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The Guppy Prince

Page 15

by C. W. Gray

  “Kelby, you did send the invitations, right?”

  She gave him a sad look. “Your parents and siblings declined, darling.”

  He waved his hand. “Not those. I knew they would. Trust me, it’s better they don’t come. I meant the other ones.”

  She made a face. “I did, and let me tell you, Ren was not happy. Fergus and I had to work hard to get him to calm down. Ren had to use the scented oils, then the cuffs and the paddle. My ass still burns, Ben.”

  Ben made a face. “Remember when you never wanted to talk to me? Can we go back to that?”

  Her laughter lingered after she had left and Ben carefully finished the picture. “There, Shell. Does it look good?”

  The otter crawled onto the table and studied the picture. She patted one of the hippocampi, then hopped off the table and ran out the door.

  “I guess she thought it was okay,” Ben said.

  “Ben, your chicken is chasing my dad again,” Dover yelled from the stairs. “Father and Pearl are laughing at him.”

  “She’s a guard chicken,” he yelled back. “She’s just doing her job.”

  A few minutes later, Dover walked through the door. Ben’s mate’s slightly rounded belly was on full display since, as usual, he only wore a sarong.

  Dover licked the bit of papaya off his finger, then took another bite of his shrimp taco. “Shauna made lunch.”

  “Already grabbed some while you were swimming.” Ben lifted the picture and held it up. “What do you think?”

  Dover stuffed the rest of the taco in his mouth and clapped and hummed as he chewed. He swallowed, then gasped for air. “Ervin is going to shit when he sees it. I told you he went crazy for the picture you gave my parents.”

  The day after Lord Eades and several other lords and ladies were arrested, Ben had made the first overture and gifted King Ren his most elaborate piece, one of the ocean that he had kept over his couch.

  The man had seemed very pleased with it and the remaining lords and ladies had oohed and aahed over it. It hadn’t taken long for the orders to pour in and now Ben was booked with projects for months.

  Ben set the picture in a chair and pulled Dover to him, kissing him and enjoying the press of his omega’s body against his own. “Do we have time?”

  Dover gave him a dazed look. “I wish. Moore texted me. He saw George’s ship enter the bay.”

  Ben groaned and nibbled on Dover’s neck. “I’m happy to see them, but damn it, I want to fuck.”

  Dover giggled and bit his chin. “We have a few minutes.”

  Dover peeled Ben’s shirt off and pressed kisses to his shoulders, then trailed his mouth down his chest. “You always taste so good.”

  Ben gasped when Dover’s teased his nipples, then groaned when his mate’s teeth tugged gently on one nub. The sensation sent shivers down his back.

  “Dover,” he said when his omega slid to his knees and pulled Ben’s shorts down to free his dick. He ran his hand through Dover’s hair. “We can be late, right?”

  Dover wrapped his hands around Ben’s dick and tugged, pumping him hard and setting Ben on fire. Dover leaned forward and sucked the tip into his mouth as he continued to stroke Ben.

  “I want to be inside you” Ben said, voice hoarse. He pulled Dover to his feet and kissed him, relishing the taste of precum on his lips.

  His hands slid down Dover’s back and cupped his ass, pulling their hips together before picking him up and setting him on the worktable.

  Ben slid the sarong up, and leaned down to suck the tip of Dover’s dick. “You taste good too.”

  Dover squeaked. “Lube’s in the drawer.”

  Ben laughed, then took a moment to find the bottle. He pressed a lubed finger against Dover’s pucker, slipping the tip in.

  Dover panted and spread his legs wider, so Ben pushed his finger deeper and trailed kisses along his mate’s neck. He slid more fingers in, stretching Dover before angling his hips and slowly sinking into him.

  They moved together slowly at first, but they fit too well and it felt too good. Ben moved faster and faster until Dover clenched around his dick, coming hard.

  Ben groaned and let himself go, filling Dover’s his ass.

  They panted against each other for a few moments. “Yeah, we’re going to be late,” Dover said.

  Ben started laughing.

  “Benny,” Eloise yelled from the stairs. “Are you done fucking yet? We’re going to be late.”

  “We get no privacy,” Ben mumbled.

