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Wings of Light Special Edition

Page 58

by Lloyd Baron

  Gossa-Mesa (Gos-sah Mes-sah) – A huge magical tree which is the home to the Angel race. It is a fully developed city with running waters, waterfalls and even a contraption known as a lift. Gossa-mesa is home to over ten thousand Angels.

  Grendel Stoke (Gren-del Sto-k) – At only nine suns she is the princess of Common and is the heir to Stone Hilt. She is willful and strong minded and loved by all. Even though she is young she looks set to be a great leader of her people.

  Gressgs (Gr-ess-g-ss) – A village in Hillsbough famous for its weavings and honey. It is a small and simple place.

  Grind’iv (grin-d-ive) – A Dark Clan who has the gift to see powers in other.

  Gye (Guy) – The power to solidify the air into platforms to run or jump across. Can only be used within a Mana-fold.

  Gye Shin – A sport played by those who can use Gye. A set of challenges are given and players must complete them to win. In higher ranks the players have to duel each other using the techniques they have learned such as a Gye-Wave or shifting.

  Gye Wave – A move in Gye-Shin where a ball of green light to created and thrown. The light cannot cause injury but it does hurt to touch it.

  Hakamen Needles (Hack-a-men) – The ruins of the once powerful Elven city of Rill. During the God-Kings reign he built a powerful city on the site but it followed the same fate as Rill. Now it is a dangerous place off the cliffs of Atlant and many have seen the ghost which lures men to their deaths on the rocks in the crashing waves.

  Half Breed – During the Goblin wars of 2392 AS many human women were taking. Children were born of these women and their blood was mixed. At first they were rejected but as they spread many Goblins began to take pity on them. Now they are many, even the High Clan King is a half breed. However there are a small band of rebels who want any half breed hunted and killed.

  Halk’sta (Hal-k-star) – A Dark Clan dream walker who has an interest in romance novels.

  Healer, The – A strange old man who has the power to instantly heal wounds. His past is cloaked in mystery and darkness.

  Healers Guild. The, – Set up after The Breaking in 519 AS The Healers Guild is a place where any who can touch light Mana are sent to learn the ways of healing. These healers are sent all over Atlantia to help those in need. Some seem to think that the Guild of Healers is becoming too powerful.

  Hillsbough (Hills-boe) – A small country that belongs to the Kingdom of Atlant. It is grassy and mostly farmland. The town of Baoloun is the capital and is run by Baron Lokkie. Tet’s Town is a mass of stables and farms and brings much coin to the country. It is a peaceful place and its inhabitants are simple folk who do not like to travel.

  Hisa (Hiss-ah) – Ori’s second son. He is still only a child but thinks highly of himself. He bullies Molly for being different and hates the attention she gets. He is however, very intelligent and shows great promise with binding and shielding spells.

  Houses of Atlantia – Three shinning towers of white stone. Home to the council of Atlantia where heads of state (not royals) meet to review laws and treaties. Set up after the God-Kings death and the breaking as a support for the world in times of crisis. The peoples of the Council no longer serve the ruler of their country or state.

  Hybrid – See Half Breed.

  Isle of Ice – See Shadov Hangol.

  Kahlan (Car-lan) – Mountainous and dry continent. West of Sive across the Ssindran Ocean. It has never recovered fully after the breaking and most of its inhabitants are primitive tribe’s people.

  Katilena Grei – One of the Six who has ambition greater than her master knows. She plans something that will not only see her on top of the Six but also Queen of the world. She enjoys killing as a hobby and sometimes spreads plagues for fun. Her latest plan is to claim the book of prophecy from the king of Common.

  Liandri’naltiv (Lie-an-dry-nal-tiv) – High Darkest of the Dark Clan. He has the power to read others intentions and can tell if you are lying.

  Lisle Da’cention – A lord from Flambour staying at the Palace in Atlant. He dreams of one day being a king and having many subjects. He is not quite what he seems.

  Lokkie. Baron, (Lock-key) – The warder of Hillsbough. It is his duty to see the queen’s laws are upheld. For the most part he sits in his manor house looking over documents. He is very well liked and respected. Every year he dresses up as the God-King for the parade of the Feast of Lights.

  Lord of Dragons – The name of a man told to Nigial. He has searched for him for over twenty suns.

  Maddox’est (Mad-docks-est) – Leader of the Six and shrouded in a veil of Darkness. All that is known of him is that he has been around for almost six thousand years. The first recorded mention of him is in the God-Kings diary written in 48 AS. His identity is unknown.

  Mages – In the world these days are mages. They can touch Mana but can do very little with it. All mages must be placed within the colleges so that they can be trained and then they are given to the controlling powers of their countries to be servants. Flambour has outlawed all mages and they are exiled. The only exception to this is healers.

  Magmass – Known as the Raging Inferno or the Lord over the Imps he is the most powerful of all the Fire Elementals. He sees the world as his and has tried in the past to take it away from the humans. If he has given up on that idea is yet to be seen.

