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Claiming Crusher: Savage Brothers MC

Page 12

by Marie, Jordan

  “You still there, Dani?”

  “Yeah, just thinking. I’m…going to try and go to a meeting.”

  “That’s good honey, you want me to go with you?”

  “Nah, Dragon would flip if you try and go out.” I don’t mention with me, but I think that’s pretty clear. “I’ll swing by when I’m done.”

  “I’m proud of you Dani, I know it’s hard.”

  She does know. She just has no idea how hard, but then again she doesn’t know the entire story. She never will.

  “Talk to you later, bitch. Take care of yourself and listen to Dragon, take it easy. I need you healthy, please?”

  “Will do, mommy. Can’t wait to see you.”

  “Later, woman,” I say hanging up. I stare at my phone for a few more minutes, wondering if I’m doing the right thing. I’m probably deluding myself. With my history I don’t think I could hope for a normal life, but if I could have Zander…could continue the last month…Maybe if I can manage to stay in therapy and do better I might be able to keep him…longer.

  That thought is what pushes me to get moving. I will do this. I will clean up and go to a meeting and even set up more. I’ll drop by the party and make Zander happy. I will do this. I can do this.

  Chapter 16


  I don’t want to be here. This damn party is dragging I texted Dani, but she’s not answering. I was really hoping she’d show up tonight. It kind of pisses me off that she’s not willing to be here. I look around the party and Nicole is sitting in Dragon’s lap, Nikki is sitting in Freak’s, Hawk and some of the other boys have Twinkies. Frog is talking to some blonde, I can’t remember seeing around here before. Bull has Bambi in his lap and you can tell they’re not far off from finding a room. Shit everyone is paired off but me. Trouble is, I don’t want what is here for the taking. The past few weeks with Dani have been the best in my life. I want more of it—more of her. I can’t force her though and I sure as hell ain’t going to chase a bitch to give her my dick.

  I’m being a jerk. Truth is, I’m two small steps away from being drunk. Today was fucked up. We ended a life today. We ended the life of a brother today. Yes, the brother was a traitor, he fucked us over. Yes, he was a waste of air, but still a party for any reason seems the wrong thing to do tonight. I keep remembering his eyes when he told us to go fuck ourselves. Eyes of a man I fought alongside of for years, eyes of a man I thought of as blood…hating and mocking me—all of us. That’s bitter shit. So the fact that Dani isn’t here, is just icing on top of the fucking cake.

  I take another swig and sigh heavily. Fuck it, I should just get out of here. Hop on my bike and head out somewhere maybe find some strange…

  “What’s up, Bro? You doing okay after today?” Gunner interrupts my thoughts, as he sits down at my table.

  “Fucked up day,” I answer taking another drink—this time emptying the glass, save for the ice, which is a waste of space, but for some reason Nailer thinks I drink on the rocks. I’ve never corrected him. Shit. I feel like I’m on the rocks, so I guess it fits.

  “Amen,” Gunner says looking out over the crew. “All the brothers seem to be getting their dick sewn up. I guess you’ll be next.”

  “Don’t see that happening,” I answer honestly. I mean I can’t even get her to come here to the party. I guess I was taking whatever this is between us to mean more than it did. I feel like a damned pussy. Shit, I’m acting like one.

  “Really? You and that Dani chick seem pretty fucking tight. You’re there every night.”

  The man is starting to piss me off. Nosey-ass fucker.

  “It’s a job. I’m there until Dragon calls me off of it.” Lie. Dragon told me I could come back to the club after Irish was questioned the second time. I’m there because I want to be.

  “Damn though man it’s been a month, and well after today the shit is finished. I mean, hell you’re there all the time. No down time, that’s kind of shitty. Plus, that’s a long time to go without pussy—especially for you and I know you ain’t getting shit from the Ice Maiden.

  There’s that fucking nickname again. Some people are just fuckin’ clueless. There’s not a damn thing cold about Dani. I love everything about that woman…except for the fucking fact she doesn’t want anything from me but my dick.

