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Claiming Crusher: Savage Brothers MC

Page 20

by Marie, Jordan

  “What?” She asks, and tries to say Michael’s name because she knows only one thing would put me into the state that I am.

  I can’t let the name leave her lips. I push the wadded up picture at her, partly to divert her, but mostly I need it out of my hands. It feels as if it is burning me. She takes the paper and presses it against her leg to try and get the wrinkles out.

  “Where did you get this?” She asks and I hate that her voice has panic in it too. Maybe I shouldn’t have shown her.

  “My car.”

  “Maybe you left it…” She spends the next few minutes trying to convince me that I just forgot I had it. What she doesn’t realize is that Ray helped me burn everything that would ever remind me of Michael. I needed it all gone. She finally stops arguing and crushes the paper up in her hand. She looks at me with tears in her eyes. We both know what this means, even if we don’t want to know.

  “You do not have to leave! Right here is the safest place for you! Dragon and the boys will protect you!”

  I drop down beside her on the bed. I can’t stop the tears that are falling. It feels like I’m making the hardest decision in my life… and maybe I am. We argue some more, Nic wanting me to trust the club, me listing the reasons I can’t. They’re not completely truthful. The main reason is I need to protect her and I need to protect Zander. That is my only concern. All she’s doing is making me long for something that can’t be. Finally, I shut her down with the one truth that even she can’t deny.

  “Nic, Michael won’t rest until he has killed every member of the Savage Brothers and he’ll make sure it is painful,” I tell her.

  “Dragon can handle him…we have to tell him,” she says, but even I can tell her arguing is weakening. “Dani, I’m getting married in two weeks!” She finally says, when all we manage to do with the other topics is go in circles.

  I try to reassure her, but the two of us just end up crying. It hurts me that I have laid this on her. Nicole has always been my rock, she always manages to take some of my burdens, making my load lighter. She always does her best to help hold people she cares about together.

  “We’ll figure this out…” she says finally. Sometimes there just aren’t words to help.

  Chapter 30


  Dragon put me on babysitting duty, which normally I would hate. Not so now, because I get to remain close to Dani. She’s not going to make it easy though. When they all pile into the Tahoe I’m driving, she makes sure to get in back with Nicole, Carrie and Lips. Nikki piles in beside me and I find myself hoping like hell she doesn’t mention the night Freak and I shared her. It was before Dani and I ever got together and I shouldn’t feel a bit of fucking guilt over it. Yet, for some reason sitting in this car beside Nikki feels wrong. I want my woman beside me. As the girls finally get settled and buckled in, my phone vibrates with a text message. Freak. I can’t deal with him right now. He’s trying to convince me to talk with Dragon about this Michael guy and I probably should. The truth is I just don’t want too. I want to handle this. I want to be the one to take care of my woman, make it so she is safe—not just today but every day. So I ignore the message.

  I drive them into town peeking through the rearview mirror at Dani. I catch her staring at me a few times. She doesn’t respond when I wink at her. The next time I catch her eyes, I mouth the words I love you. I wanted some kind of reaction from her this time. I don’t get it. All I can see is sadness so apparent it pains me. I need to fix this and soon. I can’t let this fester between us. What Dani and I have is too fucking good to let it go sour.

  I drop them off at the door of the bridal shop.

  “Aren’t you going in, Crush?” Nikki asks, and son of a bitch, I don’t like the way her eyes look me up and down. I should, because she’s a hell of a woman. But I don’t. My dick is owned by the brunette spitfire currently ignoring me and sliding out of the vehicle. Once Dani exits, she slams the door and I wonder how it stays on its hinges.

  “Hell no, I ain’t setting foot in that store. My dick would become permanently limp if I spent much time in there. I’ll be here waiting on you girls.”

  “Well we can’t have that, can we?” she winks and laughs at me. My eyes catch Dani’s and that uncomfortable feeling, only increases.

  Shit this relationship stuff might be the death of me. I need to turn Dani over my knees and spank her ass for running once again. I don’t because I know this is all my fault. I should kill Freak instead. At the thought of Freak, I remember his message. I pull out my phone and call him.

