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School, Sex and Secrets II (School, Sex and Secrets #2)

Page 9

by Sheila Michelle

  Brad and I looked at him with our eyes big.

  “Oh, my God! What happened, Marc?” I asked.

  “Well, I went up to his room to get some condoms — I got them and then saw the speeding ticket, and then took a picture of it. Then, I looked in his garbage can and noticed all the soda cans and napkins in it, and as I was looking in it, one of the condoms dropped in it. I reached down into the garbage can to get it, as well as one of the napkins and soda cans, but when I looked up, John was standing over me with a motherfuckin’ evil glare.”

  Brad and I looked stunned!

  “Holy shit, man! What did he say?” Brad asked.

  “He asked me why was I looking in his garbage, and I told him that I was just getting the condom out that accidentally dropped in it. He looked at me and then looked in the garbage can and saw that I wasn’t lying; he took it out and then told me to give him the other condoms.”

  “Why?” I asked.

  “Because he obviously didn’t want me to have them since his fingerprints were on them.”

  “Of course,” Brad said.

  “He went to his closet and got out a new box of condoms and opened them for me. He told me to take as many as I wanted; he held the box for me as I took some.”

  “Naturally. He obviously didn’t wanna get his prints on those, either,” I said.

  Brad and Marc nodded in agreement.

  “After that, I told him I had to go and just left. I couldn’t wait to get out of there. I had chills all over my body because I didn’t know what that motherfucker was capable of,” Marc said.

  “Yeah, don’t we know?!” I said.

  “It’s good that you went with your instincts, man. Good for you,” Brad said.

  “Sorry that I couldn’t get his DNA,” Marc said somberly as if he’d let us down.

  “Marc, it’s okay, man. We’ll get it from him. He’s gonna fuck up one day and that’s when we’ll be able to get it from him,” Brad assured him.

  “Most definitely. He thinks he’s slick at avoiding us now, but he can’t run from what he did forever,” I said.

  Marc smiled. “I know.”

  “Actually, I can’t wait until school starts up again,” Brad said.

  Marc and I looked at him.

  “Why, baby?” I asked.

  “Because I’m gonna be on his ass like white on motherfuckin’ rice tryin’ to get his DNA. He thinks I’m scared of him? There’s no way I’m scared of his ass. He’s gonna pay for what he did to Natalie. There is no one on his side that knows that he did this and he fuckin’ knows it — he’s on his own like I said a million times. He can talk all that shit about how we set him up to be shot by Marie all he fuckin’ wants when he knows he got what he deserved and is lucky that he survived it — like that’s worse than what he did to Natalie. He’s the only one that killed her so he’s the only one that’s going down for it.”

  “Right on, man!” Marc said.

  They high-fived each other as I smiled.

  Minutes later, the waitress brought our food to us.

  We ate as we now talked about how much we were looking forward to our last semester in high school to start. Even though none of us wished that the things that had happened would’ve happened, they did, and we all had to deal with it the best way that we all could. But all I wanted at this point was for John to do the right thing and turn himself in for killing Natalie. But him killing her was a secret to all of us, and it was a secret that I just didn’t know if I could live with for much longer, whether we were ever gonna get his DNA or not.


  I smiled at Brad as he drove us in his million-dollar car to the first day of our second semester of our last year in high school. The skies were blue and the sun was in full bloom and I was hoping that this would reflect on how it was gonna be in the months ahead, but John murdering Natalie still had a dark cast that covered my sky, and I had constant dreams about her since she had been murdered. Every time I had these dreams about her, I promised her that Brad and I would put John where he rightfully belonged, and I didn’t wanna fail her — not at all — especially since she told me she was sorry about the texts and roses in the first dream I had about her since her death.

  “So, baby, this is it. In a few months, we’re done with high school,” he said as he smiled at me.

  “I know, and hopefully John will be done with as well,” I replied.

  “Now that is what I wanna have done with for sure!” he said, and then held my hand.

