The Guppy Prince

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The Guppy Prince Page 9

by C. W. Gray

“Those fuckers,” Stewart said, stroking his bat. “Please tell me they didn’t get away with it.”

  “They didn’t,” Kai said. “Before she died, the Sea Witch cursed both men. Any mer of her brother’s bloodline that ruled the Southern Silver Isles would always know strife within his family. He would always die by his child’s hand. That was six generations ago.”

  “It happens every time,” Kit said. “The first king was murdered by his son so that he could take the throne early. The next tried to murder his own child but was killed instead. Our grandfather went mad. He began to kill all the guppy tailed merfolk. He said he was purging the Silver Isles.”

  “Our father had to kill him,” Kai said. “For our kingdom’s sake.”

  “Ervin told me Father and Grandfather were very close to one another,” Dover said. “Everyone thought they would break the curse because they loved one another so much.”

  “Hester,” Ben said. “Are you saying the curse is about to come into play again?”

  “Yes,” Hester said. She looked at Kai, Kit, and Dover. “Your kingdom is a powder keg just waiting to be lit.”

  “Father wouldn’t hurt us,” Kit said, voice uncertain. “Would he?”

  “He purposely had as many children as possible so he would have several heirs and he keeps an emotional distance from us,” Kai said bitterly. “No one truly knows his heart, Kit.”

  “What about the Northern king?” Dahlia asked. “Was he cursed too?”

  “Yes,” Dover said. “He betrayed his mate, so the Sea Witch’s curse ensured that while the king’s descendants would hear the mating call, their mates would not. They would have to woo their mates and convince them to stay with them without the mating call’s influence.”

  “That doesn’t seem that bad,” Stewart said. “Humans don’t always hear a mating call, and we still fall in love.”

  “The curse also ensures that their touch would be painful to any living creature but their mate,” Hester said, “and until their mate falls in love with them, the mer’s touch would also be painful for them.”

  “So they can’t have sex with anyone but their mate and only if they can convince their mate to love them?” Dahlia asked.

  “Yes.” Hester looked sad. “She wanted to make them work for their happiness. So far, it hasn’t happened. The Northern kings aren’t exactly known for their charm.”

  “The first king only managed to produce heirs by force,” Kit said, shuddering. “It’s said he killed thirteen omegas while trying to get them to conceive.”

  “One managed to survive,” Ben said. “Prince Tack and his father are proof enough of that.”

  “Yes,” Dover said. “The last few generations used artificial insemination. None have mated or even married.”

  “Yet Prince Tack wishes to marry one of King Ren’s children,” Hester said, a small smile on her face. “Hmm.”

  “What happened to the Kingdom of the Deep?” Eloise asked. “I’ve never heard of it.”

  “No one really knows,” Dover said. “They live in the trench now. There is no beautiful city.”

  Hester snorted. “When the Sea Witch died, she transferred her power to her apprentice. The poor boy wasn’t ready, and the transference caused the city to sink into the trench. Her people lived, but their city is far from sight now.”

  “How do you know all that?” Kai asked.

  Hester sighed. “The Witches Council uses the Sea Witch’s story as a lesson in caution. The Sea Witch has a great deal of power, but the title also comes with an important responsibility.”

  “There’s still a Sea Witch?” Stewart asked, frowning.

  “Yes,” Hester said. “As long as the world exists, there will be a Sea Witch. Now, it’s time to get to bed. I called George and he’ll be here with his ship tomorrow morning. Ryan and Stewart will pack your belongings and we’ll get them to you as soon as possible.”

  Dover was almost ashamed of the excitement that filled him. He loved Ben so much, but he missed home. Now, he would have Ben and his cottage. His father couldn’t make him marry anyone now.

  He placed a hand on his flat abdomen and kissed Ben’s shoulder. It’s too late to marry me off.

  “Tomorrow? You can’t leave so soon,” Eloise said, eyes on Nami.

  Nami looked so sad. “I have to go. Dover needs me.”

  “Ben needs Eloise too,” Dover said quickly. “She’s his best friend, so she should come with us. Right, Eloise? For Ben.”

  Eloise’s eyes never left Nami’s face. “Yeah. For Ben. I’m going to go pack my shit.”

