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Wings of Light Special Edition

Page 46

by Lloyd Baron

  He only has one more chance to defend with the power in his hand and maybe two more attacks—hardly enough to make a difference but he must try.

  Fia shouts at Riochald from the far side of the shrine and she flicks her head over her shoulder. He takes a shot and sends a bolt of icy wind up into her exposed body. Again the shield eats it. She waves her hand at him as if swatting a fly from a cake and he is hit by a powerful force. He loses his footing and tumbles backwards and over the edge of the hill. He begins rolling painfully down the steep slope until he hits the flat base.

  He pushes himself back to his feet and begins to climb, wincing as pain shoots from his ankle. They need him up there. He is the only one who can keep her busy. The others do not stand a chance.

  The power floods into Tye and he rolls his eyes up into his head. There is so much of it. He tries to steady himself, bring his mind back into focus, but it keeps slipping away from him. He yells for Tak’arshi to stop—too late! His vision blacks out and he falls to the floor.

  Tarfleam ducks into the shrine and races through the halls. His eyes snatch at everything as he runs. Sounds of magic hitting the walls and roof echo throughout the structure. He turns into the Library and has to leap backwards away from the blistering heat of fire.

  He gasps at the sight of the country’s historical records burning but he does not let it slow him down. He turns and runs towards the main hall. All the time his mind works. He is The Thief after all, and sneaking is what he does best. He had forgotten about his real gift when he discovered he could make things grow. He had not really known he could do it until the day they were in the well. Darwin’t had not seen or heard him, even though he was standing right in his path. He was invisible.

  The Grand Hall is a ruin, but he hardly notices. Through the cracked dome he can see the swirling mass of darkness that is Riochald. He pulls the daggers from his belt and begins to climb.

  Derry’n’s eyes snap open and his mind rushes back into him, dragging thousands of voices with it. He clenches his teeth and lifts a hand to his temple, feeling a vein throb and pulsate under his fingers.

  “Silence.” He roars across the link and the voices fade but he can still feel the presence of the beasts within him. He takes a deep breath and slowly the pain from the connection ebbs and he can think clearly.

  Chaz screams a curse, which turns his head to the side. For such a beautiful young woman, she knows some vile words. In answer to the insult a flash of lightning crashes down. Derry’n hopes it did not hit its target but he has his own mission to accomplish.

  “A great danger threatens the woods. All of your homes and lives are in danger. I ask for your help to stop this danger.” He waits for a reply but the animal voices remain quiet. “I need the birds of the wood to come to me here at the shrine and fight for us.”

  “What can we do?” The female voice is sly and cunning. “We are only creatures of the trees. We hunt the small prey. What could we do against great darkness?”

  “You can move swiftly. We need time to prepare. All I ask is for you to keep her eyes diverted from us. Fly around her and make as much noise as you can. Please help us. The forest will die without you!.”

  “I doubt that.” She mocks with a shrill laugh. “But I can feel what you call the darkness. The air is moving in the wrong direction. Leave it with me, Beast Master. If I can find any who are willing to die for a two-foot then we will come.”

  “It is all I ask. Thank you.” He cuts the link and slumps back against the wall. They have to come.

  They are lost without some help.

  Canace wakes from her slumber and stares at the cracked ceiling above her. How had she come to be tucked into a warm bed? She pulls the covers back and slides around to a sitting position, placing her feet onto the cold stone floor. She is still dressed in her bonding gown, which is now torn and bloodied. She pulls at it and groans sadly. It had been the most beautiful gown she had ever seen.

  She stands and winces as sharp pain grabs at her back. She drops back onto the bed and fights tears from her eyes. Her breath comes in ragged bursts which hurts her chest. Something is clearly broken inside her. She would guess a rib by the location of the pain and the difficulties breathing. What had happened to her that could have caused her so much damage?

  “Riochald!” she screams as she leaps from the bed, ignoring the pain. She staggers from the room and into the hall, one hand on her chest and one on the wall to steady herself. How had she forgotten what is happening? Darwin’t had knocked Riochald out, saving the villages but she had regained consciousness too quickly and attacked them. She remembers being pushed away from Darwin’t and hitting the wall.

  Her ribs explode with excruciating pain as she remembers. She loses her footing and crashes down onto the stone. She screams as she pushes herself slowly to her feet. Blood begins to soak through the gown below her breasts. She needs the healer. Her injuries are too severe. She knows instinctively that the rib has punctured her lung and through her chest. The blood pours from her flesh though it also fills up the space within her. Her breathing becomes slow and ragged. She drops to her knees and coughs. Blood spills from her lungs over the beautiful marble. She stares at it, horrified at the thought of what is happening inside her. It is so unfair. She has been given a second chance at life. The fall from the horse should have killed her but she was saved, and for what? To die alone in this hallway, bleed to death when her salvation is just outside.

  “Darwin’t!” she says softly. “What has become of you?” She clenches her teeth as a new determination takes over her. She is going to die if she stays here. She is going to die if she makes her way outside. The latter will be more painful but at least she won’t be alone in her death.

