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Wings of Light Special Edition

Page 49

by Lloyd Baron

  Darwin’t grips the arms of the chair he is sitting in and tries to push himself to his feet, but something holds him down. Ori continues talking, but he now has Onoui standing beside him, holding him up. “Though lightning is not an element in truth, it was given a college and study of its own. Deep within the mountains of Dray some say, and others tell that it was built at the base. Whichever is true the fact remains that it was somewhere within those mountains.”

  Darwin’t can feel the shifting within his mind, something pulling the images into him from outside, or was it from within him? The voice; his voice, floats in the background, crying and laughing and mumbling insanely. He forces the voice to go, the images to stop but like a boulder rolling down a steep hill there is no stopping them and he shuts his eyes and prepares for the onslaught.

  Lightning flashes across the vision, leaving fading white lines in their wake. A dark range of mountains lies off to the side and at their base, at the end of a wide road is a grand building, something to match the city of the Dark Clan if not as large, topped with hundreds of spires. Each of those spires has lightning striking down repeatedly into them with an unrelenting thunderous roar.. Chaos Tamed was my idea of a jest. But they took it as a blessing and they all died in fire and blood. Suddenly those spires snap, and the lightning crashes down into the house, flares brightly and is simply gone from the landscape. Zephaniah, you were a traitor and a fool! They lied to us all, but we watched them and kept them away. You lied! She is gone! I did not even say goodbye. No goodbye. You bastard, you took her from me! You will not take her again. She is mine! MINE! The last smashes so hard into the inside of his skull that his eyes snap open and tears stream down his cheeks. But nobody is looking at him, they all sit with wide eyes listening to the tale being told to them. He tries again to speak but he finds that he cannot.

  Watch and learn.

  As Ori begins to talk of the last college, believed to have been in either Atlant or Alan the next image settles over him. He stubbornly keeps his eyes open though it achieves nothing, as his vision darkens until he might as well be within a box. A grassy plain stretching flat as far as he can see all around is what flickers into being. In the heart of this vast grassy nothingness is a single black tower. Much like the tower of wind it seems to be all one piece, smooth and without joins. Void Works. His home. His fortress. Maddox’est. Plotter. Friend. Betrayer. The image flashes but the tower remains the same. Over and over, the white light flares over the vision but unlike the others gone in destruction and death this one remains the same constant. Forever lost. I see you. Mad laughter fills his mind and as the image fades, taking the laughter with it. Darwin’t is left wondering if in that last the voice referred to him.

  Ori glances at the boy sitting beside Molly. Pain had tickled across his features so quickly that he could have been mistaken but those were definitely tears upon his cheeks. He studies the boy only an instant before he realizes he has stopped and everyone is staring at him. Embarrassment heats his cheeks and his feathers ruffle visibly. Onoui pats his shoulder with one hand and smoothes a few feathers down with her other. He is glad that his wife is standing beside him in that instant but her actions are distracting him. He gives her a gruff smile and then nods back to her seat. She rolls her eyes and gives him a mock bow before crossing the room. The Council fix their eyes everywhere but upon him, some even have the audacity to look pleased with her behavior.

  “You all know what happened with the Sorceress after that,” he continues sharply, glaring at Iso, who openly grins back at him. The bloody woman. “The stories are still told today. She created the Dark Clan, emotionless and powerful. The Angels came to this world as a result, called here to keep the balance. The head of the College of Void Magic, who calls himself Maddox’est by now, signed a truce with the Angels and offered help in bringing her down. First, they broke her hold over the Dark Clan, gave them minds to think for themselves. Second, they took the only weapon they had against the Sorceress, her child. And third, they froze her within the halls of her castle far in the north.”

  He looks at Molly and she smiles at him, urging him to have courage and to continue with his tale. He returns the smile and wishes that he could embrace her and give her comfort, but that time is now passed. “That child is Molly,” he waits for the shock and surprise of both the Council and guests to settle before he returns to the tale. Of course, some of the Council knew, but only a few.

  “She was a baby then, and we could not bring ourselves to let her blood flow. So we took her away and placed her in the protection of the Great Tree. This is written in the Book of Prophecy and sparked the beginning of this age. Other signs started to show themselves: the Queen losing her first born son, and her daughter losing the ability to birth a child.” The mountain girl bristles and her hand brushes the dagger at her side. It had been an accident while visiting a mountain clan that had caused the Princess to injure herself in a way that would prevent childbirth. He lets her calm slightly before continuing. “The creation of the Empire and the war between it, Alan and B’ret. There are many others, too many to go over now. But my father and I knew that time was running short. He died before all of this, but he left me instructions of what I should do. I started reading the Books and waiting for you all to arrive. Now we are here. At this point.”

  He leans heavily on his right leg and it protests. He is starting to get weak. He can feel the life slowly trying to leave his aged body. He needs just a bit more time. “Now for the future. The Prophecy simply says that you will lead countries and armies into the final war. Kings of men will bow down to you, and the Six will rise to blot you out. All this is written and will come to pass. You all play parts, but the Book is not clear on who will do what. I am sorry I cannot be clearer than that. All I know is that you must go your separate ways. You all have different missions to accomplish before the final battle. I will now explain to you what those missions are.

