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Pick of the Litter

Page 14

by Wendy Stone

  She put together a tray, starting her coffee pot a bit early, adding aspirin to the tray as well as a bottle of water. She looked in her freezer, almost getting out the frozen steak she'd bought. “Shit, what am I doing?” She picked up the tray, almost dropping it when the buzzer by her door went off.

  Hurrying over, she pushed in the talk button. “Yes?"

  "Do you have a panther on the loose, ma'am?” came the reply, in Nashe Wolfe's intentionally aggravating tone.

  "Come up, I'll leave the door open,” she said, ignoring his attempt at humor.

  Hurrying in to Marissa, she sat the tray down by the bed, pulling the sheet over her friend's twisting body.

  "Is it Lukah?” she asked, pain turning her voice dark and husky.

  "Yes, just relax sweetheart. He'll be here in a few minutes.” She sat next to her, taking the washcloth and wiping beads of sweat from her friend's forehead.

  It was only minutes later when someone stepped into the apartment, heading for the open door where the sound of Marissa's writhing could be heard. He walked into the room without knocking, his eyes on the figure squirming on the bed, watching as she changed form once more, only to instantly turn back.

  "It's worse than I thought,” he said, causing the girl sitting next to the figure on the bed to jump, spinning around to confront him.

  "Shit...” she breathed. “Did you ever consider knocking?” Terry looked up, her eyes settling upon the man framed in the doorway. He was tall, broad in the shoulders where his chef's jacket hung open over a tee shirt that hugged his muscular chest. “Who are you? Where's Lukah?"

  "I'm Nashe,” he said, his eyes flicking from the body on the bed to the girl before him. He arched a brow at her semi wet shirt, hidden only by the robe that was left untied. “Rough night?"

  "You could say that,” Terry growled, aggravated beyond belief at the blasé attitude of the man before her. “This is my best friend and she's in a lot of pain, do something!” She stomped her foot, her hands going to her hips to fist there.

  His mouth gaped for a moment and Terry blushed when she saw his eyes had gone to her unfettered breasts, their curves easily discernable under the pushed back robe and the thin tank, wet from Marissa's thrashings. She wrapped the robe around her waist, trying to ignore the little bloom of awareness that was sparking in her belly. So what if he was a handsome man, the white of his jacket making his weathered skin look very tan, his vibrant green eyes haunted, as if he had too many secrets? So what if he had large hands with long fingers? Sensitive looking fingers that appeared as if they would know exactly how a woman wanted to be caressed.

  So what if now that she noted all of that, the tiny spark in her belly was growing to the size of a wildfire? Her friend needed help, this man's help, and he wasn't cooperating. “You are supposed to be doing something, not staring at me."

  "Well I couldn't help it. You jiggled rather nicely.” He walked toward the bed, stopping at the side and gazing down at Marissa. “She fucked him doggie style, didn't she?"

  Terry blanched at his coarse words. “How the hell am I supposed to know? I don't ask her for play-by-play of her sex encounters."

  He glanced over at her, the heat in his piercing green eyes sending a wave of shivers through her body, shivers she desperately tried to hide. “Yeah, right,” he said. He sat on the side of the bed. “Marissa, right?” He waited for Terry to nod before continuing. “Marissa, listen to me! You've got to tell me what happened!"

  She opened her eyes, bloodshot and swollen in her present human form, staring uncomprehendingly at the strange man. “Lukah?"

  "Nope, babe, sorry. I'm his better looking cousin, Nashe. You never finished the ceremony did you?"

  "What ceremony?” Terry asked, wanting to push this gorgeous but completely psychotic man out of her apartment.

  Nashe shot her a look that would have shut up any man, but it didn't work on Terry. “You've got to tell us more than just some ceremony caused this. Look at her! She's dying, isn't she?!"

  Nashe rose from the side of the bed, stalking around to the foot where she was standing. Leaning down, he watched as she flinched away from him. “Did your mother ever tell you that if you can't say something nice, you really shouldn't say anything at all?"

