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Seductive Surrender [Triple Dare County, South Dakota 3] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance)

Page 14

by Paige Cameron

  Jared came to his side. “You stand right there and hold this end of the twine.” Jared trekked a straight line to where Brittany had been. He’d marked it with his boot. Then he studied the area.

  Ward joined him. “It might have landed in the pond, but I doubt it. It would go much further.”

  “I can see which trees it might have hit. We’ll go on the other side of the pond and check it out.”

  It was a cool but sunny afternoon. Jared squinted along the edge of the forest. The light sparkled on the pond.

  Jared stopped a short distance ahead of Ward. “What do you see?” Ward called out.

  “I’m looking at a very tall ponderosa pine.” Jared glanced back at the spot they’d marked with a stick. He squatted down and checked the angle. “That’s got to be where the bullet stopped.”

  Ward jogged to Jared’s side. “It’s definitely in the right vicinity.” They walked in a straight line to where they suspected they’d find their evidence.

  “It’s probably buried in the trunk and left a small hole. You check that side. I’ll take this one.” Jared started waist high and began to study the pine.

  On the left side, he saw Ward checking methodically. Then Jared saw the tiny hole. He stood beside it and focused back on the area where Ward and Brittany had been lying. “I think I’ve found it.” He pulled his knife out of the sheath fastened to his belt. Ward joined him.

  It was buried deep, but Jared managed to get it out. He held it up. “Thankfully, it’s in pretty good shape.”

  Ward placed a call to Kel. “We found your evidence and will be bringing it to you right away.”

  “Great news. I have some, too.”

  “Wait. I’ll put my phone’s speaker on so Jared can hear you. All right, go on.”

  “I stopped in the drugstore to get a drink. Nancy, the cashier, and I were talking. I asked if she knew Clyde. She said he’d been in the class before her in high school.

  “Then she mentioned she hadn’t seen him in over a year until he stopped by earlier today. He bought cigarettes, rubbing alcohol, and bandages. Ward, you might have nicked him with your shot. I have enough evidence to bring him in, check his rifle to see if the bullet matches, and check his body for a wound. Get the bullet here in a hurry.”

  “It doesn’t need both of us to carry that little bullet in,” Jared said. “You go. I imagine you’ll want to call Chad also. I’m going to ride over and check on our girl.”

  “I’m certain Chad will want to question Clyde. I’ll call him on my way to town. When I’m free, I’ll join you. You can’t have all the fun.”

  They rode back to the barn and Ward took the truck to town. Jared headed to the car. He couldn’t wait to hold Brittany in his arms and reassure himself she was going to be fine.

  * * * *

  Sondra opened the door. “She’s been sleeping since she took the pain pill.”

  “I’d like to go sit by her bed if you don’t mind.”

  She grinned. “Go on. You remind me of the protective way Kel and Boyd are with me. Personally, I hope she says yes to you and Ward. I like you both, and I believe you’d be good to her.”

  “Thanks for the encouragement. We’ll take real good care of her. She seems to be coming around to our way of thinking.”

  “Britt can be more uncertain at times than I was. She had a bad first experience with marriage. Don’t be surprised if she decides to go back to New York for a while after this is over.”

  “I’m afraid you may be right. Which room is she in?”

  “Just down the hall. The door is open.”

  Jared took long strides and soon saw Brittany lying on her side, asleep. He took his boots off at the door and tiptoed into the room to sit in the large, soft chair by the window. His heart calmed when he saw her even breathing and that the color had come back into her cheeks. Her bandage was still white, so no bleeding to speak of. Just being here beside her comforted him.

  She’d given them a good scare and shown both him and Ward how much she meant to them. They wanted her in their life for good as their wife. He couldn’t bear to think about her saying no.

  He laid his head against the back of the chair and closed his eyes. When she stirred, he jerked awake.

  “You were sleeping. I caught you.”

  Her smile warmed him. Jared walked to her side. “How are you feeling?”

  “Better. The headache is gone.” She started to sit up.

