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by Frank Carey

  Table of Contents

  Table of Contents


  Chapter 1 - Ventos Prime Inbound

  Chapter 2 – Unwelcome Visitors

  Chapter 3 - What Now?

  Chapter 4 - Getting Away from it All

  Chapter 5 - Christa Arrives

  Chapter 6 - Machinations

  Chapter 7 - Suit Fighting

  Chapter 8 - A Call for Arms

  Chapter 9 - Strolling Down the Promenade Deck

  Chapter 10 - Rebuilding Brenda

  Chapter 11 - Growing Children

  Chapter 12 - The Big Decision

  Chapter 13 - Jelly Beans

  Chapter 14 - Up and Running

  Chapter 15 - Subterfuge

  Chapter 16 - Meet and Greet

  Chapter 17 - Discoveries and Skullduggery

  Chapter 18 - Ashley and Grayson

  Chapter 19 - Semi-Final Match

  Chapter 20 - The Reception

  Chapter 21 - The Day After

  Chapter 22 - Lenora

  Chapter 23 - The Cafe

  Chapter 24 - Parts

  Chapter 25 – Another Meet and Greet

  Chapter 26 - Nefarious Deeds

  Chapter 27 - The Chrono Ticks

  Chapter 28 - Pre-match Jitters

  Chapter 29 - The Match

  Chapter 30 - Meet the Grange

  Chapter 31 - Breach

  Chapter 32 - The Plan

  Chapter 33 - Marta

  Chapter 34 - Grandkids

  Chapter 35 - The Big Play

  Chapter 36 - Marta's Return

  Chapter 37 - End Game

  About the Author


  Heroes of the League Book 11

  By Frank Carey


  Copyright © 2016 by Frank Carey

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the author except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages in a review.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  This story appeared previously as The Smuggler’s Wife.

  League Tale #17

  Chapter 1 - Ventos Prime Inbound

  "Cover!" Royce yelled to Team One as bullets whizzed by and grenades exploded around them. I was in no mood to get safe with my team being cut to ribbons by a force five times our size, so I knelt down and started reducing the odds against us. I thumbed my weapon to eleven and opened fired while my people made it to cover in the nearby ruins.

  "Captain! Get your ass out of the rain!" Maj. Aymar yelled from next to a rubble wall.

  I ejected the gun's power pack and slammed in the last spare as the empty hit the ground. I stood up and ran back to the ruins, taking out hostiles behind us as I went. I slid into the wall next to Royce before acknowledging his order, "Aye, sir. Getting my ass out of the rain."

  Royce was big, especially for an elf. Rumor had it he's killed at least one hostile by picking him up with his tail and throwing him into a wall. He looked down and stared at me with his yellow, slit-pupil eyes. "Nice that you could join us Captain. Get caught up in the moment?"

  "Roger that, sir," I yelled while leaning out around him to shoot two more hostiles. "You know what I'm like when I'm in a target-rich environment."

  "Copy that," he replied as he took out three more. "Get the team ready. We have a rescue ship coming in."

  I stopped and stared at him, a feeling of foreboding washing over me. "Excuse me, sir? There's a platoon of nasties out there, and Liz is sending a single ship?"

  "Roger that, Captain. She didn't bother sending details except that the pilot volunteered. He'll be here any moment."

  I heard a high-pitched screeching noise, like when a plane was diving in one of those old war movies Aerith was so fond of watching.

  Like the ones her father watched before...

  The wave of foreboding got stronger as the scream got louder. I looked around and saw nothing except blaster fire from the woods. Around me, Team One was either attending to the wounded or firing at the hostiles. The scream was coming from... Above.

  I looked up and saw the impossible. A ball of sun-bright light was falling straight down at the enemy position. My helmet's heads-up display read it as plasma--air so hot that it became the fourth state of matter. "Everyone take cover!" I screamed.

  Royce looked up and whispered, "That's impossible." He switched to a much louder voice. "Compression wave inbound. Seal your helmets!"

