The Guppy Prince

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The Guppy Prince Page 10

by C. W. Gray

  The gardens around the castle were well maintained, but next to the vibrancy of the docks, they seemed cold. Guards opened the front doors for them and an older merman dressed in a black shirt and sarong waited for them.

  Dover whined and gripped Ben’s hand before nodding at the man. “Ervin.”

  Ben barely muffled his curse. Dover wanted to hug his friend, but there were too many judgmental assholes watching. Mers lined the seating areas of the large entrance, eyes cold. Women dressed in filmy shirts and scanty sarongs mixed with young men in ornamental arm bands and longer sarongs. All wore way too much jewelry for a species that spent so much time in the water.

  One large breasted blond smirked at them. “Come now, everyone. Welcome the guppy prince and his human.” The aristocratic mers laughed, voices harsh.

  Ben noticed Dover’s wince at the title, but Ervin’s reaction startled him. The castle steward looked proud. Romeu was right. The guppy tailed merfolk were proud of Dover.

  Kai growled. “Lorelei, watch your mouth. Insulting your own family is beyond shameful.”

  The woman rolled her eyes. “His tail is shameful.”

  Ben pulled Dover’s hand to his lips and kissed his palm. “It’s no insult, Prince Kai. She clearly understands the honor of being one of the guppy tailed mers. I’m privileged to be mated to my guppy prince. His beauty and kindness has no rival.” He met Lorelei’s eyes. “Absolutely. No. Rival.”

  Lorelei snarled and stood up. “How dare you!”

  Ervin stepped forward, practically purring. “Prince Dover, the royal court awaits you and your mate. Please follow me.”

  Ben’s smile faded and he swallowed hard when he saw the heated look in Dover’s eyes. His mate gave him a wicked smile. “You are so getting laid tonight.”

  Kai snorted and Kit covered Pearl’s ears. “For the love of shellfish, Dover. Keep it in your pants.”

  The guards muffled their laughter and led them to a large room deep within the castle. They bowed and joined the other guards lining the side of the entrance.

  Ervin’s light touch slid across Ben’s back. “Good luck, Prince Ben. We are honored to have you join the royal family.”

  Ben groaned at being called prince but Dover’s smile lit up the room. “Thank you, Ervin.”

  Kai and Kit led them into the room and Ben immediately felt the hostility aimed his way. The room was circular with several curved rows of seats. The first few rows were full of older merfolk, mostly men, but the last two rows held younger mers and was an equal mix of men and women.

  No matter which row they sat on, each person looked at Ben like he was a bug on the bottom of their shoe.

  King Ren looked like a mixture of Kit and Kai. He had the same broad, muscular build as Kai, but his hair, freckles, and facial features were almost identical to Kit. He sat on a cold, marble throne and an elaborate crown of gold, pearls, and white tulip seashells sat on his head.

  Behind him stood a younger, red-haired woman who was clearly his daughter. She watched him sympathetically.

  “Dover,” King Ren said. “You were not authorized to leave Latch Bay.”

  “Father,” Dover said, bowing. “I heard the mating call and went in search of my mate.”

  Ben followed his example and awkwardly bowed. “Hi, your majesty.”

  “You bring a human here,” a merman said. He stood beside the King’s throne and glared at Ben. “Humans are corrupt and destructive imbeciles. You disgrace your family name by mating with one.”

  From the corner of his eye, Ben noticed Dover massage his temple, as if he were getting a headache. He imagined if he had to deal with loudmouths like this too often, he’d get a headache too.

  Ben narrowed his eyes on the stranger. “A person’s species doesn’t predetermine their trustworthiness. I imagine there are one or two mers that fit the description of a corrupt and destructive imbecile.” He met the man’s gaze, making no effort to hide what he thought of the asshole.

  “The wretched human is clearly unworthy of the Rees name,” the man said. “You Majesty, I advise you to order your son to marry one of the mermen on the list I gave you.”

  Kai scowled. “You would have Dover betray his mate, Lord Eades?”

  Lord Eades smiled smugly. “If your king orders it, then it must be done.” He smirked at Dover. “Alternatively, our beloved king could banish the guppy to live with other freaks in The Deep.”

  “Fuck you,” Ben said, growling. “Dover is twice the man you are, you sorry piece of shit.”

