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Gamer Girl Caught in the Game: An Erotic LitRPG Adventure (Gamer Girl Carly Book 1)

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by Cat Wilder

  He reached down and yanked off my breastplate. The bustier-like piece of armor went clattering across the stone pavers, leaving my naked boobs jostling before his leering eyes.

  "Great tits," the wizard said.

  He drew a rune on my chest with one finger, right over my heart. I felt the magic burn my flesh like a hot branding iron. I screamed in agony. And then he drew another over that one, and yet another. All burned down into my core, and it was the worst pain I'd ever felt, in the virtual or the real world.

  He left me a gasping, sobbing mess.

  "Not only will these spells kill your warrior-mage avatar forever," he sneered down at me. Artimus drew another rune on my chest, and I felt it burned into me as well. "But you'll be trapped in the game, unable to exit."

  Could he do that? I had my doubts about killing my avatar. That crap about trapped in the game was an online gaming fantasy. Impossible.

  "I'm going to hunt you down like a dog," I gasped out, head spinning with all that magic swirling within. "I will have vengeance."

  "Wanna bet?"

  Artimus barked a laugh, and then punched me in the chest. It felt like I exploded. The pain was intense, but only lasted a fraction of a second. The next thing I knew I was laying on the floor at my respawn site.

  "Aaiiee! Oooooh, that hurt," I cried out as I sat up.

  I panted for a moment, cursing my rotten luck at being killed. I wondered if Duke Corvan would still give me the bonuses for all of my firsts. I knew anyone killed didn't get to claim a cut of the treasure.

  "Why am I wearing a Princess Leia slave girl outfit?"

  Hell, my long brown hair was even pulled back in the same braid hairstyle. Obviously, Wizard Artimus was a big Star Wars geek. Figures.

  "Of course, the outfit is ten times skimpier than in the movie," I said, tugging up on the top that barely covered my rather large and firm tits.

  Yeah, I was bulging out of that thing big time. Worse, the two strips of purple, front and back, down below barely covered anything.

  Shaking my head woefully, I checked my HUD. It was my face in the upper corner, but the list of skills was empty. I lost every single skill. I screamed in rage, before checking my race and class. I was still an elf, but it showed, Class: Wench of easy virtue.

  "Wench of easy virtue? What the hell?" I cried. "That sick-ass bastard. I'll kill him! I'll grind his bones to dust and feed him to pigs!"

  Chapter 2

  Despite my defeat and death, my body was pristine when I respawned. Not even a scar to show where I was wounded. It was the only good thing about being killed and respawning. You got to start over with your perfect default body.

  Only one problem. "Why am I so hungry and thirsty?"

  I used up a lot of energy in the battle to take the tower, but I expected that need for food and water to be wiped out by death and respawning. I checked my account, and all my meager hoard of money was gone. Not unexpected after the wizard killed my warrior-mage avatar.

  "Fortunately, I'm a girl and boys are easy," I muttered, but not liking it.

  Leaving the spawn inn, I stopped in the middle of the street and looked around. I noticed a few Red Death Warriors milling around after respawning. At least I wasn't the only one to die. No one was even trying to return to the battle. It was late afternoon, and it took us a full a day to march cross-country to reach the site. Hell, the battle was probably already over.

  "To hell with this. I'm calling it a day," I muttered. My HUD popped up with a thought. "I need to search for a way to reverse my avatar problem, and then I'll go after Artimus tomorrow."

  I froze. The EXIT was supposed to be right there in the lower left. All I saw was empty space. Everything else worked. When I had the HUD up, I could see everyone's Race, Class, and Level. No Skills were displayed, but that's to be expected. EXP showed only 22 points. Fine, all I'd done so far was wake up and walk outside.

  I vanquished the HUD, and then pulled it back up. Still no exit. I did that ten times. At least. Always the same result.

  "How did he do that?"

  Artimus said he was going to trap me in the game, but… Yeah, I kind of freaked out a little. I might've even stood in the middle of the road, kicking up dust and cursing like a really pissed off, really drunk sailor, too. I'm not sure how long my hissy fit lasted, but I eventually calmed my butt down.

  "Artimus did this to me. Artimus will fix it," I snarled, eyes narrowing. "Or else."

  I needed a room for the night. I was not prepared to spend the night in the forest dressed like that. If I didn't freeze to death, a bunch of goblins would grab me and do bad things. They might even kill me again. But inns wanted money.

