The Guppy Prince

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The Guppy Prince Page 11

by C. W. Gray

  “More than anything in the world,” he said.

  She nodded, eyes hardening. “You need to start coming to court, but Ben should avoid it as much as possible. We need you to give the guppy tails a voice, but we don’t want to make your mate more of a target than he already is.”

  “Talia, what’s going on?”

  A look of pain flashed across her face. “Father has been more distant than usual.”

  “That’s not saying a lot,” Dover said, snorting.

  “No,” Talia said, shaking her head. “Father and I spoke all the time. As soon as I could walk, he’s been training me to inherit the throne. He wants me to be a good ruler for our people. Now, though, Lord Eades is always with him. It’s like he wants to keep me away from Father.”

  “The curse?” Dover twisted his fingers in his sarong. “Will Father try to hurt you?”

  Talia closed her eyes. “I don’t know. Even a year ago, I would have said that he would never hurt any of us. Now, I think he sees me as a threat to his power.”

  “Can you talk to him?”

  “I can’t get him alone,” Talia said. “Lord Eades and his cronies are always there.”

  “What about Mother?” Dover tried not to think about the fact that his mother hadn’t been there to greet him and Ben.

  “Mother is too busy with Eugenia’s wedding to care about anything else,” Talia said. “Just... tell Ben to avoid court. Lord Eades is trying to make your mating look like a rebellion. He’s telling everyone that your mate is a wicked human here to destroy the Silver Isles.”

  “Seriously? What idiot would believe him?”

  “An idiot that hates humans because they tried to destroy the seas,” Talia said, sighing. “Father isn’t the only one that is paranoid of humans.”

  “Thank you, Talia.” He leaned forward and hugged her. He had never hugged Talia before. She had always seemed as distant as their father. “We’ll be careful.”

  She froze in place, then awkwardly returned his hug. “Congratulations, Dover. I’m truly happy for you. I’ll do everything I can to protect you and your mate.”

  Later that night, Dover’s friends finally left.

  Moore and his buddies had put together a wooden chicken house for Rachael, Ben’s chicken. It looked more like a dog house, but Ben had decorated it with little strings of bright glass and beads. Now, Rachael roosted on a short bar within the small house.

  Shauna and Ervin had made sure all the leftovers were put away and they had all worked together to clean up help Dover and Ben unpack. Now, Ben’s beautiful art was mixed in with the knickknacks and shinies that Dover had been forced to leave behind.

  Then, there was finally blessed peace. Shauna shooed everyone out the door. Otis settled in to sleep on the couch with Chubber, and Dover finally had Ben to himself.

  “My mate,” Dover said, climbing the stairs. “Come look at our home.”

  Ben looked around the downstairs. “This really is home, isn’t it? It’s you and me.”

  Dover nodded. “I need to show you our bedroom. It’s the best room in the house.”

  Ben gave him an amused look. “Really?” He followed Dover up the stairs.

  “We have four bedrooms here,” Dover said, opening the first door on the right. “This is our room.”

  Ben didn’t take time to admire the décor. Dover laughed when his mate picked him up and laid him on the bed.

  “It’s been days since I’ve been in you,” Ben said, voice hoarse. He pulled at the knot of Dover’s sarong. “I like that you just wear a sarong everywhere. They’re easy to remove.” His hand slid up Dover’s hip. “Or get around.” Ben kissed Dover and his body sank against Dover’s smaller one.

  Dover ran his hands across Ben’s back. His human felt so good. Their movements sped up as their dicks hardened and pressed against each other.

  Ben took his time stretching Dover’s hole, then pushed inside in one, strong thrust. They moved together, setting a fast rhythm that Dover couldn’t resist.

  Ben hit just the right spot and Dover cried out, coming all over his stomach. He felt the heat of Ben’s cum fill his ass when his mate found his own release.

  “Damn, bluetail,” Ben said, sounding winded. “The things you do to me.”

  Dover smiled against Ben’s shoulder. “Our bedroom also has a master bathroom.”

  Ben laughed. “Is that your way of telling me to go get a washcloth?”

  “I like it when you clean me up,” Dover said, admitting to himself that maybe he was a little too lazy.

