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Fated Page 2

by Stacey Thompson

I immediately felt as though Zane was the guy to talk to. He knew exactly what I was going through and maybe, he’d be able to help me understand what choice I had to make and why I was so attracted to these men.


  “I don’t really have much more to tell,” Zane said as we walked through the upstairs of the house. The hallways were longer than I expected and the beauty didn’t stop with the indoor courtyard.

  “So, you just heard something in your head that told you to come here and met Zander?”

  “Yeah, it was different. I never thought about spell work or anything occult until I got here. While my introduction wasn’t as exciting as yours, it was still the same type of deal.”

  “So, you had to choose if you wanted to be a part of Zander’s coven or Calebs,” I said, putting the dots together.

  “That’s the gist of it,” He said shrugging.

  “Why did you pick Zander’s coven?” I said as we walked closer to my room.

  “I liked the idea of sharing my power rather than have it overwhelm me,” he said. He stopped in front of my door and smiled. “This is your room for the next few days.”

  “Thank you,” I said putting my hand on the doorknob. Zane didn’t more his hand fast enough and we brushed ever so slightly against each other. The jolt of power caught me off guard. I bit my lip.

  “I know, it’s overwhelming, but it’s not as bad when we share the burden of it,” he smiled. “Take my hand. I’ll show you.” He held his hand out and I slowly put my hand in his. I felt electricity at the slightest touch of skin. It was like someone was lighting my hand on fire, but I could take it.

  “Does it always feel like this?” I said through stolen breaths.

  “We’re the two newest so it will be more potent with us,” he said.

  I held out my other hand and he took it. The heat changed to cold and the power settled a little, but never let go. It was as though through the completed circle; it could build in a different way. I gazed into Zane’s eyes and realized the light blue in them was almost glowing with little flecks of silver mixed in. They were mesmerizing and scary at the same time. I knew what those eyes held. They were more powerful than anyone I’d ever met.

  He smiled and pulled his hands away. I felt my high linger for a moment before it settled and I was me again.

  “There are a few different ways to connect. It just depends on the witch and what they want.” He ran his hand through his hair. “We all work in different ways.”

  I nodded and pushed my door open. “Thank you for helping me to understand this better. It’s a lot.”

  “It is.” He hesitated.

  “What is it?”

  “I shouldn’t.”

  “You have to now,” I said.

  “A part of me wishes you would never have had to do this.”

  “You weren’t the one that attacked me,” I said a little confused.

  “No, but… It’s hard to explain. Zander knows more than he likes to tell.”

  “He wasn’t the one that saved me, you were,” I said.

  “Yes, but he sent me.”

  “That’s a good thing. I don’t know what would have happened if he hadn’t.”

  “He did more than that,” Zane said before walking away.

  “Wait,” I said before taking a step outside my door, but Zane was gone.

  I stood there for a moment before shutting my door. This had been a long day and I was tired, but I couldn’t get the thought that there was something off out of my head. Maybe I was just reading into the story to far. Whatever it was, Zander would have some explaining to do tomorrow.


  “You don’t need to go anywhere else. This is your home,” Zanders voice said in the darkness.

  I looked for him, but couldn’t see anything in front of me. I felt hands wrap around my wrists and pull me against a man slightly taller than myself. His hands slid around my waist and pulled me tighter.

  “This is your fate. Embrace it.” Zander’s mouth was by my ear. “You will have everything you could ever want.” He kissed my ear and I tipped my head back. “We will protect you and you will give us the power to right the wrongs in the world.” His left hand slid up my stomach and rested just below my breast. “All you have to do is say yes.” His thumb toyed with the bottom of my breast. I reached my hands up to his arms and held them in place. He grabbed them and pulled them behind me.

  “I’m in control,” he said biting my ear. He pulled me into him and I could feel his hardness at the bottom of my back. My breath caught and I closed my eyes. “Just say yes and everything will change.”

  I opened my eyes and the brightness caught me off guard. I had to blink to pull myself out of the dream and into what was really in front of me. Why the hell was I having a sex dream like that?” I took a breath and bit my lip. Why wouldn’t I?

  I pulled myself from the bed and made my way to the closet, expecting it to be empty, but that wasn’t the case. It was as though they had gotten everything from every luxury store in the West and put it in the closet. Everything was the perfect size and any color I could ever want. I picked a short light blue floral dress that was a little off my style, but made me feel like I was a woman and that was something I wanted surprisingly more of.

  I walked through the door and made my way downstairs where I was greeted by Zander. He was the early one. My mind flashed to the dream I’d woken from not two hours earlier. I could picture his hands on my skin and the electricity it created.

  I shook the thought from my mind and made my way towards him. He was reading the paper, but seemed to know I was coming and put it down. He smiled and took a bite of his pancakes and motioned for me to sit next to him. I hesitated and then took the seat anyway.

  “What are you thinking?” It was as if he could see the questions on my face.

  “I was just wondering how you decided on me?” I didn’t dare ask what I was thinking, not yet.