  The room erupted in angry voices and Lord Eades’ face turned purple. “Guards! Arrest the human.”

  “Enough, Lord Eades,” the woman behind the king said, voice silencing the room. The guards turned to her, looking for clear orders. “You don’t speak for our father and you are addressing a royal consort. Show some respect.”

  Ben kept his eyes on King Ren. The man’s expression stayed completely emotionless, but Ben was sure there was something in his eyes. He couldn’t say what it was, though. The king may be plotting to feed Ben to the Coalswell sharks for all he could read the man.

  “You are dismissed,” King Ren said, turning away from Dover. “We have more important items to discuss today. Several of you have suggested expanding the farms closer to The Deep. I will hear your reasoning now.”

  Kit grabbed Ben’s arm and hustled them out the door. “Let’s get while the getting’s good.”

  Kai nodded at Ben, eyes troubled, then took a seat, clearly wanting to hear the discussion.

  They left him behind and Dover released a deep breath once the doors shut behind them. “That could have gone better.”

  The guard closest to them winced. “Lord Eades’ voice carries, your highness. I’d say this was a good day. Your mate could be in the dungeon right now.”

  Chapter 14

  Dover jumped from the stupid fancy limo and pulled Ben out behind him. He never went home by car, but he did actually have a driveway. It was overgrown and rough with disuse, but it still existed.

  “We’re home, Ben,” he whispered, spinning to watch Ben’s face as he looked over the cottage. The smell of the trees and flowers made Dover’s head spin and he almost cried as he listened to the roar of the waterfall.

  “Wait,” Ben said, eyes narrowing on the front porch of the cottage.

  Dover whimpered. Ben had to love the cottage. Dover desperately wanted his mate to be happy here. He was going to have to put up with stupid shit like today and there had to be something here to make it all worthwhile.

  “Who packed the damn dick-shaped fountain? I thought we left that in South Carolina,” Ben said, groaning.

  The guard who had escorted them home started laughing when Chubber and Shell looked up from where they were playing in the base of the fountain. Someone had already set it up in the corner of porch and water gurgled and flowed from the tip.

  “It’s part of Chubber’s treasure,” Dover said, shoulders sinking with relief. Maybe Ben didn’t hate the cottage after all. Dover grabbed his hand and pulled Ben down the trail toward the creek. “You have to see the creek.”

  Otis barked and ran out of the open door, tail wagging. Dover stopped to pet him, then grabbed Ben’s hand again. Ben has to love my creek, he thought. He has to.

  Ben pulled him to a stop when they reached the waterfall and creek and his face filled with awe. “Dover, this is... I can see why you love it.”

  Dover pulled his shirt and sarong off and pulled Ben with him toward the water. “Let’s swim.”

  Ben laughed and hurried to undress. “Okay, okay. I’m really glad it’s warmer here than back at Aunt Prue’s. I have the feeling we’ll be in the water all the time.”

  Otis splashed into the creek, barking as he doggy paddled around in circles. Chubber darted up Ben’s leg, then jumped from his shoulder and sailed through the air, gracefully diving into the water.

  Shell chattered and climbed into Dover’s arms. “Hey Shell. Chubber had fun, but he mis
sed you while he was gone.” He pressed his face into her back. “I missed you too.”

  Ben looked over his shoulder. “Hey, Shell. Chubber is the best otter I’ve ever met. You did well with him, ma’am.”

  Shell leaned up and patted Ben’s cheek, making Dover laugh. “Come on. Let’s swim.”

  Dover ran into the water and called his tail. My creek! My home. The fresh, crisp taste of the water was so good. He dove deep and spun around in circles, enjoying the cool depths. A turtle and a few fish swam past him and he sighed, bubbles rising to the surface. Home.

  He saw Ben dive down and swim toward him, arms and legs moving smoothly through the water. His human was so sexy, but Dover wished Ben had ditched the underwear.

  Splashing drew his attention and he saw Otis and Chubber swimming at the surface. Then he noticed Jojo and the large crocodile she swam with. Maybe it was good thing Ben left his underwear on.

  Ben reached him, face looking funny as he held his breath. He stroked a hand through Dover’s hair, then trailed his fingers down Dover’s tail.

