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School, Sex and Secrets II (School, Sex and Secrets #2)

Page 23

by Sheila Michelle

  Ava and I left out of his house as we smiled big since this was the first time that we were staying overnight at one of our boyfriend’s houses.


  It was past midnight, and Brad and I laid in his bed completely naked with the covers over us. I was on top of him as his arms were softly wrapped around my back. Ava was sleeping in the guest room down the hall, coincidentally, the same room that Marc and I had sex in last week and were more than likely going to tonight if what happened to me hadn’t happened.

  I couldn’t get Brad and Marc fighting with each other off of my mind. “Brad.”

  “What’s up, baby?” he asked while his eyes were closed.

  “Like I said earlier, I really want you to talk to Marc — I’ve never seen the two of you fight verbally, much less physically.”

  He sighed. “We really don’t. That was the first time that we physically fought. We rarely get into any verbal fights, either. I think the last one was about two years ago over some gambling shit. This is different, Vanessa. I caught the two of you kissing; that really hurt me. I mean, I knew that what we did last week had us all going and we were gonna do it again until John’s fuckin’ ass abducted you from the restaurant. I mean, it’s obvious that he really enjoyed himself with you last week much more than he was leading me on to believe.”

  I smiled. “Well, I enjoyed myself with him as well but I knew that it was a one-time thing. Actually, if you wanna know the truth, I’m glad we didn’t have another one of those parties tonight. I lied at the restaurant when I said that I didn’t mind us having another one.”

  He grinned. “Yeah, I kinda figured that. Well, it looks like that night caused a fight tonight so I won’t be having any more of them.”

  “I sure hope not!”

  We laughed.

  “But I really want you to say you’re sorry to Marc. Like I said earlier, we need to stick together. Fighting about catching him kissing me or about sex is the last thing that we should be fighting about. Don’t you agree that getting John’s DNA so that fucker can get put in jail should be our top priority?”

  “Yeah, but don’t you agree that I had every right to get mad about catching the two of you kissing? I mean, I know you did it last week and anything went — but not this week.”

  I nodded while I still laid my head on him. “So, what made you come upstairs?”

  “Call it an instinct, Vanessa, but when I saw that the two of you weren’t in the rec room anymore, I went looking for you. I had a feeling that the two of you could’ve snuck off together — did you?”

  “No, we didn’t. We were talking after you and Ava left the room, and then I excused myself to go back up to your bathroom to make sure I had my essentials here. I looked up while looking for them, and he was standing in the doorway. He was just telling me how sorry he was again about telling Zac that we were all going to the restaurant tonight and as a result, him telling John. We hugged, he kissed me on the cheek, and then we started kissing. I’m really sorry, Brad — I can’t say it enough. Maybe it was us being in this house and what we did at the party last week that led us to do what we did tonight.”

  He sighed as he shook his head. “I honestly don’t know how I feel about this, Vanessa. I mean, he never tried anything with Lisa. This is the first time that I actually walked in on him making out with my girlfriend. I’m still very upset about this and I’m gonna be for a while.”

  I sighed as I got off of him and laid next to him. “I understand. But why aren’t you mad at me about it?”

  “I was — but I knew he initiated it. I’m hurt about this, Vanessa, I can’t lie to you.”

  I nodded with a sigh. “And you have every right to be.”

  “I mean, I thought we weren’t gonna cheat on each other anymore.”

  “Brad, I won’t do what I did again — I promise. You have to believe me, baby. If it wasn’t for that party last week, there is no way I would’ve done anything with Marc. I was being honest earlier when you asked me was I seeing him prior to the party — I absolutely had no attraction to him prior to that. That party obviously brought out sexual feelings in me that I didn’t know that I had for him, and I obviously still had some of those feelings in me when you caught us kissing. But Brad, I’m serious when I say this — I’m not doing anything with him anymore. I think you should agree with me that we should never have another party like that again.”

  “I already said that I’m not going to, Vanessa. Had I known that it was gonna cause all of this drama, I would’ve never had it to begin with.”

  “Truth be told, I never wanted you to have it.”

