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The Guppy Prince

Page 12

by C. W. Gray

  Eloise looked like she was about to explode. “What. The. Fuck.”

  Ben unbuckled his seatbelt and jumped up. “Let me out. We need to check that pool. Are there any predators on the island?”

  Romeu unbuckled his seatbelt. “I always check when I’m out this way. It doesn’t happen often, but Joy’s brother was here once when it did. No one wants a baby to have to wait by itself.”

  They left the plane and Romeu started to lead them toward the trees. Romeu and Eloise both gasped at the same time, looking at one another in horror.

  “Do you hear that?” Eloise asked.

  Ben pushed past them and started running. As he got closer, he heard a baby crying and ran faster.

  The pool was small and shaded by the trees. In the middle of the pool was a baby who looked to be about five or six months old. His small, brown tentacles contracted and relaxed, keeping him upright and his head above the water. The baby’s bottom lip trembled and he held his arms out to Ben as he cried.

  “I’m coming, baby boy,” Ben said, wading into the pool and sinking down until he sat on the sandy bottom, his head and shoulders above the water.

  The baby swam to him and Ben wrapped him in his arms. “Shh, baby boy. I’m here.”

  His little body shook with his wails and Ben’s heart broke. He rubbed circles on the boy’s back, singing softly under his breath and the boy settled his head against Ben’s shoulder.

  He’s my baby now, Ben thought. Dover and I know treasure when we see it.

  Splashing drew his attention and he looked over his shoulder. Otis splashed toward him, Romeu and Eloise right behind him.

  “Holy shit,” Romeu said, looking furious. “I can’t believe someone really did this. It’s one thing to know it can happen, but fuck.”

  The baby’s cries quieted and his breathes evened out. Ben felt tentacles wrap around his waist as the boy clung to him.

  “Does he have a bag anywhere?” Ben looked around. “I don’t have any baby stuff at the house.”

  Otis doggy paddled beside him and reached out to lick the baby, making the boy giggle against Ben’s shoulder.

  Romeu sank beside him. “You’re taking him home instead of waiting here for someone from The Deep?”

  Eloise sat on his other side and smiled at the baby. “Fuck yeah, he is. If he won’t, then I will. I think Nami’s pregnant, but so is Dover. Either way this little buddy is getting parents and a little unborn sibling.”

  “You know Dover’s pregnant?” Ben asked. “You smelled it, didn’t you? Why didn’t you say anything?”

  Eloise gave him a sheepish look. “Meeting Nami kind of distracted me.”

  Ben gave her a look, then stood, lifting the baby with him. The little boy’s tentacles shifted into legs and Ben adjusted his grip and looked out at the ocean.

  About twenty feet offshore a woman with stark white hair and pale skin watched him above the water. She looked to be in her mid-forties and wore a strange crown of twisting dark purple coral and black pearls. Long strands of black pearls hung around her neck and down the front of her body. He knew without asking that she was a mermaid from The Deep.

  He waded out of the pool and walked toward the surf. “Hi, ma’am. I’ll take care of this one. Alright? My mate and I will give him all the love he needs.”

  She smiled and her eyes danced with delight. “Finally.”

  Ben tilted his head. “Huh?”

  The woman turned and dove into the waves. Thick black tentacles arched out of the water before disappearing.

  “That was a lot of expensive jewelry for some random mermaid,” Eloise said quietly. “Her smell was… powerful, Benny. I’m kinda turned on and kinda creeped out.”

  Ben ignored her. “Romeu, give me your shirt. This baby needs a diaper.”

  “Why my shirt?” Romeu pouted, but pulled his t-shirt off.

  “Because I’m a prince consort,” Ben said, nose in the air.

  “Don’t let him fool you, Romeu. That’s just one of his favorite shirts,” Eloise said, laughing. “Let’s get this baby home. I’ll text Shauna and ask her if she knows where to get baby stuff.”

  Romeu scoffed. “Forget that. I’ve got boxes of shit from when Janie was this little bit’s age. I’ll fly you all home, then go get it.”

  Dover cuddled the boy closer, hating the little whimpers he made as he clung to Dover. Someone needed their ass kicked.