  A lot of people were looking me over with appreciation. Like I said, boys are easy. Heck, a couple girls were giving me hungry looks, too. Of course, my outfit had me feeling super exposed. Nothing covered my…um, nether regions, so I felt the wind in a way I'd never experienced before. Oddly enough, I kind of liked it.

  I headed for the Drunken Dragon Pub. They served pretty good food at a reasonable price. I could work as a serving wench to pay off my meal. I was already dressed for it. Plus, as a wench of easy virtue I could "hook-up" with one of my customers. He'd pay for the room we'd spend the night in.

  Another indignity Artimus will pay dearly for, I thought, body already tingling in anticipation. I bet the pub owner will want a little something-something before giving me a job and food.

  Unfortunately, I only got halfway there before I was accosted.

  "Hey, beautiful," a big, muscular Conan the Barbarian type said. He snuck up from behind and wrapped an arm around my shoulders. "Looking for some company?"

  He was looking above my head, and practically smacking his lips. Yeah, he was reading, 'Human. Wench of easy virtue.' Dammit. I was so fucked.

  Artimus! I'm going to murder you a hundred times!

  I concentrated above his head, my HUD popped up, and I read, Human. Barbarian warrior (Lvl 15). That meant he was a player like me. If he was a Non-Player Character it would've said, Human barbarian warrior. And NPCs did not have levels in Battle for Glory.

  The big barbarian had to be six foot five, if he was an inch. His blonde hair was down past his shoulders, and his skin was sun-bronzed. All he wore was a fury loincloth, sword, and boots. He looked like something straight out of a sword and sorcery B-movie.

  Shit got worse real fast. First, my body got all tingly inside. Especially down there. Apparently, the game took its wenches of easy virtue seriously, because my head filled with all kinds of fun, and very nasty, thoughts. Within seconds I wanted him as much as he wanted me.

  "Hi, I'm Carly," I purred. It just came out. "What's your name, big boy?"

  "Hagar," he said.

  He immediately bent down and kissed me. And I didn't turn my face away. Hell, I kissed back and smiled brightly afterwards. WTF? Then my stomach growled.

  "I'm so hungry," I said, while my hand stroked his rock-hard abs. "I'd do anything for a nice hot meal."

  From the leer on his face, I'd probably end up doing everything for that meal. That realization sent sexy tingles spiraling through my overheating body. Hell, even my hunger for food was being replaced by a more primal kind of hunger.

  Hagar guided me into the Drunken Dragon Pub. I'd have a better chance of getting away with eating, without paying with sex, at a different tavern. The Drunken Dragon was on the ground floor, with an inn occupying the two floors above. There was even a door from the pub into the inn, but at that moment I didn't care as long as Hagar bought me something to eat before he banged my brains out.

  "Good afternoon, milord and milady," the pub owner said upon our entry.

  I looked above him. Human pub owner. No level.

  He was an NPC, so couldn't read my Race and Class above my head. But he could see Hagar's inappropriate fondling, and my skimpy outfit. I saw it in his eyes. I'd better be careful, or he'd be taking advantage of me, too.

  "Two beers, Rocco," Hagar said.

  "What do you have to eat?" I asked.

  "We have a stag's hindquarter roasting over the fire, milady. And we have a pot of boiled potatoes."

  I ordered two plates. Maybe if I filled Hagar up with meat and potatoes he'd be too full to do much in bed. He was a pretty big boy, so I had my doubts it would help. And the more he fondled me, the more interested I became.

  Rocco got our mugs and two plates set before us. Just in time, too. Hagar almost had my top off, and I was pretty sure we'd get kicked out if that happened. Pubs were family places, though there were no families in there at the moment.

  "I swear, the food in this game tastes even better than in real life," I said, stuffing my face.

  "Hey, girl, why don't you come join me instead of that scrawny loser?"

  I looked up at the man. He was just as tall as Hagar, but wore a pair of threadbare trousers that only came down to mid-calf. He was barefooted. I did kind of like his mohawk and the tats all over his chest, back, and arms. So I checked out his Race and Class.

  Half-elf. Warrior (Lvl 16).

  "What's your name, big boy?"

  "My name is Ronan MacConel, of Clan MacConel."

