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Romance Classics

Page 69

by Peggy Gaddis

He straightened and looked swiftly at her.

  “I don’t dare drag him, Chloe; there may be internal injuries. If you’ll help me, just steady him, I can get him into the car,” he said swiftly.

  But Chloe shrank, shuddering, as she looked down from across the ditch at the man.

  “I can’t, Scott. I couldn’t touch him. I’d be sick. Scott, he’s all bloody.” She hid her face in her hands.

  “He’s a human being, Chloe, and he’s in desperate trouble. We can’t waste time like this.”

  “But my dress! And where would you put him in the car? There isn’t room.” Chloe was shaking.

  Scott said savagely, “Chloe, if you’re going to be a doctor’s wife — ”

  Chloe flung up her head, and now in the moonlight as she turned he saw her set white face.

  “I won’t ruin my dress climbing through that thicket, and I won’t ride in the car with that horrible thing.”

  And suddenly, before he could guess her intention, she had whipped into the car and jammed her foot on the accelerator. Even as he called out to her sharply, the car leaped down the road, the red taillights winking back at him as it vanished around the next curve in the road.

  Scott stood there gawking after the car, dazed and incredulous. He could not make himself believe that Chloe would do such a thing: drive off in his car, leaving him there with a grievously wounded man. Refuse to help because of danger to her gown? Run away from a human being in such desperate need of help?

  And now, he wondered savegely, what in blazes was he to do? This was not the main highway where he might expect to encounter a car, a truck, or some other vehicle that could bring help. It might be hours before anything moved along the road. And this man needed attention and needed it now.

  By the light of the small flashlight kept in his instrument bag he did what he could, but every moment of his attempted first aid told him how grievous was the man’s need for something far more than this pitiful stop-gap.

  It seemed to him that time dragged by. The only thing for him to do, he finally decided, was to leave the injured man there and walk to the highway, a distance of three or four miles, perhaps more, in the hope of getting help. Of course, it was possible that there were houses closer than the highway. He did not remember passing any after they had turned off the highway, but there might be some ahead.

  The man’s pulse seemed to him to be weakening, and Scott swore under his breath and felt a burning rage in his heart toward Chloe that was unlike anything he had ever experienced in his life. He hoped sincerely never to set eyes on her again; he wondered how he could ever have thought her lovely or alluring, how he could have escaped knowing how shallow and petty she was.

  Anger and disgust seethed through him, and in that long bitter interval love died and was replaced by a feeling of loathing that he would never be able to wipe out.

  Suddenly he was jerked from his bitter thoughts by the sound of a car approaching, and his heart hammering with sudden, almost violent, relief, he leaped back into the road and stood full in the flood of the light that was rounding the curve. He waved his arms and heard the slowing of the car, but he did not leap to safety until the car had ground to a halt a few paces ahead of him. In the moonlight he caught the glimmer of the automobile and with a deep, heartfelt relief saw that it was a county police car.

  Two men leaped out and came toward him, their smartly fitted uniforms standing out clearly in their headlights.

  “What’s going on here?” one of them demanded gruffly.

  But the other one said in sharp recognition, “Why, it’s Doc Etheridge. Hi, Doc, what’s up?”

  “Thank heaven you’ve come,” said Scott huskily, his relief making him dizzy for an instant. “I’ve got a badly injured man here that I’ve got to get to the hospital as quickly as possible. Give me hand, will you?”

  “Sure, Doc, sure,” said the tallest of the two men, and they followed him across the ditch to where the man lay.

  A flashlight made a round white beam on the man and one of the officers said, “Oh, a black boy, eh? What happened?”

  “I found him tied hand and foot to a tree over there and beaten to insensibility,” said Scott, and his voice was thin and bitter with anger. “It has all the earmarks of a job by the Klan, don’t you think?”

  The two officers exchanged swift glances and the one who had recognized Scott said awkwardly, “I wouldn’t like to say, Doc. Fellows don’t get beat up around these parts just because folks like ‘em. Matter of fact, I know this boy. Name’s Short and he’s got a right bad rep. He works for Mr. Ryan, and lives on his place.”

