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Touchdown Desires

Page 129

by Jenna Payne

  “You have a cat?”

  “I don’t. But if I wasn’t so busy with sponsors I might get one. Unfortunately, that’s how I pay my bills, so I have to do what they want.”

  “That’s got to be tough. To be honest, though, I totally had you pegged as a goldfish person.”

  Vienna laughed.

  “A goldfish would probably be safer. I tried plants and I just kill those. Even the ones that are supposed to be easy die within a week. I should start with a goldfish.”

  They both laughed, falling easily into the conversation as if they’d been good friends their entire lives.

  Ethan stopped laughing, suddenly getting very serious.

  “What?” Vienna asked.

  “I like you.”

  “I like you too.”

  “I mean I really like you. You’re amazing and funny. You’re nothing like I imagined you would be when you kicked me off the ice and acted like a spoiled princess.”

  “I wasn’t acting. I paid good money for that time and you knocked me out of a spin.”

  “Fair enough. I just, I guess I expected you to be a little cold and unfriendly.”

  “Everyone thinks that. I guess part of it is how I am on the ice. I’m focused. I don’t think about anything else when I’m in the zone. It probably comes off as a little cold.”

  “I wouldn’t worry about it. I’m glad I got to know you.”

  “I am too. You’re not at all what I expected either.”

  “What, did you think I was a brute that was all brawn and no brains?”

  “Is it awful that that’s exactly what I was thinking?”

  “Not at all. You’ll see after dinner. If I was anyone else on the team, you would have been completely right.”

  Their dinner arrived, cutting the conversation short. Vienna looked at the meal before them and her mouth started watering. It looked divine and smelled even better. Vienna took the first bite and moaned softly.

  “Isn’t it delicious?”

  “I think this might be the best thing I’ve ever put in my mouth.”

  “Just wait until dessert.”


  Vienna pulled the heavy wool blanket tighter around her as she watched the action on the ice. Her dress and thin leggings had been a poor choice for sitting in the stands, but Ethan had hunted down a blanket from the offices and brought it to her before practice started.

  “Are you sure you’re alright up here by yourself?”

  “I’m fine.”

  “You could always go across the way and sit with the flavors of the week,” Ethan teased.

  “I’ll pass. I’m a little tired. I think I just want to watch in peace.”

  “Suit yourself,” he teased before he ran off to put on his skates and hit the ice.

  Vienna leaned against the retaining wall behind her that held the handicap seating above. She was regretting skipping her nap this afternoon. It was already eight. By the time practice was over it would probably be ten. She’d been up since four that morning.

  Ethan glided across the ice, warming up with the rest of his teammates before someone blew a whistle. Everyone came to the center except the goalie. A puck was dropped on the ice and Vienna momentarily lost Ethan in the flurry of movement.

  When he burst out of the pack seconds later, she was excited to see that he still had the puck. Vienna jumped up, cheering Ethan on as he raced towards the goal. He swung back the stick and slapped the puck hard, sending it flying at the net. The goalie missed and the buzzer sounded.

  Ethan looked up and waved. Feeling a little silly, Vienna waved back before she sat down. This was nothing like figure skating. And she liked it.

  She watched as Ethan scored goal after goal, moving easily across the ice with seemingly effortless movement. The coach blew the whistle again and the players closed ranks. Ethan skated over to the goal, taking the goalie’s pads and gloves and giving the man his stick.

  Once Ethan was off the ice, Vienna struggled to follow the action. It was obvious that Ethan was the star of the team, and the others did so much showboating it was hard to watch. Vienna rolled her eyes more than once when she heard once of the women from the other side of the rink shout loudly.

  “Kick his ass, baby. Don’t you take that shit from no one.”

  Vienna cringed. She was embarrassed for the woman, who was wearing skin tight hot pants and a tight tank top in the chilly stadium seats. Vienna couldn’t imagine what would possess any woman to act like that at all, let alone in public.

  There was a loud crack of a stick connecting with something solid, drawing her attention from the rowdy group of women and back onto the ice. One of the players had struck another with his hockey stick. Vienna wasn’t sure if it had been intentional or not, but the recipient of the blow was throwing his gear onto the ice and skating after the first man with balled up fists already flying.

  Were they actually going to come to blows over something so stupid?

  Ethan dropped his gloves and skated into the mix, grabbing one of the men and trying to break up the fight as fists started flying. Ethan had almost gotten one of the men swung around when a fist connected with his jaw, sending him sprawling onto the ice.

  Vienna gasped and jumped up, about to run down the stairs and onto the ice when Ethan pulled himself up. He shook the cobwebs from his brain and grabbed the other man by his jersey. He pointed to the penalty box and the young man all but stomped to the penalty box as Ethan directed the other man to the other side.

  Two of the six women in the stands stood and started yelling vulgarities at Ethan. Ethan ignored them, flashing Vienna a grin and a thumbs up to let her know he was alright before he retook his place at the goal.

  Vienna sat down and settled against the wall again, trying to keep her eyes open as she watched the game below, but she was exhausted. Now that the excitement was over, she was really struggling. She drifted off to sleep without realizing it, the sounds of the hockey sticks slapping each other and the ice lulling her to sleep.

