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Touchdown Desires

Page 119

by Jenna Payne

  Her breaths started to come out ragged, proving that she was getting dangerously near to the edge. “I want you inside me, Brad.”

  I certainly didn’t need to be told twice!

  I shifted up her body, yanking my shorts down in the process, and I pressed a light kiss on her lips whilst I teased her entrance. She gripped me tighter, hanging on to me, and begged me to give it to her.

  “Fuck me, Brad,” she gasped. “Please!”

  I entered her, finally feeling what I’d been thinking nonstop about. It was incredible. The real thing was so much better than all of my fantasies.

  “Oh fuck!” she cried, thrusting back against me just as powerfully. It was clear that she’d been desiring this for as long as I had, that she’d been forcing herself to hold back too. It was so good to finally have her!

  Then all of a sudden, she swung her body over mine and positioned herself on top of me, completely surprising me.

  “Take your top off,” I said. If she wanted to do it this way – and I was glad that she did – I needed to see every inch of her skin. She obeyed, and revealed her breasts; pale, soft and quivering, with inviting, light pink nipples. As she closed her eyes, flung her head back and began riding me, her breasts bounced mesmerizingly.

  Unable to resist, I sat up while she rode me, slipping a nipple into my mouth. As I sucked and tugged, sending sensations flowing throughout her body, she dug her nails into my back, leaving me the sort of deep scratches that would have me smiling about tonight for weeks.

  It wasn’t long before I could feel her muscles begin to contract around me. Her face contorted in pleasure, proving just what I’d been suspecting. She was close, very close. I was giving her probably the first orgasm she’d had in a very long time, and she was enjoying it.

  “Oh my fuck!” she suddenly screamed, shuddering with a powerful wave of pleasure crashing over her. “Ohh!” she squeaked, as though the orgasm had taken all her energy.

  Having her like that, on top of me, crumbling, made the passion explode from me too. I came inside of her hotly.

  After that, we collapsed on a heap on the floor, half laughing and half wondering how the hell we were going to deal with the consequences of what we’d just done.

  Now that the hazy lust was passing, I was realizing just what I’d caved into, and it was exactly what I’d promised myself that I wouldn’t.



  It was obvious. Completely and utterly fucking obvious, I could see it plastered across his fucking face as he looked at her.

  They’d slept together.

  I’d lost Brad to yet another slut, and I could feel my heart breaking. Even though I’d known he’d been with other people before, I hadn’t had to have it forced in my face like this before. This felt like the lowest goddamn point of my whole entire life. I just couldn’t seem to stop watching them, hating them, feeling like my insides were going to explode from the injustice of it all. I wanted him more than that girl did!

  All I could think about was the two of them hooking up. It consumed all my thoughts, and was eating me up from the inside out.

  My own work was suffering, I could barely concentrate for long enough to even speak to any of my fitness clients, but there wasn’t anything I could do about that. I was completely and utterly destroyed, and I had no idea how to cope. How the hell do people get things done when their entire world falls out from beneath them?

  After a while of watching them, I couldn’t do it for another second, so I forced myself to hide away, feigning illness for the rest of their session. I hated seeing the lust in her eyes, and her giggly flirtation.

  I sat alone, trying to calm myself down by breathing deeply. I needed water, but I knew I’d have to go back out there to get some. I found myself in a dilemma, one that my thirst won. I decided to sneak out there quickly and quietly. I figured that I’d get in and out without anyone even noticing me.

  But of course, I was never going to be able to get away with that. That would be far too lucky for someone like me.

  An irritatingly sweet female voice called out behind me, the second I stepped back out into the workout room. “Excuse me? I’m wondering if you can help me.”

  I span around to see her of all people standing there, and I couldn’t stop myself. “Oh God,” I sneered, as the angry, hot red rage coursed through my veins. “What the hell do you want?” I was being unprofessional around a client, I knew that, but I didn’t even care. She made me that fucking furious that it’s lucky I didn’t scream.

  “Excuse me?” She was completely taken aback by my reaction. Even her skin turned an odd ashen shade. “What’s your problem?”

  “Urgh, women like you!” I practically growled, trying to step away from her. I wasn’t quite sure where my temper was going to take me, and I didn’t want to stick around long enough to find out.

  “And what the hell is that supposed to mean?” she said, combatively. She was enraged now. Her entire face was red. If I wasn’t careful, she was going to report me and I would lose my job. If I didn’t work here, then I would likely never get to see Brad again – which could be a good thing, as I couldn’t bear to be in the gym with him at all right now. But then again, I did not want to earn a bad reputation that would hinder getting a job elsewhere.

  “I’m sorry,” I finally replied through gritted teeth, deciding that I didn’t really want to have to find out. “Bad day.”

  “And how exactly is that my fault?” she asked, watching my eyes flick towards Brad. “Oh God,” I could see the panic plastered across her face, as some sort of realization hit her. “Has he told you? Do you know?” She gripped onto my arm, looking up at me with the most terrified expression I’d ever seen on a woman. Something about the way her blue eyes were staring at me, got my crazy emotions all tied up in knots.