  “Yes,” Romeu said, cheering. “I won’t be the only shifter in our lake.”

  Ben looked at Dover. “I’m feeling used.”

  Dover leaned up and bit his chin. “Shush. I’ll make it up to you tonight.

  “Okay,” Alicia said, clapping her hands. “Pack, let’s help our friends. Diego, Selena, and Matt will go get boxes and packing paper. Ryan and Dahlia will go get our trucks. We’ll have Ben and his mate ready to go by morning. Get moving!”

  Alicia and her wolves got to work and packed everything in the house. Dover just watched in awe as the wolves efficiently fetched boxes, labeled them, then carefully packed Ben’s art pieces, Dover’s shinies, and everything else.

  “Holy shit, Alicia,” Ben said. Otis woofed softly, watching closely as someone bagged up his chew toys. Chubber and Nami wandered the house collecting all the otter’s treasures. He had stashed them everywhere.

  “No sense in having to wait for your things,” the alpha said, nodding. “You should call Stephanie and let her know you won’t be back to work at the restaurant. She’ll hate to lose you, but she’ll understand. I can help you sell the beach house too if you want.”

  Ben looked around. “I’m going to rent it to Ryan. He can stay here in exchange for maintaining the place.”

  Alicia smiled softly. “You’re a good man, Ben.”

  Romeu tugged Dover away from Ben. “Dover, are you sure this is a good idea? I don’t think Lord Eades is going to like you mating with someone. Shauna said he had plans for you.” He gently cupped Dover’s abdomen. “You smell different, you know. Maybe you should stay here with your mate. It would be safer.”

  Dover bit his lip. “That was the plan, but the Coalswells found me. That means that any of Father’s enemies can.”

  Romeu looked nervous and danced from foot to foot, hugging Jojo to him. “Your father’s enemies are on the island, Dover.”

  Dover frowned. “What do you mean?”

  “You know Joy works in the castle, right?”

  Dover nodded. Joy was a guppy tail and Romeu’s wife.

  “She cleans Lady Eades’ room and she’s heard a lot of things. People don’t see the servants.”

  “What are you saying, Romeu?”

  “Lord and Lady Eades hate your parents. Now, their son is marrying one of King’s Ren’s daughters. That puts him in line for the throne.”

  Dover gasped. “We have to tell Father.”

  Romeu rolled his eyes. “Would he believe our half-assed theories over his dear friend, Lord Eades?”

  Dover sniffed, eyes watering. “No. He wouldn’t.”

  “I told your brother,” Romeu said, nodding at Kai. “He told Princess Talia. Maybe your father will listen to her.”

  Dover rubbed his face. “This is why I wanted to stay here with Ben forever. My family complicates everything.”

  Warm hands massaged his shoulders and a familiar scent soothed him. “Don’t worry, love. I have your back. We’ll figure this mess out.”

  “You have me too,” Romeu said, nodding. “You know all the guppy tails love you. You think being called the guppy prince is an insult, but they see it as a compliment. You’re their voice.”

  “I’m not much of a voice,” Dover said, feeling guilty.

  “You will be,” Kai said from behind him. “Romeu is right. You’re in the position to truly represent our people. Maybe it’s time to step up.” />
  Dover looked at Ben. The way his mate watched him made Dover think maybe he could do more for the guppy tails. Maybe he could be a real prince.

  Dover looked up and smiled. “Okay. Let’s go home.”

  Chapter 13

  A week later, Ben held Otis’ leash in his hand and leaned against the rail of the ship. George had appeared as promised and Alicia and her pack had helped them load all of Ben’s belongings, even his truck and motorcycle. He had a lot more to bring leaving Aunt Prue’s beach house than when he arrived. He had a lot more friends to say goodbye too as well.

  “I never thought I would say this about a witch,” Dover said, leaning into his side, “but I miss Hester.”

  “Me too,” Ben said, tightening his arm around Dover. “She promised to come to the wedding. Ryan and Stewart will try to come too.”

  Kit winced. The merman stood on Dover’s other side. “I hope father lets you have a wedding.”

  “We’ll have a fucking wedding,” Dover said, growling. “My mate wants one so it will happen, even if it’s only at my waterfall.”