  She awoke with a start when Ethan knelt before her and brushed an unruly tendril of hair out of her face. His hair was damp and he’d already changed into sweats and a t-shirt. He smelled of citrus infused soap and shaving cream.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to fall to sleep.”

  “It’s okay. You’ve had a really long day.”

  He turned to wave at one of the men walking by and the light hit his jaw at just the right angle to show off his swiftly darkening bruise.

  “Oh my gosh, Ethan, are you alright?”

  “I’m fine. I have a bit of a head ache, but I’ll live.”

  “What if you have a concussion of something?”

  “I don’t,” he said, helping her up and gently pushing her towards the door. “Let’s get you home so you can get some rest.”

  “You need to see a doctor.”

  “I’m fine.”

  “You shouldn’t sleep with a concussion.”

  Ethan sighed, opening the door for her and checking that it was locked before he let it fall closed behind her.

  “I’m fine, really.”

  He helped her into the car and got in himself, cranking up the heater and putting it into gear.

  “I’m serious, you need to see a doctor.”

  “You’re worried over nothing. You need rest so you can practice tomorrow.”

  “I’m taking tomorrow off to rest.”

  “Even better.”

  He slid the car to a stop in front of her place and ran around to her door to help her out. He walked her to the door, waiting while she fished the key out of her purse and unlocked it.

  “If you won’t go to the doctor, will you at least come in?”

  “Are you inviting me into your home?”

  “For a little while at least. I’m worried about you.”

  “I’m fine.”

  “What is your mom going to say when you show up looking like that?”

  “Nothing. My par
ents are out of town for the week and I live in my own place.”

  “You can’t go home. What if you go to sleep and you never wake up?”

  “What are you suggesting?”

  “You can stay here.”

  “Are you trying to get in my pants?” he quipped, laughing softly at his own joke.

  “No, but I couldn’t live with myself if something bad happened to you. You can sleep on the couch. It pulls out to a bed.”

  “You’re not going to let this go, are you?”


  “Fine. Let me grab my gym bag out of the car. I have a change of clothes and my toothbrush in there.”

  “Perfect,” she said.

  He returned quickly, throwing his shirt over his head, exposing his perfectly chiseled, smooth chest. He pulled her into his arms for a quick hug and got into the sofa bed in just his sweats.

  Vienna bid him goodnight and left the room before she did something she might regret in the morning.

  What had she gotten herself into?


  Vienna awoke the next morning to the smell of sizzling bacon and eggs.

  Ethan was at the stove, bare chested and barefoot, three different pans on the stove and biscuits cooking in the oven.

  He smiled at her when she walked in.

  “Good morning, Sunshine.”

  “How long have you been awake?”

  “Not long. I thought you might enjoy breakfast.”

  Vienna nodded, shuffling in her bare feet across the tile to the coffee maker. Food was good, but first, caffeine.

  She was still wearing her thin, pink nightgown that she usually wore, forgetting to put a robe on to cover herself and the thin fabric. Her nipples pushed against the fabric, but she didn’t care. She was half asleep and she was sure that Ethan had seen nipples before. In fact, she was willing to bet on it. If it bothered him, he could look away.

  Vienna took the first sip, closing her eyes and enjoying the flavor as it flowed over her tongue and warmed her throat.

  “You make excellent coffee,” she said.

  “I’m a good cook too, here you go.”

  He slid a plate across the kitchen table and set down his own plate before turning to the sink and quickly washing the dishes he’d used.

  “You cook and clean. Why hasn’t some lucky woman snatched you up yet?”

  He shrugged, sitting down to join her at the table. His eyes settled on her chest. He smiled when he saw that she’d caught him staring, but he didn’t avert his eyes. Vienna’s skin caught fire beneath his gaze and she suddenly felt very exposed.

  “I guess I’ve been waiting for the right lucky woman to come along.”

  “That sounded a little heavy, even for you. I guess dating hasn’t been that great for you?”

  “It’s had its ups and downs, but mostly it has been a pointless waste of my time and talent.”

  “So you’re talented then?”

  “I’ve been told.”

  “I’ll have to meet these women and see if your story rings true,” she teased.

  “Or you can just find out for yourself.”

  Ethan caught her eye and Vienna blushed. Ethan’s typically light-hearted nature often made it hard to know if he was being serious of not. This time, there was no question. Ethan Hayes was making a pass at her. And Vienna was considering taking him up on the offer.

  Ethan cleared her plate when she finished, washing and drying them both and wiping everything down. She sipped her second cup of coffee while he worked, enjoying the sight of him, bare chested and barefoot in her kitchen. A girl could get used to this sight every day.

  She followed Ethan into the living room, not at all shocked to see that he’d stowed the pull out bed and straightened the room

  “I think I need a roommate.”

  “Did you have anyone in mind,” he asked, pulling her down to sit beside him on the sofa.

  “I didn’t even think about it until just now,” she winked at him.

  Her smile faded when the light caught his jaw.

  “Oh, your jaw looks awful. Does it hurt?”