  “Bout fucking time,” he grumbles.

  “What’s up?” I ask, my eyes following Dani as she walks into the store. She’s looking so fucking hot in those high-as-fuck shoes of hers and her fucking lipstick. If I wasn’t trying to get her to forgive me, I’d push her up against the wall and make sure that every fucker around knew who’s dick she was taking tonight and every fucking night.

  “Up? I just fucking lied to my fucking brothers for you, you son of a bitch and I fucking know you ignored my message!”

  My back goes straight as his words register, “What the fuck are you talking about?”

  “Surveillance showed someone snooping around Dani’s car last night. I didn’t mention what you had me digging into because if Dragon knows you suspected something and didn’t tell him, he’d shoot us both in the nut-sack for not telling him. You need to get your ass in gear and fix this soon, Crush. Cause, I’m telling you man, if you don’t tell Dragon, I’m going to.”

  My head goes down and I lean against the building. Fucking-hell. “Are you sure this has anything to do with what we’ve been looking into? Maybe it’s just an obsessed fan, pissed because she’s not dancing now?” I’m grasping, I know I am, but there’s no point in jumping the gun too soon.

  “Drag and the boys suggested that, but he put a fucking lo-jack on her car. It’s not the cheap kind either, so I think we both know what we’re dealing with here, Crush.”

  “Fuck. I’m stuck in town with the women. I’ll be there as soon as I get done. I need to see the footage and then I’ll talk to Dragon. Can you sit on it until then?”

  Silence greets my question and I know I’m putting Freak in a twisted mess here. I’m asking a lot of him. Thing is, Freak and I are closer than the other brothers, and I know when push comes to shove we have each other’s backs. I just don’t like asking this of him.

  “You get today man, and then I’m going to have to talk to Dragon. There’s just too much shit that could go bad. I warned you this Kavanagh wasn’t a fucker to be messed with.”

  “Yeah, I got it. Thanks, man. Let me know if anything else comes up. I want to stay close to Dani, just in case.”

  “Yeah sure, but get your ass in here when you get your bitch settled.”

  I hang up feeling like lead is sitting in my gut. I look through the glass doors of the bridal shop and Dani is up on a pedestal in a pink dress, but it’s different from the others. It is cool…frosted and I love it on her. She’s standing there with a small smile on her face, touching the dress with those sweet, soft hands of hers that make me beg and I make a vow. A damned vow that I will keep her safe and end this fucker Michael once and for all. Not only that, but when it’s all done…I want Dani in a dress, with a smile on her face saying I do. I’m marrying that woman. I’m claiming her in every fucking way imaginable and no one is standing in my way—especially some cocksucker in New York that gets his rocks off by hurting women.

  Dani looks up and our eyes lock. Hers are haunted and I want to be the man that takes the ghosts away. I put my hand on the glass, palm open and fingers spread. I want her to know that I am her man. She studies me for a minute, and she looks so hurt, lost, alone, one of them or hell maybe all three. Then she gives me a half smile. It doesn’t reach her eyes, it doesn’t overshadow the ghosts. I need to try harder, especially since, I’m the motherfucker who put the sadness there this time.

  Yeah, I definitely need to do better.

  Chapter 31


  Just as I figured, trying on bridesmaids dresses blows chunks. It also seems to go on forever. I’d rather be anywhere but here. My mind is busy trying to figure out what the hell I’m going to do. My heart is hurting and I’m trying to resist the urge to take the non-prescribed type medication that used to help me. I haven’t needed to touch the shit since I went to Ray’s. I’ve always had Zander beside me at night when the panic attacks threaten to hit. Now with that damn note on my windshield, it feels like a panic attack is just around the corner. I need my head clear for this. I need to make sure Nicole and Zander are safe. So, I can’t be weak. I can’t. But my hands are shaking, my head is pounding and I really just want to crawl in a bed and sleep. Michael almost destroyed me once before. If he gets his hands on me again, I won’t survive. Then again, he’s not going to let me live. I know it. The world thinks I’m dead. Michael has the green-light to do whatever he wants to me and he will. I know he will.