  Dover poked his side. “She’s your best friend.”

  They straightened their clothes then went downstairs.

  Dover went straight to the table for another taco. “This baby wants shrimp!”

  Eloise grinned and punched Ben’s arm. “Mid-morning nooky, huh? It’s my favorite too.”

  Ben ignored her and scratched Otis’ ear. “Hey buddy, did you and Chubber enjoy your swim this morning too?”

  “Woof.” Otis jumped up and licked his face, making Ben groan. “Chubber’s been teaching you bad manners.

  Dover gasped around his taco and picked Chubber up from where he sprawled on the couch. “Don’t you dare besmirch my Chubber’s name.”

  “You two are ridiculous,” Nami said, rolling her eyes. “Eloise will take the truck, I’ll ride Ben’s motorcycle, and you two take the Vespa. Your friends can ride home in the back of the truck.”

  Ben eyed Nami. “Why are you riding my bike? Is that even safe since you’re pregnant?”

  “No,” Eloise said, shaking her head. “You can sit in the sidecar on the Vespa, Nami. I know you like Ben’s motorcycle, but come on.”

  Nami pouted. “Dover drives like my grandmother. It’s not like Velma is any safer than Cherry.”

  Ben arched a brow. “Cherry? You named my bike?”

  Eloise held her hands up. “Fuck it. We’re all riding in the truck. You two preggo monsters sit upfront.”

  Dover stuffed another taco in his mouth. “Don’t be rude,” he said, mouth full.

  Ben went to the porch and grinned when he saw the limo in the driveway. He picked Rachael up, tucking her under one arm. “Leon’s here with the limo. No one has to ride in the back of the truck.”

  Dover cheered and ran down the steps. He looked back over his shoulder. “Rachael can’t come, Ben. You can bring Otis.”

  Ben scowled. “Rachael never gets to go anywhere.”

  Eloise patted the chicken’s head. “She can go in the frying pan.”

  Ben pulled Rachael away. “You monster.”

  Thirty minutes later, they finally managed to get to the docks. Ben saw Hester right away. The older witch wore a hot pink dress covered with tropical flowers. A large brimmed sun hat covered her head.

  “Hester,” Dover yelled and ran for the woman.

  She smiled wide and hugged him. “You look good, bluetail. You’re finally home, aren’t you?”

  Dover nodded. “I needed to come home, Hester. You were right. I can’t wait for you to meet Shauna and the rest of my friends. My omega dad is looking forward to meeting you too. He says that salve you sent cleared up the burn on his tail. He won’t be going near the hot spring in his merform anymore.”

  Stewart grinned and smacked Ben’s back. “You look good too, buddy. Oh wait, it’s your highness now, right?”

  Ben glared at him. “Why did I invite you again?”

  “Seriously,” Ryan said, pushing past him. “His highness deserves more respect than that, Stewart. You shouldn’t have to ask.”

  Ben groaned and hugged his laughing friends. “You two are horrible.”

  Hester cackled. “Show us your new home, Benny boy.”

  Chapter 20

  A few days later, Ben stood in front of the mirror and tugged at the long strands of pearls around his neck. “Are you sure this looks okay?”

  Queen Kelby and Eugenia had decided to go with formal wear for the wedding. The problem was that a mer’s idea of formal wear was very different fro
m Ben’s. He wore a deep red, ankle length sarong and a shit load of jewelry.

  Otis looked perfectly happy in his own jeweled collar. He spun in circles, chasing his tail, as he waited for the wedding to start.

  Dover’s desire for a small, relaxed wedding at the creek had been overruled quickly. The invitations had been sent to all their allies and friends and the wedding had been set up in the ballroom of the castle.

  Hester smacked at his hands. “Quit messing with that or you’ll break them. You look good.”

  Ben bit the inside of his cheek. “Are you sure you don’t mind being one of my groomspeople?”

  Hester smacked the back of his head, knocking his crown askew. “That’s a stupid question. I’m proud as hell to stand with you, boy-o.”

  She soothed the spot she had hit, then fixed his crown. “I’m proud of you for being there for your mate, Ben. I knew you were integral to breaking King Ren’s curse, but I didn’t know how it would all go down.”

