Page 27
You could come in at any time, you know. She eased into his mind without even waking fully. He smiled as he gently placed a kiss on her temple.
Only if you let me.
Always. She turned in his arms to face him. Her green eyes were sexy-sleepy, still glazed from sleep. She had a gentle smile across her face that tugged her full lips. He bet to kiss them. Something was still troubling her. Surely, by now she must know. When their spirits were linked together, he could feel the small life growing inside of her. For several days, he had noticed her reluctance to eat and her nausea at different smells she encountered. Surely, she must know.
He ran a finger down her face loving the feel of her skin against his. He gave her a slow smile. Immediately her brows furrowed.
"Spill it."
"Spill what, my love?” She tried to push away from him, but he held her in a strong grip.
"What ever it is you are hiding in that head of yours.” He always watched her lips move while she talked, and he watched them now. They trembled as she waited for her to reply.
He gave her a cool stare. “I'm not hiding anything, Nahni."
She scoffed. “Yes, you are, LoMoq. I would know by now if you were hiding something from me.” His cool stare gave away to brief hurt before he covered it again. “If you think that I am hiding something from you, look for yourself. You have my abilities. Use them."
He felt her take a deep breath, studying her as she closed her eyes stepping into her mind. He allowed her to enter, knowing that she would know the truth after she looked around. He could feel her emotions even the small life that was inside of her, too small to have a voice.
He knew the moment that she found out about the baby that she was carrying. She inhaled shapely. Her eyes flew open, emerald eyes widened in shock. She shook her head in disbelief and he smiled.
"Would you like a boy or a girl?"
"I'm pregnant?” Eriq nodded.
"But only a few weeks, maybe a month. No more than that."
"Oh, Spirit. A baby? Are you sure?” He placed his hand over her flat belly imagining it large with the life of their son, or daughter.
"More than I have about anything in my life.” He watched her lips move silently. A baby. Tears started to run down her face. She gave a hoot of laughter, a sound he had not heard from her since they were rescued.
He pulled her back into his arms holding her as the sound of her laughter gave way to more tears. He kissed her hairline, her temples, her eyes, and the bridge of her nose, each dark cheek, and finally her mouth. He took his time as he savored the feel of her full lips, the taste of his mouth as he pushed his tongue inside. Slowly, she pulled away and gave him a shining smile.
"A girl."
He smiled looking into her eyes. “A girl?"
"Uh-huh. I think I would like a girl,” she admitted to him and chuckled. “But she would have to have your temperament, though. Spirit knows we would have a lot on our hands if she had mine.” Eriq shared her laughter remember all the times that they had fought with her bad temper. He could not help to think about what she would say if she found out that she were having twins.
Her eyes widened. “TWINS!?"
* * *
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