  She’d just confirmed all of my worst fears about her having sex with Brad, but somehow now she had me feeling bad for her. She clearly didn’t want anyone to know about it, and I couldn’t stop myself from wondering why. She had no wedding or engagement ring, and she certainly didn’t seem to be attached, so it had to be something else holding her back.

  Curiosity killed me. I needed to know.

  “No, he didn’t tell me,” I finally admitted. “But it’s obvious. Just look at the pair of you.”

  “Oh God,” she groaned, slumping on the nearby seat. I was so intrigued that I actually went and joined her. “I don’t want that. No one can find out.”

  “Why?” I whispered, leaning in closer to her.

  “Because… oh God, well because he’s a friend of my brother – who would go crazy – and because I just got out of a really shitty relationship with a man that everyone warned me against.” She sighed deeply, looking only at her hands. “I guess I’m just a mess, and I made a crazy decision. It was fun, and it made me feel good for a moment, but I’m terrified that it’ll lead to another mistake, another regret.”

  Her eyes were so desperately sad, that almost in an instant my opinion of her changed. I’d been in situations where I’d felt like shit about myself, so I could understand the rash actions. I no longer hated her, instead I felt sorry for her. I wasn’t sure why, but I found myself wanting to unload. I’d never confessed my feeling to anyone before, but in that moment it felt too much to keep inside any longer.

  “I’ve been in love with Brad forever,” I finally heard myself saying. “He doesn’t know, and I have no idea how he feels about me or anything.” I sighed sadly. “I know it’s selfish, but seeing how much he likes you is killer. I wish I could just turn these feelings off, but I can’t. I don’t know how.”

  “I’m sorry,” she replied. “If I’d known…”

  “Of course you didn’t,” I said. “How could you? No one does. I’m just a foolish idiot in love with a guy who’s never going to want me.”

  “Of course you’re not,” Anna replied. She smiled kindly, which went some way to making me feel a teeny bit better about
myself. “Are you working now?” she suddenly asked, as if something had hit her. “Or do you want to go for a drink?”

  “I can get away for half an hour,” an excitement built up inside me at the prospect of getting some booze in my system – only a little bit of course if I needed to get back to work – but it would be an opportunity to blow off a little steam at least. “But we need to go now.”

  I grabbed hold of her hand, and pulled her from the gym – both of us laughing like naughty children.

  It was certainly a surprising turn of events – me sneaking off with the girl I thought I hated for drinks – but it was a welcome one. I certainly wasn’t feeling as crappy about myself at any rate.



  Drinks with Logan had been the most fun I’d had in a while. If we’d met under any sort of different circumstance, I might be thinking now that we could be friends. But as with everything in my life at that moment, it was far too complicated for that.

  We had a lot in common, a very similar sense of humor, and we both loved cocktails, but Brad’s presence was there between us the entire time – an invisible barrier that we just couldn’t quite get past.

  I hated to think that my crazy rebound fling had hurt someone as sweet and funny as Logan. Unrequited love was painful – we’d all been there at one time or another – and I hated to be the reason to make that pain any worse.

  During our workout session, Brad had hinted at the possibility of hooking up again, and at the time I’d been all for it, but after spending time with Logan, the risk just didn’t seem worth it. I already had the fear of Harry finding out, and adding Logan into the equation just made it a million times worse. So no more sex. I had to stop it now.

  But I really wanted it!

  After I got home, and I had a really long think about everything, I came to a conclusion. I would back off from Brad in a personal sense, but keep him on as my trainer. He was far too good in that sense for me to give him up. Luckily we’d only slept together the once, which meant I didn’t really have any explaining to do. I would just back off, be nothing but his client, and soon enough I was sure that he would be on to the next.

  I didn’t know if Brad was a ladies’ man or not, but with his looks and sexual prowess, I was sure that the opportunity was always there. I convinced myself that if I followed this course of action, it wouldn’t be long until I was nothing more than a distant memory to him.



  Okay, something was definitely going on. It was obvious.

  Anna was definitely being weird with me; there was no doubt about it. Gone was the flirty banter, the sweet smiles, and the fun, sizzling sexual tension between us. Instead, a cold shoulder had replaced it – she was cool, polite, and would only speak to me about training. It was bizarre. Something had shifted her mood, and I desperately needed to know what. But she was giving me nothing, no matter what I said or did.

  I’d tried talking to her over and over again during our workout sessions, but she was a closed, impenetrable book. The only thing I could think of was that Harry had found out, and that he’d forced her to break things off with me. But that didn’t quite add up because I’d seen him recently, and he hadn’t mentioned anything. He wasn’t the sort to bottle stuff up and keep it inside. He would blow his top quickly, but cool down after a while too – allowing you to explain. It didn’t make any sense.

  No, it had to be something else.

  “Anna,” I finally asked, just as she turned to walk away from me at the end of our session. “Wait.”

  “What’s wrong?” she replied tersely, folding her arms across her chest, making her closed off body language clear.

