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Touchdown Desires

Page 72

by Jenna Payne

  She joined her friend for coffee on her porch and they watched the movers finish up and then leave. They had not seen the Navy man yet, but Lisa was impressed with Blossom standing up to the park punks.

  “It was not that big of a deal Lisa, really. I appreciate your applause and all but I barely did anything before the MPs got there. So how about an early dinner? I was thinking of firing up the barbecue. As hot as it’s been I don’t want to cook inside,” said Blossom. Lisa agreed. Her husband was at the base in California for three months for further training so she was alone.

  “That would be great. If you have the meat, I will bring a salad and the beer. I will carry it in a Whole Food bag so no one knows we’re having fun,” she joked. Blossom laughed and went home chuckling.

  She entered her home and took off her sweat jacket soon followed by her sweat pants. It was too hot out to wear clothes like that, she thought to herself sourly. As she went down the hall to take a shower she stopped in front of the long mirror on the wall at the end. She did not think she had anything to be ashamed of. Her red half-top covered her springy double-C breasts modestly and her shorts were snug red spandex, perfect for running. Her tummy was flat and she thought her curves were great. Taking her long strawberry blond hair out of the ponytail, Blossom sighed.

  She thought about the neighborhood women, judging her, and she thought again about possibly moving someday.


  Blossom Remembers Desire

  Dressed in a white tank top and blue jean shorts Blossom went out into the backyard to get the grill going. She took a beer out with her and sipped it as she worked. It did not take long to get the coals going so she shut the lid on her Weber grill and went to relax at her patio table. As she sat down she could see the neighbor over the fence, the new one, looking at her.

  “Oh, hi,” she said getting up and walking over. He looked a little embarrassed but smiled gamely.

  “Hi, didn’t mean to bother you. I am just looking around my new backyard,” he said gesturing behind him.

  “Nice to meet you, I’m Blossom Talon,” she said, reaching over the five foot fence to shake hands.

  He had a strong grip that matched the rest of him. He was shirtless and his chest muscles and arms were something to behold. Muscular and tanned with a clean shaven handsome face and the usual high and tight haircut of the marines or SEALs. She realized he had a brace on his left leg. There was a scar over his knee cap and as he moved she realized he had a limp. She looked away from his injury, not wanting to embarrass him.

  “It is good to meet you Mrs. Talon. I’m Lieutenant Bret Nichols,” he said.

  “It is good to meet you too Lieutenant. You can call me Blossom if you would like. I know I would be more comfortable,” she told him with a smile. His eyes seemed to shine a little more.

  “Blossom it is then. You can call me Bret. Is your husband on active duty?” he asked. It was a question she had got used to answering.

  “My husband passed almost six years ago,” she informed him. She kept her voice calm and light to let him know there was no crime in asking. He looked a little embarrassed.

  “Sorry about that. I did not know. I just transferred into town.” he said.

  “No worries Bret. It was six years ago and I’m used to the question. Like you said, no way you could know. How do you like the house?” she asked.

  The conversation lightened up as she had hoped and she filled him in on the neighborhood. None of the gossip, just the things a person new to the neighborhood would need to know. Where the best dry cleaners was. (Navy is always concerned with their uniforms.) Best grocery store, bar, church or anything a person would want information on. Then the conversation wandered.

  It turned out he had been injured in a mission and sent home. He was stuck to a desk for the foreseeable future. He did not seem thrilled with the idea. He was about Blossom’s age and was energetic and ready to go if it not for his leg. She had felt that way too, but her injury had been emotional. She was getting over her wounds, though. She surprised herself, talking to Bret so easily and comfortably.

  “How would you like to have dinner with me and my friend Lisa from down the street? Nothing fancy, we are barbecuing here tonight. Some burgers, a salad. We will probably have some beer. Kind of a welcome to the neighborhood from us.”

  He thought about it for a second and then smiled a bigger smile than she had seen from him. It lit up his face and eyes and she felt a flutter in her chest and elsewhere. She almost blushed, it had been awhile since she had felt that.

