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Waterfall Kisses: A Billionaire Love Story (Saltwater Kisses Book 8)

Page 8

by Krista Lakes

  “This is so beautiful,” I whispered, thinking the roar of the water would drown out my words.

  “Yes, it is,” Leo agreed, somehow having heard me. I turned to see he wasn't looking at the waterfall. He was looking at me.

  I'd waited all day to have some alone time with Leo, and now we were together in front of the most beautiful waterfall I'd ever seen. Spray from the falling water misted our clothes and hair, forming dew drops that sparkled like tiny worlds of wonder.

  “Leo,” I whispered. His name barely left my lips when he kissed me. The world spun too fast and gravity no longer worked, but I didn't care. One kiss had been enough to show me that Leo was interested. This kiss blew that kiss out of the water.

  This was a waterfall kiss.

  His lips were firm and confident, his tongue tasting and caressing like he couldn't get enough of my taste. I moaned softly, whimpering at his sensual touch that was driving me wild. I'd never been kissed like this before.

  Finally, I was getting to kiss Leo. My Leo, the man I had loved for years. And here was the proof that he cared for me right back. My hand caressed his jaw, feeling the end of day stubble that rasped against my lips. I loved how masculine and strong he was.

  Slowly, gasping for breath, we both pulled back.

  Leo grinned, the corners of his mouth twisting into a beautiful smile. “Wow.”

  I kissed him again, feeling the same rush of want that threatened to overwhelm me. I couldn't get enough of him. I'd waited for so long, that now I couldn't wait any longer.

  “Slow down, Speedy,” Leo teased. “We have all night. Want to get closer to the waterfall?”

  He was right. At this rate, I'd have the whole night finished in just a couple of minutes. I didn't need to rush things. We had time. I looked at the rushing water and nodded. The pool was crystal clear and made for the two of us to be alone in. “As long as you're with me.”

  I kicked off my shoes and stepped into the pool. The water was cold, but it felt good against the Caribbean heat. Leo was right beside me, holding my hand tightly in his.

  I waded out, holding my dress up to keep it out of the water.

  “Why don't you just take it off?” he asked, managing to keep a straight face.

  I hesitated. I only had a pair of undies on underneath the dress. Thong undies.

  Was I ready for that?

  It took me all of two seconds to decide that yes, yes I was ready for that. I'd been ready to be naked with Leo for ten freaking years. But I didn't want to be the only one getting naked.

  “Only if you do, too,” I replied, slowly inching the skirt of the dress up. Leo's eyes went to my bare thigh, the blue slowly disappearing to the dilating black of his pupils.

  “Done,” he said, whipping his shirt over his head and tossing it to the shore.

  I nearly dropped my dress hem. His chest gleamed in the sun, muscled and perfect. He liked to keep active, but he usually stayed dressed around the office, so I didn't get a regular look at his body.

  He smirked as he caught me looking. “Were you going to take it off or what?” he teased, loosening the zipper on his shorts. My breath caught a little. It was time. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, hoping that I looked as good to him as he did to me.

  I pulled the dress up and over my head, balling it up and tossing it onto the pebbly beach. I stared at the water for a moment before raising my eyes to look at Leo. Part of me was terrified that he'd back out, suddenly remembering that I was Bastian's little sister and he shouldn't be looking at me like that.

  But he didn't. He stared and the reaction in his boxers told me that he didn't think of me as anyone's little sister. Without looking, he tossed his shorts behind him, narrowly missing dropping them in the water.

  I hugged my arms around me as he came closer. I stood mid thigh deep in the water. He looked me up and down, desire and admiration filling his face. I bit my lip a little, still nervous as to what he was going to say next.

  “Wow,” he whispered, stopping in front of me. “Just wow.”

  “Thanks,” I giggled, suddenly giddy and ridiculously happy. “You look pretty 'wow' yourself.”

  “You'd know,” he teased. “The first time I met you, I was naked.”

  “I remember,” I replied, my voice suddenly going husky. I took a step forward. “But you looked more like this-”

  And then I pulled down his boxers, soaking them in the water.