  Ben went to the bathroom and got a wet cloth. He smiled and wiped Dover off, pausing at the small curve of his stomach.

  “I’m not getting fat, Ben,” Dover said, smiling. “You know omegas almost always conceive during their heat.”

  A grin spread across Ben’s face. “We’re having a baby?”

  “I think so,” Dover said, smiling brightly. “I wanted to see a doctor before I said anything, but I haven’t had time. Romeu said I smelled different. You know how good shifter noses are.”

  Ben picked Dover off the bed and spun him around the room. “We’re having a baby! Fuck, now our wedding needs to happen fast. I want to be your husband before the baby gets here.”

  Dover put his arms around Ben’s neck and chuckled as his mate danced him around the room. He’d go see the doctor tomorrow. Before he attended court. Talia and Kai were right. He needed to be his friends’ voice. He was their guppy prince.

  Chapter 15

  Ben scratched his belly and looked around the house. He didn’t fully understand how this place already felt like home. Ben thought maybe this was what he had been searching for his whole life.

  It was barely past dawn, but Dover had already left, determined to speak with Ervin before attending court. Chubber had put Dover’s crown around his waist and insisted on going with.

  Ben had also wanted to go, even if just to see the king’s court react to the otter wearing a crown, but Dover had begged him to stay here. Damn those sweet blue eyes, he thought. He would do anything Dover asked him to do.

  Otis watched him from the couch. The dog was convinced it was too early to get up, even for breakfast.

  “I guess I’m a house-husband now, Otis.” Ben sighed. “I’ll work on my glass art and raise our chicken.”

  A loud squawk drew Ben’s attention to the window. He peeked outside and saw a merman in his early forties in their front yard. He wore the plain black sarong of the castle servants, but Ben didn’t recognize him from yesterday. The man had dark hair and average features that would blend perfectly in a crowd.

  The stranger danced away from Rachael. Ben’s chicken waved her wings and squawked again.

  “Good guard chicken,” Ben whispered, then glared at Otis.

  His dog laid his head down and closed his eyes, falling back to sleep.

  The man hopped onto the rail of the porch. “Get back, demon.”

  Rachael flapped her wings and flew up to the rail, and the man screeched, falling from the porch.

  Ben opened the door. “Rachael, that’s enough.”

  His chicken clucked at him, then settled down on the rail and closed her eyes.

  Ben helped the omega stand up. “Hi. I’m sorry, but I don’t recognize you.”

  The man’s eyes darted around and he bit his lip nervously. “Oh. I’m Fergus. I work at the castle.”

  “Can I help you, Fergus?” Ben asked, then noticed the slender crown in Fergus’ hand. It was made of silver and covered with coffee bean seashells interspersed with chocolate pearls.

  Fergus groaned and danced from foot to foot. “You weren’t supposed to see me.”

  Ben narrowed his eyes. “Are you the one leaving the jewelry for Dover?”

  Fergus didn’t have to answer. Ben saw the guilt in his eyes.

  “Explain yourself, Fergus,” Ben said, voice as stern as he could make it.

  Fergus groaned and closed his eyes. “I can’t tell you who I serv
e. I bring items to Dover as requested. That’s all.” He handed Ben the crown. “This one is actually for you. It’s a consort’s crown.”

  Ben took it, thoughts churning. “You don’t work for Kai or Kit, do you?” They wouldn’t have hesitated to give him the crown themselves.

  “No.” Fergus lifted his chin. “That is all I will say. Have a good day, your highness, and please consider eating the demon chicken soon.” He spun around and headed down the trail toward the waterfall.

  Ben picked up Rachael and tucked her under his arm before following Fergus. “Do you work for Talia?”

  Fergus glared over his shoulder. “I won’t say, your highness.”

  “What about Ervin?”

  Fergus rolled his eyes and stomped to the stairway carved into the rock wall next to the waterfall. “Your shifter friends are coming now, your highness.”

  Ben looked the other way, eyes following the creek as it ran toward the lake. Sure enough, a crocodile swam slowly down the middle of the creek. A beaver with a pack sat on the crocodile’s back and munched a stick.

  “Don’t distract me, Fergus,” Ben said, turning back to the stairs. “Damn it.”

  The man was long gone.