  “I would like to. Thank you. I have spent the last few months in hospital and base barracks. A good meal and company will go down perfectly. What would be a good time?” he asked.

  “Lisa will be over in about an hour, so anytime you want,” she heard herself say. She was almost flirting and that felt extremely strange. Yet, good somehow.

  “Great, see you in about an hour then,” he answered and waved as he went back in.

  Bret’s limp was heavy, but he navigated well. Blossom knew they probably had him on intensive rehab therapy for his knee. She added some more coals to the barbecue and went inside. She briefly thought about calling Lisa to tell her, but then smiled. Naw, she thought. A surprise would be good for her. So Blossom went into her bathroom and fluffed her hair some and added just a touch of makeup. She briefly wondered what the neighbors would think about her having the new guy over for dinner, but brushed it aside. There would be her and Lisa so it would not be considered inappropriate.

  Lisa showed up and they chatted about the day’s events as they readied the salad. Then they loaded a cooler to move to the backyard. She had heard some news about the punks in the park.

  “The mother of the main one, Markus McCay, was furious her precious little boy had been accused of such things. She made a ruckus that could be heard a block away from the MP’s office, so I am told. Beautiful woman in her forties with an attitude problem a mile wide. Her husband was a well-known Captain hereabouts around fifteen years ago. He got busted for misappropriating funds and is in the pokey. She has been playing the injured victim ever since. She does not sound like a pleasant woman,” Lisa finished. Blossom had to agree. Then the doorbell rang.

  “Who could that be,” she wondered aloud. She went to the door with Lisa watching from the hallway.

  “Hi Bret, come on in. This is my friend Lisa. Lisa this is my new neighbor Bret. I invited him to join us.” Blossom loved the surprised look on Lisa’s face. She covered it quickly and smoothly shook his hand. Soon they were sitting around the patio table with beers and burgers on the grill.

  Dinner went smoothly and they had a good time. Blossom could not help the looks she gave her new neighbor from time to time and he was returning them easily. He was just too good-looking to ignore, she told herself. Even Lisa was caught by his good looks and Blossom knew there was not a more happily married woman in the world than her friend. As it began to get dark Bret excused himself graciously.

  “Thank you Blossom and Lisa for letting me crash your dinner. It was great and the company even better,” he said. Blossom noticed him smiling at her when he said the last part. They walked him to the door and said goodbye. He shook Lisa’s hand and then Blossom’s. His thumb rubbed her hand in an almost caress when he did it. She bit her lip slightly and smiled in an obvious return flirt she hoped Lisa did not catch. They stood on the porch and watched him walk back to his house. Once he was inside, they went back in.

  “Okay, so he was flirting with you honey and unless I am mistaken you were batting it right back at him with your pretty lashes,” she said laughing. Blossom blushed but smiled and shrugged. Of course Lisa had noticed.

  “I am not complaining mind you. Somebody should go after that man. I can’t so I am just as glad you get the opportunity. Too bad about his leg. Those SEAL guys don’t like quitting the field. Having been sent back home must have been a blow,” she commented. Blossom realized she was right.

��Well, whether our flirting comes to anything or not, I am glad we could give him a nice, low key welcome to the neighborhood,” she said honestly.

  “You’re right of course. By Friday he is going to be inundated with offers for dinner and food will be dropped off. He won’t have to cook for a week or two,” they laughed. Blossom knew she was right about that. It was a good thing, but she imagined a bit overwhelming. He seemed like a man who would prefer a low key existence. Lisa helped her clean up and they poured some coffee and she walked her friend home. It was a ritual they had when one went to the other’s house. No reason for it other than friendship. When she got home she rinsed out the coffee cups and watched television for about an hour before calling it a night.

  Blossom had a wonderful dream of peace and tranquility on a beach with her neighbor Bret, holding hands and laughing. It was very comfortable with many a flirty glance and smile. She was sure it was leading to something when a crashing noise woke her up with a start. She wondered what it had been, when there was another louder crashing noise. It sounded like one of her windows being broken. She leaped out of bed to see what the matter was. Grabbed her robe as she went out the bedroom door, her pleasant dream forgotten.