  “Let me help you.” He put his arms around her and slowly raised her to a sitting position. “How’s that?”

  “I’m not dizzy, but I am hungry.”

  “Just what I’ve been waiting to hear.” Sondra stood at the door. “I’ll bring you a tray of food.”

  “No. All of you quit babying me. I can walk to the kitchen.” Jared started to pick her up. “Don’t you dare. Let me walk.” She pushed at him.

  “Fine, but I’ll be right behind in case you get weak.”

  She made a face at him as she stood. “There, see? I’m vertical.”

  Sondra laughed and took off before them. As he’d promised, Jared walked close behind.

  “I can’t imagine how you all would act if I was really injured.”

  “Don’t even think that thought,” Jared said.

  Britt sat in the closest chair at the table. “Do you have any idea who shot at me?” she asked Jared.

  “We have a suspect.” He explained to her and Sondra about Clyde Washers and about finding the bullet.

  “Wow. Ward, you, and Kel have been busy while I slept all afternoon.”

  “We want you to be safe and to get these guys, the whole group. Chad Stedman will most likely be flying in to question Clyde.”

  “Boyd introduced him to me when Chad was last here on a visit. Seeing him in jeans and a cowboy shirt makes it hard to envision him as an FBI officer,” Sondra said.

  “He’s a good rancher. His dad was disappointed but proud when he chose the FBI instead of ranching.” Jared leaned across and kissed Brittany. “I couldn’t stand waiting a second longer.” He grinned and ran his fingers down her cheek.

  “Here, eat this.” Sondra put a plate in front of each of them. “It’ll help you keep your mind off my sister,” she said to Jared.

  “That isn’t possible, but thanks for the food. I’m hungry, too.”

  “You cowboys can always eat. I think I’ll bake some brownies. Ward can’t be far behind you.”

  “You are much too smart a lady,” Jared teased.

  “She keeps Kel and me on our toes.” Boyd came from the direction of their bedroom. He hugged Sondra and kissed her head. “Little one here is smart and bossy at times. It still tickles me when she puts her hands on her hips and frowns at me then goes into her tirade. Few people have the nerve to confront me.”

  “I don’t go into a tirade. I tell you what I think.”

  Boyd turned a chair and straddled it. “That she does.”

  Sondra swatted at his back. Then she started mixing her brownies. “I’ll put this roast on, too. We may have lots of company later if Chad is headed this way.”

  Boyd walked to where Sondra stood and for that moment both their backs were turned away from the table.

  Jared whispered in Brittany’s ear. “I can’t wait to get you home and make love to you. My dick is hard as a rock.”

  Britt glanced down and up quickly. Jared rubbed the top of her thigh and kissed her just below her ear. He chuckled when she shivered and her face flushed. “You want me, too.” He moved straight in his chair just as Boyd turned. Boyd glanced at Britt’s face and grinned at Jared. He settled on his chair.

  “I think I need to keep an eye on you two.”

  * * * *

  Ward called Jared. “Chad will be leaving New York soon. I’ll pick him up later at the airport. Kel and his deputy should be back any moment now with Clyde Washers. How are things going there?”

  “Brittany’s much better. She’s eating, and her headache is gone.”

/>   “We’re bringing her to the ranch tomorrow, and we’re going to ask her to marry us again.”

  “I totally agree.”

  “See you all as soon as possible. Chad may be with me tonight.”

  “Sondra’s cooking enough food for all of us.”

  Ward clicked off his phone. He paced the sheriff’s office, waiting on their return. When he heard a car park, he rushed to open the door. Kel was helping Washers out of the backseat. James had been sitting beside Washers. He followed the sheriff and Clyde inside.

  “I tell you this is against the law. I ain’t done nothing.”

  “We’ll see after we check your body for injuries and your rifle to see if the bullet that hit Brittany Hook came from it.” The sheriff marched him into the back hallway and walked into a cell with him. “Take off your shirt.”

  Ward and James watched from outside the jail cell. Clyde looked both belligerent and scared.

  “I tell you, you’ve got the wrong man.”