  “Of course. What a fool I am. We’ll take him to the clinic at River’s Edge. There are several empty beds there. Here, help me get him to the car,” said Scott, and the two men bent to help him.

  They got the still unconscious man into the back seat, with Scott beside him steadying the heavy, inert form as well as he could. Then the tallest officer slid behind the wheel and spoke over his shoulder.

  “Where’s your car, Doc? How’d you get out here?”

  Scott set his teeth for a moment, and when he answered he kept his voice colorless by a terrific effort.

  “Miss Parham drove it back to town for help. I suppose she telephoned you?”

  “Eh, no, nobody telephoned us,” said the tallest officer. “We were sort of cruising.”

  “Got word along the grapevine that there was the devil to pay out in this section, so we were sort of scouting,” the other added.

  The man drove swiftly, and eventually the car came to a halt in front of the small, tidy white clinic building. There was a dim light in the small office, but Miss Mabel’s windows were dark.

  Scott fitted his own key into the lock, pushed the door open and reached inside to switch on the light. As he and the two officers got the unconscious man to a bed in the back room that was the men’s ward, Miss Mabel, huddled in a bathrobe, her hair in old-fashioned steel curlers, appeared at the door.

  “For goodness sake — ” she gasped. Then her eyes found the injured man and she knew it was no time for questions.

  Swiftly, efficiently, she and Scott went to work, forgetting the officers.

  It was an hour later that Scott straightened, looked down at the neatly bandaged man and smiled faintly at Miss Mabel. “Hell be all right now,” he said wearily. “Run along to bed. I’ll keep an eye on him for the rest of the night.”

  “Nonsense. You go home and get some sleep,” she protested.

  “Nonsense yourself, and haven’t you been a nurse long enough to know you mustn’t talk back to the doctor? Scat, now!” ordered Scott with mock sternness. “I intend to stay, and there’s no sense in both of us losing sleep.”

  When she had gone, he stretched and went out on the small screened veranda. A tall figure that had been lounging in one of the wicker chairs stood up in the shadows, and the voice of the taller officer spoke.

  “Look, Doc, I’m James Brownlee. You took care of my mother when she died this summer. The whole family owes you a debt we can’t ever forget. Mom loved you like a son. And she’d want me to pass along a word I think maybe you ought to hear, you being a stranger in these parts and all.”

  “Spill it,” said Scott curtly.

  “Well” — James was hesitant but determined — “it’s this way, Doc. You took it for granted this was Klan business and said so right out loud.”

  “Don’t you think so, Brownlee?”

  “Well, I reckon maybe I’ve lived here long enough to realize it ain’t too healthy to go around shooting off my mouth about things I don’t know too much about,” said James slowly. “When you go around low-ratin’ the KKK, it might easy be that you’re saying things to a fellow that’s got him a robe and a pillowcase hid away in a dresser drawer somewhere.”

  From outside in the darkness, the voice of the other man, weary and impatient, called softly, and James said, “Well, I gotta be running along, Doc. Keep it in mind, won’t you, what I sa
id? You’re a very popular guy in these parts and we sure don’t want to lose you.”

  Scott thanked him without promising, and a moment later the car drove away.

  Scott went back to the room where the black man lay. He stood for a moment looking down at him, saw that his pulse was slow but stronger than it had been, and then he took the chart that Miss Mabel had prepared before obeying his orders to go to bed. He took the chart into the office, switched on the desk light, and looked at the name at the top.

  “PARKER, JAMES,” Miss Mabel had written in her neat, precise hand.

  Scott got up and went to the files beside the door, ran through the one filled with “P” and drew out one marked, “PARKER, MOLLY.”

