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Gamer Girl Caught in the Game: An Erotic LitRPG Adventure (Gamer Girl Carly Book 1)

Page 4

by Cat Wilder

  "Oooooh, yes," I gasped, back bowing. Croaker claimed an erect nipple in his mouth, and started sucking so hard it kind of hurt. In a good way. "Yes. This is so wrong. I shouldn't have to do all three of you."

  Hoag pulled off my skirts, and began nibbling and fondling my butt cheeks. It felt divine, sending sexy ripples spiraling deep into my body. Bakker had my pussy singing, while Croaker made me writhe and cry out the way he was enjoying my tits. And before I knew it that rush to climax consumed me.

  "Aggh!" I cried when it erupted within, sending out beautiful waves of bliss. They kept it up all the way through that orgasm, too. And then my knees gave out and I found myself kneeling before Bakker's ginormous erection. "Let me return the favor."

  I went down on Bakker, taking him all the way to the back of my throat. That's when I discovered I didn't have a gag reflex in virtual reality. Oh, the possibilities that opened up.

  "Oh my god, you DO taste like bacon!" I cried. And he did. "I just developed a pigman fetish!"

  Hoag and Croaker knelt to either side of me, fondling my tits and butt, while licking and nibbling my back, shoulders, and butt. Bakker sank his fingers deep in my hair, and tried to force his way deeper and deeper. I finally gave up, and let him down my throat.

  With my lips wrapped around the base of his huge cock, throat filled to the max with man-meat, I began to hum. Bakker cried out in pleasure, rose up on his toes, and shot his bacon tasting seed down my throat. It took all of ten seconds.

  "I just developed an elfmaid fetish," Bakker gasped out.

  When Bakker stumbled away, I turned to Croaker. He yanked me away from Hoag, and then slammed me into the ground. Before I could say "slow down" the pigman was between my legs and thrusting into my eager sex.

  "Uggh! Oh!" I cried with each thrust in, and pull back. It was fucking INTENSE. "Uggh! Oh! Uggh! Oh!"

  I thought Hagar was a sex machine. He had nothing on Croaker. That crazy pigman went to town on me. While he kissed and nibbled my shoulders and neck, his big, rough hands fondled my tits, and his monster cock murdered my pussy. Croaker had me bucking, and crying out, rocking my head back and forth. My mind went blank, and he became my entire world.

  "Uggh! Yes! Uggh! Yes!" I cried as he pushed me closer and closer. And then that rush to climax hit, and my back bowed and body tensed. "I can't believe I'm… Aaagggh!"

  It was amazing. Blew my mind. I swear, every orgasm was better and more intense than the last in VR. I felt that orgasm in my bones. In my fingers and toes. And Croaker wasn't through. He continued humping me like a madman, until he made me come again.

  Even as my body quivered in orgasmic glory, he pulled out and came all over me. My face was splashed with his first shot of hot, sticky seed. And then he came all over my tits, and finally ended with more all over my belly.

  "Holy crap, how big are your balls?" I asked. "I've never seen so much cum in my life."

  Croaker sighed gustily, struggled to his feet, and stumbled away. Hoag grabbed me. He flipped me over onto all fours. My head was still spinning, belly quivering like crazy, and hot tingles were still radiating all through my overheated body.

  Hoag pressed up behind me. I knew what was coming. Unfortunately, my body was not recovered from Croaker. Then he grabbed my long braid, wrapped it around his hand, and yanked my head back. I cried out in surprise, just before he thrust deep into my pussy from behind.

  "Uggh!" I grunted.

  "Tell me, Carly," he growled into my ear. "Is this the first time anyone's fucked you piggy-style?"

  "Ha! I love you best, Hoag," I cried. "Go hog-wild on my ass, baby!"

  Hoag did not disappoint. I swear, he was the longest, thickest of the trio. He stretched me out to the max, and beyond. It hurt so damned good. I bucked and cried out, before inarticulate things started bubbling out of my lips. I couldn't think straight as he pushed me to the edge again. The only sounds were my deep grunts and his hips slapping into my sweaty butt cheeks.

  How many times can I climax in a day?

