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School, Sex and Secrets II (School, Sex and Secrets #2)

Page 3

by Sheila Michelle

  “I’m glad you went with your instincts; we’ll eventually get the gun from him. But thank goodness that you were able to get the can, though. Where is it now?”

  “In a bag in the glove compartment.”

  I opened up the glove compartment and saw the zipped plastic bag with the can sitting in it. I sighed deeply. “I can’t believe this is happening. This is all the proof the cops are gonna need to arrest him. When are you gonna take it to them?”

  “Tomorrow. John had a few other cans in his garbage so I know he’s not gonna miss this one.”

  “He needs to go to prison forever for what he did to her.”

  He sighed. “I agree. It was brutal. She didn’t deserve it.”

  “So the two of you didn’t talk about Natalie?”

  “Not at all. I was about to bring her up but I decided not to because I didn’t want his mood changing, and I especially didn’t want him to get suspicious that I was suspecting him of killing her.”

  “Great, Brad. I’m glad you thought about that before you said anything.”

  He looked at me and smiled. “Oh, open up the glove compartment again and look underneath the bag with the can in it — there’s a piece of paper there.”

  I did what he said. I took the piece of paper out of it and looked at it . . . I gasped! “No way, Brad! Oh, my God!”

  “Yeah, that’s what I said,” he replied.

  I was reacting to the DNA test results on a lipgloss . . . but this one wasn’t mine. This one was the lipgloss that Brad thought was mine that one day — the one that he found on the floor of the front seat on the passenger’s side of John’s car along with my driver’s license. It stated that the DNA on the lipgloss matched Natalie Armstrong. “So this is proof that they were in a relationship together. How else would her lipgloss get in his car?”

  “That’s what I said, Vanessa. I had them email me the results early today right before I went to John’s since they called me and told me that the results on it were in. They asked me where did I find the lipgloss at since the DNA matched Natalie since she’s a murder victim. I told them that I found it in the Lost and Found bin at school.”

  “Great cover,” I said with a smile. “Well, just in case you didn’t believe me that day, now you know I was telling the truth.”

  He smiled. “Yeah, you were. I know I told you that I was gonna put it back where I found it, but I just couldn’t do it. I decided to hold on to it because I was curious to know whose it was and if it was yours or not. Remember, no one had given their DNA yet so that’s why I kept it. I knew John didn’t know that it was in his car, and I didn’t hear Natalie or any girl whining about her lipgloss missing so I actually forgot about it for a while. But then when you told me that Lisa had your lipgloss DNA tested to prove that it was yours, I knew I’d better have this one tested as well.”

  “I understand,” I said with a smile. “I know I would’ve done the same if I found a girl’s lipgloss in my boyfriend’s car, house, wherever, that I know wasn’t mine!”

  We laughed and held hands.

  Several minutes later, we arrived at the woods and parked in a small parking lot that was not seen from the main road. There was no one else here.

  “Wow, you’re right, not too many people seem to know about this place,” I said.

  “Yeah, and that’s a good thing,” he said with a grin. “Open up the glove compartment and get the bag out with the can in it. Just by a one-in-a-million chance that someone steals my car, I wanna know that we at least have the evidence. I can always get another car, but we can’t bring Natalie back, and I don’t know when I’ll have another opportunity to get John’s DNA without him being suspicious that I’m trying to get it from him.”

  “That’s for damn sure,” I said, and then looked in the glove compartment and got the bag out and put it in my large bag since I was carrying a blanket in my bag.

  We walked towards the woods as we held hands.

  “It feels so weird carrying around this evidence, Brad. I think we should turn it in as soon as we leave here.”

  “Relax, baby. John has no idea that I have it. I really didn’t wanna say anything to him about providing the school with his DNA samples because he was the only one who didn’t because then he would’ve known that I knew it was him who killed Natalie since all the other guys at school have been eliminated and he knows that.”