  “I didn’t say I wasn’t getting laid,” I answer and wish I could take the words back. I’m holding another glass of whiskey, that I don’t even remember pouring, watching the amber liquid swirl around. Yeah, I’m pretty fucking drunk, there’s no two steps away from it now.

  “Fuck! You made it in with the Ice Maiden? Damn you are the King of Pussy. I bow to you, man. I didn’t think they’d make a dick around here she’d look at. Though I guess threesomes are her thing if you go by that night at the movies and we all know that’s your specialty.”

  Specialty? He makes me sound like a damned porn star. Worse, I don’t want to be reminded of that night. I don’t want to remember that she chose to leave that night with another man…fuck two men, when I asked her not too. Hell, I really have been deluding myself. What the fuck have I been thinking? She even told me she was just using me for my dick. I finish the rest of my new drink in one long swallow.

  “You need to share man! Hook a brother up. I don’t care to tag team her. Hell, I’d love to tap that. Damn, I’d love to have her mouth wrapped around my cock.”

  His words, just twenty minutes before, would have got his ass knocked out. Hell, I would have done it even ten minutes before. Now? Now, I remember she’s not here. I remember that she asked to use my cock and my cock only. I remember she chose that bastard in Skull’s crew over me and finally I remember I’m speaking out of my ass, that she won’t suck my damned cock. So, what I say next is pure bullshit and I don’t mean a bit of it. I shouldn’t even say it—but I do.

  “Yeah, she’s good. Sucks me like I’m a Popsicle on an Arizona summer day. Best head I’ve ever had.”

  “Hell, I knew it. She likes threesomes, you need to let me join you guys sometimes. Freak is out of commission now. You need a new partner.”

  I want to laugh. He knows shit about Nikki and Freak. I shrug, “Sure I’m about finished with her. You know me, got to have variety. I’ll ask her about it before I move on though.”

  The lie hurts me to say. It lays flat in my stomach and feels like led.

  “Fuckin’ A! I’m about to go party with Lips, want to join in?”

  “Nah man, I’m about partied out. Think I’m gonna crash in my old room tonight.”

  “Want me to send you a Twinkie?”

  “Nah, Dani wore my ass out before the party. I’m good.”

  He slaps me on the back and leaves. I stare at the empty glass, sliding it back and forth between my hands, listening to the sound of it scraping on the table and the ice rattling inside. I can hear it even over the noise in the room. Perhaps it was that, or the fact I am drunk, or hell maybe even a mixture of both that make it so I don’t hear Dani. I can’t really say.

  “Hey lover,” she purrs from behind me, her breath hitting my neck, her voice sweet in my ear.

  At first I think I’m dreaming, like I’ve conjured her up in my imagination and I’m so damn drunk I just think she’s here. Then I feel her hand slide down my chest. I lean back against her letting my hand go up around her neck and pull her down to me. I bury my face in the side of her neck and breathe her in. Fuck. She’s here. I want to yell at the top of my lungs. Fuck yeah, this means I’m getting to her.

  “I missed you, Hellcat,” I tell her and goddamn it’s true. I’ve never missed a woman before in my life, but this one and Melly.

  “I heard. You want to party with Guns, Cowboy?”

  Oh fuck! Hell no I don’t want to party with Gunner! Shit, did she hear that and want it? Is that what this is about? I’m not down. Fuck, no. Not Dani. She. Is. Mine.

  “Not tonight, sweetheart,” I growl. Not ever, I add silently.

  “No?” She asks me, biting
on my neck while her hands go down to my pants working on the zipper and button. Holy shit, does she mean to fuck me here in the club, with the party going on? I mean, okay it happens with Twinkies, but I never thought Dani would be into that. I’m not sure how I feel about it, but I’m getting hard at the thought. Still, I don’t want my brothers seeing me fuck my woman. She’s not some Twinkie or a hanger-on and she sure isn’t a whore to be used and forgotten.

  “Hellcat, let’s move this into my room or better yet we can go home…”

  She bites my neck again and it’s harder than normal, but the sting of pain feels good.

  “But Zander, I want to suck you. I want to suck you hard. Don’t you want that?”

