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School, Sex and Secrets II (School, Sex and Secrets #2)

Page 21

by Sheila Michelle

  “Damn, V.! How come you had to spoil it all and not get a drink along with the rest of us?” Ava asked with a grin.

  “Because I’m not old enough, that’s why. Besides, my parents will know if I’m even buzzed. We’re all eighteen, not twenty-one!” I replied, and then picked up my water and sipped it.

  “Actually, I’m surprised that she didn’t ask us for ID!” Marc said as he laughed.

  “I know, huh?!” Brad said as he also laughed. “She obviously thinks that we’re twenty-one or over.”

  “Exactly!” Marc replied with a grin.

  We all laughed as we looked at our menus — there were no prices listed.

  “Where are the prices for everything?” I asked.

  “Online,” Brad replied with a smile.

  We all looked at him.

  “Are you serious, baby?” I asked.

  “Yeah, I am. You have to go online to look at their menu if you wanna know the prices — that’s how it is now. A long time ago, you took your chances eating here because no one knew what the prices were until you got the check for it,” he replied with a grin.

  “Yeah, this is one of those ritzy-tizzy restaurants!” Ava said with a laugh.

  “Shhhh! Ava!” I said as I looked around.

  Brad and Marc laughed.

  “Well, since I’m paying for it, you all can have anything you want — I’m serious,” Brad said.

  “And that’s exactly what I’m gonna have!” Marc said with a grin.

  “I second that!” Ava said.

  Brad and I looked at them and smiled.

  Several minutes later, the waitress came back with our drinks, and then took our orders. I knew that this was gonna be a very expensive dinner because Brad and Marc both ordered the biggest and best steaks that they had, along with lobster, oysters, and crab legs, while Ava and I ordered filet mignon and crab legs with salads. We also ordered a ton of appetizers as well.

  Marc raised his glass of hard liquor. “To great friends, great parties, and great sex!”

  We all laughed at him as we touched our glasses together. I was glad he didn’t say sex that loud.

  Minutes later, the waitress brought us our appetizers.

  “Wow! Everything looks delicious!” I said, and then took one of the hot chicken wings.

  Everyone else took some as well, along with all of the other appetizers.

  “This is gonna be one expensive dinner, Brad, so I’m gonna thank you in advance,” Ava said with a smile.

  “You’re welcome,” Brad replied with a smile as he ate.

  “Yeah, thanks, man,” Marc said with a smile.

  “No problem, man,” Brad replied, and then sipped his hard liquor.

  I slowly grabbed him and kissed him on the mouth, even though I didn’t like the smell of the liquor on his breath. “And that’s how I thank him.”

  Marc and Ava laughed.

  Brad smiled. “And that’s the way I like to be thanked!”

  We all laughed.

  “As well as in other ways, too,” Brad said as he looked me with a sexy grin.

  “Yeah, don’t I know?!” I replied with a laugh.

  Marc and Ava laughed.

  Suddenly, I felt Marc touching my leg! I looked at him as I tried not to look surprised. He looked at me and smiled; I smiled back. I looked at Brad out of the corner of my left eye as he ate like no one was watching. I looked at Ava as she ate while looking at her phone. I almost felt as if Marc and I were sitting here all alone. He kept feeling on my leg, and I hate to of thought it, but it reminded me of John feeling up my leg at Sparkle. I put my hand on his and patted it twice, indicating to him that I wanted him to stop. He looked at me and smiled, and then stopped. I smiled back and nodded, and all the while, Brad and Ava didn’t notice any of this.

  Several minutes later, our food came to the table, and everything looked great.

  “Enjoy,” our waitress said with a smile.

  “We will!” Marc said as he rubbed his hands together.

  We all laughed, as well as our waitress. She left the table with the other waiters who helped her bring our food to us.

  “Before we fuck all of this delicious food up, I have another surprise for us all,” Brad said with a smile.

  Marc, Ava, and I looked at him with one eye on him and the other on the food.

  “What is it, honey?” I asked.

  “Well, you’re all invited back to my house to burn all of this food up for another little BF3P,” Brad informed us with a big grin.