  I squeezed my vagina hard around him. The fact I still had any control of my body was amazing enough, but the sexy sensations that squeeze sent through me sent me over the top. I screamed my orgasm, while Hoag laughed and fucked me even harder and faster. He made me climax three times before he pulled out and slathered my butt and lower back.

  I collapsed, huffing and puffing, as he staggered away. Within seconds darkness consumed me, pulling me down into slumber.

  "Oh. What? Where am I?" I cried, lifting my head and looking around.

  The fire looked the same, so I couldn't have been asleep long. Long enough for all of the cum to cool on my body, and start to give me a chill. The three pigmen were still naked, curled up around the fire. I grinned.

  "Ha. I outlasted them. I win," I said.

  Finding a nasty smelling loincloth, I used it to clean their cum off. I still felt sticky. So I grabbed my clothes and headed up the road. I had to get as far from them as possible. It would be so easy for them to make me their plaything. Yeah, it was that awesome.

  "I need to find a stream to bathe, and then get some sleep," I muttered half an hour later, well past the pigmen. "They wore me out."

  Chapter 5

  "Holy crap," I cried. "It's huge!"

  Artimus' seat of power was the biggest city I'd ever seen in a game. Most cities had a few thousand people. Ankor only had a population of three thousand NPCs. If the population density of Artimus' city was comparable, then there had to be over a hundred thousand people down there.

  "I bet my sweet round ass that big black castle in the middle is where I'll find the wizard," I muttered softly.

  I couldn't speak too loudly, since I wasn't the only one on the road. Most of the others were peasant farmers taking produce into town to sell. There was a train of pack mules, too. And about a dozen mercenaries riding together. Most of my fellow travelers were human, and male. You know I got a lot of attention in that outfit. The few women I spotted were glaring daggers at me.

  I'd been walking all day through the valley, heading for the city in the middle. It was heavily forested, so standing atop that hill was the first time I'd actually seen Artimus' capital city. It was sprawled out on two sides of the river, with a dozen arching bridges connecting the two halves. Towering walls and towers guarded the city from attack.

  An elderly couple came up behind me. I turned to the man and asked. "What is the name of that city?"


  Artimus named his capital after the last capital of the Western Roman Empire? That didn't seem like a good omen for his success. Though, I felt a little better about my chances. Maybe fate was on my side.

  "Get away from my man, slut," the elderly woman snapped.

  I looked at her man. He was ancient and stooped. I doubted he could even get it up. Well, when I say they were stooped it might be due to the massive bundles of wood on their backs. Even in my twenty-something body I didn't think I could carry that much weight, and I didn't want to try, either.

  "He's like eighty years old," I said. "Jeeze. Give me a break."

  "I'll break something," the old woman said.

  I picked up my pace, while wiggling my butt for the old man's enjoyment. His woman growled, which picked up my spirits nicely. It didn't take long to leave them far behind.

  "Hi, beautiful," a big human warrior called down from his huge warhorse. "Where are you going so fast?"

  "I'm off to…um…see the wizard," I said. I wanted to say "slay" but that might get me in trouble. For all I knew everyone on that road supported the wizard. "I have a magical problem he can help me with."

  "Good luck getting an audience," a peasant said.

  I thrust out my chest. "I think he'll see me."

  That got a laugh from the men around me. They were all leering at my tits and ass anyway. Despite that, I found them more comfortable to be around than the angry women.

  "Maybe someone will drag you off the road and give you a different ki
nd of audience," a shifty-eyed fellow said as he moved closer.

  "Oh?" I replied. With a thought the shield appeared on my left arm, and I immediately spun around and smashed the edge of it into his mouth. The sword appeared in my right hand, and I stood over him with the tip at his throat. "Do you think you are man enough to do it?"

  "No, no, no," he said, crawling backwards.

  I let him go. Shaking my head woefully, I willed the sword and shield away and continued toward the city. The mounted mercenaries laughed. I noticed two of their number were armed and armored women. All were NPCs. So I walked close to them for the rest of the way to the city gate.

  Ravenna's main gatehouse was as big as any castle. I saw orcs, goblins, and minotaurs patrolling above, but it was all humans on the ground. The soldiers were in chainmail and helmets, with black surcoats. A red dragon was embroidered on the surcoats. Black and red pennants flapped on the battlements. They searched anyone they found suspicious, and that was mostly the young women.