  “It doesn’t work like that, Cat,” he said with a smile. “It just happens.”

  “So, you don’t choose who comes into the Coven.” I said without taking my eyes from him.

  “No, we don’t always know.” He said.

  “But sometimes you do?” I said.

  “Sometimes,” He responded.

  “What do Witches do?”

  “We work with magick,” he said with a smile.

  “So, you’re not going to tell me anything, are you?”

  “I can tell you some things?” He said pulling me to him.

  I didn’t fight him, and the feeling of fire came stronger than ever. It was like he was the part of myself that made my blood run hot and feel like it was bubbling to the surface.

  “All you have to do is say yes,” he whispered as he kissed my neck. I leaned my head back as he kissed lower and lower.

  “What happens if I do?” I ran my hands through his hair as he bit at my dress strap. His hand traveling further up my thigh.

  “You get everything.” He kissed me and I felt all that fire rise up in my body. It made my pussy hot to the point I felt I might explode. I moaned without thinking and his hand dipped to the edge of my thigh, dangerously close to me center. His head dipped into the center of my breasts and he kissed the sides, pulling the top of my dress down further and further as he went.

  He raised his head and kissed me, hard and commanding as he pulled my body on top of his. I was straddling him as he kissed me almost greedily until I moaned in hunger.

  “You have to say yes, Cat.” He said, nuzzling my neck.

  I almost couldn’t think, but something felt rushed. I pushed him back and looking into his eyes. They were a bright blue, much like Zanes were last night. The difference his eyes had flicks of green. I almost got lost in them.

  “It feels too fast,” I said.

  He grabbed my ass and pulled me closer to him. “It’s never too fast.”

  I wanted to say yes, but if he’d really summoned me here and changed my li
fe, then I wasn’t sure I wanted to be here anymore.

  I pushed myself to my feet and fixed my dress. He watched with disappointment in his eyes.

  “This is my choice, right?” I said watching him.

  He stood and took a step towards me. “It is, but the longer you wait, the harder it is for me.”

  “I don’t understand why it’s about sex for you,” I said without thinking.

  “That’s the best way to share certain power,” He said, watching my expression. “And it’s fun.”

  “Maybe, but I’m not ready for that.”

  “Not yet, but you will be.” He said before he walked passed me and up the stairs. I felt like my legs had turned to jello. He was right in some ways. I did want him, but his constant pressure was making me more crazy.

  “He’s a tough one. Not used to someone saying no,” Zarrick said coming around the corner.

  “How much did you see?”

  “Enough to know you are feeling the power,” he said leaning on the wall.

  “I guess,” I muttered.

  “Do you want to go for a ride and get out of this dusty old house?” He smiled and I felt safe at once.



  I didn’t feel weird getting into Zarrick’s 2018 Mustang. It was loud and a little wicked like he was, but he took great care in not driving so fast I felt unsafe.

  “What do you think of this place?” He said as he cruised down the Interstate.

  “I don’t know,” I answered honestly.

  “The air here is different. You probably know that now that you have experienced your powers.”

  “Powers. You say that like it’s no big deal,” I answered.

  “It isn’t. In fact, it can help you to navigate the world better and get the things you want as long as you use it wisely.”

  “You mean, don’t hurt anyone,” I said without thinking.

  “Not necessarily. You have a right to defend yourself,” he said with a smile. “This will do,”

  He exited the Interstate and drove for a bit longer. Once I was sure we were in the middle of the place he dumped the bodies, he stopped and glanced at me. “This is a good place to really practice and see what you can do with your gifts.”

  “I don’t know what you’re looking for. I have only felt something weird the other night with you guys.” I didn’t mention last night with Zane. I figured that wasn’t anything to worry about.

  “Each of us have a gift that is dominate in the circle. We work together instead of against each other. Zane is your counter. That’s why he could calm you so well the other night,” He reached for my hand. “I’m an empowering part of the circle for you. So You will get a boost from me.”

  “I don’t know if that’s a good idea,” I said looking at him.

  “You can’t hurt anyone out here. The closest person is at least twenty miles away.” He raised an eyebrow as he spoke. “I won’t let it get that big.”

  I bit my lip and reluctantly took his hand. The power surge was immediate. I felt my breath catch as a tingle moved up my hand and my arm into my chest and filtering out through my body. It felt like my skin was glowing and full of an energy I’d never realized was in my body.

  “I told you it wouldn’t be that bad,” Zarrick said trying to pull away.

  I held tighter to his hand, taking in the power and letting it filter through me into the air around me. “I’m not ready to stop.” I felt the energy expand into a circle around us and my body went from being unsure to alive. Zarrick watched me as he stepped int front of me. I looked further into his eyes than I ever had before. They glowed from the pupil to the edge of his iris. They were ocean blue instead of the ice or grey colors of his brothers. I felt the energy complete as he touched my other arm. It felt as though this energy was locked into place. It wasn’t getting larger, but it wasn’t going away either.

  “This is unlike anything I’ve ever felt before,” I managed.