  We all gasped!

  “Brad! You’re kidding!” I said.

  “No, actually, I’m not. My parents won’t be back until tomorrow — they’re in San Francisco. They called me just before I picked you up to let me know that they decided to come home tomorrow instead of tonight,” he replied with a smile.

  “Well, you know I’m down for it! Hell yeah!” Marc said, and then high-fived Brad behind my back.

  “Me too!” Ava replied as she looked at me with a big smile.

  I smiled back at her because I knew how much she wanted to have sex with Brad again since she couldn’t stop talking about it.

  Brad looked at me and smiled. “So that leaves you, Vanessa. Are you down for another party, baby?”

  I looked at Marc and Ava as they eagerly awaited my answer — no one had even touched their food. “Well . . . I guess so,” I replied with a smile.

  They all cheered!

  “Great! Now we know how we’re all gonna burn off all of this great food! Let’s eat!” Brad said.

  We all laughed in agreement and picked up our forks and knives.

  “Wait a minute!” Marc said.

  “What?” Brad asked.

  Ava and I looked at Marc.

  “Aren’t we gonna say our prayers?” Marc asked with a chuckle.

  We all laughed, and then began to eat.

  Several minutes later, I had to slow down because I was eating too fast. I also had to use the bathroom. “Okay, I’m stuffed. I’m gonna go to the bathroom — I’ll be back.”

  Brad scooted out of the booth to let me out. “Don’t take too long, baby. You wanna eat as much as you can so you can have fun burning it off later.”

  Marc and Ava laughed as they continued to eat.

  I chuckled. “I know.”

  Brad kissed me on my forehead, and I went to the bathroom.

  While I was in the bathroom stall, I let out a deep sigh because I wasn’t sure about wanting to have another party like the one that we had last week because I thought that it was supposed to be a one-time thing. I knew everyone was gonna get the urge to wanna do it again with each other, and I would be lying if I said that I didn’t have the urge, either, to have sex with Marc again because I very much did. And I knew for a fact that he wanted to have sex with me again since he told me that last week as well as every day this week, and now he was gonna have his chance to do it again.

  I opened the stall and walked out of it — it was eerily quiet and there were no other women in the bathroom. I went over to the sink and washed my hands, and then walked out of the bathroom.

  Suddenly, someone grabbed me from behind and put something hard in the middle of my back!

  “Hey . . .”

  It was John!

  I thought I was in a nightmare! “John!”

  “Quiet! Walk!” he said quietly, as he still had whatever it was pressed up very hard against my back, and I had no doubt in my mind now that what was on my back was a gun.

  It was unbelievable that no one was around since the bathrooms were isolated from the main part of the restaurant. I walked in a very scared, silent panic out of what looked like the back door of the restaurant that the employees entered and exited as he kept the gun at my back.

  “Keep walking right over to that grey SUV,” he instructed.

  I couldn’t believe that no one was out here witnessing this. It was dark with a slight chill to the air, but to me it was very cold.

sp; Once we approached the SUV, he unlocked the doors. “Open the door and get in.”

  I did exactly what he’d said since I didn’t want him to hurt me. He cuffed one of my hands in one of the cuffs while the other cuff was attached to the door handle — I knew instantly that he’d planned this. He shut the door and then got in on the driver’s side. I had no idea where he was taking me, but I knew that it wasn’t anywhere good, and I knew it wasn’t gonna be good as to what he was gonna do to me.


  John looked at me from time to time as he drove us down a dark, narrow road, and I’d been down this road many times so I was familiar with it. “So, you’re wondering how I knew that Brad was treating you, Ava, and Marc to a fancy dinner tonight, huh?”

  “John, please let me go! I haven’t done anything to you! Do you realize what you did?! You abducted me from that restaurant at gunpoint! That’s kidnapping with a deadly weapon! You can go to prison for that! You’re just tacking on charges, John!”

  He laughed. “What fuckin’ charges?! I’m not gonna be charged with anything!”