  "Figures," I whispered.

  A big, burly soldier waved me to the side.

  "Declare yourself, wench."

  "I am Carly of Ankor," I said. "I'm just a traveler out to see the world."

  "Really? That's dumb," he said. The soldier grabbed my boobs, squeezing them hard enough to make me wince. "Do you have any contraband?"

  "Of course not," I protested. "Ouch! As you can see, I can't hide anything in this skimpy outfit."

  He lifted my front skirt, exposing my business to the world, before thrusting a finger toward my sex, "What about…"

  "No," I snapped, twisting to the side to avoid that probing finger. "How come you aren't strip-searching the men?"

  He just grinned at me. "Move along."

  I decided right there that I was going to stab Artimus a few extra times to punish him for creating such a chauvinistic world. The mercenaries reached the gate after me, and the guards didn't molest the women in their company. So I needed to arm and armor up if I wanted to avoid further molestations. But that would take money. A lot of money.

  "If I survive killing Artimus, and I'm still trapped in the game, then I'll figure out how to get proper weapons and armor," I said, looking around the plaza inside the gate.

  It was late afternoon. Night came fast in the mountains. I needed to find Artimus' castle, figure out how to get inside, and find a place to hole up until the dark. And if I could get my hands on some money, then I could buy some magic.

  My seventy-two hours will be up sometime tomorrow morning, I thought. I wish I knew when they started their seventy-two hour countdown.

  I'd come to terms with my possible death during the trip. Even if I defeated Artimus, it would be almost impossible to force him to restore me. How would I know he was casting the correct spell? Hell, he could do something worse to me, or actually kill me, while I was thinking he was reversing the spell.

  Screw it. I'm going to just kill his ass.

  That decision was actually quite liberating. I felt a weight lift. I was going to die, but I was going to kill him first. Maybe he would respawn and I wouldn't. Didn't matter. I had to strike back. Artimus would feel my wrath!

  There were only two ways to get money: Earn it or steal it. I didn't have time to earn it, so my mind went to work. I wandered the narrow, crowded streets. The vast majority of the buildings were half-timbered, though many had stone ground floor walls. Two and three story was the norm, though I saw a lot more taller buildings than I had in Ankor. The few stone buildings didn't have windows below the third level, so I assumed they were the homes and businesses of those who had more to steal, or were more paranoid.

  Like in Ankor, pubs occupied most corners. Most buildings were narrow, with the owner's shop on the street level. The shopkeepers and families lived above. Most of them appeared to be human, but I spotted dwarves, elves, and even a few drow and minotaurs doing business. Artimus also employed quite a few centaur warriors to patrol the streets in squads of five.

  Spotting a tavern down a dark, narrow alley, I stopped to study it a moment. There were lots of drunken and passed out men between the street and the tavern entrance, and most appeared to be non-human. I assumed they were mercenaries since all were well-armed.


  Mercenaries earned a lot more than the average worker and peasant. They would have coin to lose in games of chance and pay for the company of wenches of easy virtue. Not that I planned to be that easy.

  Men, elves, drow, and a few goblins watched me pass with hungry eyes. I noticed all had purses hanging off their belts, and most looked heavy with coins. I got excited, eager to earn a little money, but mostly obtain it with less than honorable methods.

  The tavern was dark and smoky. I paused just inside the door to let my eyes adjust. Most of the tables had someone sitting at them. My eyes fell upon a big minotaur sprawled out in the corner, his sword and shield leaning against the wall. He had an elven beauty on one knee and a sexy human girl on the other. He looked drunk enough to easily exploit.

  Our eyes locked and I gave him a simmering look. He pushed both wenches off of his lap and sat up straight. I bit my lip as I headed his way, holding his gaze with a sultry look. Then I noticed how many of the patrons left their open purses atop the tables in front of them, pulling out a coin for a drink here, or to keep a girl on their lap there.

  A new plan formed.

