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Fated Page 3

by Stacey Thompson

  I stepped to the side of the rune under me to read it, but didn’t understand what the symbol meant, but the air around me hummed with power. It went from cold to hot in a second and the circle dropped from under me. I thought I would fall, but I remained at the same place as the circle, but coming up was something else.

  I could hear the growl of something hungry and begging to be let free. I tried to move, but couldn’t. When I glanced below me, I saw it and felt it at the same time it’s massive hands wrapped around my ankle.

  “You are mine, Caterina. No one can save you from your fate.”


  I laid in my bed looking at the ceiling as bits of yellow sun poured into my window. The dream still fresh in my mind until I pushed it away. I wondered if today the men in this house would ignore me after my rejection.

  It didn’t matter, there was more to all this than anyone was telling me. I felt it in my gut. Maybe today when I started training to at least control my powers, they would tell me more or show me something that would lead the way for me.

  I got dressed in some jeans and a light purple t shirt and made my way down the hallway to see if I could wonder the halls a bit before the others woke up. I had been here for two days and hadn’t looked at anything in the house really.

  Instead of going down the stairs, I went the other direction and followed the hallway until I was at a set of double doors. I pushed them open and found myself standing on a beautiful second story deck. On the corners there were large flower pots with beautiful flowers of purple and white. They were tall and didn’t look like anything I’d ever see before.

  “They’re Oleander. One of the few flowers that grow here, but they are poisonous if you eat them,” Zerrick answered the unsaid question.

  “I suppose you could use them in magick too?” I reached out to touch one and rethought it once I realized they were poisonous.

  “They can. They are great at protecting people and Witches from all forms of danger. We grow them at each of the corners of the house for that reason.”

  “Are you going to teach me some magick or is someone else?” I smiled as I spoke. Zarrick was interesting and fun and he knew how to keep me wanting more. It also helped he was insanely good looking.

  “No. I’m not a good teacher. Zander is going to start you on all that.” He paused. “No matter what coven you choose; you should be able to control some of your own power.”

  I made a face. Zander was someone I didn’t want to see. Not right now after all the possessive hotness he was sending my way.

  “I promise he will just work with you on magick.” He smiled. “There will be plenty of time for the more fun connecting.”

  I cocked my head to the side. “How do you know I’ll choose this coven? I might want to keep all the power for myself.”

  “I doubt it. I’m irresistible,” he said walking passed me and into the hallway. “You’ll see.”

  I stood on the balcony for a while before Zander came up behind me.

  “This is one of the best views in the house. It’s a little tough when the wind blows though,” he said with a sigh. “I sleep out here sometimes when it’s hot.”

  “That’s all the time around here, isn’t it?”

  He shook his head. “No, not all the time, but we have a pool when it gets really hot.” He turned towards me and I met his gaze. “I’m sorry I came on so strong. I just know what I want.”

  “That’s not really an apology,” I said without moving.

  He smiled. “I guess it’s not. You’ll just have to get used to that. I will do anything to protect my Coven.”

  “Like call someone that isn’t ready to you?” I finally said it. I wanted to confront him since I found out there was more to this than he was saying.

  “Zane told you,” he said.

  “I made him.”

  “He doesn’t know how it works yet, but there is something coming and just the three of us can’t stop it alone,” he said without looking at me.

  “You figure a full coven can?” I said more than asked.

  “It can.”

  “What if I don’t choose you?”

  “Then I’m afraid you will have to stop what’s coming or let it kill us all.”

  “That’s not dramatic at all,” I muttered.

  He watched me before his hand went to mine. “You have access to the collective with us. It would be a lot easier for you to take on this with us and not on your own. “

  “What is it?”

  “The thing that’s coming?” He shook his head. “I don’t know. I don’t have that gift, but I can feel it. You can too if you try.”

  “How?” I asked, interested in understanding this small thing if I could.

  “Close your eyes,” He commanded. I did as I was told. “Take a deep breath and reach out with your energy, not your mind. The changes are subtle at first, but as you get more connected they will get stronger.”

  His voice floated away until I was standing in a cold dark room. I rubbed my arms to stave off the chill, but it didn’t work. I could see my breath in front of me as I started to panic. This was not what I wanted to do. I was supposed to connect to the energy and feel the shift, not be stuck in some weird place like this.

  “Zander?” I said, but he didn’t answer. I turned and looked for something that would give me a baring on where the hell I was.

  I saw a man standing across from me. He watched me with dark eyes and smiled. “You’ve been chosen, Cat. You are special. You’ll see.” He took a step and I backed up. “Your powers are growing every day. Soon, you will be everything we need and more. You’re going to change the world.”

  I felt heat on my shoulders and my eyes fluttered open. Zander was standing in front of me with his hands on my shoulders, concern in his bright blue eyes.

  “Are you okay?” He said, not letting go. I welcomed the heat from our combined magick over the cold wherever I was.

  I couldn’t form words, so I nodded and he pulled me to him.