  Ben grinned. His mate’s growl was too cute to be scary. Chubber sat in Dover’s arms and hissed as he waved his paws. My protectors, Ben thought, chuckling.

  Kit grinned. “Kai and I will stand with you, Dover. Plus, you have to put Pearl in the wedding. You know you’re her favorite uncle.”

  “Fuck that,” Kai muttered from beside Ben. “I’m the one that buys her anything she wants. I should be her favorite.”

  “I don’t know,” Romeu said from where he lounged in a chair on the deck of the ship. “Dover spends the most time with Pearl. You have your work cut out for you, Prince Kai.”

  Ben tuned out their bickering and watched Latch Bay approach. Small, green mountains dominated the inland isles and clouds circled the peaks. He knew from Dover’s description that a large river cut through the entire isles and multiple lakes were nestled within the hills of the southern half.

  The gleaming white castle stood out from the rest of the approaching city. After his time in the marines, he shouldn’t be surprised that something so clean and beautiful could conceal deadly corruption. The city looked so nice, though.

  Have to keep up appearances for the tourists, Ben thought, wanting to snarl.

  The rest of the town spread out across the bay and carried over onto the water. Ships and submerged shuttles filled the waters of the bay.

  “Holy shit,” he said, leaning over the rail. A herd of hippocampi swam by, their heads rising above the water before diving below. “My god, I’ve never seen so many at once.”

  “That’s just one herd,” Kai said, smiling. “We have six herds that we track around our kingdom. One even lives in the largest lake. They’re a protected species here.”

  “So are the sprites,” Kit said, leaning around Dover. “We have water sprites all over the isles and forest sprites further inland. On the very top of the highest mountain, there are even a few air sprites.”

  “Sprites are extinct in North America,” Ben said, voice full of wonder. “I saw a water sprite when I was deployed once.” The small creature had been made completely of water, but was humanoid in shape. It had been beautiful.

  “There’s a few in my creek,” Dover said, leaning up to kiss him. “I’ll introduce you, but they usually keep to themselves.”

  “They make their homes in the less populated places in the isles,” Romeu said. “Once you get settled, I’ll take you around and show you some of the best spots.”

  Ben grinned. After getting to know him, Ben had found another friend in the crocodile shifter. It was good timing too because his Eloise had spent the entire trip in bed with Nami.

  George walked across the deck. “We’re almost there, everyone. Shauna said folks would be there to bring your things home.” He gave Ben a sympathetic look. “She said you and Dover have been ordered to appear before the royal court as soon as we arrive.”

  Kai frowned. “That can’t be right. Surely Father will want to meet Ben before presenting him to the entire court. Talia said she explained the situation to him.”

  George shrugged. “I only know what Shauna told me.”

  Dover hugged Chubber and gave Ben a worried look. “If you would rather go on to the cottage, I’ll make something up. I can say you’re not feeling well and will attend court later.”

  Ben gave his mate a flat look. “Not happening. I go where you go, love.”

  Kai gave him a nod. “I’ll be there too. I don’t know what Father is thinking, but you two are mated now. There’s not much he can do that is socially acceptable.”

  Ben arched a brow. “That’s reassuring.”

  Eloise and Nami joined them on deck a few moments later. His friend looked decidedly rumpled and Ben couldn’t help but grin. “How’s the honeymoon phase working out?”

  Eloise grinned back. “The bed is tiny, but you can’t beat the company.”

  Nami rolled her eyes. “Mom texted. She’s waiting at the docks for us, Dover.”

  Dover practically vibrated with excitement. “I can’t wait for you to meet Shauna and Ervin, Ben. They’ll love you.”

  Ben bent and kissed him, tongue sneaking a taste of his omega. “Me neither.”

  As the ship entered the bay, several merfolk swam alongside it, their guppy tails moving them quickly through the water as they kept pace with the ship.

  “Prince Dover,” one man called out, waving. “Did you really find your mate?”

  “Hi, Moore,” Dover said waving and grinning. “This is Ben. He’s my human. Isn’t he beautiful?”

  Moore laughed, his purple tail flipping water as he dove down, then back up. “Hi, Ben. I tend the reefs around the bay. When you get settled, I’ll dig up some snorkeling gear and take you on a tour.”

