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Mercenary Little Death Bringer

Page 12

by Banks, Catherine

  I slid out of the bed to sit on the floor in front of him. “Favian you have to promise me. I will not be able to focus on the mission tomorrow if you don’t promise me that you will be safe if something happens and I’m kidnapped. Please. Please promise me.”

  He met my eyes and shook his head. “I won’t promise you that, Marin because I couldn’t keep that promise. I promised you I would protect you and if you get kidnapped I will do everything I can to get you back.”

  “You will be walking to your own death!” I yelled at him. “You can’t do that. It’s better if one of us dies, not both. If I die few will mourn about it and then be done. If you die your kingdom will lose its prince and lose what would have been an amazing kingdom once you were in control. Your father and mother will be crushed. Your people will be crushed. You cannot die!”

  “I would be crushed if you died!” he screamed at me, “Don’t you understand that? If you died I would never forgive myself. Never!”

  I knew he felt strongly for me as friends, but his declaration shocked me. “Favian,” I whispered.

  He shook his head and wrapped me in a tight hug. “I will not allow you to die. I would rather I died. If you died I wouldn’t care about my kingdom or my parents. Everything would lose its meaning without you breathing in this world.”

  I pulled back from him so we could face each other again. “You’re making it sound like you love me,” I joked with him. “I understand you would be upset, but eventually my memory would fade and…”

  “Never,” he said fervently, “I will never forget about you. You don’t get it do you?” He shook his head and laughed miserably. “No, of course you don’t.” He grabbed my chin and stared into my eyes. “I will not make you that promise. I will promise you instead that I will travel to the ends of the earth to save you when you are in trouble. You are my best friend and my partner.”

  I didn’t have any words to respond to him so I hugged him again and sighed. “You are such a stubborn elf.”

  He laughed. “I learn from the best.”

  We sat in each other’s arms for a few more minutes and then I grabbed my sword and knives and started cleaning them to give my hands other things to do to avoid letting them touch Favian in the strange ways that I was now wanting to.

  We sat on the floor next to each other and cleaned our weapons and reminisced about prior events and laughed. It was calming and exactly what I needed the night before I was to be used as bait.

  The time passed and we went to the food hall for dinner and then returned to my dorm to talk and tease each other more. I knew he was trying his hardest to keep my mind off of tomorrow’s plan and I appreciated it more than he would ever know. After the sun set and the reality set in, I lay in my bed going over the various mistakes that could happen to try to plan out my actions in those events. I was convinced I’d thoroughly worked through every possible situation and yawned loudly.

  “I’m going to get some sleep,” I said as I pulled the blankets up around my shoulders.

  He nodded his head. “It is getting rather late.” He double checked the locks on the door, set our swords on each side of the bed so we could grab them in case we were attacked and then blew out the lamp on my side table. He climbed into bed with me and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me tight against his body. “One more day and then we will be free to take jobs as mercenaries and live our lives as we are supposed to. One more day and then we will be adults.”

  “One more day,” I whispered sleepily.

  He kissed the back of my head and whispered, “Sleep well, Marin. I am here and I will protect you while you sleep.”

  “Only while I sleep?” I asked in a fake shocked tone as I pondered over the kiss he’d placed on my head. Had it been friendly? Was he actually interested in me?

  “While you breathe,” he said, “Or until I stop.”

  I rolled over to face him and stared at his outline in the dark. “I will ensure you live the longest.”

  He tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear and my heart began beating faster. “We will agree to disagree on the matter. Now, go to sleep.”

  I relaxed and closed my eyes, but then asked a question I was dying to know. “Are there any at the court that you are planning on courting when we return?” I knew he didn’t like Amile so I wasn’t thinking about her, but the other hundred beautiful elf women that were eligible and would die for his attention and affection.

  “There is one,” he said, “But now is not the time to discuss that. Now is the time for sleep.”

  “Right,” I muttered as I rolled over and put my clenched fists under my armpits.

  “Are you jealous?” he asked with humor in his voice.

  My mouth gaped open. “Of course not!” I said angrily, “How could you even ask such a preposterous thing?!”

  He laughed and kissed the back of my head again. “Okay, go to sleep.”

  I closed my eyes and relaxed with him at my back. Finally my emotions settled down enough and I slept in his arms.



  “Marin! Favian! Time to get up!” Micah called through my door.

  “We’re up,” I called back just as Favian opened the door to step outside.

  “Morning,” Favian said.

  “You look awfully dreary for the day of your final,” Micah said cheerfully.

  “I seem to be the only one who truly values her life so of course I am dreary.”

  “Don’t start with that again,” I said as I walked out behind him. “I get to go shopping today, aren’t you at least excited for me?”

  Favian rolled his eyes and walked on to the food hall. “What’s wrong with him?” Micah asked.

  I patted his back. “He has always been very over protective and for the first time there is nothing he can do except pray and worry that everything will go okay.”

  “But things never go as planned,” Micah whispered.

  I smiled. “Exactly.”