  “Yeah, sweetheart, you know I do but…” I stop as she moves around to the side of me. She’s undone my pants now and my cock is hard. The head stands at attention begging her for more. Oh fuck, I guess we’re going to do this. I’m not about to pass this up. Still, I try one more time before she has a chance to get down on her knees. “We should save this for a few minutes,” I whisper, though it can be heard because the room is dead silent now. “We can take it to my room Hellcat, so I can thank you properly.”

  “But Zander, I’m on fire for you. I need to suck you…hard.” She says, one hand squeezes my cock and strokes it.

  “You are? Even with everyone watching, sweetheart? If you’re okay with it then suck me, I’m dying for those full red lips.

  “I’m more than okay with this, Cowboy. I’m too hot to wait. Don’t you ever get so horny you have to have it? So hot you feel like you’re on fire, Zander?”

  “Fuck. You got me there now, Hellcat.” I answer, because she’s stroking me so firmly and it’s fucking hot having others watch her pleasure me. Hell, my balls are heated up and ready to blow. This is going to be over almost as soon as she sucks me into that damned mouth.

  “Really Zander? Are you hot?”

  “On fire,” I growl. “Get down here and let me feel that damned mouth.”

  “Will that cool you down, Cowboy?” She asks, leaning down into my ear. My eyes go to her breasts, her cleavage on display and I know I’m going to titty-fuck her tonight too.

  “Yeah…” I’m already lost, imagining my cock thrusting between those breasts and spraying cum all over her face.

  “Are you hot as a summer day in Arizona, Zander?” She asks and I pull my eyes away from her breasts to look at her. Her voice sounds different this time. My head is foggy and there’s something…not quite right.

  “You got me on fire for you Hellcat, you know that.”

  “Good, then I think I should cool you down,” she says.

  I smile. Finally.

  Then I feel cold all over my cock and look down to see she’s poured the ice from my glass in my lap and all over my exposed dick.

  “Well damn! Look there! I cooled you down too much, because it seems you have a case of whiskey dick, Cowboy,” she says and then pours the rest of the bottle of whiskey on me.

  I jump up as she empties the last of the bottle on my dick. I’m busy trying to get the ice out from around my balls and abused rod, all while cussing. I really should have been paying more attention, because then I would have noticed she’s holding a rather large, black, overnight bag in one hand. She swings it hard at me. It slams me in the face, and I fall to the floor. My head smashes against the wood flooring and it’s a damn good hit, because that, combined with the alcohol I’ve consumed, almost blacks me out. The world goes gray, but I manage to hold on when I hear her yell to Nicole.

  “Nic? I’m going to go spend some time with Ray and Paul. Call me if you need me.”

  Then she takes the empty bottle of Jack and throws it hard against my alcohol-drenched cock.

  “Since you’re getting bored, Crusher,” she says sneering my club name, “Move your fucking shit out of my house while I’m gone.”

  With that she stomps out and even in my drunken misery, I have to say she looks fucking phenomenal. In the same thought, I realize I’ve lost any chance I ever had with her. Fuck.

  Chapter 17


  “I’m fine Nicole, I promise. It’s been good. Paul and Ray have been taking great care of me,” I say into the phone, looking out the small window of Ray’s condo that I’ve been staying in.

  “You need to come home Dani, I miss you.”

  “I miss you too, more than you know. I’ve needed this though, it’s been good for me and I’m finally going to therapy regularly. You’d be proud of me. I’m almost like a real girl now,” I joke.

  Still it’s true. My month here with Ray and Paul has been good. It’s a month in which I’ve pulled myself together more. I’ve been going through therapy for survivors and that’s what I am. I’m not a victim. I am a survivor. I survived violence. Period. It’s developed into my daily mantra. I’m a survivor. I’ve let my past rule me for too long. I thought I deserved what Michael dished out. It doesn’t make sense, but that’s how I felt inside. I still have my moments, but I’m a lot better. I can’t spend my life like I have. I could have gotten Nicole killed. No matter what she or anyone says, that’s on me and I need to make changes. I have to make changes.