  Kel yanked his old shirt open. The bandage with a red spot in the middle covered Clyde’s side from a short distance below the armpit to his waist.

  “I can explain how I got injured.”

  “Do tell,” Kel said.

  “I was trying to get over the wire fence to take the cows to the barn. I ripped my side on the wire.”

  Kel jerked the tape free and the bandage fell off. “That isn’t a rip in the skin. Ward’s shot burned a groove into your side. And I’m certain the bullet we have will match your rifle. You’d better start talking.”

  “I have nothing to say. Get me a lawyer.”

  “Sure. Let the other guy tell us what we want to know, and he’ll get the lighter sentence.” Kel walked out and shut the cell door locking it.

  “What other guy?”

  “The one who hired you. You might get some leniency if you tell us his name. As far as I know, you’ve never been in trouble before. The judge may see his way to give you the lighter sentence.”

  Clyde Washers crumbled before their eyes. He stumbled to the cot and sat with his head between his hands. “I needed the money bad to get out of this damn place. He found out about my financial situation from another person in this area.”

  “Who is he?” Kel asked.

  “He’ll kill me if I say.”

  “We’ll arrest him tonight before he has a chance. Who is he and where is he?”

  Clyde raised his head. His whiskey-shot eyes watered, and his hands trembled. For a brief second, Ward felt sympathy for him.

  “I’ll get that lawyer for you.” Kel started to walk back into the main office.

  “Wait. You promise to protect me from him and his gang?”

  “Yes.” Kel stepped closer.

  “It’s Dick Aggies. He’s in New York. I went there. If you search my cabin, you’ll find his address written on the back of my old phone book. I don’t know who he has contact with here, but they’ll be notifying him if word gets out I’ve been arrested.”

  “Then we’ll play a game with him. I’ll drive you back and my deputy here will let it be known we didn’t have enough evidence to hold you. He’ll say you wouldn’t talk. Whoever the local person is, he or she might give you a visit and we can make an arrest.” Kel turned to Ward. “Call Chad and tell him not to fly here if he wants to be in on catching the main guy.”

  “He won’t want to miss it.” Ward hit the number for Chad. “You haven’t left yet.”

  “I’m on my way to the airport.”

  “Turn around. We have your guy’s name and soon we’ll have his address in New York.”

  “I’m having the cabbie make a turn right now. Call me as soon as you have the rest of the information. I’ll have my men ready.”

  Ward smiled at Kel. “You made Chad very happy. I’ll ride with James to get the address, and I’ll call him from the cabin. They’ll crash Dick Aggies’s place tonight.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  Early the next morning Ward knocked on Boyd and Kel’s front door. Boyd answered. “You look like you’ve been up all night, but you’ve got good news.”

  “I’m sure Kel has called you.”

  “Yes, several times. It seems Chad and his men got the whole group and even the guy over Dick Aggies.”

  “He had some luck on that capture. Dick’s boss wasn’t pleased with his antics and had made a late-night call just in time to greet the FBI.”

  “I guess you’d like to give Britt the news yourself. Jared left early to check on the ranch. She was still sleeping.”

  “Do you have a cup of coffee I can drink while I sit in her room and wait for her to wake?”

  “A full pot. Come this way.” Boyd led him into the large kitchen. Sondra was at the stove, cooking.

  “Have some breakfast. I have plenty. In fact, go wake Britt. She’s had a good sleep. She’ll want to hear the news, and then she can join us all for breakfast.”

  “Sounds like a good idea to me.” Ward took long strides down the hall to where Boyd said her room was located. He cracked the door. She lay on her side with her long, brown hair spread across her pillow.

  He stepped in and knelt beside her. His hand brushed a few strands of her hair off her face. “Brittany, it’s time to get up.”

  She woke with a smile. “Ward, you’re back. You didn’t get hurt?”

  “No one got hurt last night. It all happened fast.”

  Britt rose up on one elbow. “Is it over?”