  Eloise’s phone dinged and she looked at it. “Kai has two penises. Just so you know.”

  Chapter 16

  Dover wanted to beat his head against the stone wall of his Father’s throne room. Chubber was already passed out asleep in Dover’s lap.

  “Budgetary policy nine point six establishes a precedence to redistribute the funds between Lord Justinian and Lady Belinda.” The lord with the driest, most monotone voice in the world looked around the room. “I call for a motion to dismiss the civil suit and allow the two to continue with their plan to establish management of the new pearl farm.”

  Dover turned his head slowly and glared at Kai. “I thought you said this meeting would cover important things,” he whispered.

  “It will,” Kai said from the side of his mouth. “Give it time.”

  “I hate you so much.”

  “Ah, I love you, little brother.”

  Dover turned back to the meeting and watched his father. As usual, the King’s face was as expressionless as a statue. Sometimes Dover thought his father really was a statue. Then, he would give an order and Dover wished the man was just a statue.

  Talia sat to King Ren’s right and seemed engrossed in the discussion. Dover was glad she was the heir. He couldn’t deal with this shit every day.

  Three more of their siblings sat in different spots around the room and Dover was happy to see they were as bored as he was. Kit and the rest of his brothers and sisters were absent and Dover wished he was with them.

  “The civil suit claims that the funds were already given to Trix and Holli Mulhona,” Talia said. “Why exactly do you think those funds should go to Lord Justinian and Lady Belinda? All policy nine point six states is that allocated funds only go to approved sources.”

  The merman sputtered. “Your highness, the Mulhonas aren’t capable of running a pearl farm at that scale.”

  Dover frowned. He knew Trix and Holli. “Yes, they are. Trix and Holli have both contributed to the management of pearl farms their whole lives. I’d say that they’re actually far more suitable than Lord Justinian and Lady Belinda.”

  “Overseeing the workers isn’t the same thing as managing, Prince Dover,” Lady Belinda said, smiling at the other nobles. “This is why Lord Justinian and I have stepped in.”

  Dover glared at her. “Trix kept the northwest pearl farm running while you, Lady Belinda, sat on your ass here at the castle for years, reaping in the profits of his hard work. Holli has brought in more trade agreements through her work with oversea clients than anyone in the past ten years. What exactly do you bring beside a title and an ego to match?”

  Lady Belinda stuttered, flushing with embarrassment.

  Lord Eades stood up. “Of course, the guppy prince would want us to give millions to two guppy tailed workers. Just keep quiet, Prince Dover. There’s a reason your father wanted you married and breeding instead of sitting in on important discussions.”

  The King didn’t even hitch a breath at Eades’ ugly words. A familiar heavy buzzing filled Dover’s head. He had felt it before. Every time he attended court and his father let Lord Eades or one of the others insult him or the other guppy tailed mers it felt like cotton was stuffed in his ears. It seemed louder now.

  Dover hated feeling small and insignificant. He petted Chubber’s back, fighting the urge to leave the room. That won’t do Trix and Holli any good, he told himself.

  “Lord Eades, I know exactly what I’m talking about,” Dover said. “I also make a motion to proceed with the civil suit. Lady Belinda and Lord Justinian are trying to profit off
the hard work of others and can’t be trusted with that much money. The Mulhona siblings were determined to be a good investment when King Ren signed the grant. There is absolutely no reason to try to take those funds from them out of greed and prejudice.”

  “I second the motion,” Kai said jovially. “I don’t personally know the Mulhonas, but I trust my brother’s judgment and the grant committee’s original decision.”

  Talia smiled serenely. “Shall we vote?”

  It was a very close call, but Dover was surprised the majority voted to proceed with the civil suit that the Mulhona siblings had filed against the two nobles when they tried to swoop in and take control of the funds.

  Lord Eades stood again, practically glowering. “I think this is a good time to bring up the next issue on the agenda. Prince Dover has brought a human to live in our kingdom. This is unacceptable. Humans cannot be trusted. We all know their cruelty and their blatant disregard of living creatures. It is because of humans that the hippocampi were almost extinct. Us merfolk have brought their numbers back. We cannot have a human living amongst us.”