  Terry nodded her head, though her eyes were narrowed in anger. “I don't think she meant this kind of situation though. I think there must be a loop hole in there somewhere for when you have to deal with oversized, ego-inflated apes."

  "Honey,” he growled, his green eyes flashing. “I'm part wolf, part panther. There is no ape in me. But I could introduce you to one if you'd like. Now, be a good little girl and go sit somewhere and shut up."

  A gasp of rage escaped her and she took a step forward, ready to tear into him.


  "Marissa,” she said, biting off the word. “How are you feeling?"

  "Better,” Marissa said after a moment. “I had a weird dream that I changed into one of Lukah's panthers. That's really strange isn't it?"

  "It wasn't a dream, Marissa.” Nashe stepped forward, sinking down once more of the side of the bed. He took Marissa's hand and held it gently between his. “You had sex with Lukah and began the ceremony, didn't you?” he asked carefully of the slightly befuddled redhead.

  "Ceremony? I thought he was making all of that up."

  "Mar, don't you remember the last hour?” Terry asked, her voice concerned. “You've been changing from a panther to a human and then back again. Tell me you remember that."

  "I-I thought it was a dream."

  "Marissa, this is very important, I have to know. Did Lukah bite you?” Nashe reached out, taking hold of Marissa's chin and drawing her attention away from her friend. “Did he bite you?” he asked again, forcibly keeping her attention.


  He dropped his hands from her, standing and turning away from the bed. “Your friend will be okay,” he snapped, glancing over at Terry. “As soon as Lukah is dead, the changes will stop and she will lose the panther that is inside of her."

  * * * *

  "What did you do?” Lukah repeated, trying to wedge himself up higher. He was so weak, he felt like the runt of the litter, pushed away from his mother's heat and milk, left to die.

  "You remember Dillon Hunter, Hunter Detective Agency?” Lucinda asked softly, glancing away from the window. “I hired him to learn about your Miss Spencer. It's only been one day but they've dug into her background and had a file sent over to me."

  "So,” Lukah said, sliding back down on the bed. “You've found out what you wanted to know. Go bore someone else, Lucinda. I don't have the strength for your tantrums."

  "Wow, I guess I deserve that,” she said after a moment's pause. “I never expected to hear it come from you, though.” She stood staring down at him, half turning toward the door at least three times before she threw up her hands. “Dammit, Lukah. I've bonded with Marshal, and even though I love you, I can't have you. But I guess this is a new side of me, because I want you to be happy."

  "It's too little too late, Cin, but thanks for the thought.” He closed his eyes, letting go of the thread of concentration that had kept him human. He felt the punch of the change and grimaced then the relief of the beast flooded through him. In this form, he barely felt the pain and weakness of his human side, or the emotions that flooded his human heart.

  "You stupid bastard,” Cin growled, tempted to change to her own panther and kick his ass. “You're dying and she's in danger, and you don't care about either. Fine, live your life alone then.” She turned toward the door, barely reaching it before his hand came down over hers.

  "What do you mean, she's in danger? Where is she?"

  "She is staying with her friend Terry, but those men, the ones that raped her, they know where she is.” Lucinda turned around, her eyes roaming over him, noting the changes that were killing him. His body was eating itself alive, searching for the blood of his mate. “They know, Lukah. But you're too we
ak to go and help her now."

  "I'm not,” he groaned, standing unsteadily. He took a deep breath as the world spun around him. Going to his closet, he pulled it open and reached in for the first clothes that came to hand.

  "You're going to fall on your face."

  The male voice startled Lukah and he stumbled before righting himself. “What are you doing here, Nashe?"

  "Your mate needs you, Lukah. You must finish the ceremony. She is flashing between forms too quickly. It's going to cause damage.” Nashe stepped into the room, grabbing Lukah's arm as he almost toppled over while trying to get his jeans on.

  "You were there?” Lukah asked, his eyes wide, shadowed with weariness.

  "Your mate's little friend called the restaurant. I was still there and took the call.” He smiled, lowering Lukah to the bed and finding his shoes. “Why didn't you tell me she had such an interesting friend?"

  "I didn't know,” he said impatiently, sliding his arms into a black silk shirt and buttoning four of the buttons. “You just left there?"