  “John! You know you have a fuckin’ murder charge that you’re gonna have to face if you just do the right thing and turn yourself in! And don’t gimme any shit about Marie needing to turn herself in for shooting you, as well as me and Brad since we witnessed it! I’m tired of hearing it!” I said while I struggled to get my hand out the cuff.

  He looked at me and laughed again. “Bitch, please! I’m not turning myself in for ridding the world of a whore and her bastard, unborn child! You’re fuckin’ crazy!”

  I cried while I still tried to get my hand out of the cuff since it was very tight around my wrist.

  “You look very pretty tonight — I wish you would’ve dressed this way for me when we were secretly seeing each other,” he said, and then went in between my legs and started rubbing my crotch area very hard.

  “STOP IT, JOHN!” I screamed while I still struggled to get my hand out of the cuff or at least tear the other cuff off of the door handle — but my hand or the other cuff wouldn’t budge. I used my only other free hand to smack John’s hand away.

  “Why are you being such a feisty fuckin’ bitch now? Huh? You used to love it when I rubbed your pussy until you came! What’s wrong? You’re too fancy to fuck and grind now, huh?” he said with a grin.

  “LEAVE ME ALONE!” I screamed as I cried. I looked up and noticed that we were coming up on the bridge that had a river below it. As he continued to insult me and tell me that he wasn’t going to prison, I took everything I had and screamed in pain as I pulled the one cuff that was on my hand down as hard as I could . . . it came off!

  We started to cross the bridge, and I managed to get the door unlocked and pushed it open as hard as I could!

  “VANESSA!!!” he screamed.

  I took a flying leap from the car as I flew through the air over the guardrail, and screamed as I flew into the river below!!

  I made a big splash as I landed in the dark, cold water. I swam back up to the top as the moon’s reflection shined down on me.

  “HOLY SHIT!” I heard a boy’s voice say.

  “OH, MY GOD!” I heard a girl’s voice say.

  “PLEASE HELP ME!” I yelled, as I swam in the direction of their voices.

  Once I got close to them, they came out into the water to help me out of it. Even though I was completely delusional about what had just happened to me, I noticed that the boy was topless with just his underwear on. The girl looked like she had just put back on her skirt since she had only her bra on. I knew what they were doing and I didn’t care. Someone was here when I really needed them, and that was all that mattered to me.

  Minutes later, I sat with a towel wrapped around me as I talked to the couple who help me out of the water. They were now fully dressed.

  “Sorry that you had to see us like that,” the boy said with a grin.

  The girl smiled. “Yeah, really!”

  I smiled back at them. “It’s okay. I’ve had sex a lot outdoors and was lucky no one caught me and Brad.”

  The boy looked at me. “You look familiar — do you go to Rosemont?” he asked.

  I nodded with a smile. “Yeah, I do.”

  They looked at each other and gasped!

  “Are you Vanessa? Vanessa Ellis? Brad Johnston’s girlfriend?” the boy asked.

  “Yeah! I am!” I replied with great surprise . . . and I was!

  “Oh, my God!” the girl said with a big smile. I knew she wanted to probably say something about how hot Brad was, but didn’t since her boyfriend was standing here.

  “What are your names?” I asked.

  “I’m Len — this is my girlfriend, Rashida.”

  “Nice to formally meet you two,” I said with a smile. “What school do the two of you go to?”

  They looked at each other and grinned.

  “Westmore,” Len said.

  I laughed. “My rival school!”

  We all laughed.

  “Do the cops have any leads on who could’ve killed Natalie Armstrong?” Rashida asked.

  I looked at her as they both stared at me. I let out a sigh. “Not yet. One of my friends has an uncle who’s a cop and he said that he’ll keep us informed about anything that becomes available. Natalie was a friend of mine so I took it really hard and I still am.”

  They nodded as they lowered their heads.

  “I hope you don’t mind me asking you this, but how did you end up in the water?” Len asked with a slight grin.

  I lowered my head. I didn’t wanna tell him that it was Natalie’s killer that I’d escaped from, so I tried to make up a story. “Oh, I was walking from a friend’s house and the car that I’m sure you both heard go by was speeding and it looked like it was coming right at me so I jumped into the water to get away from it. Luckily, I can swim.”

