Audrey?” I asked her quizzically.

  “Well, when we all returned to the table after dancing and you were gone I wanted to try to find you but Derrick told me to not interfere with whatever was happening. He told me that Jamieson needed to tell you things before you married Cain. I thought you guys just went somewhere quiet to talk. He said Jamieson had specifically come to Vegas to see you. I should have never listened to him.” She looked up at me with regret woven throughout her face.

  “Audrey it’s not your fault at all. I did this.” I felt horrible seeing my friend attempting to shoulder this burden for me.

  “So what do you want to do, Jenna?” Livy asked the million dollar question.

  “I need to go home so I can sort this all out.” I told them in a somber tone.

  “I’ll call the airline and get us tickets.” Audrey grabbed her phone.

  I stood there unmoving for a long time listening to Audrey hurriedly chat with a representative from the airline. Olivia began packing items up around the room. I listened to the calm chaos unfolding in the room around me and I willed myself to not get sick again.

  “Jenna can I ask you something?” Olivia's voice dragged me back to reality.

  “Yeah.” I didn’t look at her; I just kept staring out the window to the busy strip below.

  “Where is Jamieson now?”

  “I don’t know, Liv. When I woke up he was in the room. I was confused and I asked him to tell me what happened but he didn’t, not really. He just told me to look at my left hand. I got sick after that and locked myself in the bathroom. He left while I was in there.”

  “Fucking prick.” Livy muttered as she tossed some clothes at me from my bag. “Go change, we are going to get you home.”

  It only took three hours and I was seated in between my two best friends on a flight back home to Huntsville. I had no idea what I was going to do once I returned home but at least I wouldn’t be stuck in Las Vegas with my horrible new husband.

  “Okay here’s the way I see it.” Liv said looking at her phone. “We have exactly 87 days to get you unmarried as Mrs. Wellington so you can get remarried as Mrs. Stratford.”


  “No, wait hear me out. We will get your marriage with Jamieson annulled and then you can get married to Cain. No one has to know Jenna. Audrey and I will take this to the grave for you.”

  “Of course we will and I have a few favors I could call in to get your annulment pushed forward.” Audrey offered enthusiastically.

  I knew they would take this with them to the grave if I asked it of them, but the problem was—I would still have to live with it until I met my grave and that I couldn’t do. I may have my flaws but I am an honest person and I couldn’t live with myself deceiving Cain that way. I had made up my mind sitting in the airport waiting for our plane. I had to tell him and let the chips fall where they may. There was no going back now, there was only forward and forward was going to beyond suck.

  “Thanks guys, but I can’t do that. I need to be honest with Cain. It’s the right thing to do.” I told them with determination.

  “Well we will be right by your side the entire time.” Liv and Audrey each took one of my hands. I felt a tear slide down my cheek as our plane propelled us forward deeper into my worst nightmare. Dear Lord, please see me through this.



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