  Backyard Cooking

  She flicked on the living room light and saw one of the big windows on the front of her house crashed in and the curtains were tangled and torn. Suddenly there was another crash and the second exploded inward and she gave a brief scream jumping back. She heard laughter as something like a stick was poked in, knocking out the rest of the glass and tearing down the other curtain. All she could see were shadows of the perpetrators. She rushed to the hallway closet and grabbed a baseball bat as she heard the laughter fade and someone shouting.

  She rushed out the front door and in the street light one house down she saw Bret pointing down the street and Mack from across the street taking off running. Bret had his phone out and was limping and pacing in front of her house keeping an eye on her. She made sure her robe was tied tight over her skimpy night gown as she looked at her destroyed front window with furry. She noticed too what looked like spray paint on her house! Whoever did this was going to pay for it. She could hear Bret on the phone.

  “Don’t know, ensign,” said Bret into his phone. “It sounded like kids. I chased them off and one of our neighbors, Mack, is chasing them down now. They had a head start, but he is with the fifth battalion so I imagine he’ll get them.

  “Mrs. Talon is on her porch looking as pissed as you would expect. Her whole front windows were broken out.... That’s right.... I will check in a moment....Ok, thanks ensign I appreciate it.” Bret hung up and limped over towards Blossom. She noticed he was not wearing his brace and was only in flannel pants and a t-shirt with slippers. Her neighbor across the street was coming out of her house, making sure it was safe as Bret came up Blossom’s walkway.

  “Are you okay Blossom. You didn’t get hurt did you?” His concern was comforting to her. She moved toward him to lessen the distance he would have to walk on his leg. Unfortunately that was a mistake as a sharp pain went through one foot, then another,

  “Shit! Damn!” She cursed realized what she stepped in.

  “Glass,” she told Bret before he could ask. She had to grit her teeth and hobble over to the wall. Bret had a flashlight. For some reason the porch light was not working. They heard sirens as Bret helped her pull two shards of glass out of the pads of both of her feet. Soon the military police had arrived, and they were as angry as she was. They did not like anyone harming their people. Knowing they were on the case made her feel better. Once the glass was out she could walk a little better and went out to the front gate. She told the MPs what she heard and so did Bret.

  Mack came back looking angry. He had not caught whomever it was. Soon most of the neighbors were out of their homes and standing around in the street discussing the incident. It was almost amusing but when the police realized that the perpetrators had the smarts to unscrew her porch light for privacy, it became obvious that these people could be dangerous. They had planned it. Strangely she wasn’t so much scared as angry and determined. She wanted to go inside and make coffee for everyone, but Lisa vetoed that and soon Marcy, Mack’s wife was passing out coffee. Meanwhile, the neighbor men were discussing plans to board up her window until she could get it fixed. Blossom told them they did not need to do that, but they wouldn’t hear about it.

  “You should probably stay somewhere else for a while until these hooligans are caught, dear,” Marcy said. Blossom shook her head.

  “Thank you Marcy, but I am not letting anyone chase me out of my house,” she said softly.

  “Maybe not, but you are coming to mine for the day to get some sleep,” Lisa said and she knew that tone. She did not bother to argue.

  “Ok, but I come back tonight. By then these wonderful friends will have boarded my windows and I will be able to lock up tight. How is that?” she said to her friends and neighbors. They nodded, not liking the idea of Blossom staying in her home alone after this incident, but understanding her desire to do so. They were all worried about her.

  “I’m so grateful for all of your support,” said Blossom. “But I can’t leave it, even for a short while. I just have too many memories and everything I own in this house. I hate the idea of leaving it,” she told them honestly. She realized she really meant it and decided there really was no way she could ever move from this place.

  Bret had to go to work as did others. Soon, daylight began spreading across the neighborhood. Lisa escorted Blossom to her house and she limped along. Lisa had Blossom soak her feet, and prepared a big breakfast for. Then Lisa ushered Blossom to the spare bedroom. Blossom was sure she would not sleep but her adrenaline had faded. She was out almost as soon as she closed her eyes.