  I can’t sit in this fancy ass store a minute longer. We’ve all had our fittings done except Nikki and if I hear one more time how she’s had my man’s cock in her I’m going to blow a gasket. When Lips joins her that’s it. That’s just it. Jesus! I know the man isn’t a choir boy, but I don’t want to hear about him giving it to women I like.

  “I need a drink!” I call out, standing up and needing to get the fuck out of here.

  Nikki and Lips are going on how they’d join me, but their men need them blah, blah, blah. If their men need them so much, they need to make sure they’re too busy to get around my man’s cock! If they join me I’d probably scratch and claw their eyeballs out like the jealous bitch I am right now. This is what Zander has made me into. Will he go back to fucking them when I’m no longer in the picture? Shit. I don’t want to leave him. I don’t want to let go of him. The thought of him belonging to another woman besides me, feels like it’s ripping me apart from the inside out. It’s a deeper hurt than any I’ve ever had and when I feel tears sting my eyes and the breath in my lungs lodges in my throat, I know I need to get a grip.

  “I’m out of here!” I yell out to everyone, not bothering to turn around, and doing my best not to sprint to the damn door, to get free. When I make it outside, I breathe deep. My eyes are closed and I keep picturing Zander with Nikki and Lips, giving them the smile that should be mine. I know I’m not being logical. I know whatever he did with them was before we slept together, but it doesn’t fucking matter right now.

  “Hold up, Dani!” Nicole calls out and I turn to watch her come out of the shop. I stop, but only because it’s Nicole. I really want to take off running. She’s insisting on going with me, even when I try to discourage her by lying and saying I’m going to a bar. There’s no way I can afford to get drunk right now. I finally give in when she threatens to order chocolate milk at a bar. She’d do it too, it’s one of the reasons I love her. So, we head off to Weaver’s a local restaurant in town that’s supposed to have been here since the town was first created or some shit like that. I don’t know, I just know the food is good.

  “Any more notes?”

  I knew this was a mistake, she just confirms it with her first question. “No,” I answer praying that will be the end of it. It’s not. We go back and forth over me telling Dragon and I know that I’m putting her in a hard spot. I absolutely am, but I can’t. Dragon and his men go head long to protect the ones they care about. This means Zander would jump in with both feet and take off running. I believe that, because I know he loves me. Dragon might not care that much for me, but he does Nicole and if he thought for one second that someone was threatening his woman or his child, he’d go in, guns blazing. Michael operates outside the law, much like the Savage MC, but (and this is a very big but) he owns the police. When I say he owns them, I’m not talking about the cops in a local town or surrounding areas, I’m talking, judges, senators, representatives and every office in between. Hell, he’s even been invited to dinners at the freaking White House. I’ve tried fighting this and I know. I’m going to do everything in my power to deflect Michael away from the ones that I love and if that fails I’ve left a packet of detailed information that goes to Dragon if I die. In it is every crooked politician and the information Michael holds on them all, along with detailed information on Michael. I’ve held it to myself all this time, thinking that I might could use it to bargain with those on a higher food chain, if Michael ever found me again. Me surviving is no longer my goal, I’m going to die and truthfully if Michael gets his hands on me again I’d rather die. My goal is only making sure that those I love are kept out of this. I can’t give the info to Zander. If something happens to me, he won’t control himself. He’ll act first and then think. Dragon will be more methodical. Doing this, giving Dragon the one card I have against the devil…it’s all I can do.

  The arguing with Nic and I continues back and forth and my guilt from the whole shooting with Tiny gets involved and I’m glad I haven’t ate. I feel like I want to hurl. Nicole will never understand how much I regret that day. She can’t. She doesn’t know what happened with Ms. Martens. She doesn’t have my memories. She doesn’t have visions of someone she likes being tortured. Not to mention, that she was tortured in much the same manner as Dragon was doing to one of his on. Sure I understand why, now—maybe I did even then. Still…the past and the present meshed together and I just reacted, wanting to keep my best friend safe.