  We pulled up into the school parking lot as everyone stared at us, mainly because of Brad’s car.

  Ava, Marc, and all the rest of our friends were waiting by Marc’s car for us.

  I looked around and saw John getting out of his car. He got out his bag and then stood by his door as he stared at us. “There’s John. I fuckin’ hate him, I really do, Brad.”

  “I know — I hate him, too. To stand there and act as if he didn’t do anything wrong is just as sick as it gets. Don’t worry, baby, he’s not gonna have his freedom for too much longer if we can help it.”

  “And I know I’m gonna do everything I can to make sure that he doesn’t,” I replied with certainty.

  Brad pulled into his parking space, and then we got out of the car as everyone in the lot seemed to be staring at us.

  “What’s up, everyone?” Brad said, as he high-fived all of his friends.

  I smiled as I talked to Ava . . . but then my smile disappeared as John was headed our way!

  John walked up to all of us, and then high-fived everyone. Marc did so reluctantly, but Brad turned completely away from him, showing him exactly how he felt about him. He seemed shocked that he did this. “What’s wrong, man? You have something against me now?” he asked him.

  We all looked at Brad.

  “C’mon, let’s get inside,” Brad said to me, and then held my hand.

  We walked up to school with Ava by my side.

  “Oh, my God, Brad! I can’t believe you did that!” I said.

  “I’m not gonna hide it anymore that I don’t like him, Vanessa, and I mean that. He tried to kill us that night by trying to run us off the road. It’s no secret anymore that I hate that motherfucker,” he replied.

  I looked back at John as he stared at me while he walked with Marc behind us at a distance.

  “What the fuck is his problem?” John asked Marc.

  “I don’t know, man — maybe you might wanna ask him,” Marc replied, but knew exactly why Brad didn’t want to talk to him.

  John shook his head. “It’s cool, man. Fuck his pussy-whipped ass!”

  Marc grinned. “Well, if I had Vanessa I would be pussy-whipped, too — what man wouldn’t be?”

  “I wouldn’t — she ain’t all that so he can keep her.”

  Marc smirked at him. “You sure as hell weren’t saying that when she wasn’t with Brad, man.”

  “Well, I’ve had her a lot and she’s not all that, and that’s all I’m gonna say.”

  Marc shook his head as he grinned. “Whatever you say, man.”

  John looked at him. “Yeah, it is whatever I say — remember that.”

  Marc looked at him as they entered school, knowing exactly what he’d meant.

  It was seventh period and I had Senior English. I sat in class in the first seat in the first row right by the door as I looked at my phone with pictures of Natalie on it. I tried not to get emotional since I knew that she should’ve been here at school like all the rest of us.

  I looked up from time to time as people continued to come in as I checked out who was in my class. I looked back down at my phone, and then looked up . . . I gasped as I almost dropped my phone!

  John walked into class!

  I immediately texted Brad and Ava to let them know that he was in my class. I looked over at him as he sat on the other side of the room from me as he stared at me with a wicked grin on his face. I couldn’t believe this shit! I looked away as I shook my head as people still fi
led into class.

  I looked up, and once again, I couldn’t fuckin’ believe it!

  Lisa entered this class, too!

  We locked eyes with each other as the gasps and buzzing could be heard throughout the class since everyone knew that she used to be with Brad. She turned her nose up at me and went directly over to John and sat in front of him. They immediately began talking as they stared at me, and I knew it was about me being in the same class as them.

  I looked down at my phone and saw texts from Brad and Ava; they both said the same thing — stay calm and always be the better person. I texted them both back and told them that Lisa was also in this class with me, and her and John were sitting right next to each other on the other side of the room from me and that I knew they were already talking shit about me. My phone buzzed with a text from Ava . . . Holy shit, V.! R U gonna switch classes?! I texted her back . . . Not a chance. I’m not afraid of their fuckin’ asses. I dare them 2 start shit with me in here because if they do then they will hear it!!! I looked down and saw a text from Brad . . . I’m gonna c if I can switch to that period. This isn’t good, baby. I texted him back . . . Brad, the class is full and it’s a graduation requirement so no 1 is gonna drop it. I’ll b OK.