  The academy was bustling with activity and despite my fear I was smiling widely as we ate and then hurried to meet Macon and the Masters in the covered arena. I sat down beside Favian and nudged his shoulder gently with mine, getting a small smile from him in return. Victory!

  Macon faced us all and gave us the serious face. The one that said sit down, shut up and pay attention. “As you all know, this test will be much different and much harder than the ones in previous years. This test will involve the true danger of one of our own and though our objective is to locate the kidnappers and obtained information from them as to who is behind this, our main priority is Marin’s safety.”

  “Yes, sir,” All twelve of the other sixth years said in unison.

  “Now, we will be separating you into several different teams with various objectives. Marin and Favian you two have you own objectives so please follow me. The rest of you please listen to Masters Martin and Sean as they break you up into your groups and explain all of your directives. We leave in one hour.”

  My heartbeat doubled and my breathing quickened at the nearness of our escapade. Favian and I followed Macon to his office and sat down in chairs across from his desk.

  “How are you feeling?” Macon asked me.

  “Nervous, but ready,” I answered him honestly.

  “Good,” he said with a nod of his head. “You?” he asked Favian.

  “Anxious for it to be over,” he said as he sat in his chair as though he didn’t have a care in the world. I hated how he could look completely calm when he was seething underneath. I couldn’t hide my emotions even when I tried.

  “We are going to have you two ride in first and tie your horses up at the tavern. Then you two will shop around the town square. I don’t care if you buy items or if you just browse, but make it look realistic.”

  “It will be,” I said with a smile, “I am in need of some supplies that I know I can get from a few of the vendors.”

  “Good,” Macon said with a nod of his head. “
Favian I want you to be alert, but look calm.”

  “Done,” Favian said with a nod of his head. “Where will everyone else be?”

  “Some will be fellow shoppers while others will be on rooftops and others still disguised as beggars. If you are attacked I want you to apprehend at least one person and then whistle as loudly as you can. If you are in danger I want you to scream as loud as you can Marin, you understand?”

  I nodded my head. “Yes, sir.”

  “Some of the people after you are fellow mercenaries and I assume that all of those after you now will know that you are a student of the Academy so you can’t play innocent girl this time. Go saddle up your horses and get ready for departure. Stay safe and good luck,” he said as he ushered us out the door.

  Favian and I hurried to the stables and brushed and tacked our horses in record time. I mounted Fire and Favian moved close next to me so that our legs were touching. “Keep your eyes open and please listen to me if I tell you to move or something. Okay?”

  I patted his knee and smiled. “Yes, sir.”

  “Are you ready?” Masters Sean and Martin asked as the rest of the sixth years entered the stables.

  We nodded our heads and Master Sean said, “Remember to look up and behind you.”

  “Yes, sir,” I said.

  “We hope you pass,” Master Martin said, “Now go out there and kick some kidnapper butt.”

  I squeezed Fire’s sides and we galloped out of the school and towards the town. Favian stayed glued to my side, scanning our surroundings for danger and listening ahead for any warning sounds. The road was clear of traps this time and we made it to the town unscathed. The gatekeeper waved us in and it was clear he knew what was happening. We walked the horses to the tavern and I was shocked to see that the town was filled with people.

  “What’s going on?” I asked a passerby.

  “Town festival,” he said with a smile. “Everyone from miles away is here to participate.”

  “Wonderful,” Favian said irritably.

  We checked the horses to ensure they were tied for an easy escape if we needed their assistance and then set out into the crowd of people headed towards the town square. Favian stuck close by me, his arm constantly touching mine as we walked and did as he was supposed to do, appear as though he were bored and being forced to accompany me to the market. I put on my happy, girly face and started stopping at all of the vendors with a plan to visit every single one.

  Every time I turned my back to the crowd to look at a vendor’s items Favian stood with his back to mine so he would protect me from any arrows that might have been aimed at my back. The first fifteen minutes went by boringly and then a troupe of performers set up a stage in the center of the square and I grabbed Favian’s hand, dragging him behind me as I moved closer to get a better view. “Slow down,” he said with a laugh as I pushed our way through the crowd.

  I finally found a vantage point I liked and came to a stop. “I love troupes,” I said giddily to Favian.

  He moved to stand directly behind my back and set his arms on top of my shoulders to look as though he were leaning on me. “There are two suspicious looking men to our left. One is tall and built like a wall and the other is in a hooded cloak so I cannot see his face, but he has a rapier at his side.”

  “A fencer? That’s insulting,” I said as I smiled and pretended that we were talking about normal teenage life, not possible kidnappers.

  The troupe came out onto the stage and I stared in awe at the bright colors of their costumes. “We come today to tell you a tale. A tale of love and a tale of tragedy.”

  “This sounds uplifting,” Favian whispered sarcastically.

  I smacked his hand on my left shoulder and turned my attention back to the troupe who had started to dance on the stage. I stood mesmerized and transfixed as they danced a story of love which ended with an untimely death for the girl. It was beautiful, graceful and much too close to home for comfort. Nonetheless I clapped exuberantly when they finished and cheered, “Bravo!”