  “Not fair,” Leo growled, pulling me into him. He was already hard and erect and pushing against the small triangle of cloth that pretended to be my underwear.

  The water around our knees was cold, but the heat searing through me at Leo's nearness was enough to set it to boiling. He kicked at his drenched boxers, reaching down and tossing them to dry on the shore while still pulling me into him. His hands tightened on my hips and I couldn't stop myself from rocking into the pleasure his thick heat. Every fiber of my being ached to have this. I wanted it now, yet I wanted it to last forever.

  “I don't remember this part,” I said, pressing my chest into his muscled one and trying to maintain my playful demeanor. “Even though it's what I've wanted for a long time.”

  He laughed, a low, sexy sound that turned my nipples hard and made me ache deep in my core.

  “You want this?” He rocked his hips against mine. He grinned like the cocky, confident, alpha, billionaire, jerk I knew he had inside of him. I wanted that part of him too. I wanted all of him.

  I couldn't help it, but my pulse fluttered and my skin flushed. I wanted him. Bad. I nodded, unable to speak.

  He lowered his head to put his perfect lips to my shoulder, pressing his mouth to my skin and sending a shiver of pure desire rocketing through me. I couldn't help the moan or the arch of my hips to his.

  His fingers traced the tiny black string still plastered to my hips as he grinned and met my eyes. I was instantly lost in their blue depths, lost to their swirling lust and power. My breath caught in my chest and I couldn't move. I was paralyzed with want.

  I barely felt the way his fingers hooked on the string and pulled. I didn't think as I kicked my legs free of the black triangle of fabric and tossed it to the side to stand completely naked, pressed to Leo like I had always wanted. The world was spinning too fast and blood was rushing in my ears. I was finally with Leo.

  The corner of his mouth tipped up higher, cocky as hell in his knowledge of what was going to happen next. Me, on the other hand was a trembling leaf of desire. I wanted this more than I wanted to breathe, yet I couldn't begin to believe it was real. This was too good to be a dream. It was everything I'd ever wanted.

  I bit my lip, unsure of what to do next. I wanted to impale myself on him and kiss him and taste him and touch him and have him touch me all at once. Years of sexual fantasies were all bubbling to the surface all at once and I didn't know which one I wanted first.

  Leo took control, bringing his hand to my chin and cupping it with his fingers. He brought my lips to his, demanding a kiss to me that made me forget everything. The kiss grew hotter and more intense with every second. Lips and tongues collided as our bodies pressed together.

  His lips ventured from mine, kissing and caressing down the side of my neck until he found the super-sensitive spot just under my jaw and ear. The rough stubble of his chin scraped at my skin in the most tantalizing way, making me moan and writhe for more. Yet,the only thing I could do was to let my head fall back and drink in ever exquisite sensation of his mouth on my skin. I wanted more. So much more.

  Putting a hand on my hip, he guided my body without me realizing it until my back was pressed against his chest. His manhood pressed hot and hard to my ass while his hands went to my breasts, his mouth still on my shoulders. I gasped as he rolled one nipple between his thumb and forefinger. White hot electricity threaded it's way from his fingers, down my spine to pool in between my thighs.

  “Leo,” I gasped, arching my back into his chest and loving that he didn't move. The hand
on my hip splayed out across my stomach, pulling my body closer to his. He was so warm against the spray of the water that I pushed closer, wanting his heat everywhere. Slowly, his hand slipped south.

  The heat settling in my lower stomach was a living thing now. Leo's fingers slid down, brushing past my pleasure center so smoothly that I shivered against him as he slowly found his way to me. My legs spread automatically to give him access.

  My eyes closed as his fingers found their rhythm. He held me to him, using my breathing as a guide for what pleasure he was causing. Two fingers swirled and I focused on the glowing orb of light forming in my groin that was going to explode into white ecstasy at any moment. I could feel the beat of his heart through his cock pressing firmly into my ass.

  He wanted me.