  He nodded with a slight smile. “I know you didn’t.”

  “And now that you know that, I’m gonna be honest with you about how I really felt about that night.”

  He looked at me in a total surprise. “What? What do you mean how you really felt? How did you really feel?”

  “Like a dirty porn star slut,” I replied with no hesitation.

  He tried not to grin. “Damn, Vanessa. I thought you really enjoyed yourself. Now you’re really making me feel bad about having the party. I mean, after all, we all agreed to do it so I thought everyone was comfortable with doing it. No one got it on video and no one was going to so you shouldn’t have felt that way. You know that I would’ve never made you do anything that you didn’t feel comfortable doing — you know I’m not like that. I just thought that it would be nice to live out our fantasies and curiosities that we admitted that we both had about our best friends, and we all said that it was nice, but now you tell me this. You should’ve told me how you really felt, Vanessa.”

  “Well, I did, Brad, but you still seemed like you wanted to do it. I mean, I’m not saying that I didn’t have a good time, it’s just that I’ve never done anything like it before because it’s not like it was something that I always thought about doing, like it was some secret life’s goal to do stuff like that. Look, it’s over, okay? I don’t want you telling Marc how I really felt because I’m not gonna tell Ava. Let’s just keep this secret between us.”

  He nodded with a smile. “We will.”

  I yawned. “Well, I’m getting sleepy. Let’s just talk more about this tomorrow if you want.”

  He nodded as he stared at the TV.

  I rolled over and was fast asleep within minutes.

  I woke up out of deep sleep. I looked at the alarm clock — it was a little past three o’clock in the morning. I knew that I hadn’t been asleep for that long. I immediately noticed how Brad was not in bed. I thought that he probably couldn’t sleep so he went to the rec room to play video games or something since that’s what he told me that he liked to do if he couldn’t sleep.

  I got up out of the bed, put my pajamas on, and walked out of the room. The hallway light was completely off, and I was a little scared walking down a big hall in such a big house. I came up on the guest room that Ava was sleeping in. I could hear voices but I assumed that it was the TV since she always left the TV on when she slept like the way I did, but unlike me, she always left the volume up. I slowly pushed the door open . . . I stood in shock.

  Brad was fucking Ava from behind!

  I honestly couldn’t believe what I was seeing — I thought I was dreaming. I continued to stand here as I stared at them. They were so into it and talking dirty to each other on top it that they didn’t even see me.

  “You wanna gimme some more head, baby?” he asked her.

  “Sure, baby,” she replied.

  I pounded my hand hard on the light switch and turned it on! “LIKE HELL YOU FUCKIN’ WILL!”

  They both jumped up as they almost twisted their butt-naked bodies out of place!

  I had never stared at the two of them so coldly before in my life. I was waiting for them to say something.

  “Vanessa . . . ,” Ava said, as she had her head lowered.

  “Baby . . . ,” Brad said, as he slowly got out of bed.


  Brad ran after me as I ran down the hall and down the left side of the wrought-iron double staircase. “VANESSA!”

  I ran into the kitchen to get my bag and keys. I grabbed them and put on my coat and sneakers that I left in the kitchen area.

  Brad came into the kitchen area. “Vanessa! Baby, listen to me!” he pleaded. He tried to touch my arm.

  “DON’T TOUCH ME! I THOUGHT WE WEREN’T GONNA CHEAT ON EACH OTHER ANYMORE? ISN’T THAT WHAT YOU FUCKIN’ SAID NOT EVEN MORE THAN A FEW HOURS AGO? ISN’T IT?! FUCK YOU!!” I yelled as I cried. I ran through the foyer as I could see Ava standing in the middle of the staircase on the right side and from what I could see, she was covering her mouth — something that she wasn’t doing just minutes before. I ran out the door and to my car, and got in it and left.