  “I still can’t believe he killed her. I mean, I’m sure nothing was that bad where he had to do what he did. Even though Marie told us why he did it, I would like to hear it from him eventually why he killed her, but I doubt he’s gonna tell anyone. And you know he’s gonna blame us, Brad, for turning in this evidence.”

  “I really don’t care. He has to pay for what he did. I mean, he sat there at my house that day and didn’t give a fuck that we all thought that Marc did it. To me, I felt that he could’ve told us right then and there if he really wanted to. He didn’t trust us, Vanessa. This goes way beyond secrets. He choked the shit out of her and then slit her throat? Talk about fuckin’ overkill! He threw his life away and he has no one to blame for it but himself. Having secrets is one thing, but killing someone is a whole other thing. We may all have a secret or two, but we all sure in the fuck weren’t involved in the killing of Natalie or anyone for that matter — he’s on his own with this.”

  I looked at him and nodded. “You are damn right about that! The secrets that most have are nothing compared to killing someone. It’s plainly obvious that he didn’t want the secret of having a child by a girl that he was seeing in secret.”

  “Exactly. But it’s not gonna be a secret anymore that he killed her and that was the reason why he did.”

  We found a spot that we were comfortable with and laid the blanket down. We then laid down on it and held each other.

  I laid my head on his chest. “I didn’t know that my senior year was gonna be filled with this much drama.”

  “Who are you tellin’? I didn’t know that Lisa and I were gonna break up, and I really didn’t think that someone was gonna be killed at our school, much less a person who was a friend of ours — and her killer, a good friend of mine . . . was a good friend of mine. The only good thing that’s happened this year is that I finally got the girl who I really wanted since freshman year to be my girlfriend.”

  I looked at him as I smiled. “Thanks, baby. And by far you asking me to become your girlfriend is the best thing that has happened this year — I just wish I could erase all the rest.”

  He sighed. “That’s for sure.”

  We looked at each other and began kissing.

  I slowly unbuttoned his jeans, unzipped them, and then pulled them down. Then, I slowly pulled down his underwear as I smiled at him. He smiled big as I began giving him his most-wanted sex request.

  He started breathing heavy. “Damn! This feels so good, baby! You just don’t know!”

  I nodded as my head bobbed up and down. I wanted to make him feel good and to take his mind off everything that had been going on, even if it was just for a few minutes.

  After he was satisfied, we began kissing again.

  “Thanks, baby — I needed that. I feel a little less tense now,” he said, and then pulled his jeans and underwear completely off. “C’mon, get on me.”

  I smiled as I unbuttoned and unzipped my jeans and pulled them down and off. He smiled as he helped me take my G-string panties off. I got on him and he was inside me. He moved up and down in me as he smiled at me as the warmth of one of his fingers softly massaged my hot spot of the hot spots. I softly moaned as the sun washed over our bodies like a warm, caressing wave of water.

  Suddenly, we heard a noise and immediately stopped!

  “Shit! What was that?!” I said as I got off of him, and then quickly put back on my panties and jeans.

  “Vanessa baby, it was probably nothing. There are always strange sounds in the woods,” he said with a grin.

  “Brad, how do you know if no one else is he
re? I don’t wanna fuckin’ audience!”

  “Yeah, you’re right — I don’t know. But I still don’t think there’s anyone here,” he said as he still grinned, as he put back on his underwear and jeans. “Damn, I didn’t get a chance to make you feel good, baby.”

  “Brad, I don’t care about that. I’m just so paranoid right now.”

  “Relax, baby.” He smiled big as he raised his arms up and opened them wide. “Come here.”

  I smiled as I came towards him. We embraced.

  In the parking lot, another car pulled up. He got out of the car and looked around, and then saw the path to the woods; he began to walk towards it.

  It was John.


  Brad and I laid on the blanket as we continued to talk. I felt a little more at ease now that there were no more strange sounds — but I didn’t wanna have sex again. “Brad, do you think John will ever talk to us again if we turn in this evidence that we have against him?”

  “NO, I DON’T THINK I WILL!” John shouted.