  “This is why I wanted to bound you so fast. You were pulled right out from under me,” he said, holding me close.

  I smiled at the combination of him being protective and him helping bring me back. There was something different in this exchange than before as though the concern was real and he wanted more than just my power. He wanted me.

  “What’s going on? We felt a shift in magick,” Zane said running onto the balcony with Zarrick on his heels.

  “I don’t know. I was showing her how to feel the energy shift and she was gone,” Zander finally let me go and Zane and Zarrick both examined me before allowing me to sit.

  “Where did you go?” Zane finally asked after I’d gotten over some of the shock of what had happened.

  “I don’t know. It was dark and there was a man there who was talking to me,” I bit my lip. “He said I was going to change the world.”

  The three men looked at each other and Zander met my gaze after a long pause. “I didn’t know it was this close.”

  “What was this close?” I asked.

  He shook his head. “I have to talk to the council first.”

  I grabbed his hand, ignoring the spark the minute it hit my own hand. “I need to know what is going on.” I said it with more force than I’d intended, but this was about me and my life. I had to know what the hell was happening. “No more secrets.”

  Zander squeezed my hand and glanced at Zane and Zarrick before taking a seat. “You’re right. You need to know everything.”


  Sometime in the past

  She watched as the circle was drawn around her and felt the power of the closing of it around her. She smiled and drew her rune in flowers on the ground. Her coven mates joined her and drew their runes on each corner of the circle, four total. She knew this was her time. She was the one that would bring the change. People needed it. They yearned for it, even if they didn’t realize it.

  The group joined hands and she felt eve
ry sense come alive. Every nerve fired and every heart beat was harder and faster than the last. She felt her blood heat at the energy going through her and closed her eyes. The power burned through her skin and melted her away. When the pain stopped, she was laying on the ground, sweat covering her body.

  “You are the usher of Gods. The killer of men. You are the power that consumes all things.”

  She looked up and her eyes met with the tall demon she’d just used all her power to bring to earth. He held his hand out to her and she took it. The others in the coven bowed as he pulled her to him and smiled.

  “You are mine.”



  Zander watched me as I took in all that he said. The coven that kills everyone and brings a Demon to earth and how I’m the key to it all.

  “We just wanted to give you enough time to understand for yourself. We thought you would be able to choose on your own how you wanted to handle it.” Zane said, putting a hand on my arm. It eased the anxiety a little.

  “This is the coven that did this the first time, right?” I figured it was true with the way I felt so connected to each and every one of these men.

  “It is, but we have evolved as you have. We are here to stop it from ever happening,” Zander said. He stood and walked toward the edge of the balcony. “It doesn’t make sense. There are more signs than this when something that big is coming.”

  “You didn’t miss anything,” Zarrick said. He was leaning on the wall watching the whole thing. “They have gotten crafty about hiding the energy. You knew something was happening.”

  “I knew this was a possibility,” Zander said, turning back to the group.

  “Wait, there were four others. Who’s the one missing?” I glanced at Zane first and he sighed.

  “We were the original coven, but that’s doesn’t mean we aren’t replaceable. You are the only one that matters to them,” Zane said.

  “You didn’t answer my question,” I snapped, pulling my hand away. “You said no more secrets.”

  “We don’t know,” Zander said from the edge of the balcony. “We only know you because of the amount of power you have.”

  “If you’re here and already connecting to the demon, then we’re more screwed than we thought,” Zarrick said, running his hand through his hair.

  “That’s why we have to go to the council,” Zander said walking to the table.

  “They won’t let her sit in if she isn’t a coven member,” Zane said.

  Zander raised an eyebrow as met my gaze. “You’re the only one that can change that. You know everything we do now.”

  “A Coven bond can be broken, right?” I said it to Zarrick. The hurt in his eyes betrayed his coolness as he shrugged.

  “You can, but it leaves a mark and takes a piece of you,” he said without meeting my gaze. “Not something I’d wish for.”

  “It’s your choice, but we have to tell them tonight.” Zander leaned on the edge of the balcony as he spoke. “You know what we want.”

  “This pull isn’t just about magick,” Zarrick said, putting his hand on my arm. “I feel you in my bones and I don’t know why.”

  “We all do,” Zane said without moving. “You aren’t just a coven mate; you are the only one we will ever have.”

  “If you choose not to bond with us, we will be an incomplete coven until this evil kills all of us.,” Zarrick said, sliding his hand up my arm.

  “what your saying is this isn’t a choice at all,” I said putting my hand on Zanes. Even as I said it, I knew the truth in it. There was no other choice. This group of men was the only thing that mattered. They would die to protect me and I’d die to keep the world from hurting them. This was written in my blood, in my magick.

  I closed my eyes, but instead of seeing my men, I saw death and blood. I curled my hand around Zanes and let his magick help me feel as safe as I could. I knew this wasn’t just a vision in my head, it was real.