  “It can be stronger depending on how many of us are together.” I felt his hand travel up my arm until it rested on my shoulder. It felt like feathers setting off my senses and all I wanted for it to never stop. He slid his hand behind my head and steadied me as he kissed me.

  I felt a surge of energy and the circle we’d just completed broke. There was nothing keeping it here and it exploded into a singed circle mark around us at least thirty feet from us on all sides.

  I pulled back and realized he’d let go of my hand. I reached for it and he pulled it away. He smiled and pulled me to him. “That’s enough for now,” he said before kissing me deeply. I grabbed his shirt and pulled at the soft fabric. He chuckled under his kiss before pulling away.

  “Why am I so attracted to you guys?” I said it without thinking and caught him looking at me with a smile on his face.

  “It’s part of the magick.” He smiled. “You feel our energy just as much as your own and when we connect like that it stimulates your sacral chakra.”

  “I don’t understand any of that,” I said honestly.

  “You will when we start your training.”

  “Wait, there’s training?” I said glancing at my feet. “I’m not so good at that kind of thing.”

  “That’s why we’re a part of the coven. We learn from each other,” he said with a smile and pulled me to him.

  I felt the crackle of energy between us and smiled myself. “What about this choice thing?” I had briefly talked to Zane about it, but wanted to know what Zarrick thought of it. I regretted it as soon as his face changed. He was no longer smiling and he was looking at the ground.” What did I say?”

  “It’s not you. I was found by Caleb and his group. I didn’t know any of this either,” He said as he pulled me back to his car. “I don’t talk about it because it wasn’t an experience I’d want to relive.”

  I didn’t press him further and got into the passenger side of his car. This whole thing was exhausting and no one would or could really give me a straight answer. It was time I talked to all of them at the same time and figure this whole thing out once and for all.


  I walked into the house with Zarrick behind me and was immediately met by Zane. His eyes flicked from me to Zarrick and he shook his head.

  “What?” Zarrick said behind me. “We don’t get a lot of time with her. I was just showing her what her powers can look like.”

  “You know how dangerous that can be,” Zane said glancing at me. “Your powers are stronger when you first get them. Since you weren’t around any other Witches, your powers have only started getting strong since you got here.”

  “I haven’t noticed anything since you guys found me. That’s when things went… weird.” I didn’t know what to say. I’d noticed a strange feeling after Las Vegas, but figured it was the heat. After all, I wasn’t used to hundred degree temperatures and I drove right into them.

  “Zane was the same way,” Zarrick said.

  “I know there is more to this Witch thing than you are telling me. I need to know, from all of you what I’m doing and why I have to choose.” I was blunt and the two men just stared at me.

  “Straight to the point,” Zarrick said with a smile. “You know that in this coven you share your power with the group.”

  I nodded.

  “In Calebs, you don’t. You keep your power and do what you want with it.” Zarrick stopped and glanced at the ground. “I started with them and defected. It’s not easy and it’s not what you want to do.”

  “Why didn’t you say something when I asked?” I said putting my hands on his shoulders. I could feel the electric buzz of our power combining. At this moment I wished I could turn it off.

  “It’s not an easy thing to talk about,” Zarrick said. Something told me there was more to the story.

  “You can choose before you have to go there for any amount of time,” Zander came down the stairs as he spoke. “I was trying to tell you that before.”

  “In a very posse
ssive way,” I snapped.

  He shrugged. “I can’t help it. I want you to choose us. I want you here.”

  “Why?” I said without dropping eye contact.

  “You’re our fourth. Our last piece of the puzzle and the one that will complete our coven.”

  “I thought a coven could be any size,” I said remembering I’d heard that somewhere, but couldn’t quite remember where.

  “It can, but I know you’re it.” He reached his hand out and glanced at the others. They all formed a circle and when my hands touched theirs, it was more than just a shot of electricity. It was as though my insides were set aflame. I could see everything around me and the air felt like it could carry me if I wanted it to. Everything was sharper and clearer. I wanted more. Before I could say it, I felt Zane let go of my hand and I was left with only Zander’s touching my left hand. He smiled and raised his eyebrows. I felt something else stir inside of me. It wasn’t just magick that attracted me to these men. There was an unseen connection.

  “You can have more than that if you say yes,” he said pulling me to him. I felt his hands on my waist and his lips brush my ear as he spoke. “You don’t have to ever leave.”

  I bit my lip and took a shaky breath. “I want to, but...” I felt a hand on my back as lips toyed with my neck.

  “There are other ways to feel the same magick. All you have to do is let it happen,” Zander whispered against my ear.

  I pulled at his shirt, wanting to give in. I wanted to feel more than just the magick I’d already felt, but I still didn’t know about this world. What if I was doing something that couldn’t be undone? What if I changed my world and it was the wrong choice? What if it was the right one? I’d never know until I saw what Caleb had to offer. Even if Zarrick wasn’t happy about it.


  I was standing in the middle of a circle in the dark. When I glanced around me, I couldn’t see anything except the circle and surrounding runes on the floor. There were five. One at each side and one under my feet all burning a soft blue.


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