  I closed my eyes as the sensations swirled and coalesced into a burning sun that overtook me completely. Leo's name fell from my lips, more wordless cry than name as my world shuddered to pleasure. I'd had orgasms before, but never like this. Never this powerful or all-consuming. The only thing that was different was Leo. My knees gave out, yet I didn't fall. Water splashed around us, yet I wasn't cold.

  Leo held me. He kept me held close to him even as I went limp from his touches.

  Possessive. That was the only way to describe the way he held me.

  Slowly, I regained my strength to stand, even though my head was still buzzing with the aftershocks of Leo's fingers. My tongue was too thick to speak and I was light-headed with lack of blood to my brain. It was fantastic.

  If he could give that level of orgasm to me, that quickly, with just a touch of his hand, the thought of what he could do to me with the rest of him had me panting. With a core full of burning desire, I turned to face him.

  I nearly came again at the intensity of his expression. Lust had his pupils dilated to almost blackness and I couldn't look away. It was the way I had always wanted him to look at me. He had only ever looked at me like this in my dreams. To see it in reality was a thousand times better than any fantasy.

  I lifted my leg, hooking it around his waist and drawing him even closer. The heat of his manhood seared against my exposed skin and I ached with desperate need. I could feel the muscles of his ass and lower back contract as he rocked into me.

  He looked back to shore, a twist of pain on his face.

  “What?” I asked, suddenly afraid he was going to change his mind. We were so close to fulfilling all my fantasies that I held onto him as hard as I could.

  “There's a condom in my shorts.” He grimaced. “But they're way over there.”

  I followed his gaze to the shore. It wasn't far, but the idea of him leaving my embrace, even for a millisecond was unbearable. I put my palm to his cheek.

  “It's okay. I'm on the pill.”

  He frowned, but his erection throbbed against my entrance. “You sure?”

  I nodded, peering into his eyes. “Yes. I trust you. I always have.”

  Our eyes locked. No one had ever looked at me like this. Dangerous heat and desire flooded his gaze as he slid into me, completing me in a way I never thought possible. His body was made to fit mine. Every muscle in my body tightened, wanting to take more and more of him inside of me. I was afraid to breathe, afraid that somehow oxygen would take up space that Leo could fill.

  “Leo...” I whispered, losing myself to the pleasure only he could give me.

  He thrust upward, filling me to the hilt. I cried out with unbridled lust. I wanted more. Needed more. My leg tightened around his hips, begging him to keep filling me. The muscles of his back and hips were drawn tight, bulging and working with every thrust. My nails found purchase on his skin, hard enough to leave a thin red line but not to break the skin. I had an urge to mark him as mine.

  My belly tightened, the glowing ball of pleasure suddenly exploding within me. My breasts arched into his chest, feeling his heat consume me as I lost myself once again to his pleasure. The ease of the orgasm was almost frightening. With Leo, I barely had to concentrate, barely had to try to find the mountain of pleasure that other men had to scale for hours.

  “Fuck, Charlotte,” he gasped, each syllable more ragged than the last. The raw need in his voice was a testament to how greatly his need matched mine.

  The water behind us thundered with power. Spray drifted up in mist that caught on the tips of Leo's dark hair and eyelashes, making him look more dreamlike than ever. I could hardly believe this was real. He was here. With me. Every fantasy, every dream I'd ever had of him paled in reality. Years of desires burnt and flamed within me, finding that the reality of Leo was far better than anything I ever could have imagined.

  His hands gripped my hips and ass, holding to me as he thrusted and filled me. Yet his eyes were always on mine. Full of love and lust and everything I had ever wanted.

  “Leo, come for me...” I gasped. I wasn't sure if he heard me over the roar of the falls, but I needed him. I was half afraid that I would wake up at any moment and find that this was just a dream. That his strong arms holding me, his heat against the cold water around our legs, and the intensity of his gaze would be nothing but a vivid fantasy.

  “Mine.” His word was strong and deep. My chest pounded with anticipation as his rhythm built to climax. The intensity of his eyes made it hard to breathe and I couldn't focus on anything but the immense pleasure he was giving me. Heat and pleasure coiled in my belly again, threatening yet a third release in less time than it usually took me to get one.