  Pretending to be consumed with the big minotaur, I "accidently" bumped into a serving wench, and we both fell and overturned tables. I covertly snatched up two purses as I tumbled over the table, sending it crashing to the floor along with the three drow warriors around it. The barbarian warriors around the serving wench's table cried out and one of them pulled his sword.

  "Fight!" I screamed.

  All hell broke loose. I called up my sword and shield, slashing this way and that, while kicking over tables, smashing into them with my hip, and otherwise overturning every table possible. People, purses, and coins went everywhere. A great uproar filled the room, and warriors of a dozen races went crazy. I fought, grabbed purses, and gathered up coins at every opportunity, all while slowly working my way back to the entrance.

  As soon as I reached the door, I took off running.

  "Fight! Fight!" I cried as I ran back up that alley to the street.

  I kept moving for a good ten minutes, before finding a spot out of easy sight of the street and collected all of my stolen loot into two purses. It was the most money I'd ever had in the game, and I prayed it was enough. Spells and talismans were not cheap.

  The common mobs of the city helped me with directions and night quickly deepened. I found Wizard's Wand Ally and a magic shop just before the owner closed up. He was a tall, skinny guy with long black hair and bloodshot eyes. His robes were purple and filthy, but he had a lot of talismans, potions, and spells for sell.

  I smiled up at him. He frowned, before smiling insincerely.

  "Welcome, milady. I am Master Wizard Yarus," he said. I gave him a doubtful look. He looked too young to be a master wizard. "How may I serve you today? Birth control potion? My potions will keep you safe for a full month. I also have potions to cure most venereal…"

  "I'm fine!" I interrupted. Since I couldn't know how honest and law-abiding any of the shop owners were, I had to have a story. A good one. "My name is Carly, Master Wizard. I need a spell or talisman that will allow me to come and go from my upper floor bedroom window, without a certain, um, man in the family finding out. It's a pretty tall building, too."

  Was it my fault if he assumed I was a naughty girl trying to hook up with guys against my family's objections? No. He had a dirty mind if he thought that. Not my problem.

  "How high?"

  "Six stories."

  "Well now, that's too high for a levitation spell," he said. He picked up a five foot length of rope. "This talisman will lift you straight up and down, with a maximum of fifty feet."

  "I need a little more than that," I said.

  He frowned, and I worried he didn't have what I needed. It was probably too late to find another open magic shop, so I'd have to find another way inside Artimus' castle. Then he brightened, and hurried over to a stack of paper.

  "This is kind of expensive, milady," the young wizard said. "But Climb Like a Spider is a great spell." He found the sheet of paper he was looking for. "A-ha!"

  "Just so I understand, this spell will give me the ability to climb up walls like a spider?"

  "Yes, what it does it give you the strength and dexterity to climb as high as you want," he said. "And your hands and feet will stick to the wall like a spider's feet."

  I thought about it a moment, and smiled. "How much?"

  We spent the next few minutes haggling, arguing, pretending the other was trying to cheat us into poverty. We finally settled upon a sum that took most of my ill-gotten money. I was happy, since it left me enough for a meal and a good room in an inn. I might even be able to buy a beer or two.

  He presented me with the spell, written in elaborate script on a small sheet of paper. I read the spell. Warm magic flowed through my body, from head to toes, in a hot rush the second I read the last word. Yarus then snatched the spell back to be resold. I only had to read the spell once, and it was mine for as long as I existed in that game.

  Moving to the wall, I placed a hand flat against the wall and felt it adhere. Then I lifted a foot up and pressed it against the wall, and it stuck. With just a little practice, I was able to move up and down, and all around, that wall. I had my way into the castle.

  Vengeance would be mine.

  Chapter 6

  "Oh baby, baby," I whispered. "Oh baby, baby."

  I was on all fours. In bed. My chosen lover was behind me making magic with his big, fat magic wand. The bed was creaking loudly, headboard banging on the wall. Why did they always put beds with headboards so close to the wall?

  "You can be my midnight magic man anytime, baby."

  After buying my spider woman spell, I found a tavern to kill some time. I wanted to hit the castle in the wee hours. Artimus would be asleep, and his guards would all want to be in bed. The perfect time to break into a castle. Only I met the elven shaman Sionn and it was lust at first sight. He had a room at a nearby inn, and the rest was history.


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