  I watched the Demon destroy everything. Everything was on fire. Zander lay in front of me, his blue eyes closed and his flesh partly burnt. I fell to my knees and cradled him in my arms. There was no buzz when our skin brushed, only cold. I raised my head and caught sight of Zane only a few yards away. He held his hands in the air releasing a small blue stream of light from his hands, but it didn’t even slow the Demon down. He grabbed him by the neck and held him in the air until he stopped fighting. I looked for Zarrick the last of my men, but couldn’t find him. I glanced down at Zander in my arms and felt hot breath on the the back of my neck.

  “You are the only one that matters. You are mine.”

  The only thing that remained were the oleander bushes and their pink blossoms. The only thing the fire couldn’t destroy.

  I wanted to say yes and become a part of this coven, but it would mean their deaths. I already knew that. I just didn’t know if I could live with it.


  “I can’t,” I said the moment I opened my eyes. “I just won’t go into the council with you.”

  “We could just say you are with us until you make the real commitment,” Zarrick said with a smile. Something told me that if he believed I was even considering the bound, he could make it happen. He might have been partly right.

  “That’s not how it works, Zarrick. She has to agree to it,” he snapped. Zander walked to me and put his hand on my shoulder. “I know you still aren’t sure, but we don’t have a lot of time.”

  “I know, but I can’t let anything happen to you,” I said glancing at the three of them. “Any of you.” I shook my head. “I won’t do it.”

  “We can handle ourselves,” Zarrick said with true concern in his eyes. “You know we can.”

  “I don’t,” I said plainly.

  “You have many gifts and something tells me you saw something you don’t want to share,” Zane said after being quite for such a long time.

  I shook my head. “It doesn’t matter. The council needs to know about all of this.”

  “You’re right, but you also need to be willing to tell us what you know.” Zander was stern in the way he ran things. That was clear, but he had a look I hadn’t seen before; real fear.

  “It was just the Demon again. He keeps calling to me,” I lied. They couldn’t know the real truth. I wouldn’t let them die. Not because of me.

  Zander watched me for a bit before turning to the others. “Set up the meeting. We have to tell the council what we know.” He glanced back to me. “I don’t know what they may make you do. They may not even let you in with us, but we’ll try.”

  “I don’t care what happens to me. I just want this Demon stopped,” I said truthfully.

  Zander put his hand on my cheek, a tender move for him. “I don’t care what the council says. You’re mine and you will be in this coven if I have to kill one hundred Demons.”

  “No. I’m all of your’s,” I whispered.

  Zander smiled before he kissed me gently and with none of the force I expected from a man claiming the woman he loved, but it was sensual and soft. I felt a hand go around my waist and rested my hand on Zander’s chest. He kissed me deeper as though his gentleness was hiding the true possessive Witch he was. He pulled back and locked eyes with me. “I will never let you go.”

  At that moment, I felt protected and safe even though I knew it wouldn’t last long.


  When they said there was a Witches Council, I was half expecting it to be something like you might see in the movies. It was pretty surprising to pull up next to a more than normal house in the middle of a town not far from the house Zander owned.

  “They will want to hear what you have to say. I know them. They’re reasonable,” Zander said from the driver’s seat.

  I glanced at Zane next to me and he smiled. This was the last thing I thought I’d be doing right now. I was supposed to be sitting on the beach watching the waves. I guess Fate had other plans.

  I stepped out of the car and followed the men int
o the home. It was not huge, but not small either. In my mind, it was an average home of a working professional. It had an iron door with ornate curves in the metal. It was beautiful to look at, but there seemed to be more to it. The energy was strong there and warned of the power that awaited inside. The red brick walls seemed to be the most normal thing about it.

  Zander raised his hand to knock, but before he could, the door opened and a frail woman that looked to be in her mid seventies stood before us. She smiled until her gaze dropped to me.

  “I’ve already called the council. They should be here in a few minutes,” she said not looking away. She stepped to the side and allowed us to pass, but her eyes still didn’t leave me. It was as though she was making sure I didn’t do anything she would have to clean up. Something told me she has more power than all of us.

  “I’m sorry we had to bother you at this late hour, but there’s something changing,” Zander said. Zarrick leaned against the wall in the kitchen area until the old woman gave him a look. He straightened and glanced my way.

  The inside of the home was very cozy with old couches with flower designs on either side of the room. Between them was a glass table with a simple flower carved into it. When I looked closer I realized it was the Oleander I’d seen at Zander’s home.

  “Is this what the meeting is about?” The woman turned towards me and I suddenly felt like I was a problem that had to be dealt with rather than someone that belonged.

  “I’m not a thing. I was pulled into this without my consent,” I snapped before thinking. I didn’t like being treated like a child.

  “Of course. I meant you being newly introduced to magick and its effects.” She smiled and I softened a little. I was normally good at reading intentions, but this woman was a mystery.

  “I’d rather speak to the council as a whole and not have to repeat my story to each one,” Zander said. He watched the old woman for a reaction, but she only smiled.


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