  She reached out and cupped his cheek, gently stroking the bruise. He winced.

  “It hurts when you do that.”


  She pulled her hand away.

  “I didn’t say stop. I like it when you put your hands on me.”

  His grin was sheepish, the suggestion clear in his tones.

  “Don’t you think it’s a little fast?”

  “Do you? It doesn’t really matter what anyone thinks but you in this case. It’s not like I’m going to run and tell my hockey buddies that you slept with me. Give me a little credit.”

  Vienna considered it for a moment.

  “I guess I don’t. I mean we have known each other most of our lives.”

  “You totally stole my line.”

  “I did. I don’t know I just-”

  Ethan leaned forward, capturing her mouth and cutting off her train of thought. She leaned into him, slowly opening herself more and more to him. He pulled her into his arms and against him. She inhaled the scent of him, eyes falling closed as she gave herself over to the moment.

  When he finally pulled away, he was smiling at her.

  “You overthink things,” he teased.

  “Of course I do. That’s what makes me a good competitor and I-”

  He kissed her again, pulling her onto his lap and putting his arms beneath her. He stood while he kissed her, never breaking the contact while he walked down the hall.

  She broke the kiss, her eyes searching his.

  “Are we really doing this?”

  “We are.”

  He kissed her again before she could change her mind.


  Ethan set Vienna on the bed gently, sliding her gown over her head and dropping it onto the floor. She was completely naked, and Ethan arched an eyebrow in surprise.

  “If I’d known you were sitting across from me with no panties that entire time, we never would have made it to the bed.”

  “I’ll remember that for next time,” she said, pulling him down for a deep kiss.

  He broke away, trailing tender kisses down her throat and over her shoulders. She gasped softly when he kissed the gentle slope of her breast, teasing her with a soft brush of his lips right above her nipple. She arched her back into him, her body moving of its own free will.

  “Patience my dear. We have all day.”

  She groaned in frustration, but she was at his mercy and he wasn’t about to be hurried. He took his time, moving on to other parts of her body. Every time he came close to one of her hotspots, he adjusted his course, leaving her aching for more.

  She threaded her fingers through his hair when he moved up her belly again, just inches from her breast. She guided him, unashamed as she tugged his hair to move him closer to her erect nipple. He kissed just below it, blowing his hot breath across the tiny nub, causing it to harden even more.

  “Do you want me to kiss it?”

  “Please,” she breathed out, her voice barely above a whisper.

  “How bad do you want it?”


  She was struggling now. Trying to hold onto her sanity, but his leisurely approach was destroying her. She hadn’t realized how much she’d wanted to feel him inside of her until she was beneath him. Now that he was that close, she needed him. Now.

  Ethan chuckled, lips encircling her nipple. He sucked, softly at first then increasing the pressure as she writhed beneath him. He hummed while he did it, the sensation almost too much for her.

  She threw her head back, wrapping her legs around him and pulling him ever closer. He abandoned the first nipple, cupping her other breast in his hand and roughly pulling that nipple into his mouth and tugging. The difference set her on fire. Gentle was good, but Vienna was so aroused that she wasn’t going to be able to tolerate gentle much longer. She wanted him now, and she didn’t want him to be g

  Her legs were wrapped around his hips, just above his loose knit pants. Slowly, she pushed down, working his pants down while he continued his torturous attentions, alternating between one nipple and the other.

  “Don’t think I don’t know what you’re doing,” he said, with her nipple caught in his teeth while he spoke.

  His free hand went beneath her, gliding down her body and over her tight ass. His hand explored until he found her center, dipping his fingers into the folds and working her into a frenzy.

  Vienna arched her back, her hands pulling at the sheets beneath her as he expertly worked her body to the brink of orgasm and pulled away.

  “I can’t take much more of this,” she choked out.

  “Is that a challenge?” he asked, his teeth still raking over her nipple when he spoke.

  His voice was maddeningly calm, though she could feel his erection pushing against the fabric that pressed against her leg.

  How was he so calm when she felt like she was going to fly apart at any moment?

  “No. Ethan, just please,” she stuttered.

  He smiled, pulling away and gazing down at her.

  “Suit yourself.”

  He slipped his pants off, hovering over her on his knees for a moment, drinking in the sight of her naked and wanting beneath him. Her eyes traveled down his chiseled body and settled on his erection. She bit her lip and moved her hips against him. She was ready.

  He winked at her, clearly amused with her overwhelming desire.

  “You know, I can do this all day.”

  Vienna lunged at him, wrapping her arms around him and pulling him down onto the bed. She rolled, pinning him beneath her and sliding her sex against his hard length.

  When his head met her opening, she slipped onto him, taking the wide length of him to the hilt. Her head dropped back and she began moving her hips vigorously.

  When she looked down at Ethan, he was smiling wickedly at her. His hands went up, cupping each breast and squeezing roughly. Vienna’s eyes fluttered and she bit her lip. He watched her as she moved, continuing to knead and pull at her supple breasts. One final thrust sent Vienna over the edge and she began to buck and shudder around him.

  Ethan pulled her down, squishing her breasts against his hard chest and wrapping his strong arms around her.


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