  For a moment he studied the two, then nodded and put Molly’s back in the file. He came back to the desk, picked up the chart Miss Mabel had just prepared, and stood for a long moment holding it in his hands, going back in his memory to the conversation he had had with Molly that morning a few weeks ago, when she had told him of her anxiety about her husband’s determination to find out who was “top dog” in the Ku Klux Klan. And James Brownlee had said the Negro whom he had called “Shorty” had been “plenty biggoty” and hadn’t known his place. Scott’s mouth thinned a little, for he had long ago learned that this was a cardinal sin in the eyes of the Klan.

  - 16 -

  As he came back to the office, he heard the sound of light footsteps on the neatly graveled drive. The screen door opened and closed softly and there were footsteps on the veranda. And then Kate stood in the doorway, tall and lovely in a dress that was the color of fresh spring violets. She was obviously surprised to see him.

  Quickly, Scott explained, and as he explained the color left Kate’s face and her eyes widened. “One of our tenants and the Klan? Oh, Scott, how beastly. How awful!” She choked on the words. “When Bill brought me home just now and I saw a light here, I stopped in because I thought maybe Miss Mabel was having trouble.”

  Her voice dropped to silence and her eyes on his white, haggard face were a little sick. Incredulously, she listened as he told her in words of one syllable what Chloe had done — how she had refused to help, how she had driven his car away and left him, helpless, with the injured man.

  “The rotten little beast!” said Kate through her teeth, and the next moment waves of dark color flooded her face and her eyes dropped, ashamed. “I’m sorry, Scott; I shouldn’t have said that.”

  “Why shouldn’t you? It’s the truth.”

  She caught her breath and was silent for a moment before she could steady her voice enough to say quickly, “No, Scott, you mustn’t feel that way. After all, I’m sure it wasn’t at all a pretty sight. And it caught her by surprise.”

  “Naturally, she couldn’t risk damaging a dress or perhaps snagging her stockings by helping to save a man’s life? He could easily have died, you know, if the county police hadn’t been ‘cruising’ because of a grapevine rumor about trouble,” Scott pointed out savagely.

  Kate said huskily, “She’s spoiled, Scott, and she’s never had to face up to things.”

  “And so far as I am concerned, she’s never going to have to,” said Scott grimly.

  “Scott, you’re angry now; you’re not capable of judging.”

  “I’ve had a few hours, my dear girl, to think things over,” he stated flatly. “I didn’t need that much time. I knew when she was standing there beside the road refusing to risk her pretty dress to help save a man’s life that the girl I’d been in love with didn’t exist. Because she was so lovely to look at, I guess I must have thought she was lovely all through. I’ve had a very sharp vision. And I’m eternally grateful that it happened now instead of six months from now. Can you imagine what it would be like to be married to a girl like that? As a matter of fact, Katie, even though it makes me a cad and a bounder, my chief feeling at the moment is one of acute relief!”

  “Relief?” Kate repeated incredulously.

  “Relief,” he told her firmly, and straightened, putting his shoulders back. “I’m not going to be married. And that’s a relief, believe me. I wouldn’t admit it, but I’ve done quite a bit of lying awake nights and wondering.” He grinned and finished, “Now go ahead and despise me, why don’t you?”

  “Look here,” said Kate briskly. “I’ll bet that you haven’t had a bite of dinner, have you? Come along to the house with me and we’ll raid the kitchen. You’ll find yourself feeling much better in no time at all.”

  Sure that the patient would not need him for a little while, Scott walked with her up the path to the house.

  There was something soothing to Scott’s whole system about River’s Edge. When at last they were seated in the kitchen, platters of food before them, coffee hot and fragrant and strong, turning amber with the addition of thick yellow cream, Scott found that he was ravenously hungry. Kate, watching him with an almost maternal look in her eyes, pretended to eat, reveling in the fact that he was eating enormously and obviously enjoying every bite.

  Dawn was graying the sky in the east when they came out of the house once more and Kate saw, with deep relief, that some of the strain had gone out of Scott’s face and that he looked more like himself.

  “I’ll have a look at my patient,” he began.

  “And I’ll get the station wagon out and drive you back to town,” said Kate.

  “I don’t want you to go to all that trouble.”

  “Would you rather walk back to town?” Kate laughed.