  Ben turned and walked back to the cottage. He put Rachael on top of her house and put the crown on his head.

  “I feel stupid,” he told the chicken.

  “You look kinda stupid,” Eloise said, laughing and she pulled a t-shirt on. “Fuck munches, Benny, you’re wearing a crown and talking to a chicken.”

  “I think you look distinguished,” Romeu said, straightening his own quickly donned shorts.

  “Thank you,” Ben said, sniffing.

  “Oh.” Romeu gave him a sympathetic look. “I was talking to your chicken.”

  Ben scowled and pulled the crown off. “A servant named Fergus dropped it off. He works for someone in the castle.”

  Romeu shrugged. “Never heard of him. Get your ass in gear, Benny boy. We’re going on a tour of the Southern Isles today.”

  Ben arched a brow and led them in the house. “The whole Southern Isles?”

  Romeu grinned, teeth looking extra sharp. “I never told you what I do, did I?”


  “I fly shipments of pearls from the farms all over the isles to the warehouses in Latch Bay. I have a nice little plane waiting to fly your asses around today.”

  Eloise grabbed Otis’ leash. “Come on, boy. You’re coming too. We gotta see our new home, buddy.”

  “She’s a lot nicer to Otis,” Ben said, slipping on a pair of flip flops and setting the crown on the kitchen counter.

  “He’s cuter,” Romeu said with a shrug. “You’ll have to drive us to the runway.”

  They piled in Ben’s truck and Ben drove down the rough, overgrown driveway. “What are we seeing today?”

  “Just the highlights,” Romeu said. There are six cities in the kingdom and several good-sized towns. Believe it or not, quite a few merfolk live under the islands. There are thousands of caves along the coasts and they’ve gotten good about modernizing. My buddy, Sako, has a four bedroom cave with plumbing, electricity, and internet. Crazy, right?”

  “How do people get there?” Ben asked, shaking his head.

  “They swim or they don’t go,” Romeu said, shrugging. “You are the only human living here, Benny boy.”

  Ben pondered that thought until they reached the small runway. Romeu’s plane was a small cargo plane, but it had plenty of space for all of them.

  They were in the air in no time, and Ben couldn’t help but feel awe at the beauty of the land below him. The islands had clean, white sand beaches; thick, green forests; and beautiful, clean lakes. The city of Latch Bay spread out along the shores of the bay with low, glass and stone buildings and straight, well maintained roads.

  Romeu flew further inland and Ben watched as mist covered mountains filled his view.

  “Not a lot of merfolk live in the mountains,” Romeu said. “The ones that do prefer the fresh water of the streams and rivers that flow down into the lakes. There are a shit load of sprites in there, though.”

  Otis settled between Ben’s legs and barked at the window as they flew high over a mountain peak.

  Ben pressed his face to the window, eyes widening. A wispy air sprite flew alongside the plane, blending with the mist shrouding the mountains. The creature’s eyes were full of white and grey smoke and it smiled at him and waved.

  “Fuck me,” he whispered, waving back.

  “No, thanks,” Eloise said, leaning in to watch the sprite. “This place is gorgeous. I have no job anymore, but I don’t give a beaver’s dam. I could just explore all day long.”

  “We’ll find you work,” Romeu said. “Nami works in the pearl farms and her mom still works part-time at the castle, but you probably wouldn’t enjoy any of those jobs. We have a few construction companies here, and I’ve asked around. I’ll let you know what I hear.”

  “You’re the best, Romeu.” Eloise bumped Ben’s head with her own. “He’s my best friend now.”

  “I’m sorry, I don’t have connections,” Ben said. “I’m just an artist raising his chicken.”

  After a few hours, they reached the end of the Southern Silver Isles.

  Romeu circled the plane around. “Out there is The Deep. It’s miles and miles of ocean that no ship crosses. The hippocampi herds love it, but no mer goes out there and comes back.”

  “That’s where the tentacle tailed merfolk live?” Eloise asked.

  “Huh?” Ben hadn’t heard anything about tentacles.

  Romeu started to lower the plane. “There’s a nice stripe of land right here. There’s something I have to check.”

  Ben exchanged a look with Eloise. “Romeu, what’s going on?”