  The crowd began dispersing and Favian and I dispersed with them to the last vendor I had been at. I purchased a bag of white shells and some small rope I could use to make a necklace with. We went to the next vendor, having to make our way through the crowd which had dispersed to visit the vendors just as we had.

  I had never seen the town so full of people and I felt excited and frightened at the same time. I saw a few of the other sixth years and Micah ran into my shoulder as he passed by, but besides the men that Favian had spotted nothing seemed out of the ordinary.

  Perhaps they wouldn’t be at the town today. Maybe they were waiting in the woods again? I stopped at a vendor who had exquisite jewelry and stared in awe at a beautiful blue sapphire bracelet.

  “Would you like to hold it?” the vendor asked with a smile.

  “Oh, I couldn’t,” I said as I took a step back.

  Favian took the bracelet and examined it thoroughly. “These are exquisite gemstones,” he said to the vendor who bowed his head in thanks. “How much?”

  “Favian,” I said in shock, “You can’t buy that.”

  “One hundred,” the vendor said.

  Favian pulled out his money pouch and started to count out pieces. “Favian,” I said again, “I was just looking, you don’t…”

  “Do you want it?” he asked.

  I bit my lip and chewed on it. “Yes, but…”

  “But nothing,” he said as he handed his money to the vendor.

  “Thank you,” the vendor said, “May it bring you many joys.”

  Favian clipped the bracelet onto my wrist and whispered, “You must have something beautiful and girly to wear, even while on missions as a mercenary or Protector. Besides, I think it looks great on you.”

  “It’s so beautiful,” I said as I held my wrist up and turned it in the sun. I turned and threw my arms around Favian’s neck and then kissed his cheek quickly. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome,” he said happily. “Now, let’s move on to the next vendor.”

  I stopped at the leather vendor and bought a small pouch for the bracelet in case I had to take it off for some reason and then bought leather to mend my saddle and leather to make a new pouch for medicines.

  The day seemed to be completely uneventful and as midday hit I had to beg Favian to let me buy food to ease my rumbling stomach. We stood in line at the food vendor nearest our current route and I ate the smoked turkey leg with extreme pleasure as Favian ate a large root of some kind.

  “If nothing happens today does that mean we pass our test?” I asked him.

  Favian laughed. “Probably not, but don’t be complacent. They may be waiting for that to happen to attack.”

  “I’m not complacent,” I said as I held up my new bracelet and admired its beauty again.

  “I’m glad you like it so much,” he said, “It is quite difficult to find you a gift you enjoy.”

  “That’s not true,” I said defensively, “I loved the throwing knives you got me last year.” I patted my belt, “I use them almost every day.”

  He rolled his eyes. “I mean gifts that are not for our jobs.”

  I shrugged. “There aren’t usually things I want. This is just so beautiful,” I said. “I really do love it, but one hundred is a lot. I’m sure the vendor would let you return it…”

  “No,” Favian said, “I bought you it and you shall wear it the rest of your life.”

  I smiled. “Yes, sir.”

  We finished eating and started shopping again. Favian bought a few items, but the pack he brought to carry our purchases was getting pretty full. The sun began to set as we came to the last vendors. A fight broke out near the vendor and Favian turned to examine it as I examined a strange medallion in the hands of the vendor. “What is that?” I asked.

  Favian glanced at the medallion and then turned his attention back to the fight and the crowd it was drawing.

  “This is a very special medallion,”
the vendor said with a bright smile. “Would you care to hold it? Some say it gives them a preview of their future.”

  “I’m all out of money,” I said sadly, “I wouldn’t want to break it.”

  “Nonsense!” the vendor said, “I insist that you hold it. A beautiful mercenary like you should see her future. I promise the medallion won’t bite you, it has no teeth. See?” he said as he turned the medallion over in his hands so I could examine it.

  I laughed. “Alright.” I held my hand out and he set it in my palm and then quickly wrapped the strap around my wrist. “What the…” I began as his movement shocked me, but then some strange feeling spread through me and the world began spinning.

  “Marin!” Favian yelled.

  I tried to move to him, but the medallion felt as though it were burning into my skin and all of my energy was draining from me. I hit the ground on my side and watched in fear and rage as three men fought against Favian, keeping him away from me. I tried to scream to alert the others, but it was all I could do to keep my eyes open and breathe.

  Favian killed one of the men, but the other two continued their assault on Favian, pushing him further and further away from me. A tall, muscular man picked me up and tossed me over his shoulder. “Time to go,” he said in a deep voice.

  “MARIN!” Favian screamed as the man began running. I watched as Favian killed the two attacking him and then tried to run through the crowd, only to be blocked by the swarm and held further and further back. The man with the rapier stepped forward and stabbed Favian in the stomach with a dagger.

  “Fav…ian.” I tried to yell, but ended up saying it softly as I lost my fight to stay conscious and darkness surrounded me.

  * * *

  “Wakey wakey,” an unfamiliar male voice said from nearby. “Time to wake up, Marin.”

  “Favian,” I whispered as I opened my eyes and tried to sit up. “Favian!”

  “Calm down, girl. Your friend isn’t here. I’m sure he is safe at the Academy being tended to by the healer by now.”


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