  Using a tapestry depicting the first bonding at the shrine as a hand hold she pulls herself up. Her feet do not want to move and she spends what seems like forever waiting for them to have the energy to take her on her way. Her eyes flutter and she realizes that she had been falling asleep.

  “No Canace,” she berates herself, “you do not need to sleep just yet.” She takes her first step, and then another and then one more. Thinking of nothing else, just the pattern of her steps she slowly makes her way to the entrance of the shrine. She does not know how long it has taken her but she smiles with joy at reaching her destination. Only a few more steps and she will be outside in the sunshine with her friends to give her peace.

  What she steps out into is darkness.

  She looks up at the sky and gasps. The sudden intake of air causes her lungs to spasm and she drops to the ground, spluttering blood into her hands. She rolls onto her back and stares up at the sky. Thick black clouds twist and spin around each other. Lightning bolts flash through them as they begin to join into one huge monster. In the centre of the storm is a black figure, its arms raised as if commanding the weather.

  From nowhere flocks of birds swoop past and scream into the air. The figure fends off the attack but does not fight back—too much power must be used to create the twirling clouds.

  “Riochald,” she breathes sadly. “What have you done?” She coughs again and blood fills up her throat. She tries to spit it out but it just gurgles and pours back into her lungs. She coughs and more blood pumps up, blocking her airway. She is going to drown. The world gets a shade darker and all colors fade to black and grey. This is death then? Tears spill from her eyes. She regrets that she did not bond with Darwin’t and make him happy. He has always wanted daughters. He will probably never bond another as his love for her is too strong. He will never have the life he has always wanted. Darwin’t talks big to Danlynn about fun and adventures, yet when he is with her he is different. They talk about the future and he expresses clearly that he wants daughters, a house in the hills, and to become a weaver like his aunt. She smiles at the memories. Blood slides down her cheeks from the corners of her mouth as she takes her final breath.

  Come to me, Darwin’t, when you have crossed over. But do not
make it too soon. Live your life. I will wait for you. Her eyes do not close, though the world around her blacks out. As sound fades to nothing a white flash lights her.

  She opens her eyes and sits up with a startled gasp. She coughs but nothing comes from her lungs. No pain hits her and she is very much alive. It is then that she realizes that she is tucked into a bed within the shrine.

  What in all of Gelast is happening? She turns and puts her feet onto the cold floor. She is dressed in her white gown, it is torn and bloodied and ruined beyond repair. She breathes, though no pain is felt in her lungs.

  Standing is easy too. She feels tired and yet there is nothing wrong with her body. She is healed. But how? Who has done it? She lifts her gown and runs from the room. She will see Darwin’t again.

  The birds swoop in for a third attack and Riochald is forced to riposte again. Her powerful summoning is almost complete, and when it is nothing will be able to reach her.

  Tak’arshi clenches his fists and charges power into his palms. One strike could knock her from her place upon the roof of the shrine. If she falls then the construct could be broken. It is dangerous to do that as it could feed upon itself and become unstoppable. But he has no ideas left.

  The birds have served them well but they are starting to tire, and Riochald will lash out at them eventually and kill them all. Derry’n will be distraught if that happens, and he needs the man to be focused.

  They have regrouped at the back of the shrine, which is the only area of flat ground. Amazingly everyone is still alive. Danlynn is the only one of them that has been hurt, and that came simply from his tumble down the hill.

  The phantom is indeed powerful but not very bright. It is driven by madness and does not think ahead—this is the only reason they still live. But now it has worked out their plan. The shield around Riochald has become diamond hard and no magic can get through. And now this storm is brewing above their heads.

  The clouds collide and lightning crashes all across the sky. It seems like the whole world is about to be engulfed in its brilliant blue light. Clouds turn and twist into one another until there is just one cloud moving around Riochald. It begins to sink and stretch towards the ground.

  Wind hits them like a herd of wild horses and they all tumble backwards. Tak’arshi screams orders, but his voice is ripped away by the rushing winds. Suddenly, as if the wind had never started it stops.

  He looks up and sees Darwin’t standing with his arms outstretched. The air around them shimmers as the wind collides with a shield construct. Tak’arshi is astounded by the action. He did not even know the boy could create barriers and he certainly has never shown him how to put one up. Magic is instinctive for him. He is truly the one the Prophecies speak of.

  Riochald’s manic laughter fills the air and they all turn their attention to her. A dark brown light shoots down into the ground from her fingertips and the world shudders. A wave of dirt and stone rushes towards them, reaching twenty feet into the air. “Oh my...” Danlynn mutters as he turns to run. Tak’arshi grabs his arm and hauls him back.

  “You can’t outrun it. It is still only Mana, boy,” he yells. “Shield it.”

  “We’ll all die!” Danlynn shouts pointing at the force heading their way. “I would rather take my chance running.”

  Tak’arshi, lets the boy go and watches for a moment as Danlynn flees. He curses under his breath as he turns back to the wave. The bonding stones are ripped from the ground and tossed into the air; the wind grabs at them and launches them high. Danlynn races back into the shield and drops to his knees. A small gash has opened on his cheek. He had forgotten about the storm within the cocoon of Darwin’t’s magic.