  They gasped!

  “Wow! I would’ve done the same thing!” Rashida said.

  “Me too!” Len said.

  “You really scared us, Vanessa, when you screamed and we heard the splash. We didn’t know what was going on. We thought that you had jumped from a car or something,” Rashida said.

  I wanted to tell her that was exactly what had happened — but I just couldn’t. “Do one of you have a phone?”

  “We both do,” Len said.

  “Could I use it to call Brad? I know that him and Ava are going hysterical over where I’m at.”

  Len pulled his phone out of his pocket and gave it to me.

  “Thank you,” I said, and called Brad.

  “Hello?!” Brad said.

  “Hey, honey — it’s Vanessa.”


  I choked back tears. “I’m down by the river underneath the bridge. Are you alone?”

  “No, Ava’s here with me,” he said.

  “VANESSA! HONEY, WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU?! WHY DID YOU LEAVE THE RESTAURANT?! I looked all over for you and couldn’t find you so we all decided to leave and go look for you since I couldn’t find you!” Ava said with a clear sound of hysteria.

  I looked at Len and Rashida; they stared at me with concern. “Can you two come get me? I’ll explain everything later.”

  “Are you alone?” Ava asked.

  “No, I’m not,” I replied as I smiled at Len and Rashida; they smiled back.

  “We’ll be right there,” Ava said.

  I hung up and gave Len back his phone. “Thanks again. Could you two stick around with me until Brad and Ava come and get me?”

  “Of course,” Len said.

  “Absolutely. We were gonna take you wherever you needed to go if you couldn’t get a ride from someone,” Rashida said.

  “Thank you,” I replied.

  We all walked up the embankment and to the parking lot to where Len’s car was parked.

  About ten minutes later, I saw bright headlights as Brad’s shiny red car came pulling up into the parking lot — Marc was in his SUV right behi
nd them.


  Rashida and I laughed.

  Brad stopped the car, and him and Ava jumped out of it as they ran up to me. Marc got out of Brad’s SUV.

  I cried as I embraced them both — I hugged Marc as well. I introduced them to Len and Rashida. They all shook hands with them and thanked them for staying with me. “Tell them what school you both go to,” I said with a grin.

  “Westmore,” Len said with a grin.

  Brad, Ava, and Marc gasped in shock, and then laughed.

  “Well, I have all the respect for Westmore now, and all because of the two of you taking care of my girl — so thanks again,” Brad said.

  “No problem. We said we weren’t gonna leave her here alone,” Len said.

  Rashida nodded as she kept staring at Brad; she seemed somewhat star struck by him.

  “Hey, man, we’re sorry about your ex, Natalie,” Len said to Marc.

  “Thanks, man. It’s still hard for me to accept what happened to her. Just because she’s my ex it doesn’t mean that I’m not upset about what happened,” Marc replied as he shook Len’s hand.

  “Exactly,” Rashida said. She looked at Ava. “Ava, your outfit is stunning! You must be rich!”

  Everyone laughed.

  “Thanks, honey. But I’m not rich — far from it! I saved my money to get it,” Ava replied with a smile.

  Brad looked at her with a huge grin.

  “Since what happened here will probably never happen again, can I have a look inside your car, man?” Len asked Brad.

  We all laughed.

  “Sure, man, go ahead,” Brad said with a smile while he had his arm around me.

  “DAMN!” Len said, as he sat in the front seat and Rashida sat on the passenger’s side. “This is the motherfuckin’ life! I’ll probably never have one of these, but I’m gonna work my ass off tryin’ to get one! Damn, Brad! For you to be only seventeen and have a million-dollar car, man! You’re luckiest man in the world!”

  We all laughed.

  “Actually, I’m eighteen, man,” Brad said. “I seriously doubt my parents would’ve bought it for me if I wasn’t eighteen or older.”

  “Damn, I’m eighteen, too! And so is my girl, here! Now I’m really jealous since we’re all the exact same age!” Len said.


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