  I cried hysterically as I drove home. I honestly didn’t know how I felt about the two of them anymore, and I felt that at this point that the party that we had last week had just ruined everything. Just hours before, Brad and I were talking about not cheating on each other anymore, and I catch him doing the unthinkable — fucking my best friend. As mad and hurt as I was about this, I really did wanna find out how long this had been going on or was it just triggered by the party, but I knew one thing was for sure, the party was the cause of all of this, which fully strengthened my beliefs now more than ever that it should’ve never happened. There were no more secrets when it came to this sex shit, but there was a lot of explaining to do on their part . . . if I was willing to sit down and listen to what they both had to say.

  Minutes later, I was at home. I looked at my phone and already there were several missed calls from Brad and Ava both; I erased them. I didn’t wanna talk to either one of them right now and they knew it, and I wasn’t sure if I ever wanted to again, much less stay in a relationship with either one of them.


  Dark grey clouds filled the Monday morning sky as I got out of my car and walked up to school. My outfit reflected my mood — a black velour tracksuit with black sneakers along with my oversized black sunglasses. My hair was in a messy bun and I had no makeup on and I didn’t give a fuck how I looked. I was mad, hurt, pissed off — you name it — and it showed from head to toe. I looked around for Ava’s car — she hadn’t gotten here yet. But Brad was here, and he knew not to even try and talk to me today because I think that he even got tired of texting, emailing, and calling me all day yesterday. I was still too mad to talk to either one of them, and they knew that I hadn’t cooled off in the least bit.

  I walked inside school with my sunglasses still on as people stared at me. I looked up and saw Marc looking right at me — he smiled at me, but he knew that I was in a very bad mood. He actually called me yesterday to see how I was doing because he told me that Ava had called him crying about me catching her and Brad having sex. I asked him had he talked to Brad, and he told me that the two of them still weren’t talking. I looked around for Brad and noticed how he wasn’t by his locker, but he was obviously here since his SUV was in his parking space. I approached Marc. “Hey,” I quietly said while I kept walking.

  “Hey, Vanessa,” Marc replied with a smile. He knew how I was feeling so he didn’t say anything else to me.

  I continued to walk down the hall as I approached my locker.

  Marie was standing my hers as she was checking herself out in her mirror. She looked at me. “Good morning, Vanessa,” she said with a smile, but she knew that something was wrong with me.

  “Hey,” I said quietly.

  “What’s wrong, honey?” she asked.

  I let out a sigh. “I’m surprised you didn’t hear.”

  She looked at me. “Hear what?”

  I opened my locker; I stared at what was inside of it.

  She looked in it and gasped! “Holy shit, Vanessa! Those are beautiful!” She was reacting to a beautiful bouquet of fresh, colorful flowers. Along with it was a tan shoebox from one of my favorite designers — I knew these items were from Brad. She looked at me; she could tell that something was wrong. “Uh, oh. What happened?”

  I let out a sigh. “Marie, there’s a reason why Brad got me this stuff.”

  She gave me a serious look. “Okay, why?”

  “I have to know that you’ll keep this a secret, okay?”

  “No problem at all. You know I have a big secret as well, so whatever you tell me will be safe with me.”

  I sighed again as I continued to stare into my locker — I hadn’t touched the flowers or the box with the pair of shoes in it. I looked at her. “On Saturday night — or early Sunday morning, I should say — I caught Brad and Ava fucking each other in the guest room of his house.”

  She shrieked! “Vanessa! Are you fuckin’ serious? Oh, my God! I never thought that Ava would betray your friendship like that and have sex with him! Oh, my God!”

  I wanted to tell her that she hadn’t before and I knew that it was all because of that sex party that we all had — but I just didn’t wanna tell her everything yet. “Yeah, well, she did. I just don’t know if I can forgive her, Marie. I mean, I’m so mad and hurt right now. With all of this shit going on with John and everything, this is the last thing that should be pulling us all apart. I mean, our top priority is getting John’s DNA and getting his fuckin’ ass in jail.”

  She nodded. “This is unfortunate, Vanessa. Maybe you can find it in your heart to forgive her for this — forgive them both. I hate to tell you this, but Brad is a cheater for real — he cheated on Lisa so many times it was unbelievable. I mean, he has it like that so it’s hard for a girl who is his girlfriend to be able to control what he does because they can’t control it.”