  “You really love me, don’t you?” Dover asked, knowing Ben couldn’t understand or answer him. With the way his mate looked at him, he didn’t have to answer Dover.

  Ben stroked his face, then leaned forward and kissed Dover. Dover breathed into Ben’s mouth, sharing the air his merform created. They had created a routine on their swims. Ben would swim as deep as was safe and Dover would make sure he didn’t drown.

  A beaver swam past him and he startled. He had only seen Eloise shifted when they met Prince Tack.

  Nami swam after her mate, laughing. “Look at her, bluetail. Isn’t she amazing?”

  Dover blinked. She was a beaver. He didn’t know what was amazing about that. It’s not like Eloise had broad shoulders, and sweet brown eyes. Her smile didn’t turn his innards to fire. “Yeah. She’s okay.”

  He leaned over and kissed Ben again, letting his tongue explore his mate’s mouth.

  “Unki Benny.” Pearl swam between them and booped Dover in the gut with her butt. “Play with me.”

  Ben gave Dover a heated look, then swam after the little girl.

  “Remember to keep him near the surface, Pearl,” Kit said, swimming by them. “Hey, Dover. Hope you don’t mind sharing your creek.”

  Dover glared at him. “Remember when everyone ignored me? Can we go back to that for a couple of weeks?”

  Kit hugged him. “Nope. Your house is full of guppy tails, you know. You have a lot of friends that want to congratulate you.”

  Dover blinked a couple of times. “Really?”

  “Ervin and his husband are helping Shauna cook a huge meal.” Kit spun him around, his clownfish tail swishing in the water. “I envy you, Dover.”

  “You envy me?” Dover shook his head. “What is wrong with you?”

  “You don’t even notice how many friends you have,” Kit said, laughing. “How did you possibly think you could be gone a whole month before we’d notice?”

  “You don’t visit often,” Dover said, pouting.

  “I visit you every other week,” Kit said. “When I don’t come to you, we meet each other at the reefs for a swim. I know, because I try not to bother you too much. You like your quiet.”

  “I thought...” Dover trailed off. He had thought Kit merely tolerated him.

  “I know what you thought,” Kit said, huffing, when Ben pushed between them.

  Dover laughed, then kissed his mate, sharing his breath. Ben stroked his cheek, then took off after Pearl again.

  He dodged out of Romeu’s way when the crocodile headed for the bottom of the creek to sulk. Two little mers and a tiny crocodile shifter had taken Jojo away from him. Romeu’s kids apparently approved of the new puppy. They would give Jojo all the love her witch should have given her.

  His creek was filling with mers and Dover couldn’t stop his smile. He met Kit’s stare. “Okay. I’m a mopey idiot. I’m sorry that I didn’t let you know how much you mean to me. I love you, Pearl, and Kai so much.”

  Kit grinned. “Good. Nami is swimming this way with her beaver. Let’s ambush them.”

  Dover hummed, pleased. “Perfect.”

  An hour later, Shauna made them all leave the creek and return to the house.

  Dover smiled softly when he saw a delicate gold bracelet decorated with tiny white tulip shells and creamy white pearls lying on his dark blue sarong. The small, gold clasp was a tiny guppy fish. Looks like Kai or Kit are back to leaving gifts.

  “Where did that come from?” Ben asked, nodding appreciatively. “It’s a nice piece.”

  Dover fastened it on his wrist and shrugged. “Someone leaves me jewelry pretty often. I think Kai or Kit plunder the royal treasury every once in a while and bring me all the guppy themed jewelry.”

  Ben looked thoughtful. “That’s nice of them.”

  Dover sniffed the air and ran up the path. “I smell shrimp.”

  With Ervin’s help, Shauna had cooked a feast of grilled fish and shrimp and steamed crab legs. It was spread across several picnic tables that Dover didn’t remember having.

  Eloise and Nami helped unload chairs from an unfamiliar truck and Dover pushed his mate into one. Ben looked worn out. The emotional ups and downs of the day were catching up to both of them, and Dover knew Ben wasn’t used to playing so hard. Pearl was a little demon in the water.

  Ervin’s mate, Owin, set a platter of corn cobs on one of the tables next to a few platters of different types of greens and diced fruit. He gave Dover a big hug, then eyed Ben. “Hey. I’m Ervin’s mate, Owin. I brought you a chicken.”