  His eyes claimed me, his gaze holding me captive as we reached the threshold of tolerable pleasure together. I nodded, silently begging for him to release. The knowledge of him falling into me was already pushing me over the tipping point. But I wanted to fall with him.

  Contractions rippled through his back and his strong arms pulled me deeper into him as he delved for the last time into my body.

  “Charlotte!” My name was a benediction from his lips as he lost himself within me. My inner muscles pulled and clenched at his thick shaft as I lost myself to the most powerful orgasm yet. I had no idea how he could melt me like this. It was beyond anything I'd ever experienced.

  Yet I wasn't surprised by it.

  Leo's body stilled beneath me, his breath coming in ragged gasps that made me ache for more.

  “Every fantasy,” he gasped. “Every single one was nothing compared to that.”

  I grinned and nodded. He was right.

  It was every single one come true all at once.

  Chapter Thirteen

  “You're shivering,” Leo said, wrapping his arms around me. “Let's get you back where it's warm.”

  I nodded, my teeth chattering so hard I was afraid I might break them. Up until about three minutes ago, I hadn't noticed how cold the water was or that the sun was setting. I had been too hot and bothered to notice anything but Leo. Now, I was freezing.

  With Leo's arm around me, we picked up our clothing. He frowned at his soaked boxers, but carried them up as we hurried out from the shade of the waterfall back to the meadow with the waiting picnic basket. Shivering, I pulled my dress over my head and spread out on the blanket, soaking up the hot sun. Leo set his wet clothes on the grass to dry, going commando in his shorts.

  The sun was setting over the horizon, but away from the spray of the waterfall it was warm to the point of being hot. I stopped shivering fairly quickly and as soon as I was warm, my stomach started to rumble.

  “Dinner?” Leo asked, opening up the basket and pulling things out. The smells already emanating from the basket had my mouth watering. I was hungry from all the exercise we just did.

  I sat up and nodded. “Yes, please.”

  There was fried chicken, mashed potatoes, fresh pineapple slices, and fluffy white biscuits with butter already melted inside of them. It was a feast. He grinned handing me a plate and spreading the rest of the food out on the blanket before me so I could eat more at my leisure.

  As I took a bite of the biscuit, I didn't care that I was suppo
sed to be watching what I ate. If the response I just got from Leo was any indication, I didn't need to worry too much about how I looked. I really only cared what one person thought of my body, and the fact that he now was sitting next to me with his hand creeping up my thigh told me that he liked what he saw.

  The sharp edge of hunger dulled, and I slowed down on the meal enough to taste it. I let out a happy sigh, looking over at the man who had just made all my daydreams come true. I pinched myself, just to make sure that it was real, glad that the little red welt on my arm hurt.

  “Don't pinch too hard,” Leo said, noting what I was doing. “I don't want to wake up either.”

  “This is just how I imagined it,” I said softly, looking around at the beauty surrounding us. Everything was perfect.

  Leo took another bite of food. “Me too,” he confessed.

  “I can't believe we didn't do this sooner.” I closed my eyes and taking in a deep breath of the humid Caribbean air. The unspoken question of “Why didn't we?” hung in the air.

  I opened my eyes to find Leo staring at me. He dropped his eyes and evaluated the biscuit in his hands. He swallowed hard.

  “I didn't think I deserved you,” he said after a moment, his voice low. “I still don't.”

  I set the last of my meal down, leaning forward and putting my palm on his cheek. “You do deserve me,” I informed him.

  “You are everything I could want, Charlotte.” His eyes met mine. “Everything. I shouldn't have everything. No matter how much I want it.”

  “What about what I want?” I asked, a little angry that he had put me on a pedestal for so long. I didn't want to be on a pedestal. I wanted to be with him. “I've known you for ten years and you're the only one that I want.”

  He sighed, his blue eyes holding back something. Tension crept into his shoulders. He plucked a blade of grass, twirling it between his fingers before crushing it and tossing it to the side. “I still have secrets. Things you don't know about. Things that would make you change your mind about me.”

  “Like what?” I tossed a crumb from my biscuit at him. It bounced off his eyebrow and he glared at me.


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