  Dover gave the man a flat look. “Not every human is bad, just like not every mer is good. You sound like a bigoted idiot.”

  You are a bigoted idiot, Dover thought to himself.

  “How dare you,” Lord Eades said, drawing himself up. “You show no respect to those far wiser than you. This just proves your judgment can’t be trusted.”

  The buzzing grew louder and Dover rubbed his head, hoping he didn’t get another headache.

  “Lord Eades,” Talia said, glaring at the man. “Ben Elliot is Prince Dover’s true mate. If any stranger can possibly be trusted, it would be a mate.”

  “I’ve done a full background check on him,” Kai said, shooting Dover an apologetic look. “There is no history of violence or cruelty. He will make a good addition to our bloodlines.”

  “Bloodlines,” Lady Belinda said, looking suitably horrified. “Please tell me you don’t plan to breed with him, Prince Dover.”

  Dover’s eye twitched, but he didn’t dive across the room and strangle the bitch. “I’m already pregnant, Belinda, and I’m quite proud to carry my mate’s young.”

  Lord Eades gave him a smug look. “I’m not convinced, Prince Dover should breed at all. Perhaps we should discuss this in more detail.”

  Dots clouded his vision as the buzzing grew to a roar. Dover looked at his father. Nothing.

  “This topic is not up for discussion,” Talia said, snarling. “Dover and Ben are mated and are expecting. Move on, Lord Eades.”

  “We need to discuss revising our trade agreements with Belize,” King Ren finally spoke. “Lord Eades, what are your thoughts?”

  Dover sank back in his chair, the buzzing instantly gone. He couldn’t believe they would even suggest that Ben was some kind of monster. He was a loving and sweet mate and would make a damn fine father.

  Chubber looked at him and patted his knee. He was right. There was no need to make a scene right now. He’d have to talk to Kai and Talia about the problem later.

  Hours later, Dover finally escaped the room. Kai had left to deal with something with the guard and Talia had followed their father and Lord Eades to a conference room.

  Dover quickly left the upper castle and shifted to swim through the lower castle. He needed to speak with his mother.

  He found her with her ladies in one of the swimming rooms. Eugenia swam beside her, looking sullen.

  Queen Kelby gave him a tight smile. “Dover.”

  “Mother,” he said, nodding. “Can I speak with you for a moment?”

  “Very well.” She nodded to her ladies and followed him to a corner. “What do you want?”

  He swallowed, hating feeling like he owed her anything. “Are you terribly angry with me?”

  “I told you to forget the mating call,” she hissed. “Yet you went anyway and brought back a human. A human, Dover. Do you know what my parents told me when I said my mate was a guppy tail?”

  Dover bit his lip. “What?”

  “They told me that nobles of the Southern Silver Isles have a responsibility to their titles. They must breed strong and honorable children of good bloodlines,” she said, voice hard.

  Dover covered his bare abdomen. “Your tail doesn’t make you strong and honorable, Mother. I’m a guppy tail.”

  “Yes,” she said, snarling, “and you’re weak and traitorous. You ran from your home and returned with one of our enemies. I should have abandoned you to The Deep on your first tailday.”

  Dover’s tears mixed with the water around them. “Mother, how can you say that?”

  She looked uncertain for a moment, then her face hardened. “It’s the truth. You are in for a rude surprise if you think your human is a good choice of a mate. Do us all a favor and stay away from the castle. Live in your shack and leave us in peace.”

  Dover turned and swam away, ignoring Eugenia as she called out to him. He clutched Chubber to him and swam as fast as he could.

  “Dover, damn it, stop.” A hand grabbed his arm and nails dug into his skin.

  He turned to face Eugenia. “What do you want?”

  “I heard what she said,” Eugenia said, voice soft. “She’s wrong, Dover. I don’t want to marry Weston and I really don’t want to have his children. He’s a shitty person even if he is a noble. You heard the mating call and that is sacrosanct.”

  Dover sniffed. “I love Ben. He’s a really good person.”