  I sighed. “It doesn’t feel like I can,” I honestly replied.

  “Well, Vanessa, all I’m gonna say is that it’s up to you if you wanna stay with Brad. If you can get that cheating of his under control then I think he should be worth staying with. Even Lisa had said that she knew that he liked you more than her — but she’s getting a little crazy now. She’s talking constantly to me about wanting him back and getting him back — just a heads-up.”

  I nodded. “Thanks, Marie. Actually, Natalie told me that she was gonna do some extreme shit in trying to get Brad back, but she hasn’t done anything but talked shit.”

  She laughed. “I know, Vanessa. Lisa is full of shit — she’s not getting Brad back, even I know that.”

  I chuckled. I let out another sigh as I looked inside my locker at the flowers and the shoebox sitting in there.

  She looked at me with a slight grin. “Well? Aren’t you gonna see what’s inside the box?”

  I took the flowers out of my locker and handed them to her to hold. I took the shoebox out and opened it — I couldn’t believe it.

  She gasped! “Holy shit, Vanessa! Those are fuckin’ gorgeous! Those have got to be the most gorgeous shoes on this fuckin’ planet!”

  I held up one of the shoes and turned it around, and they were stunning, so stunning that I had them on my wish list on the designer’s website. They were covered in gold crystals and studded with gold spikes. They had five-inch heels, a peep toe, and shiny red lacquer soles. I turned over the shoe and looked at the price of them — a jaw dropping $3,995!

  “Wow! I know you’re mad at him, Vanessa, but Brad has beautiful taste!” she said. She took the other shoe out of the box and looked at it. “I’ll give anything to have a pair of shoes from this designer!”

  “You want them?” I asked, while I put the other shoe back in the box.

  She looked stunned! “Are you serious, Vanessa?!”

  “Does it look like I’m kidding?” I asked.

  She turned over the shoe. “FUCK! They’re too small. In fact, they’re way too small — like two-to-three sizes too small. I know I got some big fuckin’ feet!”

  I laughed. “It’s okay, Marie.” I look
ed down the hall and saw Brad staring right at me. I had the shoes in my hand. I flashed him a ferocious glare, and then took the other shoe from Marie and put it back in the box. I collected what I needed for the first few periods, and then shut my locker door. I had the flowers and box with the shoes in it. “I need some coffee. Wanna come with me?”

  “Of course,” she replied with a smile. “So, what are you gonna do with those beautiful gifts?”

  “You’ll see,” I replied, as we walked down the hall and towards Brad.

  As we walked, I kept an evil eye on Brad and he kept his eyes on me — he tried to smile at me but knew that it wasn’t doing any good. As we approached him, all of his friends got quiet. John was standing up against his locker as he talked to friends. Marc and Zac were talking by Zac’s locker; it was obvious that him and Brad weren’t talking. I looked at John as he was now looking right at me — he knew what he did to me on Saturday and he was standing at his locker acting as if he didn’t do a damn thing — this made me even more mad.

  As I got right up on passing Brad, he smiled at me, and I threw the box and flowers right at him and kept walking!

  There were gasps and laughter from me doing this, as well as hooting and hollering.

  “Oh, my God, Vanessa!” Marie said. She looked back. “He’s picking up the shoes and putting them back in the box right now.”

  “Well, he can take them back to the fuckin’ store — I don’t want his fuckin’ guilt gifts,” I replied as we continued to walk to the cafeteria.

  She grinned. “Yeah, he gave Lisa a ton of them — but nothing like what he gave you since her taste isn’t that fancy.”

  “We’re two different people,” I replied with a sigh.

  She looked at me. “Do you wanna have lunch off campus today to talk? I’ll just tell Lisa that I’m gonna be at a study group for one of my classes.”

  I looked at her. “Sure, that’s fine.”

  We continued on to the cafeteria. I was glad that I did have someone other than Brad and Ava to talk to. I’d never really talked to Marie in length like this since she hung around Lisa, and Natalie, of course, when she was alive, but I really did need someone else to talk to because everything was just driving me to a breaking point.


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