  It is upon them in seconds. The ground shakes and bellows at them as it approaches with such speed and destruction. They will not survive this. The knowledge is clear and oddly calming. Yet they must survive! All of them must live to reach the Angels.

  “Tye,” Tak’arshi shouts at the crouching form. “I know you are still weak, but cast at it. Something powerful that will smash a hole through it!” The boy does not move. “Now!”

  Tye is on his feet and white lights flashes from his palms. It blasts the distance between them and the wave and knocks him backwards. Chaz is pushed sideways out of the barrier. Her voice is taken from her as she is hurled into the air. Derry’n does not think of what he is doing as he leaps, feeling the wind at his heels. He is carried high into the air, grabbing Chaz by the arm and pulling her into him. They land hard behind a fallen stone and shelter from the wind. Chaz buries her face into his chest and he wraps his arms around her tightly to keep them both warm in the pounding wind. The wave rolls past them and continues to destroy everything in its path.

  They are out of the fight for now. There is no way they can make it through the wind to reach the others. So they just sit there, hidden behind the rock and praying for their friends.

  Tarfleam reaches the lip of the dome and crawls out onto the roof. Above him the sky is a glorious blue and the sun beats warmly down. Everywhere else is like a nightmare. He cannot see the rest of the world through thick black fog which rolls and spins around them.

  His eyes fall upon Riochald. Her back is turned to him and she has one hand in the fog and the other in the air, commanding the lightning. She is truly powerful like they had all said. Powerful and demented.

  Ever since she healed his arm with her darkness and the tattoo had appeared, he has wanted to hurt her and make her happy at the same time; but he never thought he would have to kill her. As he stands within the calm of the storm he lowers his knives. Revenge for giving him his arm back with its awful power and longing to save her wars within him.

  She had once been his friend, before the incident at the underground lake. She had taken care of him when he was a baby and nursed him when he was ill as a child. Where had all of his hatred come from? Why does he hide from the world and bully the people who once had loved him? A single tear slips down his cheek as he steps up behind her and thrusts the first of the knives through her back.

  She screams and tries to turn, but he reaches around her and slides the second blade across her throat. The screams stop and she kicks backwards, knocking Tarfleam away. He looks at his own hands. They are soaked with her blood and he cannot stop them shaking.

  The wind still roars around them but when he looks up at her she is no longer covered in the black oil. She looks like she had done when they were children. Her eyes shine with a mirth he cannot place and her smile is broad and happy.

  “Thank you,” she whispers as she staggers to a knee. “Hold me.”

  He moves like fluid, leaping across a huge crack in the dome and reaching her before she falls. He lowers her down into his arms and strokes the hair from her face. “You should have your hair down more often,” he mumbles. “You are beautiful when you smile. You should smile more too.”

  Riochald turns her eyes upon him, and the life in them slowly drains away. “I will try. Now I need some rest. Thank you for saving me. I am sorry I was not a better friend to you Tarfleam.”

  “Hush,” he says through his tears. “You have nothing to apologize for. I was not a very nice young man. I did this to you, all of it. I always liked you Riochald. You treated everyone the same. You never had favorites,”

  She smiles again and reaches up to touch his cheek, but her hand falls before it reaches him.

  “No!” he screams as he hugs her to him. “Riochald please!”

  The wind breaks and the lightning stops all at once. The world falls silent. Darwin’t gets to his feet and stares up at the shrine. He can see someone up there but does not know who. Riochald slumps against the figure, lifeless.

  “No!” Tarfleam’s voice echoes down to them. “Riochald, please!”

  His heart lurches at the thought of her really being dead. He had somehow thought she would stop attacking them and fight the phantom of Damilayas. That she would return to them and be her old self.

  That will n
ever happen now.

  “She is still living,” the healer mumbles. “I can feel her life. She doesn’t have much time left, but I can still save her.” The bearded man turns to Tak’arshi and holds out his hands. “What do I do? We cannot risk her turning on us again. She is too dangerous but she is one of us. She is our friend.”

  Tak’arshi touches his chest and feels his heart beating under his ribs. The heart she has filled with love and emotions. He owes her everything he now has and more. She deserves a chance to live. “We cannot risk it,” is what he says. He lowers his head as shame, a new emotion floods through him. “She is too dangerous to the world. I am sorry.”

  Canace bursts around the corner and staggers to a halt at the sight before her. Darwin’t sees her and frowns. He had left her sleeping. She had looked beaten and weak. Now she looks strong and full of energy.

  “Where is she?” the girl asks, her voice pleading for him to tell her Riochald is still alright.

  He does not answer. Instead he wraps his arms around her and pulls her close. She breaks down and he kisses the top of her head. “There is nothing we can do.”

  “Yes there is!” Fia bellows. “She only turned because of what happened here. What happened to her. She will not turn again. We need to save her.” He turns to the healer, tears welling up in his eyes. “Please save her.”

  “I can’t. I am tired and she is too far from me. I need to touch her skin. She will be dead by the time I reach her.”

  Derry’n grabs the healer and pulls him into his arms. He looks deeply into Fia’s eyes and he sees in them the same feelings he has for Sabastian. “She will be saved,” he says aloud.


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