  Ben leaned back. “Wait. It’s broken?”

  “Yep,” Hester said, nodding.

  The door opened suddenly and Romeu came in, slamming the door shut behind him and leaning against it. “What the fuck did you do, man? Joy just texted me from outside the castle. Two groups of special guests just arrived.”

  Ben grinned. “They came. Sweet.”

  He grabbed Hester’s hand and pulled her from the dressing room and to the entrance of the castle. Otis woofed and followed behind them.

  “Please tell me you invited who I think you invited,” Hester said, grinning.

  A servant stared, dumbfounded at the two mermen standing in the entrance and the ten guards that stood behind them. King Nerio of the Northern Silver Isles looked like an older version of his son. He was covered completely from the neck down, in rich black clothing. A crown of burnished gold, covered in precious stones and dark seashells sat atop his head.

  King Ren left Dover’s dressing room and paused, glaring at the Northern King. “Nerio.”

  “Ren,” Nerio said, voice just as sharp.

  Prince Tack stood beside his father. He looked between the two kings and smirked. “A pleasure to see you, King Ren. Lady Janine told us just this morning that you have agreed to let me choose which of your wonderful children I’ll marry.”

  Ren scowled. “Yes, but it had best not be Talia. She’s my heir. We’ll introduce you to all of them today.”

  “That won’t be necessary,” Tack said. “Prince Kit is my choice. Lady Janine will contact your assistant, pardon me, I mean your husband, next week to negotiate the arrangements.”

  The servant next to the door squeaked. “Your majesties, we have another guest.”

  Ren looked surprised for a moment, then waved Nerio and Tack to the side. “Of course, Meri. Sorry about crowding the doorway.”

  The servant just squeaked again looking petrified.

  The door slammed open and the mermaid Ben had seen from The Deep stepped inside. The woman’s white hair was piled high on her head and her crown was in full display. Her black dress hugged her full-figured body and long strands of pearls hung from her neck.

  She wiggled her fingers, waving. “Hello there, gentlemen. It’s sooo nice to see you in person. We haven’t formally met, but I’m Sea Witch Johanna.”

  The two kings took a panicked step back, but Prince Tack’s smile was all shark.

  She looked behind her and rolled her eyes. “Don’t dawdle, Marlowe. Come meet the kings.”

  A young merman with pale skin and black hair tugged at the sleeve of his shirt as he walked in the door. “It’s too damn bright everywhere. How do these people function with that huge poisonous ball of fire in the sky?”

  Johanna pulled the young man forward. “This is Sea Witch Marlowe, my apprentice.” She smiled wide and called down the hall. “Thank you, Ben, for inviting us to you special day.”

  Hester chuckled. “Your father-in-law is going to kill you.”

  Ben pulled her back inside the dressing room. “I did it for their own good. This curse thing needs to end.”

  “I agree,” Hester said. “There’s more at stake than you realize, but this is a very good first step. Now, time to focus on your wedding. Romeu, you have the ring?”

  The crocodile shifter wiped his sweaty brow and held it up. “I’ll give it to Eloise before she goes down the aisle. I can’t believe I’m doing this for you.” He tugged at his own strand of beads. “I look ridiculous.”

  Ben smiled apologetically. “I needed fifteen fucking groomspeople since Dover insisted on having all of his siblings, plus Nami, Shauna, and Ervin as his groomspeople. I only really know half of the poor merfolk that got roped into helping me out. Deal with it.”

  “Fifteen?” Romeu asked, brow furrowed. “We only have fourteen.”

  His door opened and Sea Witch Johanna came in, shutting it behind her. “Groomsperson number fifteen is here, Ben, darling. I hope my dress will do. Marlowe and I can’t stay for the reception, but we are happy to be here for your big day.”

  He smiled nervously. “Hey, thanks for coming. You look great.”

  She smirked. “How’s the baby?”

  “Shawn’s good. He loves his merform because he can move around more, but he’ll be walking soon too.”

  She took a strand of her beads from around her neck and put it over Ben’s head. “That’s good to hear, darling. Now, introduce me to your witch.”

  Dover groaned. “I can’t believe Ben invited the Coalswells and the fucking Sea Witch. I thought he was smart, I swear.”