  Dover hid his smile when Ben looked confused. Owin was a strange one. “A chicken?”

  Owin nodded, smiling wide. “Yeah. This morning, I looked up humans from the southern U.S. and the internet says one of your favored foods is fried chicken. We mostly eat seafood here, so I brought you a chicken.”

  “A whole chicken?” Ben blinked, looking dazed.

  “Yes, it’s walking around here somewhere,” Owin said, frowning as he looked around. “Oh, there it is.” He pointed across the yard where Otis was sniffing a small, plump chicken with creamy white and red feathers. “It’ll make a good meal. Let me know if you want more. There’s a mer that raises them. He lives close to The Deep.”

  “Thank you?” Ben watched Otis lick the chicken’s head while it stared around the yard. Dover had a feeling they wouldn’t be having chicken for dinner. While Ben was alright with fishing, he didn’t like the idea of hunting his food. He preferred buying it in a grocery store.

  Dover shrugged. Humans were strange. Ervin came out and Dover ran to the man. He wanted his hugs and he wanted them now.

  “Hey, did you make that waterfall glass picture thing?” Owin asked Ben.

  Ben nodded, then grinned. “Did you recognize the pearl?”

  Owin grinned. “Yeah. My Ervin loves his pearls. I can’t believe Prince Dover kept his so long.”

  Dover looked up from where he was hugging Ervin as if his life depended on it. “Ervin taught me how to treasure.”

  The royal steward flushed. “You were well on your way to mastering that already, bluetail.” He kissed Dover’s cheek, then went back inside.

  Owin watched him go, then bit his lip. “I was wondering how much it would cost to have you make something for Ervin. Our anniversary is coming up and I want to get him something special.”

  Ben smiled softly. “For Ervin, I’ll make you a deal. If you find the items you want in the picture, I’ll put it together. I have an idea of what I want to make the man that was so kind to my mate. I just need some personal treasures to put in there.”

  Owin frowned. “I can pay.”

  Ben shrugged. “You don’t pay me, Owin. Your mate means a lot to my guppy prince.”

  Dover covered his mouth, eyes watering. The title that had hurt him for so long sounded like the highest of compliments coming from his mate. He thought back to Lorelai’s angry expression when Ben stood
up to her today.

  Owin smiled shyly. “I’ll start collecting shells tomorrow. I have a few pearls I’ve found over the years that I’d like to include too.”

  Ervin came back out with two platters of rice. “Owin, go get more corn.”

  Owin saluted, then leaned in and kissed his mate. “Yes, sir.”

  Ervin blushed, then laughed and pushed his mate toward the door. “Get moving.”

  Dover slid into Ben’s lap. “Do you like our home?”

  Ben bit Dover’s neck, gentle and teasing. “I haven’t actually seen inside the house, but I love your creek.”

  “Our creek,” I corrected, breathing his scent in.

  “Our home will make me happy as long as you’re in it,” Ben said quietly. “Your sister is coming this way.”

  Dover looked up, fast. Talia stopped in front of them. She nodded at Ben. “Welcome to the Southern Silver Isles. I’m sorry you had to appear in court as soon as you docked. Lord Eades was insistent.”

  Ben gave her a wry look. “I got the impression Lord Eades is an asshole.”

  She grinned. “You’d be right.” She looked at Dover. “Dover, can I speak with you alone?”

  Dover made a face. “I’m comfortable.”

  Talia arched a brow.

  “Alright,” he said, groaning as he stood. He bent and kissed Ben. “Otis is napping with your chicken.”

  Ben looked to where Otis was curled around the chicken, snoring. “Damn it. I’m going to have to build a chicken house, aren’t I?”

  A few of the guppy tailed mers came to sit with Ben. “Don’t worry, Ben. We’ll help you build a nice house for your chicken,” Moore said, frowning. “I don’t understand why you want to build it a house when you could just eat it, though.”

  Dover laughed at the look on Ben’s face, then followed Talia. Once they were a distance from the large group of people, he turned to face her. “What’s going on?”

  Her expression was serious. “Is he really your mate?” she asked bluntly.

  Dover nodded. “I heard the mating call and it led me to him.”

  Her eyes seemed to search his face. “Do you truly love him, Dover?”


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