  We jumped up on our feet!

  I hid behind Brad as I held on to him.

  “John, how the hell did you know we were here?!” Brad asked in a shaken voice, obviously forgetting that he’d told him when he was over his house.

  “How the fuck do you think, man? You told me that you were coming here! And I wouldn’t have had to pay the two of you an unexpected visit if you didn’t steal a soda can out of my garbage in my room!” John angrily replied.

  I tried not to gasp while I still held tightly on to Brad.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about, man,” Brad said.

  “You know exactly what I’m talking about, man!” John replied, as he was obviously getting very angry.

  “John, please. Just turn yourself in, okay? You’ll probably get less time if you confess to doing it,” I pleaded with him.

  “Confess to what?! There’s no proof that I did this, remember? No one has my DNA, and no one is gonna get it! So gimme that fuckin’ can!”

  “What can?!” Brad said.

  “Don’t play dumb with me, motherfucker! You said you were gonna get some condoms out of my drawer, but it was obvious that you had other things in mind! You should’ve gotten the condoms, dumbass, because there was a brand new, unopened box sitting in the drawer that I told you to look in — but now I know you never even looked in the drawer because the box was never opened. Had you opened that box and taken some of the condoms out of it then I probably wouldn’t have looked in the garbage can, but since you didn’t take any, I looked in my garbage can and noticed that I had one less soda can in it! You stole that soda can right out of my garbage! And what other reason would you of had to do that if you weren’t gonna give it to the cops for DNA testing? See, I knew you were gonna find out that it was me eventually since I’m the only one at school who never submitted my DNA for the lab . . . but no one is getting a fuckin’ thing now!”

  “We don’t have anything, John!” I said, as I tried to sound convincing.

  “Yeah, but we had something! Didn’t we, Vanessa?” John said with a smirk on his face.

  Brad looked at me.

  “What the hell are you talking about, John?” I asked.

  “You know what I’m talking about!” John replied as he continued to smirk.

  “Oh, are you talking about the time when we were in a secret relationship? You know Brad knew about that so why are you bringing this up?” I asked.

  Brad nodded with his head down.

  “No, I’m not talking about that! You know damn fuckin’ well what I’m talking about! How did you know for sure that those secret texts that were being sent to you weren’t from me? And, oh, let me not forget about the roses being put in your car since you thought I was doing that shit, too? Hmmm . . . ,” John said with a very wicked grin.

  I now knew exactly what he was talking about. I knew I had to think fast about what to say because John was about to blow the secret wide open between the two of us having sex when I first became Brad’s girlfriend. I knew that he didn’t even care so much when I first started seeing Brad in secret and I had sex with him since that didn’t matter — he was about to tell about the time that really did matter.

  Brad looked at me; I knew he was waiting for me to say something. “I don’t know what you’re talking about, John,” I said, since I couldn’t think of anything else to say.

  John laughed. “Oh, I just bet you don’t! And you thought I was gonna keep it a secret like you?!”

  “What the hell is he talking about, Vanessa?” Brad asked, as he seemed to of had a reason to believe that something could’ve possibly went on between me and John after we became a couple.

  “I’m talking about your girl and me getting down and dirty with each other at my house a few months ago when she was officially your girl for only a few weeks! I’m talking about rubbing her pussy so good that she came while standing on her feet — did you ever make her cum like that? Huh?” John asked Brad with a wicked grin.

  Brad continued to stare at him very coldly; he didn’t say a word.

  “I’m also talking about fucking her until I filled my condom up with satisfaction, and then eating her so good that she couldn’t get enough — and she tasted damn good, too!” John said as he laughed. He looked at me. “That was one hell of a fuckin’ face ride you gave me, baby! Just like old times! That’s what I’m talking about!”

  “YOU MOTHERFUCKER!” Brad shouted, and then ran towards him!

  John pulled out his gun on him!

  I screamed!

  Brad slowly backed away with both of his hands in the air.