  When she awoke she stretched and felt amazingly rested. She got up and picked up her robe, realizing she did not have any other clothes. As she opened the door Lisa was coming down the hall to her. She was looking sprightly in a red and blue summer dress over a white t-shirt with flip flops.

  “Hey sweetie, you’re up! I was just coming to check on you. Do you want food first or a shower?” Blossom felt her eyes widen.

  “Shower please,” she asked.

  “Okay then. You have some fresh clothes in the bathroom to put on. I raided your closet. I also borrowed that dress of yours I love so much. The one with the sparkles. I have a thing with my sister Sunday, I hope you don’t mind?” she said. Blossom hugged her best friend and told her she could take what she wanted. Then she went to the shower.

  When the shower was done she felt fantastic and her feet barely hurt at all. She put on the fresh underwear, tank top and Capri pants that Lisa had got her. Then a long, light, silky blue blouse to her hips that swirled around her off of her breasts. She had always loved it and Lisa knew it. She went out to the kitchen, where Lisa gave her a sandwich and salad.

  “I hope you don’t mind the cold food, but it is too hot to cook tonight. So let me see, your house has been spiffed up. The windows are boarded and they even managed to get the graffiti off. It looks ready for new windows. I am also certain your fridge is filled with food, already cooked, that will last you a while. I snuck in a six-pack for you. My contribution to your sanity,” she said. Blossom finished chewing and got up to go hug her friend. She teared up a little at all of her kindness and Lisa teared a little too. As they broke apart and wiped their eyes she giggled.

  “I did not know you wanted beer that bad, Blossom!” Blossom laughed and smacked Lisa’s arm.

  She finished her lunch, and then her friend walked her home. There were several neighbors out and they applauded her coming home which made her blush.

  “Well, we decided we all are going to take shifts to keep an eye on things around here. Bret, me, and Brian down the street are splitting the night to watch. It is a Friday night so there is no worries about having to go to work in the morning. No arguments Blossom, we take care
of our own, right? They still can’t prove who did this so until they do we will be keeping watch, as will the MPs,” Mack said. She was almost overwhelmed by everyone’s kindness that she almost teared up. She saw her house and was amazed.

  The windows were boarded but had been painted to match her house color, and the spray paint was gone. Her front flower bed had been cleaned up and it looked fantastic. She turned back to her friends in surprise.

  “I hope you like it Blossom. It is just temporary until you can get them fixed but we wanted it to look nice for you,” Marcy told her. She couldn’t help walking over and hugging her and sniffled again.

  “You people are so wonderful, I don’t know how I will ever pay you back. This seems to be a little above and beyond the call, you know,” she said. Mack grinned.

  “We are the Navy. It’s what we do,” she smiled back and caught Bret’s eyes. He was standing at the back of the crowd of neighbors. He winked at her and she grinned scanning the crowd again. She recognized everybody. Even little Bella’s mother Kelly.

  “You even painted the boards. I never would have thought of that. It looks so much better,” she told them gushing about their work.

  “That was Kelly’s idea,” Marcy told her motioning the woman forward. Blossom was surprised. She came forward and she looked embarrassed. She also looked better than she had when they met.

  “You helped me and mine and kept my little girl safe. Anything you ever need Blossom, I will be there. They may not be able to prove those hooligans from the park did this, but I am convinced. It is the only thing that makes sense. So to me that means you are being abused because you helped my daughter. I do not like that,” she said softly. Blossom hugged her too.

  After a little while the neighbors dispersed, and Blossom went back into her house and looked around. The front room had been cleaned and there was no trace of glass. There were new curtains hanging that were similar to her old ones. She remembered something Lisa had said and went into her kitchen. Sure enough her fridge was full of casseroles and her counter had several pies. She grinned and cut herself a slice. Screw the diet, she was going to enjoy herself tonight. She was sure there was no chance of anything happening, after all the neighborhood had shown their support so strongly.


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