  Chubber sat on the counter and chattered and squeaked. I know, Chubbs, Dover thought. Father has to be furious.

  Fergus played peek-a-boo with Shawn on the couch. “Your alpha daddy is too earnest for his own good, baby boy. Yes, he is. We still love him though. Even if he’s a human.”

  Kit bounced Pearl on his hip. “I can’t believe I have to marry the Coalswell prince. Are you sure that’s what you heard, Lorelai?”

  Dover’s sister pouted and she patted her hair. “I can’t believe he didn’t choose me. I’m obviously the most beautiful on the isles.”

  “Lorelai,” Kai said, sharply. “Are you sure he said Kit?”

  She rolled her eyes. “Yes. He wants tubby over there.”

  Kit glared at her. “Watch it, bimbo.”

  “Children,” Talia said, clapping her hands. “Get your shit together. We have a wedding to get through and a reception that’s sure to be extra fun.”

  Nami leaned against him, “Eloise said Ben looks hot.”

  “Are his shoulders bare?” Dover cupped his cheeks. “Is he wearing the nipple ring I got him? I love those nips.”

  Nami laughed when his brothers and sisters looked at him in fascination. “Just think, you could have had this weirdness in your life a long time ago.”

  The door cracked open and Dover’s mother slipped in. She paused, eyes softening when she saw him. “Dover, you look beautiful.”

  He stroked a hand over his sea blue sarong. “Thanks.”

  She kissed his cheek, then waved to her husband. “Fergus, love, hand me Shawn and come along. We need to keep Ren from murdering King Nerio.”

  “Uh oh,” Fergus said, jumping up and following her.

  Ervin looked at his watch. “I do believe it is time. Princess Pearl, are you ready to be a flower girl?”

  Pearl giggled and grabbed her bag of flower petals.

  “Princess Lorelei, you’re first. Go to the ballroom entrance direct Pearl down the aisle. Owin will tell you when to go.”

  One by one, his groomspeople left the room as Ervin directed them.

  Shauna hugged him before she went. “Life looks good, doesn’t it, bluetail?”

  “So good,” he said, laughing. “I love you, Shauna. Thank you for being there for me. For holding me when I cried.”

  “My pleasure, baby boy.” She cupped his face. “I never thought I’d see the day that the King and Queen smiled. Your mate saw what was
right under our noses this whole time.”

  Dover smiled. “He really did. I wouldn’t have found him without you, Shauna. You’ve always had my back.”

  She kissed his cheek and left.

  Ervin was next to hug him. “You’ve made me so proud, Prince Dover. These last two months, you haven’t missed a session at the royal court. You work so hard for us guppy tails.”

  “You all are worth it,” Dover said. “The rest of the nobles are starting to see that. Ervin, thank you, for teaching me to treasure. I don’t want to think of how my life would be without that.”

  “You came to it naturally, bluetail.” Ervin kissed his forehead, then left him alone with Nami.

  His best friend wiped her eyes and gave him her own hug. “I’m happy for you, dumbass.”

  He squeezed her tight. “I liked your wedding more.” It had been at the creek.

  She laughed. “It was all the beer, wasn’t it?”

  Dover shrugged. Their reception would be pretty tame, especially considering Father would be glaring at King Nerio the whole time.

  “Bluetail, I think our future is going to be pretty amazing,” Nami said, settling her head on his shoulder. “Our kids will be best friends and we live right across the creek from one another.”

  “I love you, Nami.”

  “Love you too. Let’s get you married.”

  A few minutes later, he followed Nami down the aisle. The sight of the Sea Witch standing next to Otis made Dover groan, but then he saw Ben waiting for him.

  His mate looked delicious and Dover could see the gleam of his nipple rings from the door. “I love his nips, Chubber.”

  His otter chirped and walked with him down the aisle. Ben took his hands and King Ren began the ceremony. To Dover, it was a blur of words and gestures that went by quickly as Dover focused on Ben’s eyes and shoulders and cute little nipples.

  “I present, Prince Dover and Prince Ben,” Dover’s father said.

  Ben kissed him. “You were staring at my nipples the whole time, love.”

  Chapter 21

  Two months later


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