  “Completely. Clyde fell apart and confessed. Then he gave us the information for Chad to take down the ones in New York. Chad got the gang and bosses. We got Clyde Washers here and Dick’s other local accomplice, the one who let Dick know about Clyde’s financial problems. She worked in the bank and had been romantically involved with Dick. No one is trying to kill you anymore.” Britt had sat on the side of the bed as he talked. Ward pulled her into his arms and held her close.

  “Sondra has breakfast ready for all of us, and then I’m taking you home to our ranch.”

  “Go on to the table. I’ll dress and be there in a minute.”

  “Sure you don’t need any help?”

  “Get out of here or we’ll both miss eating, and I’m hungry.”

  “I am, too, but not for food.” Ward walked out of the room and shut the door behind him. He’d take care of the other hunger as soon as they got home.

  Sondra hugged Britt when she came into the kitchen. “Hooray, we’re free to go shopping, and to the movies. There’s all sorts of things we can do now.”

  “I’m just sorry you got caught up in all of this.”

  “Don’t worry. I’m fine. Here’s your plate of food. Join Boyd and Ward. I’ll get mine and be right there.”

  Ward enjoyed the food and the talking, but he wanted to get Brittany alone with just him and Jared. It seemed to take forever before he could ease her away from Sondra.

  “Thanks for the meal, sis. I’ll call later,” Brittany said as Ward urged her out the door.

  When he opened the door for her to get in the truck, she frowned at him. “Are you in a hurry or something?”

  “Or something,” he said with a grin.

  Jared met them in the driveway. Ward had called him to say they were leaving. Jared carried Brittany into the house.

  “I can walk. My head doesn’t hurt. Sondra put a smaller bandage on it last night, and said it’s healing. You know that, Jared, since you hadn’t left yet.”

  “Darlin’, I want to feel your warm, soft body against mine. Do you feel strong enough for Ward and me to make love to you?”

  “I might, but I won’t be rushed into the bedroom. I’m thirsty.”

  He carried her in the kitchen and sat her at the table. “Tea or soda?”

  “Sweet tea.”

  “Coming up. Meanwhile, Ward, tell us all the details about last night.”

  Ward turned his chair around and straddled the seat. Then he explained all that had happened. “Needless to say, Chad is ecstatic. He can come
on vacation with no worries.”

  * * * *

  Britt took her time drinking the tea. It was obvious both Ward and Jared wanted to get her to bed, but she liked teasing them. Although she wanted to lie between them, she wasn’t going to make it too easy for them. When she stood and put her glass in the sink, they both rose from their chairs.

  “Down, boys. I haven’t had a shower today, and I want one now.”

  “We could shower together,” Jared suggested with a hopeful lilt in his voice. He glanced across at Ward.

  “I can’t get my head wet. It’s best I go to my room for the shower.”

  “Sure, we’ll plan on getting together later today.” Jared ran his hands through his hair, and walked toward the door. “I guess we are rushing things.” He put on his hat and frowned at Ward.

  Ward glanced around as though he didn’t know what to do or say. Obviously their plan wasn’t working for them. Brittany smiled to herself, but didn’t show it.

  He took a few steps toward the hall. “I have work to do in my office. We’ll get together after lunch. If that’s all right with you?” Ward’s eyebrows drew together.

  She started laughing. “You two look like you’re being deprived of your treat.”

  “Well, it has been a long time since we’ve held you. What with getting rid of the people after you and all.” Ward frowned at her.

  “I don’t want you to go anywhere.” She threw herself against Ward since he was the closest. He staggered backward, but held on to her and regained his balance. Britt put her arms around his neck and let her body lay totally on him. She raised her head and brushed her lips across his sexy mouth.

  Ward’s light-blue eyes had darkened, and his arms tightened around her. “You are so going to pay for teasing us.” He grabbed her up into his arms and took hurried steps to Jared’s room.

  She glanced behind to make sure Jared was following. He winked at her and smiled. There was a lightness in her chest, and warmth spread through her body. These men, with the help of others, had saved her life, and they said they loved her. She wanted to let down her walls and fully trust them. It was up to her to open herself to their love.


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