  Clan MacConel was big and powerful. They ruled over the nearby mountains to the south of town. Since Ronan was a warrior, and wasn't carrying any weapons, my eyes locked on his silvery bracers. They had to be enchanted to provide him with the weapons he needed.

  "Call me Carly," I purred. I held his eyes a second. "And call me often."

  "Hey!" Hagar cried. Then he turned to glare at his competition. "Get lost before I break you in half."

  "Shut your mouth, boy," Ronan sneered.

  Hagar grabbed his crotch. "I got your boy right here."

  I rolled my eyes. Men were so amusing. But I had a problem. Ronan was more to my taste, while Hagar had already bought me dinner. I was torn. Of course, there was an easy solution.

  "Looks like you boys have to fight," I said. "Winner gets me."

  "Don't eat too much, lassie," Ronan said, eyes a-twinkle. "Cause I'm going bugger you all night long."

  "You're dead meat, MacConel," Hagar cried, surging out of his chair.

  I sat there eating, watching with fascination. That was the first time ever that guys had fought over me. Even though I knew one of them would die, I was still thrilled. Of course, neither of their deaths would be permanent. And they were pretty evenly matched, too.

  Hagar threw a quick flurry of punches at Ronan's face, which the other warrior ducked, dodged, and otherwise avoided. It was pretty clear that Hagar relied more on brute strength and ferocity, and Ronan was a counterpuncher.

  The big blonde barbarian drew first blood. He crushed Ronan's nose, with blood flying everywhere. I cringed at the crunching sound of shattered bones. But then I pushed my empty place away, and pulled Hagar's plate over.

  Hey, I was still hungry.

  Ronan dropped low and kicked out, sweeping Hagar's feet away. A sword appeared in his right hand, while a round shield came out of nowhere on the left arm. The bracers? Had to be. I loved magical items. Just seeing that gave me a thrill. It was a crying shame I couldn't go to bed with both of them.

  I thought Hagar was dead, but he surprised me and Ronan by rolling through the clan warrior's feet. As Ronan fell, Hagar surged to his feet and pulled his sword. I jumped, eyes wide, when they threw themselves at each other with a loud clash of steel. Both warriors showed their mettle in a long series of strokes and parries. And then Hagar dropped to one knee.

  Ronan barked a laugh and swung to decapitate. Hagar lunged straight at the other warrior, and thrust his long blade through Ronan's heart. The mohawk, tattooed warrior glanced at me, looking so embarrassed, and slowly crumbled to the floor.

  "I am the greatest warrior ever!" Hagar screamed at the heavens.

  Actually, I didn't think he'd stand against my friend Ogge for five seconds, but still he was pretty impressive. Ronan was starting to fade away. I wondered how far away his respawn spot was, because if it was in town he'd be back in a few minutes.

  "I claim his purse to pay for the damage," Rocco shouted, racing over to snatch it off the floor.

  Hagar paused to glare at him. I saw my chance, so ran over and grabbed the two silvery bracers Ronan dropped.

  "I claim his bracers," I said. I gave Hagar a sultry look. "But you'll get your reward, loverboy."

  The steel bracers were much too large for me, until I put one on my right forearm. It glowed for a second, and quickly shrank to fit perfectly. So I placed the other on my other arm. Once both were fitted, I willed the sword. It appeared in my hand, and a second later the shield hung on my left arm. Both were smaller than what Ronan used, but perfect for my size and strength.

  "Time to start leveling up on my warrior skills."

  "Tomorrow," Hagar said, suddenly looming over me. He grabbed me, and then threw me over his shoulder. Men in the room cheered him, while I beat on his back and kicked my feet. Okay, I wasn't really putting up a fight. It was all for fun. "Now I claim my prize."

  Hagar quickly carried me through the door and into the inn. He paid for a room, and up we went. The man took three and four steps at a time. He kicked the door open, threw me on the bed, and then ripped his loincloth off before he closed the door.

  "Hello!" I cried, jaw dropping when my eyes locked on his erection. "Oh my god, that's going to hurt."

  One thing I'd learned in the Guild's victory party, every man in the game Battle for Glory was hung like a horse. Don't get me started on the centaurs, minotaurs, and ogres! With a few tugs and pulls, my outfit hit the floor. Kneeling before Hagar, I began stroking his massiveness.