  “Are you coming home?” Nicole asks and I want to say that my home isn’t there. Then again, my home isn’t here either. I have a lot to figure out. I may be hiding from my past, but Ray, Paul, and my sponsor are all right. I can’t let my past choke out whatever future I can make for myself.

  “Maybe. What’s been going on there?”

  “Not a lot. We have a new girl staying with us Caroline. She’s sweet.”

  “Sweet like a Twinkie?” I ask before I can stop myself.

  “Nah, Carrie isn’t a Twinkie. She’s someone from Dancer’s past. Dragon said she has something to do with why he’s in jail. I think Dancer was defending her or something. I don’t know, Dragon’s not said a lot. You know, club business and all that.”

  “Sometimes it’s better not to know,” I answer. Dancer is a Savage member that has been in jail for the last couple of years. Whatever his past is, it’s probably not good and I think Dragon is smart for trying to protect Nicole.

  “Maybe, but it is annoying to be the only one out of the loop. I feel like I’m the only one with my head buried in the sand around here.”

  “Well knowing that crew, there’s some that have their heads in their ass, so at least you’re not them,” I answer, thinking of Zander.

  Nicole snorts, “I’m not arguing. I’m glad you caught Crusher lying. You don’t need to go there, you were smart to shoot him down. He does ask about you though.”

  “Do you tell him I’ve died and he can see me when he gets to hell?”

  “I told him the truth.”

  “Well that’s boring,” I respond.

  “I told him you moved to Texas to live with two men who love you and treat you like a queen.”

  I smile, but just like always, when I think of Zander, my heart hurts. Nicole has no idea just how much I did give him. I can’t bring myself to tell her. My time with Zander is just that, mine. It’s something I can’t share with anyone, not even Ray. I’m not sure how you can grow to need someone in the short span that Zander and I spent together, but somehow it happened. It doesn’t matter though. I’ve been gone a month and there hasn’t been a word from him. I know it’s not like we were a real couple, but if I had meant anything to him, I’m sure I would have heard from him. Then again, if I was important to him he wouldn’t have been talking to Gunner and saying those things anyway. Nothing about that night showed any depth of feeling, and nothing since. Dragon would never let Nicole leave him without trying to win her back. That’s something else I’ve realized in the last month. There is real love out there. Paul and Ray have it. I’ve seen it. They care about each other. I’ve never seen that. Dad married my Mom to get access to her fortune. He used me to get out of debt with Michael and …. Michael is just pure evil. Nicole is right. I should have never thought of Dragon li
ke that. He’s not. Dragon is another thing I have to address in my life, which is why I’m calling.

  “Hey, Nic? Do you think I could talk to Dragon?”


  “Please? It’s kind of important.

  “I don’t have a good feeling about this,” she grumbles.


  “Hang on,” she sighs.

  I wait another few minutes. I’m about to hang up, figuring Dragon took the phone and is just ignoring it. I couldn’t really blame him.

  “Shoot,” his gravelly voice, comes over the receiver.

  “I,” shit what did I want to say again? My hands have a cold clammy sweat covering them. “Hey, Dragon.”


  That’s it, just my initial, and no how are you, or how have you been…it’s another sign that this call, though needed is not welcomed. Nothing about me will probably be welcomed by Dragon.

  “I uh…”

  “Spit it out D, I’ve got shit to do.” He grumbles and I can hear Nicole in the background censuring him.

  “I wanted to apologize,” I say weakly, because it is weak. There’s nothing I can say that can make up for what happened and what I almost did.

  “You almost got my woman killed. Not exactly something you can fix. If you were a man I would have killed you for what you did to Nicole,” Dragon says coldly and his words go through me.

  “Dragon! Hand me that damn phone. We’ve had this out and I can’t believe you right now!” I hear Nicole in the background, yelling. I swallow and forge ahead.

  “I get that. You don’t know me, but I had good reason to worry about you, and I’m not sorry I tried to keep Nicole from making a mistake. I’m just sorry that I went about it like I did. You weren’t who you appeared to be…” Lame, but it’s the best I can do without telling him who he was in my brain at the time, and he doesn’t get that. He can’t.


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