  “Afternoon, ladies,” a voice says from my side.

  A voice, I never wanted to hear again in my life. A voice that haunts me almost as much as Michael’s does. I count backwards in my head and steady my breathing, deliberately lowering it. I can’t show fear, I can’t let him see weakness. I slowly lower my hands to my lap and turn to face Michael’s lapdog. I hate the son of a bitch and it would make me the happiest woman in the world to do nothing more than kill him slowly. I guess Dragon and I aren’t so unalike after all.

  I do my best to appear like I barely give him a second notice. I try extra hard to make it appear I don’t even know who he is. I give what I hope is a tiring sigh, then respond. “Not interested buddy, move along.”

  “Really, Mrs. Kavanagh, I assumed you would be most interested in what I have to say.”

  “Sorry, you have the wrong person, buddy,” Nic answers, reaching under the table to grab my hand. I am pretty sure I cut off her circulation, squeezing it in answer. She and Donald go back and forth and it’s enough to let me know that Michael has indeed been checking out the Savage MC. The reality of that settles into my stomach. The only bright spot is that by sending Donald here first to give me a warning, means Michael is unsure of how to proceed around the Savage crew. I will have to use that to my advantage. Maybe I will be able to stay around a little longer.

  “…I have a message for you, Melinda. It’s from your husband,” Donald says dragging me back to the conversation at hand. Hearing Michael being referred to as my husband throws me for a loop. It causes my facade to slip.

  “I…I don’t….”

  “Save it, we both know that you would be lying. Mr. Kavanagh will be in town next week. He will expect you at this address on the day and time listed. Do not disappoint him,” he says putting a piece of paper on the table.

  Next week. I have one more week here. Well no, not really. If I want to try and get away I need to leave soon. So really, I have mere days to say my goodbyes. Days to memorize everything about Zander and try to take a lifetime of memories with me to wherever I end up or into the next life, because I know that’s the only outcomes available to me. The thought that I have to leave Zander, that I won’t be allowed to love him and take care of him, grow old with him….the fact that I can’t even give him the daughters and sons he deserves all flood me at once. So when I turn back to Donald, it is not fear I feel. It is anger. It is rage. It is hate.

  “You can tell Mr. Kavanagh to go fuck himself—preferably with a sawed-off shotgun and the safety in the off position

  “I can see hiding in the hills with a bunch of uneducated Neanderthals has had an unfortunate effect on you, Mrs. Kavanagh. A shame but, hopefully, not an irrevocable change.”

  “Being around real people has had a fucking great effect on me, douche bag. Why don’t you get the fuck out of here so I can enjoy my dinner? I got to tell you, your stink is starting to affect my appetite,” I respond and yes, I’m trying to channel Zander and sound like him. I’m rather proud of myself really.

  “Really, Mrs. Kavanagh, I do hope you remember who you are, before you meet with your husband.”

  I flip him off with both hands, it feels like the only thing to do.

  “I would suggest you remember your station, before coming to your husband.”

  “I would suggest you go to hell.”

  “Do not make Mr. Kavanagh come and get you. Rest assured your punishment will be much worse if you do. You have brought enough disgrace upon the Kavanagh name.”

  I stay quiet until he’s out of sight.

  “I’m going to have to leave, Nic.”

  She nods, but immediately tries to tell me how she can help. We go back and forth, but I finally end it, distracting her. “….Here comes Crusher. Let’s just let it go for now. You get back to Dragon.”

  “What about you? Where are you going?” She asks.

  “Think I’ll head down to the Den and find someone to scratch an itch,” I lie with an easy smile.

  “If you want company tonight Hellcat, I’m free.”


  “It seems to fit,” he shrugs.

  I get up from the table, part of me remembering the conversation we had before. Little does he know, I could never handle dragging him into hell with me.

  “I don’t think so, stud.”

  “Baby, I could scratch your itch so well, you’d purr for days.”


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