  Immediately, I pressed a control on my gauntlet, sealing my helmet to my suit and shutting down the external mics. Normally used during demolition missions, this setup would protect me from the incoming shock wave. After a quick look-see to make sure the rest of my team was safe, I pressed myself against a wall.

  I didn't have long to wait. The ground and the building around us rippled as the plasma ball hit the planet. My HUD was spewing readings that were off the scale. It was as if a nuke had gone off nearby, but without the radiation.

  "Clear! Marines, time to leave!" Royce yelled over the intercom.

  We got up, grabbed the wounded, and headed around the building. The first thing I noticed was the lack of hostile fire. I came around the corner and saw why. In front of me was a freighter, a beat up, scorched, and damaged freighter hovering over a crater, surrounded by the wreckage of the hostile force. The rear loading ramp was down and standing next to it was a tall elf wearing a black duster, his hair pulled back in a ponytail. He was waving to us to get inside.

  It was my ex-husband, Harmon Aymar.

  He was smiling.

  Before I could say anything, a bullet ripped through his chest.

  I woke up.

  "Hey, what's up?" Harmon said as he knelt next to me and put his hand on my arm.

  "Nightmare," I replied as I uncurled. Harm always installed the most comfortable seats on every ship he built, this one being no exception.

  "Which mission this time?" he asked while handing me a mug of tea.

  "Thanks. Segue Six with just a hint of Maranta Five," I replied before taking a sip.

  "Do I want the details?" he asked while handing me a small plate with a scone on it. Harm made the best scones in the universe.

  "Not really," I replied between bites. "Where are we?"

  He glanced at the NAVComp display on the dashboard. "We're an hour out from Ventos Prime."

  "Any word on the kids?"

  "Losi called while you were asleep. All was well. Shenda was resting while Chasm was standing next to her bed, staring. The nurses check his pulse every once in a while to make sure he's still alive."

  I shook my head. Being a genetically engineered life form, Chasm had been gestated in a chamber. He's never experienced natural childbirth, not even his own. I looked at Harm and saw the frown. "I'm fine, dammit. It was only a dream."

  "Dreams are powerful. Some believe they're the manifestation of the mind's unfettered processing of stored events. Others think they are portents of things to come."

  "What do you think, my love?"

  "I think you're as worried about Shenda as I am."

  I took his hand and kissed it. The crazy elf knew me all too well. Try as I might, I wouldn't stop worrying about my kid. This is her first baby and neither her, nor her husband were, what some would call, normal, which is why specialists from around the League attended the birth. "Is your sister worried?"

  "Dr. Losira Irithyl, Queen of Ventos Prime and Lea
gue-class physician, worried? Never. She's convinced we all need to lighten up and enjoy the moment."

  "But Shenda is early..." I reminded him.

  "And so were you, if memory serves. Elflings are usually early. Something about mixing the human and elf DNA speeds the process up."

  Right, elf and human DNA, except that Shenda has a few other DNAs mixed in by the Office of Security's Special Projects division. Damn them all to hell for what they did to Shenda and her three siblings. "You're right. I just need to concentrate on Shenda. So, what aren't you telling me?"

  I watched Harm feign innocence. Thank God, he's cute. "Not working, elf. What aren't you telling me?"

  "EMEF Teams One through Four are on alert. There is intelligence chatter about a kidnapping planned involving Shenda, Chasm, and the newborns."

  "Who wants to die?" I said calmly while meaning every word of the threat I implied. I've been through one kidnapping of my kids and I won't go through another.

  "Word is a group of ex-SpecPro agents is behind it."

  Special Projects? I thought they were out of the picture after your mother 'took care' of their leader, Director Muntz."

  "I wish. Mother is reportedly suiting up for battle."

  Even with four teams from the elite Elf Marine Expeditionary Force present, Queen Mother Lenora Irithyl still feels the need the take an active hand in protecting her own. I must be the only Earth-human woman who adores her in-laws. I decided to relax, for now, and just enjoy the rest of the trip. Nothing short of a Goranthi battle group had a chance of getting past the Marines protecting my family. I should know, I trained most of them. "God bless your mother."

