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Feel the Reaper: Bad Boy Mafia Romance Novella (Book 1) (Bad Boy Mafia Romance Novella (A Crime Family Novella))

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by Asher Scott

  “Yes, Luca,” she whispers, her breath labored.

  “I’ll always be here to fuck you, Abby. Whenever you want, I’ll always say yes.”

  “I like that, Luca.”

  “Say you want me to fuck you harder, Abby… say it.” My voice is low and raspy; I love hearing her talk while I fuck her deep.

  “I want you to fuck me, Luca… harder.”

  “Tell me you want it hard and deep, baby.”

  She likes my game.

  “Luca… fuck me… hard and deep… please.”

  Picking up my pace, she rises to meet my thrusts, pulling me in, her words trailing. My cock will do the talking.

  Her green eyes melt, tearing, but happy. My rate quickens, one hand finds her inner thigh, pushing it down with each thrust, feeling her move with me. She digs her nails into my back, scraping, I’m sure she has some skin under those fingernails, but I don’t care. They’re the marks of my Abby. Even the pain in my shoulder feels numb as all sensation centers on my engorged cock.

  “Oh, Luca… fuck me… please… fuck...” Her desperate pleas trail off as her voice fails her. The thought of what I’m doing to her makes me want to come a thousand bursts. I love when she begs for it.

  “I want to come… can I?”

  “You can come, darling.” She shudders, her breath stops, her whole body quivering as though cold and not able to find the heat. Her nails dig tunnels down my upper back and toward my sides. I must be fucking bleeding, but I don’t care. Abby’s happy and I’m at the root of it.

  Now it’s my turn. I quicken my hips, and she’s still shuddering as waves go through her like wildfire. She’s so vocal now, moaning and screaming out like I’ve never heard her before. For the first time she’s surrendering fully, and giving all of herself to me. If she wasn’t before, she’s all mine now. Abby will always be with me and I’ll fucking never leave her.

  My orgasm rips through me like a fucking freight train bursting through a tunnel. There are no words, there is no sound, just me and Abby in this place, right now. At this rate, I don’t think I’ll ever stop coming.

  Fucking perfection.

  Chapter 22


  Luca collapses on top of me, with a wince from the pain in his hurt shoulder, but he says nothing. God, I love this man. With all his flaws, he is so real. More real than anyone I’ve ever known, man or woman.

  I am exhausted with emotion right now. Love, fear, hatred, and sorrow pervade my mind, further muddying the waters that can’t seem to settle. Will Luca really go after Tavollaci? I know he’s a dangerous man, but so is Luca.

  With him comes mayhem and chaos, and pleasure and love. He’s a decent man who never had time to develop his qualities before being forced into a world where many wouldn’t have even survived. Luca thrives in this world, and although he wants to leave it behind, can he?

  I’m willing to try. Luca and I together can overcome anything. I don’t know how I know that. I just do. It’s just a sense that when two people belong together, really belong together, they can get through anything.

  This isn’t or some blind date set up by a mutual friend. Luca and I are fated to be together as one. Our shared destinies have collided, bringing us together, and our common bond is a ruthless man who killed my father and is trying to end Luca. If Luca ends, then I will end.

  Now that I’ve tasted the sweet fruit from the forbidden tree, I can never go back to store-bought. Fate is fate, and it’s not to be taken lightly. Everything in my life, in Luca’s life, has brought us together to this perfect moment. Around us, life is mayhem, but Luca will put it all right. He’s the one with the power to set us free.

  Forever free, and together.

  There’s no need to talk about what just transpired between us or what our time has meant to the other. We both fully know what’s at stake here, and we’re willing to see it through. There is no going back. Our one way is forward. Destiny will have its way.

  We shower together in silence, caressing and washing each other, enjoying our last moments before Luca will inevitably storm out the door, locked and loaded, to a showdown with Tonio Tavollaci.