  She smiled sadly. “Good. You know that you’re not the only one that Mother and Father ignore, right? Father doesn’t speak to any of us except Talia and Mother takes nagging to a whole new level. All they care about is keeping up appearances so the nobles don’t start complaining that the royal family is unfit.”

  Dover couldn’t believe he was having this conversation with Eugenia. “I’m sorry, Eugenia. I got so wrapped up in my own misery I didn’t even notice anyone else’s and I should have. I saw how they treated Kit when he participated in the heat swarm.”

  Eugenia wrinkled her nose. “Don’t remind me. Most of us envy you, Dover. You get to live away from all the old, judgmental nobles. Lord Eades and Lady Belinda in particular watch every move we make.”

  Dover squeezed her hand. “I thought you wanted to marry Weston. If you don’t, then you shouldn’t.”

  “Mother is insistent,” Eugenia said. “She’s already looking for Lorelai’s husband now and goddess help whoever she chooses. I think Mother wants to marry us all off before the Coalswell prince can marry one of us.”

  “You’re only twenty-four,” Dover said. “You have plenty of time to get married.”

  Eugenia shrugged then changed the subject. “Are you going to have a wedding or did you already have one back in the U.S.?”

  “Ben wants a wedding,” Dover said, smiling. “It surprises me, but it’s what he wants.”

  “Then we’ll have one,” Eugenia said, grinning. “It probably shouldn’t be at the castle. Lord Eades would have a stroke. I’ll talk with our event coordinator about a good location.”

  “I want to get married at my creek,” Dover said. “It’s the best place on the island.”

  Eugenia rolled her eyes. “Of course, you would say that. Alright. Leave the clothing to me and talk to Chef about the menu.”

  Dover bowed, face serious. “Yes, your highness.”

  Eugenia gave him a quick hug, then swam away.

  Dover looked around the hallway. “Chubber, did that really happen?”

  By the time Dover got home, he was exhausted. Being a prince sucked ass.

  Rachael clucked at him as he walked past her. “Hey, guard chicken. Keep up the good work.”

  Shauna met him on the porch with the biggest smile he had ever seen. She hugged him tight, trapping Chubber between them. “Bluetail, I hear you’re pregnant.”

  He hugged her back hard, burying his face in her hair. Goddess, Shauna’s hugs were the best. She loved him and always would.
His own mother’s hateful words echoed in his head and he started to sob.

  Chubber squeaked and slid to his shoulder so he could hug Dover’s head.

  “Oh, Dover. What’s wrong?” Shauna stroked his back.

  He cried into her hair, letting the pain out. He wouldn’t say what the Queen had said. He didn’t want to give her words any more life.

  “Love, what’s wrong?” Ben’s strong arms wrapped around him from behind and he pulled Dover, Chubber, and Shauna all into a hug. “Who do I need to kill?”

  “Attending court sucks,” he finally muttered. “On the plus side, I think Eugenia isn’t as horrible as I thought she was.”

  Shauna felt his forehead. “Dear goddess, you must be sick to say such a thing.”

  He laughed, tears still falling, then turned into Ben’s embrace. “I’ll be okay. It’s just been a really long day.”

  Ben winced. “Well, um, I may add to that long day.”

  Dover tried to give him a stern look. “How much trouble can a house husband/artist/chicken sitter get into?”

  Ben pulled him over to the dick shaped water fountain. Swimming inside the shallow water was an adorable baby with fluffy blond hair. His brown tentacle tail contracted and relaxed as he moved.

  Ben gave him a worried look. “I kinda adopted a baby today. I named him Shawn because I know how much you love Shauna.”

  Dover stared at the tentacle tailed baby and started laughing. His cruel monstrous human mate had taken in an innocent that the kind merfolk nobles would rather toss into The Deep.

  He laughed hard, bending down and bracing his hands on his knees. “Fuck, Ben. I love you so damn much.”

  Chapter 17

  A few days later, Ben sat in a wooden chair on the bank of Dover’s creek. Otis sprawled at his side and Rachael clucked as she walked around his chair, pecking at the grass.


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