  Butterflies went crazy in my belly, while my pussy got hot and tingly. I stared at that huge cock, mouth watering. I couldn't wait to have him inside me. But first, I had to have a taste.

  "To the victor go the spoils," I whispered breathlessly. I gave that cock a kiss, before rolling my hot, wet tongue around the tip. "Let me spoil you for other women."

  I went down on him. Sucking him down, I filled my mouth with hard cock. My mouth was alive with the taste of him, while my nostrils filled with his sexual scent. My sex ached to be filled by him. My pussy throbbed with achy need as I bobbed my head up and down, taking him to the back of my tongue each time.

  Hagar buried his hands deep in my hair, massaging my scalp. I moaned and groaned, continuing to bob and suck for all I was worth. His fingers tightened in my hair, as his back bowed and his head rolled back. The magnificent warrior was about to blow, so I tried to pull off. He wouldn't allow that, and a second later he filled my mouth with his hot, creamy seed.

  "Well now, I hope that you recover quickly, because I'm about to explode," I said, licking my lips.

  He just laughed, and then dragged me to my feet by my hair. Yeah, it hurt. With one hand tangled in my hair, he fast-walked me to the bed and tossed me atop it, face down. Before I could flip over, Hagar joined me. He held me in place, shoulders to the bed, butt thrust up into the air. And he motorboated my butt.

  "Let me guess," I said. "You're an ass man."

  "Tits and ass," he said.

  He buried his face in my butt crack, and started licking my dripping wet, achy as hell pussy. It felt amazing! I gasped and cried out, clutching at the bed sheets. And then he thrust a finger up inside me.

  "Oooh! Yes!" I cried. His thumb found my sensitive clit, and went to town. My whole body trembled, and heat flushed through me. I think my eyes might've crossed for a second. "Oh yes. Yes. Yes!"

  Hagar finger fucked my tight little pussy, while rubbing one out with his thumb. It didn't take that long to make this little wench of easy virtue climax, and come hard. I screamed and bucked, and thanked God Almighty for virtual reality, because I never climaxed in real life.

  Even before the sweet vibrations of my afterglow faded away, the big barbarian flipped me onto my back, forced my knees wide, and buried his face between my thighs. He quickly made me come again, which left
me feeling completely winded and weakened. I just lay there in a glorious daze. Utter bliss.

  Hagar wasn't finished. He started kissing and nibbling his way up across my belly. Soon he was smothering my tits with kisses, sucking hard on my erect nipples, and even motorboated me a few times. Finally, he kissed his way across my shoulder, up my neck, and claimed my lips in a deep, passionate kiss that left me dazed and filled with bliss.

  And then he thrust into me.

  "Uggh!" I cried, eyes huge.

  His ginormous cock stretched my little hole wide. And it hurt just as good as I expected.

  "Like that, don't you?"

  "You have no idea," I gasped. "Don't stop. Never stop."

  The blonde barbarian thrust into me like there was no tomorrow. No one had ever fucked me so hard and so fast. He was a machine. A glorious, beautiful fucking machine. It didn't take long to completely sheath himself inside me, and that's when he really went after it. All I could do was grunt with every long, deep thrust, while bucking, writhing, and wiggling with utter delight.

  "Yes! Yes! YES!" I cried.

  My body erupted with insane pleasure. That climax sent bliss flowing through my overheated body, leaving me spent and limp. My brain was blank, and all I could to was huff and puff, and smile.

  "Oh baby." I caught and held his eyes. "Do it again. Please. Do it again."

  Chapter 3

  The Red Death Warrior's Guild returned triumphantly in the wee hours of the night. Their victory over the much hated Wizard Artimus was the talk of the town. Hagar vanished while I was asleep, returning to RL. There was no returning for me. Not yet.

  "Hey, it's… Is that you, Carly?" Ogge shouted from the door.

  I froze, fork halfway to my mouth. I didn't want any of my Guild friends to see me in that diminished condition. He was followed through the door by the battle-maid, Isobelle D'Arcy and the drow mage, Jax.

  Ogge looked back to his usual awesomeness, none the worse for getting his ass killed below the tower. Isobelle D'Arcy was a tall Viking looking chick, with long blonde pigtail-braids coming from under her steel winged helmet. Shiny armor protected the upper half of her rather spectacular body. I'd seen her out of that armor during the last victory party. She was so spectacular that I seriously considered tweaking my body and amping up the sex-appeal.


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