  We dry off and dress, and Luca checks his guns, including the one he took off Spiletti, straps on his ankle-holster filled with his knife, his tools of the trade that will decide our destiny. We embrace and kiss gently, my hands stroking his cheeks. I don’t know what to say. So I choose the thing that’s hardest.

  “I love you, Luca.” He doesn’t answer, but I know he loves me. His hand caresses my face, as he kisses me perhaps one last time.

  “Don’t leave this room, Abby. I mean it.”

  I hug him again, then let him go as he has business to take care of, and he’s already got his game face on.

  “I’ll come back to you, Abby. I promise. You’ll always be safe with me.”

  With that, he turns, and with the bag of money in his hand, he walks out to an uncertain fate.

  When I was seven years old and my mom was ripped from my life without a final chance to tell her how much I loved her, I stopped believing in goodness and divine protection. But now, as my man walks off to fight a battle that must be won, I pray with all my heart that he is brought back safe to me.

  Please, bring my Luca back safe to me.

  Chapter 23


  Game on. Tavalocci is mine. I will kill that fucker without hesitation or thought for my own safety. He will die and no matter what happens, I will survive.

  I make a pit stop to hide the money where I know no one will ever look for it, in a spot that’s special to only me and Abby. With that done, I run through scenarios in my head.

  Where would Tavalocci be right now? There’s the Italian-American’s Social Club where he has his office. Would he be stupid enough to go there? I’d taken out Cerone and Spiletti, and even though I dumped the bodies, he must know I fucked up his boys. Who else had the balls or the stupidity to do that to such a dangerous man? He knows it’s me. He sent Spiletti after me and the money at Abby’s apartment.

  How did he know where I was? It’s not important now. What is important is that I take that fucker out before he comes at me again. I’m not going to sit there like a pussy waiting for him. I’m taking the fight to him.


  First stop, the Italian-American’s Club. I just happen to see a kid on the street who works there sweeping up and emptying garbage cans. He must be headed there now.

  “Hey kid. You remember me?” I pull up next to him with the Barracuda, and once he recognizes me, he comes to the window.

  “Hey, Luca.”

  “Hey, I have a favor to ask. I need you to go to the Club and tell me if Mr. Tavolacci is there. I got a hundred for you when you meet me back here.”

  “Make it two hundred.” The kid’s a born hustler.

  “Fine, just make it quick. And don’t tell anyone you saw me.”

  I pull over, duck my head down and try to keep my face in the shadows. This is risky as hell, but I need this information.

  The kid comes back in fifteen minutes flat and says, “He’s not there. He left a little while ago with some other guys. I’m not sure where they went.”

  The kid’s face looks genuine and I have no choice but to believe him. “Alright, here you go kid.” I hand him two Franklin’s and his eyes light up. “Not a word to anyone about this. You never saw me and this never happened.”

  “You know he’s looking for you right, Luca?” The kid always liked me because I treated him with respect.

  “I know kid, thanks. You take care of yourself.”

  He ran off back in the direction of the club as I ran through Tonio’s hangouts in my head. He could be almost anywhere; Franco’s Pizzeria stuffing his face, The Diamond Club checking out some strippers, or he could be out on collections, but I doubt it.


  Hours later and I’m coming up empty. I made some discree
t inquiries and nothing doing there. It’s like he disappeared into thin air. I decide to call Nicky on the burner.

  “Yo, Nicky… what’s up, bud?”

  “Where the fuck you been, Luca?”

  “You know… around.”

  “Tonio’s on a fucking rampage. I’ve never seen him so heated about anything.

  “Fuck him.”

  “You don’t know anything about Spiletti and Cerone do you?”


  “You sly fuck. You took ‘em out didn’t you?”

  “I’m not done yet.”

  “What’s your plan?”

  “Find him and fucking kill him.”

  “You’re fucking crazy, Luca. You think you can take him out? He’s pulling in more muscle than you know. He’s tougher than ever to get to.”

  “I don’t care. He’s fucking dead.”