  The crocodile was quiet as he landed the plane, then he turned to them. “Okay, so you remember Prince Kai talking about the Sea Witch’s curse?”

  “Yeah,” Ben said.

  “All the merfolk from The Kingdom of the Deep are tentacle tailed. Some have jellyfish tentacles, some have squid tentacles, some have octopus tentacles. The thing is, they all have tentacles. At least, all the ones that have been seen.”

  “Okay?” Eloise said slowly. “What’s the problem?”

  “Before the curse, the merfolk of The Deep intermarried with merfolk from the Southern Isles. That means some families still occasionally pop out a tentacle tailed baby,” Romeu said.

  Personally, Ben thought a tentacle tailed baby sounded adorable. He wondered what his baby would look like. He hoped it was a guppy tailed mer like Dover.

  “I’m still not seeing the problem,” Eloise said, tilting her head and staring at Romeu.

  “Right after the curse, the Southern Isles were a mess,” Romeu said. “Joy told me families were torn apart because of the curse. The King was furious that his sister’s kingdom was out of his reach and he knew her curse couldn’t be avoided. He exiled all the tentacle tailed merfolk in his kingdom to The Deep. For several generations, any born as a tentacle tail was sent away.”

  “Fuck,” Eloise said, shaking her head. “That’s terrible.”

  “That don’t do that anymore,” Ben said. “Right?”

  Romeu was quiet. “You two will figure out soon enough, but mer babies are born human. No matter if they’re conceived in merform or human form, they’re always born human.”

  Ben held his hand up. “Back up a second. Merfolk can have sex in their merforms?”

  Romeu blushed. “Yeah. Fuck, when I first came here on spring break, there was a heat swarm. All the single omegas in heat gathered in the sea right outside of Latch Bay and alphas showed up and made it a big merfolk orgy. If I hadn’t already met Joy, I would have been on the first boat back home.”

  Ben’s mouth dropped open. “A heat swarm? How did I not know about this?”

  “Nami isn’t going to any orgy,” Eloise said, growling. “Not happening.”

  “You two wouldn’t know
, because you can’t fuck your mates in merform because you don’t have a merform. Plus, it’s not like they have to attend the heat swarm,” Romeu said, face completely red at this point. “It happens once a year and some mers go while some don’t. That’s how Kit got pregnant with Pearl. His parents were so pissed.”

  Ben groaned and covered his face. “Fuck, now I’m seeing it. This is what happens when I start to see them as humans with a fish tail. I forget I’m a completely different species.”

  Romeu cleared his throat. “Back to what I was saying, my eldest girls were born human. Around four to six months, a mer baby has its first shift. It’s called their tailday and that’s what they celebrate instead of a birthday.”

  Ben made a mental note to ask Dover when his tailday was. It was things like this that reminded him that he had only known Dover for about two months.

  “Okay,” Eloise said. “I’m still stuck on heat swarms. What if they’re shark tailed? Do they have two penises? I didn’t study the Coalswells that closely.” She pulled her phone out. “I’m texting Kai.”

  Romeu started laughing. “He really shouldn’t have given you his number for emergencies.”

  Ben sighed and tried to act like he didn’t care about Kai’s answer. “So, what happens if a baby ends up with a tentacle tail?”

  Romeu nodded. “That was my whole point in stopping here. Things have gotten a lot better. Tentacle tailed merfolk aren’t exiled. I had a buddy who’s youngest is tentacle tailed. They weren’t forced to do anything, but he lost his job in the castle and the lord that was in charge of his village started making things uncomfortable. He ended up moving to the mountains.”

  “That sucks,” Eloise said. “I bet when Princess Talia inherits, that shit won’t happen anymore.”

  “I think so,” Romeu said. “My friend’s experience was a good one compared to most. Some families don’t want to deal with the trouble of having a tentacle tailed baby.”

  Ben looked out the window of the plane. The tiny island they had landed on was mostly bare. There was a stand of trees to their right, but that was it. “Romeu, why are we here?”

  “When a family doesn’t want the baby, they bring it here,” Romeu said. “There’s a shallow pool of water right at the edge of the beach. Someone from The Deep checks the pool every day. Prince Kai sends patrols here often to check the pool. If they find a little one, the guards wait until someone comes from The Deep.”


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