  I looked over at John and Lisa as they continued to talk as they stared at me. They were talking very low so I knew it was about me.

  “Who do you think she was texting?” Lisa asked him.

  “Probably Brad and Ava — telling them that we’re in the same class as her,” he replied.

  “Yeah, the bitch probably is. She should be concerned that I’m in here with her, at least, and she should really be concerned that I don’t beat her ass for stealing my man.”

  He chuckled. “Lisa, who gives a fuck about Brad? He wanted the bitch that bad and now he has her. Like I told Marc earlier, she’s not all that like the way Brad and all the other dudes make her out to be.”

  She nodded. “I think Vanessa is a fuckin’ whore. She knows that she stole Brad from me — even Marie said it — but Ava and all these other assholes are trying to act as if she and Brad were meant to be all along.”

  “I know, Lisa. If that were the case then he would’ve always been with her instead of you. Brad was a fuckin’ asshole for leaving you. And I agree with you, Vanessa is a whore, and I know that personally.”

  She looked at him. “What do you know that I don’t?”

  “That she cheated on him with me and they weren’t even together for more than a few weeks when she did,” he informed her.

  Lisa looked shocked, but not surprised. “Just as I thought, John! I knew that bitch wasn’t perfect! Yeah, and what did Brad say?”

  “Well, he said he forgave her from what Marc told me, and that we all make mistakes.”

  “Mistake, my ass! She knew what she was doing when she had sex with you.”

  “I know she did,” he said with a grin.

  Once again, I looked around as they were both staring at me as they smirked. Lisa was shaking her head, and this made me really wanna know what the fuck they were talking about. But I had to take the advice of Brad and Ava — stay calm, because I had no choice but to be the better person.

  Mrs. Whitman, our English teacher, walked in and class began. I tried to pay attention since I knew that this was gonna be a long semester with these motherfuckers in my class.

  After school, I sat at Brad’s house as we watched TV in his recreation room as I talked to him about John and Lisa being in the same English class as me.

  “I tried to get into your class, but my guidance counselor said that it was full and it can’t be dropped since it’s a graduation requirement,” he informed me.

  “I told you, baby, I’ll handle it. I’m not gonna let the two of them get to me. It’s like they’re trying to intimidate me by sitting across the room from me right next to each other and looking at me as they talk to each other, like they want me to know that they’re talking about me. I’m not gonna take any of their shit in there and I mean that. If Lisa tries to start any crap with anyone in the class about me stealing you from her, as she says, then I’m really gonna hurt her. Me pushing her off the stage that night at Sparkle and yelling at her in the school parking lot for trying to run me down and saying that nasty shit about me is nothing compared to what I’ll do to her skinny, frail ass!”

  He chuckled. “Vanessa baby, calm down, okay?”

  “I will not, Brad! I’m the one who has to deal with a killer and not to mention an ex-girlfriend of yours and attempted killer every day now until the end of the school year!”

  “I know you have to deal with some shit, baby, but I know you’ll be able to handle it because you wouldn’t be yourself if you couldn’t.”

  I smiled at him. “Yeah, I know, baby.”

  We kissed.

  “Damn, that kiss felt good!” I said while I still had my eyes closed. I opened them to him smiling at me.

  “It did. Well, you know if you wanna have sex more than usual just to relieve the stress of the two of them being in the same class with you, let me know.”

  I smiled. “Thanks, baby, because I know I’m gonna need you sexually now more than ever to relieve my stress!”

  He laughed. “Well, whenever you need to get down, baby, I’m always available to my beautiful girl.”

  I smiled. “And I’m always available to you.”

  We kissed again.

  He looked at me and smiled.

  “What?” I asked.

  “Do you need to relieve some of that stress now?” he said with a sly grin.