  "Yeah, I said that, didn't I?” Nashe eyed his cousin warily. “Why? What's going on?"

  "Those men that tried to rape Marissa know where she is. We've got to get there."

  "I'll go,” Nashe said, rising to his feet. “You'll just be in my way."

  "Fuck that,” Lukah said, forcing himself up, only to sway on his feet. He stamped his feet into his shoes, grabbing a leather jacket and staggering across the room.

  "You stubborn ass,” Nashe growled, reaching out and grabbing Lukah's shoulders. “Come on, if you get yourself killed, Marissa will make my life hell."

  * * * *

  Marissa lay upon the bed. Her body ached, her muscles felt strained, even her bones hurt. She felt as if someone had taken a pipe and beat her from the soles of her feet to her shoulders. It hurt to open her mouth.

  She had heard Terry and Nashe in the other room talking about her and about Lukah. Their words were clear as a bell on a soft summer morning. If she didn't bond with Lukah, a blood bond, he would die.

  A part of her cried out, already mourning the loss of the man she thought she loved. Another part wondered if she could actually go through with it. The tiny part of her that was already his chimed loudly, begging her to hurry and agree. He couldn't die, he just couldn't!

  "He's gone to get Lukah, Mar,” Terry said, coming into the bedroom and sinking down on the empty side of the bed. “He's an ass, but I think he really cares for his cousin."

  "They all care for each other,” Marissa managed to grind out. “They are a tight knit family ... clan. God, I don't even know what to call them."

  "Does that matter?” Terry asked, reaching out to touch Marissa's hand. “I mean, think about it. Every relationship goes through the learning phases. You would have to do it with anyone you dated. Lukah is just another guy."

  "A guy who probably was born in a litter, Terry, did you think of that?"

  "From looking at him, I'd say he was the pick of the litter,” Terry laughed, nudging her friend.

  Marissa grimaced at her friend's pun. “That's terrible, Ter.” Her expression grew grim and tears formed in her eyes. “What am I going to do?"

  "Follow your heart, girl. That's all any of us can do when it comes to love.” She patted Marissa's hand. “What do you want?"

  Marissa looked down at her hands, flexing her fingers. The pain was getting easier to bear, but thoughts of never seeing Lukah again, of having his death on her conscience? That was more than she could bear. But did she want to bond with him, to be with him for the rest of her life? She closed her eyes, taking a deep breath.

  Flashes of memories flew like a slide show through her mind. Lukah fierce and fighting to save her, kind and gentle, touching her face or holding her hand, loving her with his heart in his eyes. Could she let that go?

  There was a knock on the door and Terry stood. “I guess you need to make up your mind now,” she said softly. “That has to be Lukah and Nashe."

  Marissa heard her footsteps down the hall and then the sound of the locks being thrown. “It's about time you guys got he ... Hey!"

  "Terry?” Marissa called.

  The sound of a scuffle sounded and then a male voice, loud and jeering, broke the silence. “Where's the bitch?"

  Marissa grabbed the sheet from the bed, wrapping it around her quickly as she rose from the bed. Panic grew in her belly, for she knew that voice. She heard it in her dreams as he asked how much she liked what he was doing when he pushed himself inside of her. “No,” she whispered, backing away from the door.

  There was the sound of laughter. “She's a feisty one, we can have fun with both of them."

  The icy cold of the window was at her back when the door of the bedroom cracked open. Panicked, she frantically looked around for a way to escape. A sharp pain in her belly made her double over, a creak of her bones sounding loudly over the noise the men were making. “No, not now!” she cried, watching as hair started to sprout over her skin.

  [Back to Table of Contents]

  Chapter Eleven

  "Can't you drive any faster?” Lukah had his hand on the dash of Nashe's Mustang acting as if he could push the car faster. “Come on, they could be r ... hurting her right now!” He couldn't say rape, he just couldn't. He'd never forgive himself if his selfishness had caused her to be hurt like that again.

  Not to mention what it would do to her mentally. You're strong, Marissa, he threw out with his mind, trying to find the precious thread of a bond that was still between them. Be brave, we're coming.