  “Well, I can’t say that appeals to me too much,” he admitted.

  “Tell you what,” said Kate briskly. “You drive in the station wagon and I’ll have somebody pick it up sometime during the day. Or if you need it to make your calls in — ” She broke off and set her teeth tight.

  Scott’s jaw hardened. “Oh, I’ll pick up my own car when I get back to town,” he told her grimly. “But I will borrow the station wagon if you’re sure you won’t be needing it until I can get it back to you.”

  Less than half an hour later, Kate stood on the flag-stoned terrace and watched the twinkling taillights of the station wagon as it vanished down the drive. And now that there was nobody to see, she made no effort to control the tears that spilled over and slid down her cheeks. She was entirely unconscious of them as she stood there and a small whisper crept up to her lips, “Oh, my darling, my poor darling.” But there was no one to hear that either, as the thin gray light deepened and the first sleepy birds stirred a little and gave an experimental cheep as though clearing their throats for the business of the day….

  When Scott reached the cottage where he lived, he saw his car parked at the curb. Chloe had probably left the car there and perhaps taken a taxi home.

  He was almost staggering with weariness as he went up the walk and let himself quietly into the house. He had a couple of hours to rest; and then the day’s grind would begin again.

  When he reached the office, there were two patients waiting. By the time he had attended to them, another had come in for a checkup and he gave the matter the necessary time and thorough attention. He made his morning round of calls, and if he was pale and tight-lipped and tired-looking it was no more than his patients expected.

  It was mid-afternoon when the telephone rang in the office and he took up the receiver.

  Miss Henderson said quietly, “It’s a personal call, Doctor. Mr. Stuart Parham.”

  Scott tensed a little but said quietly, “Put him on, Miss Henderson.”

  Stuart Parham’s voice was taut and hostile.

  “Scott? I’ve been expecting to hear from you all day.”

  “Have you? Sorry. I’ve been pretty busy.”

  “You don’t think I’m going to let you get away with your shameful treatment of my daughter, Scott?”

  “I wasn’t aware that there was anything shameful — ”

  “Oh, you were not?” Stuart was obviously controlling himself with an effort. “You’d better get over here, Scott.”

p; “Sorry. I won’t be able to leave the office before five.”

  “Why, you — ” Parham, remembering tardily that he was on the telephone, swallowed the oath and said instead, “I’ll expect you then at five.”

  “Sure, why not?” answered Scott grimly, and clicked the telephone in place.

  Resolutely he put the whole thing out of his mind until the last patient had left, after which he went down to his car and drove to the Parham place.

  The door was opened by Mrs. Parham. She was pale, and there were dark circles beneath her eyes, but she managed a makeshift smile and said quietly, “Come on, Scott. Stuart isn’t home yet but I am expecting him at any moment.”

  Scott followed her into the living room, accepted the chair she offered, and shook his head at her suggestion of a drink.

  “Chloe’s gone to New York, you know,” said Mrs. Parham at last.

  “Has she? No, I didn’t know.”

  “She called Liss long distance this morning and Liss insisted she come and pay her a visit, and Chloe got the one-fifteen train to Atlanta and a plane from there. I don’t imagine she will be coming back. Not for a long time, anyway,” said Mrs. Parham, and there was scarcely a quiver in her voice as she held something out on the palm of her hand. “She asked me to give you this.”

  Scott accepted the ring, its small but clear stone twinkling gaily in the dying sunset light that spilled through the long French windows. He regarded it for a moment as though he had never seen it before, and then he nodded his thanks and tucked it carelessly into his pocket.

  There was the sound of a car outside and Mrs. Parham got to her feet, a look almost of fright on her face.

  “There’s Stuart now. Don’t let him know I’ve talked to you,” she pleaded, and before he could do more than blink she had gone and he heard her hurrying footsteps on the stairs.

  Scott stood up as Stuart Parham came into the room, and for a moment the two men eyed each other like belligerent bulldogs taking each other’s measure.

  “Well,” said Parham grimly. “What have you to say for yourself? And make it good.”


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