  “You still have the money?”

  “It’s safe.”

  “Well, you might think about giving it back. He’ll still probably kill you, but maybe he’ll make it quick.”

  “Unless I kill him first. Any ideas on where he is?”

  “The Club, Diamond’s, Franco’s… I don’t know.”

  “I checked them out.”

  “I don’t know what to tell you.”

  “I’m out, Nicky. I’ll call you later.”

  Fuck. Nothing to do but head back to Abby, lay low for another night, and start looking again tomorrow.

  Chapter 24


  Thank goodness for room service. Luca told me not to go out, but I’m starving. I haven’t eaten since last night and I can only drink so much tap water.

  He’s been gone for hours now, and in my heart I know he’s still alive. I can feel him.

  There’s a knock on the door. “Room service.” I look out the peephole and see an older man wearing a Marriott polo shirt, so I click the two locks and open it. As soon as the door is open, the man and tray are pushed into the room, almost knocking me over, and I don’t have time to scream before a large, scary-looking man puts a gun to my head. I guess what I didn’t see is the men standing next to him, against the wall, and pointing a gun at his head.

  “Make a noise and you’re dead.” The cold steel of the gun is inches from my forehead, as he closes the door with his free hand. His eyes are cold, expressionless, and I can tell he’s done this type of thing before. His partner is on the older man, and with a roll of duct tape, tapes his mouth first and then hog-tapes him with feet and hands together in front, before lifting him up and placing him into the bathtub.

  “Here’s how it’s going to go. We’re going to walk out of here like we’re old friends. My gun will be in my jacket and pointed at you the whole time. If you make a sound, an eye movement, or give anyone any type of signal, I will kill you and I will enjoy it immensely. Do you understand me?”

  I nod and know he means business. I fight hard to control my breathing, trying not to appear nervous as we exit the room and walk down the hall toward the elevator.

  “Push the button.”

  That cold voice sends a chill down my spine. We enter the elevator, all three of us, and I can see our reflection in the mirrored doors as we descend to the lobby. It’s creepy to see these two men, staring behind me, forcing me to go with them, a gun pointed right at me. I’m a finger flex from being dead, and for the first time in my life, I can feel what my father must have felt just before he was killed. Somehow this thought gives me strength.

  Where is Luca? He’s supposed to be protecting me. He told me he would keep me safe. Please, Luca, come to me. Hear my thoughts. Help me.

  The doors open, and as we walk through the lobby, I can’t help but feel frustrated. There are at least a half-dozen people here, and if I could just signal them, then maybe I can save myself.

  As if my thoughts are being read, I feel a hand in the small of my back, guiding me toward the door, and all my thoughts of escaping feel helpless. We walk to the right, dusk is descending, and I can’t remember seeing a more beautiful sunset out over the Hudson River, calling an end to this day.

  Enjoy it, Abby; this could be the last beautiful thing you see.

  I’m whisked to a small limo, black and ominous-looking. The door is opened as I draw closer to it, and my head is shoved in so as not to hit it on the door jamb. It’s almost like what they do to criminals before shoving them into the back of a police car.

  A well-dressed man, perhaps in his mid-fifties and wearing a pinstripe suit, sits waiting, and smiles when he sees me. The two thugs sit opposite us, their hands tucked into their coats, seemingly ready to end my life at this man’s order.

  “Allow me to introduce myself. I’m Tonio Tavollaci.” He says it in a brusque Italian accent that just rolls off his tongue. “You must be Abby.”

  “I can see why Luca stuck around. You are very beautiful.” The car starts in motion, off to my uncertain destiny. I don’t dare say a word.

  “Do you know why you’re here?”

  I remember Luca telling me to play dumb when he left the apartment the other night, so I do.