  “I can’t.”

  “Why not?”

  “I have my period.”

  “FUCK!” he said as he chuckled.

  I laughed. “Sorry.”

  “Nothing to be sorry for, baby. It’s nature, I understand.”

  “No you don’t understand, Brad!” I chuckled.

  He laughed. “Well, I’m trying to, Vanessa.”

  “And I appreciate it,” I said with a smile.

  We continued to hold each other as I thought about how it was gonna be for the rest of the school year having to deal with John and Lisa in just one of my classes.

  Hours later, the chime from my phone woke me up out a deep sleep. I looked at it . . . it was another secret text . . . So it’s 2 against 1 now! Good luck surviving the end of your senior year! This instantly made me very mad because this was very threatening, and now I wasn’t ruling Lisa out in the least bit. Who the fuck is this?! You’re the one who’s not gonna survive 4 much longer if u keep fucking with me! I angrily texted back, and then sent it and waited for a response . . . and fell back into a deep sleep while waiting for it.


  Weeks had gone by without incident and we were no closer to getting John’s DNA to turn in to the cops to prove that he had killed Natalie. Every class period that I had with him I tried to see if he would accidentally leave something behind on his desk that I could take — but he never did. He was very careful because he knew he had to be, especially since he knew that I was in the class with him.

  I was also no closer to finding out who was sending me these secret texts, and I would watch Lisa like a hawk during Senior English when she was texting to see if I would receive a text seconds later, but every time she texted she was obviously sending it to someone else since I never received one while in class unless it was from Ava or Brad . . . but I still didn’t rule her out.

  I was sitting in my Philosophy class, the class that I had before Senior English. I looked down at my phone and saw that I’d received a text . . . I wanna fuck u in the sports equip storage room next period so meet me there. If U don’t show, U won’t have a boyfriend or best friend anymore . . . or maybe both.

  This was not a secret text . . . this was undoubtedly John.

  My hands started to shake as I looked at the text because I didn’t know what to say in response. I didn’t wanna go there, but I knew that if I didn’t that he would hurt Brad
or Ava, or like he mentioned, both of them. I knew that he was gonna start texting me about wanting to have sex here — it was all a matter of time. It was obvious that he had enough of Marie and Ava, and since I’m the only one besides Brad that hadn’t given into any of his threats and demands, I knew he was gonna start getting impatient after a while. But I wasn’t gonna let him fuck me in there because he knew damn well that I never did that with him in any room in this school when we were seeing each other in secret, but I knew that’s exactly what he wanted to do this time, but that was not gonna happen if I could help it.

  I looked at the time, and there were only ten minutes left until class was over with. A banner came down from the top of my phone, indicating that I had another text. I looked at it . . . ANSWER ME, BITCH!! I felt myself began to panic. I knew I couldn’t get out of this with him. OK, John. I’ll meet U there. I texted and then sent it to him. I looked down at my phone . . . Can’t wait, baby ;), he texted back. I sighed deeply as I put my phone in my bag. I looked at the clock and there were only five minutes left in class.

  Suddenly, a loud buzz blasted through the speakers!

  It was the fire alarm!

  Everyone jumped up out of their seats!

  “Okay, everyone, stay calm and go to the nearest exit of the school — no running,” our teacher, Mr. Daniels said.

  I couldn’t fuckin’ believe this shit! I was so stunned I walked faster than usual to get outside because I wasn’t sure where John was.

  Everyone began to file outside as I stood around looking for John — I didn’t see him . . . yet. All the while, I couldn’t believe how perfect the timing was of the fire alarm. I felt that someone did this on purpose, and if they did, I wanted to personally thank them later.

  My phone rang; I looked at it and saw that it was Ava. “Hey, girl. So, where are you outside?”

  “In front of the school,” she replied.

  I looked around where I was at and still didn’t see John. “Oh, my God, Ava! John texted me no more than ten minutes ago about wanting to have sex with me in the sports equipment storage room!”


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