  “Molly, you know what you must do. Sadly that cannot be changed—I wish it could. Tarfleam, you are The Thief, and it is written that you will protect the child of the Sorceress until her death and the defeat of her mother. Stay at her side always. Should harm come to her before the end, then it will rest at your hands. Riochald, you are the Grand Summoner and it is your job to find…”

  The back wall of the temple explodes inwards, sending splinters of wood showering throughout the room, and the head of a massive black dragon tears its way in. Chaos erupts. The Council stand, wings unfurling and shining white as they summon magic to shield the room. The others draw weapons, dark fire flares from the Dark Clan’s palms and Molly ducks behind a row of chairs. The high priest’s wife holds out a hand and calls forth a light wall to shield herself and her husband. She crosses the room and reaches out her other hand desperately trying to reach Ori. Ori takes a single step but the floor heaves beneath him and he sprawls face down, grunting as the wind is knocked from his lungs. Onoui screams a wail of frustration as she shines her bright shield in the dragon’s eyes and hurries across the golden wings. The dragon roars in answer and blows a ball of flame from under its tongue. The fire crashes into his wife and smashes through the weak barrier she has before her. She does not have a second to scream as she is engulfed, dying instantly. Ori stares at the charred corpse of his wife as it hits the floor before him and howls his pain.

  “Oh please do shut up!” the cold voice of Razzork yells through the gaping hole in the side of the temple. He clambers down the neck of the beast and pats its snout. The dragon roars, shaking the walls and then sweeps away from the building. It can be heard attacking other parts of the city.

  “Such a good pet. I must thank you for leaving the Holy Boy behind. Without him you do not stand much of a chance against the gloom.” From the corner of his eye Ori can see Tye step forwards, but one of the others drags him back.

  “Get out of here!” Ori screams, wheezing with pain. “This is a sacred place!”

  “Well I am bored with you alre
ady,” Razzork mutters coldly. “I have always found Angels to be frightfully dull.” With lightning speed he charges at the frail man and steps on his head.

  Ori can feel the pressure on his skull and the sound of the bone cracking. He glances at Molly and his tears begin to flow once more. He has failed her. Pain fills his entire being and he screams his last breath. Onoui I will be with you soon.

  The Dark Wizard crushes the Angel’s head under his boot and it squelches outwards like a dropped melon. He steps away in disgust at the mess and shakes a piece of the man’s brain from his foot. “Well,” he says screwing up his face. “That has made a whole world of mess on my boots.” He looks up at them for the first time as if he had not noticed them before. “Who is next?”

  Fia launches himself forwards, snatching up a fallen branch as he does so and leaps towards the Dark Wizard. Wielding the branch like a mace he swings it overhead and brings it crashing down upon the frail skull of the old man. The branch splinters and snaps with such force that Fia’s arm numbs and he drops the remaining stump. He staggers in front of the wizened man, holding his arm and completely defenseless.

  Razzork turns his eyes in the direction of Fia and a huge shock-wave of energy hits the warrior, flinging him like a rag doll against the far wall of the temple. Chaz screams his name but does not move towards him; instead she rushes forwards and whips a dagger from her belt, tossing it through the air towards the wizard. It stops an inch from him, turns slowly back in her direction and then shoots back at her. She drops to the floor and it whistles through her hair.

  Darwin’t grabs Molly’s hand and pulls her towards the door, but her legs won’t move, and he has to drag her. She won’t take her eyes off of the headless body of Ori. The main doors burst open and the Angel with the single black feather in his wings strides in followed by an oddly beautiful woman with pale greenish skin and deep red hair. He takes in the scene in a second, his head shaking at the sight of his father. He narrows his eyes at the Dark Wizard and summons.

  Someone on the Council gasps as cold air blasts around the room, picking up leaves and twigs at first and then the furniture in the room. Razzork smiles with glee before waving his hale hand towards the casting Angel. The man grabs his throat and drops to the floor, gasping for air. “Leave him,” Iso screams as she directs her shielding over the man. Razzork twists his face and turns his dark eyes upon the Council.

  Darwin’t grabs Molly under the arms and heaves her into the air. He rushes towards the doors, but a slight motion of the Dark Wizard’s hand crashes them closed. “Stay,” he purrs as he turns his attention back to the Angels standing with their glowing wings. “You sit up here in your temple and do not bother to help the travails of the world. You could have stopped all of this suns ago if you had wanted to.” He shakes his head and puts mock sadness onto his face. “But you choose to do nothing. And that will end you all.” His sudden smile makes Gugu and Nuo stagger backwards. “The problem with having an inverted shield is …?” He leaves the question hanging as he clamps both of his hands into fists. The Council looks up at him, a mixture of horror and disbelief falling upon their faces an instant before the many great wings of light explode in a shower of white feathers and blood. They drop to their knees. Their screams are cut away as the platform they are on implodes and the Council vanishes from sight.