  Ben felt a knot of worry in his gut ease. “I’d like that. Thanks!” Dover’s family may hate him, but at least there were mers on the isles that would be happy for Dover and him.

  “Prince Dover,” a mermaid waved. “The girls and I restocked your refrigerator and checked over your creek.”

  “Thank you, Siana,” Dover said. “Have you seen my mate? Isn’t he beautiful?”

  Ben groaned and buried his face in his hands when Kai and Eloise laughed at him.

  “Aww, leave him alone,” Romeu said. “Benny boy can’t help it that he’s so darn cute.”

  Ben glared at the man.

  “Romeu!” A mermaid with dark green hair and a guppy tail yelled from the water. “Nami told me you have a puppy. I thought we agreed no pets until Janie was out of diapers.”

  Ben grinned when his friend clutched Jojo to his chest before he stood up and looked over the rails. “Hey, hon. Jojo was gift from Prince Dover. I couldn’t refuse to take her. That would be treason, right?”

  His wife, Joy, glared at him. “That’s nonsense. Now, give the puppy back to the prince.”

  Romeu gasped. “I can’t return her. Jojo is family now. I already told her about the kids and we’ve bonded.” He held her up. “Look at her, Joy. She’s just a little baby.”

  Joy groaned. “Why did I mate you again?”

  By the time they docked, Ben knew way too much about why Joy had mated Romeu. “There are some things you should keep to yourself,” he told the shifter.

  Romeu grinned and ran past him, eager to reach his wife. “I’ll drive your truck to the cottage, Benny boy. I’ll try not to put too many dents in it.”

  Dover chuckled and pulled Ben and Otis down the ramp. “Come on. Shauna should be right ---”

  A pink-haired woman interrupted Dover with a shout. “Dover, Nami! Get over here and hug me right now.” She pulled Dover and Nami to her, squishing them together as she hugged them. Chubber wiggled from between them and hopped to Otis’ back, tittering in annoyance.

  Ben exchanged a look with Eloise. They both were a little apprehensive about meeting Shauna.

  Shauna released Dover and Nami and wiped her eyes. “I missed you t
wo so much. I’ve gotten too used to having you both around.” She turned to Ben and Eloise and looked them up and down. “These are your mates?”

  “Isn’t Ben beautiful?” Dover asked and wiggled back into his arms. “Look at his eyes, Shauna.”

  One side of Shauna’s mouth turned up as she tried not to smile. “Your mate is lovely, bluetail.”

  She pulled Eloise and Ben into her arms, squishing them like she had Dover and Nami. “Eloise is lovely too. I’m sorry to hear your family didn’t react well to you mating my Nami.”

  “It’s cool,” Eloise said, face squished against Ben’s shoulder. “I have Ben and Uncle George.”

  “You have me too,” Shauna said and kissed her cheek. She kissed Ben’s next. “You both do.”

  “Your highness?” A small troop of guards approached and bowed their heads to Dover. “We’ve been ordered to escort you and the human to the castle.”

  Shauna gave Ben one more kiss. “Try to be respectful, but don’t let them push you around,” she whispered.

  “I’ll take care of your motorcycle,” Eloise said, nodding.

  “I’ll take Velma to the cottage,” Nami added, taking Otis’ leash from Ben’s hand. “Come on Otis and Chubs, you two are riding in the sidecar with Mom.”

  Kai patted his back. “Let’s get this over with. Soon enough you and Dover will be alone.”

  “Thank the goddess,” Dover said. “Do you know how hard it is to have sex when your room is right next to a stupid crocodile shifter’s room?”

  Kit came to stand beside them, a round cheeked little girl in his arms. “Pearl, ignore your Uncle Dover and meet Uncle Ben.”

  Pearl grinned at him, then buried her face in her daddy’s neck. “Hi, Unki Benny,” she mumbled.

  Ben’s heart melted. “Hey, sweetie. Your dress is pretty.”

  She peeked at him and smiled. “It yellow. I likes yellow.”

  The guard cleared his throat. “Prince Dover, I’m afraid we must go.”

  Dover groaned. “Alright. We’re coming.”

  Ben squeezed Dover’s hand and they made their way through the docks to a parked limo. A short, awkward ride later, they arrived at the picture perfect castle.


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