  “I just…” I was going to ask her what was going on with her again, but quickly decided that it was time to change my tactic. It hadn’t worked for me so far, so chances were it never would. “Will you go for a drink with me tonight? Please?” I gave her the puppy dog eyes, internally begging her to agree, and after a short while she nodded quickly.

  “Okay.” She didn’t look particularly happy as she answered, more constrained, I guess. But I felt elated. In a more relaxed environment I would definitely be able to resolve things. All these issues would melt away, and we could get back to the possibility of us.



  “Come on,” Anna smiled at me and tugged on my arm. “Let’s go.” I wasn’t sure why she was so insistent that I go out with her again, but her enthusiasm was infectious. Plus it beat sitting around moping at home. At least if I was out, there was a slight possibility that I might actually enjoy myself.

  “Okay, okay…” I laughed as she dragged me through the door of a trendy bar. “I’m coming…” But as we stepped inside, I stopped dead in my tracks, an iciness encompassing my spine.


  Brad was sitting there, at the bar, holding a bottle of beer in his hands. Looking far more gorgeous than I could even stand to look at.

  I glanced at Anna questioningly and a guilty expression instantly spread across her face.

  She’d set this up. She was up to something. But what? What the hell did she think she was going to achieve with this? Did she think this was some sort of fucking movie where everything would just magically work out? What a crazy bitch!

  “Hi Brad,” she waved at him, trying to blow over the awkwardness, but he wasn’t having it either.

  “Logan?” He asked, staring at me weirdly. “What are you doing here?” I could see why he was confused – he had no idea that Anna and I knew one another. Plus, we were friends, but not close enough to hang out outside of work. Everything about this was weird. Anna was an idiot for setting it up. It was doomed to fail from the start.

  “I just…” Anna started, looking as if she’d rehearsed this, as if she’d been practicing her introductory speech. “I think we all need a talk.”

  A talk.

  Oh God, a talk would be awful. Talks never led anywhere good, didn’t she know that?

  “What about?” Brad asked suspiciously, looking at me to see if I had any idea. I tried to shrug, to act innocent, but I wasn’t fooling anyone. I might not have been a part of this plan, but I knew exactly where Anna was going with it.

  “Look,” Anna started kindly. “Brad, Logan told me something this week. Something that affects us all, and I think he needs to discuss it with you so we can move forward somehow.”

  In that moment, it felt like she was throwing me under the bus, and I wanted to kill her for it. I wasn’t ready to tell anyone how I felt about Brad – least of all him! This was what I got for being stupid enough to open up to a strange woman. I really only had myself to blame.

  “I…” I began. I could feel my face heating up with embarrassment, and I hated feeling that way. If I could have prepared for this, then maybe I would have been able to deal with it much better! I took in a deep breath and forced myself to just say it. Now my feelings for Brad were out there, the longer I avoided confronting him, the worse things would get. There was no way I was getting away with it now! “I like you, Brad. A lot.” I kept my eyes focused on my shoes as I spoke. “I always have done, and it hurt me to see you and Anna together. That’s why… that’s why it affects us all.”

  “Wow,” he gasped, completely stunned. “I had no idea.” I knew he hadn’t, I’d made sure of that, but something sparked inside of me. Maybe now that he knew, things would change…?

  I glanced up at him, allowing a smile to play on my lips. “I don’t want it to affect our friendship or anything, I don’t want to lose you over this…”

  “No,” he reassured me. “You won’t.” He gave me a look, one that I couldn’t quite decipher, then we both fell into silence.

  Sensing the awkwardness in the air, Anna decided to take over and to shake things up a bit. “Okay, now that’s been said, let’s go and get drunk!”

  As I went up to the bar to order in some drinks, I let out a breath that I felt like I’d been holdin
g for a very long time.



  Well, that might not have been the most successful blind date in the world, but at least we were all talking, laughing, drinking and having a good time. Considering how the previous week had gone, it was a massive improvement. We were all much happier, which was better than nothing.

  The funny thing was I thought I could sense something between Brad and Logan. I couldn’t be totally sure, but I could almost feel it. Brad had never given me any indication that he was sexually attracted to guys, but then again why would he have? Or was the alcohol affecting him?

  Then again, Brad was still being incredibly flirty with me too, which was bringing up all kinds of desires that I hadn’t had the opportunity to play out with him yet. Despite everything else, I was still totally into him, and I didn’t quite feel done with him.

  As we all danced in some terribly tacky night club, Brad leaned forward and whispered huskily into my ear. “I want you badly.” I giggled coyly, knowing that I shouldn’t even be considering the offer while Logan was there, but also finding him very hard to resist. The alcohol in my system was leaving me feeling much more uninhibited, much needier for him. “But,” he continued. “I want Logan too.”

  My heart stopped as those words passed his lips. Was he serious? What the hell was he telling me here? Was he trying to tell me that he was bi? Or was he trying to suggest something else? But what? Was this the alcohol talking? How much had he drunk?

  “What… what do you mean?” I gasped. I needed to know. My mind was already racing with possibilities and I needed a definitive answer.

  “I mean I want you. I want Logan,” he said, with a slight slur. Fuck it, I was pretty drunk, too. The thought of the three of us sent funny shivers down my spine.


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