  Harm smile. It's good to see him smile. "So, what'cha doing for the next hour?" I asked.

  The smile got wider.


  Harm built his ships with comfort and safety in mind. The one we were using today, the Algonquin, was a typical three-person freighter used mostly as a high-speed courier. He had made mostly cosmetic changes it to it, adding ultra-comfortable seating and over-sized inertial dampeners to keep the ride smooth. In addition, he had added a small armory, you know, just in case.

  Ten minutes out from Ventos orbit, I strolled into the small arsenal and geared up. That's when I found the small purple--my favorite color--box with ribbon and bow. It had a tag with my name on it. "Harm! Get in here," I yelled as I examined the box. It was heavy.

  "Darling, I really need to fly the ship. What's up?" he asked.

  I showed him the box while I raised both eyebrows.

  "Oh yeah, happy birthday," he said, giving me a kiss before running back to the cockpit.

  "Birthday?" I mumbled as I tore the ribbon off. I looked at my wrist chrono. "Damn, it's tomorrow," I mumbled some more as I opened the box. Inside was another box, this one inlaid wood. I gasped. Inside was a matched pair of Remington M1911A1 pistols converted from .45 Caliber ACP slugs to blasters. Each weapon had purple pearl inlaid handles. Sitting between them were two monogrammed power packs and damned if those packs weren't industry standard. On the table, next to where the box had sat, were two small-of-the-back holsters made from genuine Ventosian butterfly leather. I nearly fainted before putting the holsters on and inserting the pistols. Damn, these babies were smooth.

  I walked out and pirouetted. "How do they look?" I asked.

  "Beautiful. My leather smith assures me they are virtually invisible under a jacket."

  Grabbing a coat from a closet, I tried it out. The smith was right. They are invisible. I ran over and gave my husband a big hug and kiss. "You know me too well. They're authentic, right?"

  "Yep. They belonged to a Marine colonel who used them in Earth's World War II. I heard his family was trying to find a good home for them, so I contacted them. They were thrilled when I told them I was going to give them to a decorated Marine general. I donated the inner mechanism to an Earth military museum where they are on permanent display."

  I nearly cried. To hell with it, I cried.

  Chapter 2 – Unwelcome Visitors

  Harm landed us on the roof of the hospital where we were greeted by EMEF Team One, my old team. Damn, they looked smart, proud, and ready. I walked out followed by Harm, and they saluted both of us. As we returned the salute, I realized that Harm was still pulling that "keep in the background" shtick of his by walking behind me. As Prince Lucien of Ventos Prime, he should have taken the lead. I really need to have another talk with the boy about his aversion to royalty.

  I walked over to the team commander, Maj. Sana Eloen, Elf Marine and my adopted daughter, who stood at attention along with her team. "At ease, Major. Status report, please." I said.

  "General! My prince! Teams Two through four are on station around the facility. Government forces are deployed outside, and we have the cruiser Shepherd on standby. We also have a herd of robofelines patrolling both the perimeter and the building."

  I looked over at Harm who just shrugged. "What can I say?" he replied to my raised eyebrows. "I had some spares lying around."

  "Right. Any word on Shenda and the babies?"

  "The queen reported no change in condition as of thirty minutes ago."

  I stopped. That feeling of foreboding was back. "When is she or her staff due for a check-in?"


  I looked at Harm. As casual as he was at reporting in, his sister was that much a stickler at maintaining protocol. She was late by less than a minute and that was blatantly impossible. "Major, sound the alert. We have a problem. Harm, activate the felines!"

  Nodding, Harm meowed. A large tabby cat appeared out of nowhere and ran up to stand in front of the tall elf. Harm made a series of purring-clicking noises. The cat ran to the edge of the roof and leapt over the side. We could hear its repulsors kick in the moment it had cleared the parapet.

  "Move people!" I yelled while running to the stairway access.