  Tarfleam snatches the dagger from the wall where it has embedded itself and starts to walk slowly around the room. He touches on the power within himself and he slinks from sight. He knows that if anyone makes the effort to see him, they will, but unless that happens he won’t be noticed. His heart pounds in his chest so hard he thinks it might explode, like the wings of those poor Angels. He had to fight the vomit which keeps welling in his throat as he walks to the edge of the once grand room. He steps over Fia, who he glances at briefly to see if he breathes. Confirming that his chest still rises, he continues on. Darwin’t tries to drag Molly away from the doors and the open in order to hide her behind a twisted branch, almost like a pillar; but she just stares at the headless corpse and won’t move easily. He reasons that it would be helpful to assist Fia but then he would be noticed, and his fear of that is stronger than his desire to help. He continues around the room. If he keeps moving he won’t be seen. Oh please, by the Light, let him not see me!

  Canace drops down beside the choking Angel and claws his hands away from his throat. He shudders a breath and color rushes back into his cheeks. He fixes her with his eyes and in them she can see his thanks but also his anguish. She helps him to his feet and together they cross the floor to where the green woman stands with a pair of deadly blades. She steps lightly and grabs the man under the arms and pulls him into her. “O’us,” she breathes, and the Angel looks at her with tired eyes. “You must fight!”

  Canace feels something slide across her skin, something she has felt before but cannot remember when or where. The feeling lasts only an instant, but when she looks back at the Angel he is staring at her with hunger in his eyes.

  Darwin’t forgets his plan to hide the girl behind a branch and drags her over to Canace and what he thinks must be a Goblin Woman. At least this one has swords. Molly drops down beside the Angel and buries her face in his wings, crying heavily. To his surprise the Angel ignores her completely and stares coldly towards Canace, something in his eyes bores into the woman he loves. Pain crashes into his skull and he teeters on the brink of passing out. He grabs his head and feels his screaming more than hears it. You must shield them all! A deep slightly insane voice says into his head. And then drag the power from him.

  Darwin’t opens his eyes, and power surges through his body. It is cold and warm at the same time and tingles under and burns over his skin. The knowledge of how to shield returns to his mind. He raises the barrier in the same instant that Razzork summons a ball of fire and launches it at the girl standing behind him. It crashes across the shield and fizzes away. The Dark Wizard raises an eyebrow but then summons again. This time lightning flashes across the room, striking Darwin’t and Molly together. Again it hits the invisible wall and is defused harmlessly.

  Razzork bellows his anger and calls upon a more powerful spell. Dark flames circle his hands and grow into an immense tower before him, his wicked face is cast into shadow but his hideous grin can still be seen.

  Darwin’t can feel the raw power in the spell and knows his shield is far weaker and will crumble under its weight like the Angel woman’s had. What else had the mad man said into his mind? Something about taking away his power and leaving him vulnerable. Whispers shift across his vision and he clenches his hands into fists and follows what he is told. The power of the shield feeds back into him and then begins to change into something else, something more powerful. Patterns flicker within his mind, building into a complex image he does not understand. But somehow he knows what it will do. It is like two holes have opened up in the world and the energy around him is sucked in. What is happening to him?

  Danlynn darts for his bow which is resting against the wall a few feet away. Derry’n watches him move but as soon as he does the Dark Wizard’s eyes find him. A snarl comes to those horrifying lips, and Derry’n pulls his hand back to attack. Before he has time to think, he used to always think things through hadn’t he, he has his axe drawn from its belt loop and he is moving towards the twisted creature. The world blurs around him and one instant he is on the far side of the room the next the axe is buried deeply within the Wizard’s shoulder. His shock stuns him and the wizard uses it to knock him away as if he were a fly. He hurtles across the room but he feels the wind around his ankles and he lands like a cat. Kloek! He opens his pocket and the kitten leaps out, running a little dizzily towards Darwin’t.

  Derry’n gasps as a chill ripples through him. He glances at Darwin’t and then down at his own hands. Green liquid spirals from them and then bursts into an eerie flame. He clasps his hands together and the light intensifies. Gye fire, but how? He can still only use this if he is within
a tear in the Mana Fold. His wind powers do not seem to work here. He glances at Darwin’t again, and the man seems to be straining to control something more than a shield. He has done something. With a brush of his palms the light shoots forwards, burning through the air and overwhelming the Dark Wizard’s shield.

  Razzork screams and his retaliating construct collapses around him, showering him in more flame. The old man drops to his knees, his strong arm braced upon the floor while the small child-like arm waves a ward around him.

  “It is not magic,” Tak’arshi yells at Derry’n. “He cannot block it. Hit him again.” The Dark Clan had grabbed Tye when the boy had stepped forwards only moments before and was still holding him down. His dark fire would be as good as useless against a Dark Wizard.

  Derry’n claps and a smaller ball of light hits the Wizard. Again and again Derry’n strikes at him until he has nothing left to use and he slumps to the floor. His hands sting from the effort but the green fires have done little to the man. They burn cold and not hot as he had been instructed in his teachings. Finhill’s voice whispers in his mind. “They do not harm really just sting for a while. Now if you knew how to charge an object that would be different...”


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