  Maida Zia (Maid-a Zi-a) – The aunt of Darwin’t she lives with him in a small house just outside of Gressgs. She is a master weaver who sells her products for coin all over Hillsbough. She has an unknown past but she is not from Hillsbough but little else is known about her.

  Mana – Mana lives in everything. A summoner needs to draw on this energy to use the elemental power. Mana has two forms. The first is that of nature. These take the form of water, fire, earth, wind and plants. The second form is that of shades. These are the powers of light, dark and negative. Many different spells can be used by combining different forms of Mana.

  Mana Fold – An area where there is no Mana. The only magic that can be used in such places is Gye. There are a few of these in the world of Atlantia, the biggest being in Flambour and is now home to the great Gye-Shin stadium.

  Marinish (Ma-rin-ish) – A race who live on the water. Some get called pirates but they are mostly peaceful traders.

  Master Malti (Mall-te) – The Lord who resides in Doeia Harbor. He is a kind and just man who lives to serve his queen and see to the running of the harbor. He is unmarried.

  Master Toshin (Tosh-in) – Head of the Grand Library in the shrine of Flannat. He is well loved by everyone in Hillsbough.

  Master. The – See Maddox’est

  Mattixio (Mat-ticks-i-oh) – A country in the northwest of the Sive continent. Once one of the great powers but now a follower of others. The Queen is weak and is easily swayed by other rulers.

  Milshier (Mil-shire) – A device used for milking Bashkir.

  Molly – A small girl who turned up one day in the angel city. She was raised by Ori and Onoui. She knows very little about her past and suffers from strange dreams. She wishes she has Angel wings and in her dreams she has wings of light upon her back.

  Moonwell – An Elemental of the Woodlands. She loves to visit the world and crafts elaborate gowns of flowers and butterflies.

  Morrowvere (More-row-vear) – The birthplace of King Darlonious Diln Damicas and the sight of the void crack in which he became the God-King in the sun 1 AS. The most powerful country in all of Psilon. Now it is a flooded ruin.

  Mountain Tribes – Five clans who after their country was destroyed in The Breaking decided to remain where their cities once stood. They suffer the harsh climate of the mountains and have adapted their lives to it. They have feuds between the tribes that often end in bloodshed. The tribes are mentioned in the Prophecy of Ages.

  Moyas Lagoon (Moy-az) – A dark lagoon in the Billitst Woods in the north of Hillsbough. It is rumored that a beast lurks in the depths of the lagoon.

  Nanny Gru – One of the nanny’s
that watch over the Dark Clan children. She is stern but loves the children.

  Narinda Ales’d till Abenbeth (Nah-in-da Al-ss-d til Ab-en-beth) – Princess of Atlant. She is a willful and spoilt brat. She loves horses and to undermine her bodyguard Fia. Some believe she is the last princess of Atlantia.

  Narmada Aft’s till Abenbeth (Nah-ma-da Af-ts til Ab-en-beth) – The last queen of Atlant. She is known to have a fragile temper and an easy way with her staff, treating them as friends more than workers. She has two children; a son who was taken and died and a daughter who is believed to be the child of prophecy. Narmada’s husband died nineteen suns ago leaving her alone.

  Nigial (Nig-i-ale) – See Healer, The.

  Notes of Prophecy – Written by the God-King and some by others they are the only known fragments of the Prophecy of ages. Telling of various events and players of the prophecy, most are cryptic and have caused confusion. These fragments have been translated and are taught all over Atlantia as part of school studies.

  O’us (Oh-us) – Keeper of the page and son of Ori. He is unlike other Angels as he likes to think for himself and believes that the old ways are just that, old.

  Onoui (On-we) – Wife of Ori and mother of O’us and Hisa. She tends to spend a great deal of her time looking after the three men in her life. She loves Molly like her own daughter but sometimes she is frightened by what the child can do.

  Ori (Or-re) – The High Priest of Gossa-Mesa. He is like a father to the human girl Molly. He has been studying the Prophecy of Ages for near to a thousand years and believes that the time has come for events to begin.

  Ozul Uno – He is a merchant and a schemer. While staying at the palace in Atlant he decides to travel with a group heading for the Angel city. He is not who he claims to be.

  Psilon – The name of Atlantia in the old world before the Void Break. Psilon was renamed because the Prophecy foretold of Atlantia. The great nations gathered and it was decided to give their home a new name. This in turn began the Prophecy of Ages for without this event the prophecy could never have happened.

  Razzork – The feared and fabled wizard who walks the world growing older but unable to die. He is first spoken of in the days following the death of the Elven race. He seems to have knowledge of the prophecy but is determined to see that it fails. He seems to believe that if the heroes come into the world they will destroy it. He will do anything to see that does not happen.