  “C’MON, MAN! I’M READY FOR YOU!” John shouted as he brandished the gun at him. He looked at me as he reached in his back pocket and pulled out a small red rose! “You want it, Vanessa? Huh?” he asked me with a wicked grin.

  I shook my head. “No thanks,” I calmly replied, as I kept staring at the gun that he had pointed at Brad.

  “C’mon, man. Don’t be fuckin’ stupid, okay? We just want you to do what’s right. You know what you did to Natalie was wrong, man!” Brad said, as he still had his hands in the air.

  John shook his head as he still pointed the gun at Brad, and then dropped the rose on the ground and stomped hard on it. “Yeah, well, we all do things that are wrong. It was wrong for her to fight with me about wanting to keep a fuckin’ baby that she knew damn fuckin’ well that I didn’t want! I didn’t wanna have a relationship with her in public, so what the fuck made her think that I wanted to be the fuckin’ father of her child? I don’t fuckin’ think so! Then, she tried to threaten me by saying that she was gonna tell everyone that I abused her and that she was gonna take me to court and try to suck every penny out of me for her and that fuckin’ baby of hers! I wasn’t gonna let the bitch do that! So I did what I had to do with her! And you know she wouldn’t even fuckin’ die right away after I strangled her? She was still fuckin’ alive when I was about to leave her there so I had to finish her off so I slit the bitch’s throat! I wasn’t gonna let that bitch or that baby ruin my life!”

  Brad and I stood stunned at what John had just told us; we couldn’t believe just how evil he really was.

  “What the fuck are the two of you looking at me like that for?! The bitch is gone and there is no way that anyone can bring her back! And there is no motherfuckin’ way that I’m gonna rot in prison over some whore who tried to threaten me with a paternity suit and all kinds of other shit because she couldn’t keep her fuckin’ legs closed! I did the world a favor! One less whore in the world!”

  “Nothing was worth killing her over, John, and you know it!” Brad said. He began to reach for something in his pocket; he got an instant panic look on his face.

  I looked at him, but I didn’t say anything because I didn’t want John to hurt us.

  John grinned as he looked at Brad . . . and then pulled out Brad’s gun! “Looking for this?” he asked Brad.

  I gasped!
“Oh, no!”

  Brad shook his head as he let out a long sigh. “Look, man. Gimme back my fuckin’ gun, okay?”

  “Why should I? The more guns that I have to protect myself with the better! After all, I don’t want you or Marc shooting and killing me for killing that ex-whore girlfriend of his! I figured that I’d better take my gun out of hiding since it was all a matter of time before you all found out that it was me who killed her,” John said with that wicked grin.

  I continued to stare at John as I couldn’t believe just how evil he really was. He had no remorse for killing Natalie. I also believed that he really hated Brad and me for being together and knew that we were getting close to finding out that he was the one who killed Natalie and was willing to kill us because of it. I was speechless.

  “Look, John, you just keep tacking on charges! Murder, unauthorized use of a firearm, and breaking into my car to steal my gun!” Brad said.

  “You didn’t lock your door, dumbass, so I didn’t break in! I just opened the front driver’s side door, looked in your pocket on the inside of your door, and there it was,” John said with a grin.

  “Gimme my fuckin’ gun, man!” Brad angrily demanded.

  John pointed both guns at us now. “Gimme the can! I’ll trade you!” he chuckled.

  I looked at Brad; he was unmoved.

  “You think I’m that stupid, man? I can’t trust that you won’t shoot us after you get the can from us!” Brad said.

  John sighed, as he was clearly getting irritated by Brad not giving into him. “Look, gimme the fuckin’ can — I’m not fucking around! And I don’t know about the two of you, but I’m not losing out on anything! My life is just beginning! As soon as I get the fuck out of Rosemont, I’m off to college and I’ve already been accepted! Then, I’ll go on to the best medical school and I will be a surgeon and I’ll have no memory of this fuckin’ year, or of Natalie, or of any fuckin’ secrets! Nothing at all!”


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