  He makes a noise with his tongue, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk. “You disappoint me, Abby. I thought you were smarter than that.” His hair is graying on the sides, but still jet black on top, slicked back with too much gel, and he has a creepy thin mustache. There’s one thing that really stands out to me, though. Tonio is sweating profusely, almost like he’s nervous about something, yet he doesn’t seem nervous at all. He keeps a handkerchief in his hand, wiping his face down every few seconds.

  “You’ll tell me where the money is, or things will get real ugly for you.” He raises his hand up, and one of his goons points the gun at my head again. I’ve never been in this type of situation before. Luca would know what to do. I know what he would say right now, and without thinking, it pours out of my mouth.

  “Fuck you.” I’ve never used the F word in my life – at least not directed at another human being in a malicious way – but Luca was rubbing off on me and he would love my defiance. Besides, this was the man who ordered the death of my father. I’m not giving him anything easily.

  Tonio lunges at me and catches me totally off guard. He went from a firm, calm-talking man to a violent aggressor at the blink of an eye. He grabbed my throat with his free hand and squeezed until I couldn’t get the slightest breath in. My eyes tearing, my arms flailing and scratching at his face until held down by one of the thugs, I know what it's like to be facing death. Despite my fight, I am losing this battle, his grip tightening, a tight pressure that is his steel grip against my windpipe, refusing to let me breathe.

  I am dying… Luca… his embrace… beautiful memories. Darkness.


  Coughing, I fight for air, laying on my side now, moving vehicle, eyes on me. I must have lost consciousness. I sit up and grab for my throat, aching terribly, yet I’m alive. If Tavollaci held on for a few more seconds, I would have been a goner. I glance over at him, that bastard, and see that I’ve hurt him. It’s a minor scratch down his face, but I made him bleed. That counts for something.

  I’m so scared. What do these men plan to do with me? Will they kill me?

  Luca, I know we are forever connected. What we’ve shared together will always connect us. Always. If you can hear me, I need your help. I can’t fight these guys alone. I’m not strong enough. I need you.

  Please, Luca, come to me.

  Chapter 25


  It’s completely dark, the lights of the parking lot are cutting through the blackness of the night. I count windows up and over, and notice our room is dark. Maybe Abby is getting caught up on her sleep.

  The lobby is quiet, and I take the stairs rather than waiting for the elevator that’s six floors up. I haven’t lifted or exercised in days, and it feels good to work my leg muscles. Exiting the door to the stairwell, I make my way down to our
room, number 312.

  I knock in case Abby has the door locked. Nothing. I pull my key card, swipe it, open the door, and then flick on a light in the dark room. Something is wrong, very wrong. There’s a dinner cart spilled over on the floor, a certain sign of a struggle.

  “Abby!” I call out, but I know there will be no answer. Tavollaci has her.

  I turn to leave, and just before I do, I see a paper taped on the door with a piece of duct tape. Handwritten in black marker it reads:

  I have your woman. If you don’t bring the money, she dies. Come see me at the club. I’ll be waiting for you. Come unarmed or the bitch gets it.

  I’m distracted by a sound in the bathroom. I pull my handgun and flip on the light with my free hand. I pull back the curtain, and there, in the bathtub, is an older man bound up in duct tape and looking miserable. I tuck my gun in my waistband and rip the tape off him with my other. He screams out. That must have been painful.

  “Where is she?”

  “I don’t know. Some guys jumped me in the elevator and held a gun to my head when I delivered the food. They busted in here and they took her.”

  “How many?”


  “Any idea where they went?”


  “I’ll send someone up here to help you.”

  And just like that, I run out the door, my blood boiling, random bad thoughts clouding my racing mind.

  You’re dead, Tavollaci. Dead.


  I tear through the streets of downtown Tarrytown, blowing a light or two to get to the place where I hid the money.

  I buried it back deep in the woods in the cellar hole of the spot where Abby and I had visited and fucked like wild animals. I had this pipe dream that maybe we could use that money to build a house there.

  My plan had been seriously derailed and I had to find a way to save her life first. That was if that coward Tavollaci hadn’t already killed her.


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