  "Did you find her?” Nashe asked, never taking his eyes off the road. He downshifted to fourth to illegally pass the car in front of him, roaring by it as if it were standing still.

  "I'm trying. It's there, it's just fuzzy for some reason. I thought when you mated, the bond kept you connected."

  "You never finished the ritual, Luc. That's what's making it fuzzy.” He spun the wheel, feeling the big back wheels of the Mustang spinning an instant before catching with a resounding squeal. “We're almost there, just hang on."

  "I don't know if I can, dammit. Nashe, if something happens to her ... it'll kill me."

  "She's killing you already,” he ground out between gritted teeth, aggravation for the stubbornness of humans and weres alike making his hands white knuckled on the steering wheel. “This fight alone should take the rest of the strength you have. You'll have nothing left to survive on."

  "It doesn't matter. I left those men alive. Me. Because I was too stubborn to take a life, misguidedly thinking that they wouldn't come looking for her. I put her in this danger. I have to get her out.” He groaned as his cousin went around another corner, the tires on his side of the car barely staying on the road.

  "Then let Marshal and I handle them. You go find Terry and Marissa, keep them safe while we round up these men and hold them for the police."

  "This is my fight,” Lukah said stubbornly. “This is my woman they're fucking with, my problem that I didn't solve adequately the first time. I can't let you handle it, something could happen to you."

  Nashe took his eyes off the road long enough to look over at his cousin. The stubborn look of rage on Lukah's face might have put off some people, but not Nashe, not after everything they'd been through together. “I owe you,” he said simply.

  "No, you don't. Not like this. I didn't come looking for you all those years ago for you to go and get killed tonight. Besides,” he said with a grimace, “someone has to be there to handle Lucinda's mating ceremony. If I get killed, it falls to you."

  "That's just one more reason for me to keep your ass alive. I'd kill that little bitch.” He spun the wheel one last time, pulling the car to a squealing halt almost on the curb in front of Terry's building. “One last time,” Nashe said, grabbing Lukah's shoulder before he could get out of the car. “Let me, please?"

  Lukah turned, the killing rage of the thoughts of what Marissa could be going through right this moment forcing t
he beginning of the change on him. His eyes were glowing with liquid anger, his teeth were sharp white fangs in his mouth. His voice, when he spoke, was deep and thick, as if forced through a throat unaccustomed to speech. “They're mine!” he growled.

  Behind them, Lucinda's Miata pulled up, Marshal behind the wheel. He got out, glaring at Lucinda as she opened the passenger side door and stepped out, all long legs and claws.

  They started up the path, following Lukah, Marshal still glaring at his mate.

  "I told you to stay in the car,” he growled, grabbing her arm as she tried to follow Luc through the glass doors and toward the elevator.

  "And I told you that I won't be dictated to, not by anyone,” she snarled right back. “My cousin needs me, I'm going to be there for him."

  "What about what your mate needs?” Marshal snapped. “How do I fit into this equation, huh?"

  "No offense, Marsh,” Nashe growled, his own fangs growing and making speech difficult. “But shut the fuck up. Take care of her when you get her home."

  "Nashe,” Lucinda snarled, “mind your own fucking business."

  Nashe turned, his eyes glaring down at Lucinda. He took a step forward, watching as the female cat in her wanted to take that as aggression. “Until you grow up and learn what it's like to be a real woman, both human and cat, don't try to take me on,” he growled, his eyes narrowing as she opened her mouth.

  Marshal grabbed her arm, yanking her back next to him. “He's right, Lucinda. Shut up!"

  Cin stared up at him, stunned into silence. Before she could form a reply the elevator arrived.

  The elevator doors opened and the four stepped inside, Nashe and Lukah reaching for the buttons of their shirts.

  * * * *

  "Holy fucking shit,” one of the men breathed as they opened the door to the bedroom. “She's got a panther in here.” He began to back away slowly, only to be pushed forward by the guy behind him.

  "Shut up. You're just trying to get out of fucking the bitch. I've never seen anyone as chicken shit as you."


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