  Riochald Haldana (Ry-oh-chald Hal-dan-ah) – Herbalist in the village of Gressgs who lives alone and has a bad temper. She has only one friend, Canace Al’drea and no bonded. She is the only woman of her age that has travelled to the shrine who has not been bonded. She has a darkness about her that drives off friends.

  Sabastian Lovefelt – He is an evil man who has murdered thousands across the world during his long life. He is a member of the Six but seems to work more on his own schemes then those of his master. He finds the quiet man he meets at the Queens ball enticing and something in him changes.

  Saeed Halaman (Say-ee-d Hal-a-man) – A small child murdered at his farm along with his family by an unknown army and a woman who could use magic.

  Saeed Malekshahi (Say-ee-d Mal-ek-shar-e) – High Lord Mayeen Commander of the Flambourn Empire Army. His past is unknown. He was adopted by Emperor Filimer and trained all his life to become head of the army. He is a kind hearted man but if anything stands in the way of the Empire he will stop at nothing to push it aside.

  Sahwin Nu’veli (Sar-win New-vel-e) – Started her days as a hand maid to the Queen of Ankas but was framed for murder and turned to the Six for help. They used her in their plans for world domination.

  Sea Drifters – A race of people who live on ships. They have a few villages within the Geluid Archipelago. Even though they are seen as a menace to the country of B’ret they are mentioned in the notes of Prophecy. The also trade in fine jewelry and tea from the other continents of Atlantia.

  Sea of Gossamal (Gos-sah-mal) – A large body of water surrounded by mountains on all sides. It is almost a still sea as it is not affected by tides or winds. In the heart of the Sea of Gossamal is the spire on which the grand city of the Angels stands.

  Senteluneu (Cen-tell-oo-new) – The dangerous mountains on the west side of Common. Once the powerful capital city of Coldridge it was destroyed and turned into mountains by the Elementals during the Breaking.

  Shadov Hangol (Shad-oh-v Han-gul) – The island where the Six had a palace. They fled when the sorceress came after them. She is now frozen there in a prison of eternal ice.

  Shalmist Mant (Shall-mist) – A breed of Horse most commonly used for light riding or long cross country treks.

  Shifting – A move in Gye-Shin where the player becomes wind for a moment and can move from one place to another.

  Sive (S-ive) – The main continent of Atlantia and the only continent mentioned in the Prophecy of Ages. It is home to the most powerful countries in the world.

  Six, The – The six are not named but are mentioned throughout the Prophecy of ages. They will bring about the end of the world or so it reads. They have been alive it would seem since the beginning of time.

  Sol’din – The Relentless Mountain or King of the Gnomes he is a towering giant of stone. He tends to side with fire as he is the only Elemental that can work his power with that of fire. He is fearful of nothing but sometimes worries that the other Elementals use the earth but do not care for it.

  Sorceress, The – Sahwin Nu’veli became the Sorceress after she was brainwashed by Maddox’est and granted great power by all of the Six. She is mentally unstable and became determined to end the world of Atlantia. She killed the God-King and sparked the Darkest Day but her short sighted outlook was her undoing. She is now frozen in her fortress on the isle of Shadov Hangol but her mind still works on ways of breaking out. She now believes she has found a way.

  Spirit World. The, – Existing between all worlds and the void it is the place where all those who die and don’t know that they are dead find themselves. If mortals find themselves here the spirits may try to take the bodies they themselves do not have. Time and distance do not exist within the World of Spirits and in the past suns they were used to travel the world in a matter of hours and not weeks.

  Split Dimension. The, – A strange place where no life and all life exists. It is here that the Elemental beings wait to be called by the Gods. It can be shaped by the Elementals into great domes to be used for meetings. No mortals have ever entered the Split Dimension.

  Stone Hilt – The capital city of Common. It is a huge fortress in the east of Common and sitting in the shadow of the Coldridge mountains. Home to the royal family and the book of prophecy.

  Summoners – Those with the power to use elements as weapons. The great Summoners of old were mighty and could move the oceans but they are all extinct now.

  Summoning – This is the gift of using elements as weapons. Every Element can be used in this way and in the old world wars were fought with Summoning magic.

  Tak’arshi Bur’est (Tak-are-she Ber-est) – A Dark Clan and student of dark magic. He is on the trail of some youths that may be linked to the prophecy of Ages.

  Tarfleam Midigon (Tar-flea-m mid-i-gon) – Son of the school mistress and teacher of farm studies in Gressgs he should be well educated but he has been spoilt and left to his own devices. He is a bully and hated by most of his village. His only friend is Tye Slocot who he treats just as badly as he treats everyone else.

  Trelma’tia (Trel-ma-tia) – A Dark Clan who has the gift to unlock hidden gift in others.

  Tye Slocot (Tie Slow-cot) – Best friend of Tarfleam Midigon. He has no other friends and causes trouble all over the village of Gressgs.

  Undead – See ghouls.

  Vachel Humtph (Vah-shel Hum-ff) – Member of the House of Freedom for Atlant.


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