  When I got to the access door leading to the obstetrics floor, I could hear yelling and blaster fire. I opened the door a crack and saw two beings in the middle of the hallway with weapons pointing at the ceiling. Around them, the staff and patients were on the floor. Looking around, I saw an elevator door shimmering with a force field. Having seen what I needed, I closed the door and turned to Harmon. "Cloak the ship, now." He touched a button on his wrist chrono and nodded. "I'm glad we arrived unannounced," I whispered. "We've got two hostiles holding staff and patients hostage and a force field sealing the elevators. I think these morons plan an aerial escape."

  Sana turned to her second in command. "Scan the interior using a rotating frequency."

  "Aye, ma'am," Capt. Lear said while pulling her scan pad out.

  "Sgt. Minty, get back upstairs and keep an eye on the roof. I need to know if and when out friends arrive. Oh, and shoot any unknowns coming up these stairs," Sana ordered.

  "Aye-aye, ma'am!" the young Storen said as she ran back up the stairs.

  "Ma'am, I have the scan data you requested," Lear reported.

  "Go," Sana ordered.

  "I read five individuals with pulse-blaster weapons, two outside our door and three down the hall. Overlaying the floor schematic with the positions of the hostiles shows the three down the hall are out of sight of these two. The three are with your daughter and Mr. Chasm."

  "Dammit," I hissed. "The other teams are probably locked-out by the force fields. Can we get word to them?"

  Sana looked at her comm officer, Sgt. Trell. He looked at his gauntlet and shook his head. "No joy. The whole floor is being jammed.

  Sgt. Minty ran down the stairs. "We have company! A ship just landed. I count ten hostiles. I sealed the door, but I don't know for how long."

  Before Sana or I could say anything, Harm piped up. "I've got this," he said as he took a telepresence control headband from his pocket and placed it around his head.

  "What did you bring this time?" I asked.

  "The usual, a Minotaur suit. The Cube requested a demo unit, but I only had a combat-ready one." He ta
pped the band three times to tie-into the TP suit.

  "Sgt. Jasper," Sana said to the Sokuhl sergeant, "You and Minty stay here. Keep any strays at bay. General, is there any use in my asking you to stay..."

  I pulled out my weapons and set them to heavy stun. "No, not really," I replied. Above us, the sound of blaster and gunfire could be heard reverberating down the stairwell from the roof.

  Sana opened the door a crack and saw the two goons were preoccupied by a rather statuesque nurse. Sana held up three fingers, then two, then one. When she dropped the last finger, she opened the door and jumped out with me and three Marines close behind. The two thugs dropped instantly in a withering rain of blaster fire. I ran up and peeked around the corner. Lear called it right. There was a sharp corner separating this section of the level from Shenda's room.

  "Out the stairway door and down," Sana said to the staff and civvies as they got up off the floor. Once they were on their way, Sana signaled for the rest of us to head to Shenda's room.

  We ran down the hall to her room and stopped in front of the door which was open. Instead of three thugs holding everyone hostage, we found three thugs in crumpled heaps on the floor while Chasm and Shenda were in the opposite corner with Chasm standing between his wife and children and the thugs’ bodies.

  Lear knelt down and pressed a stud on one of the thug's wrist gantlets. They could hear the force fields drop around them followed by the voice of one very angry Losira. I hurried over to the kids and the babies. "What happened?" I asked.

  Both Chasm and Shenda just stared at the bodies in shock while the two babies just chortled to one another, seemingly unaffected by the events around them. They were beautiful children, a boy, and a girl, both ash-gray with pointed ears. Shenda held them while Chasm protected them.

  "Marta, clear the way!" Losira ordered as she moved in with a team of medics. She ran scanners over the four just as Sana walked up. Before she could say anything, Losira handed her the girl and me the boy. She then injected something into the parents causing them both to fall into the waiting arms of the medics. "Get them to the scanner lab, stat!" she yelled.

  Once they were on gurneys and heading out the door, Losira turned her attention to the children.


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