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The Broken and the Dead (Book 1)

Page 11

by Jay Morris

  “Okay, our vehicles are just about a football field away.” he said as he motioned with his M16 in the proper direction. He looked around and asked

  “Any of you know how to shoot?”

  The boy tentatively raised his hand and Blue proceeded to hand the teenager his M9,

  “Here take this” he said “the safety is off so be F-N careful okay?”

  The boy nodded as he took Blue’s pistol then said

  “My dad and I used to go to the gun range once in a while; I know how to use this.”

  Blue nodded in response then said

  “Good, but only use it if you have to. You get to go first then kid, ladies follow along single file about 3 or 4 paces between you, try to walk where he does, if he stops then you stop. Got it?” and the women nodded.

  He then added “Kid, if all you see is a bunch of monsters up there you freeze and then start walking slowly backwards and we will all meet back here and find a new plan.”

  All of them nodded this time and Blue wondered if any of these people actually knew anything at all except how to nod. He sighed,

  “Okay-dokay, I’ll pull rear guard, I want to keep an eye out for my friend anyway.”

  He paused and took three deep breaths,

  “Right, let’s get going.”

  There was a hand on his wrist, one of the women and she looked him in the eyes

  “Thank you for coming for us.” she whispered.

  This time it was Blue who could only nod in response and for the first time in a long time he was proud to be an American soldier.

  They moved slowly, the kid must have done some hunting because he was doing a pretty good job at moving silently, the whole damn forest seemed to be silent. Blue didn’t like that one bit, no sir, not one tiny bit. Twenty yards from the road the boy slowed and seemed to be trying to make out what was up ahead but he didn’t stop, ten yards from the road he stood up straight and while he kept the pistol held ready his body language indicated that there were people ahead and not monsters.

  The boy called softly ahead to tell whoever he could see that they were coming out. First the boy then the ladies and the kids stepped out onto the road and Blue finally joined them. He pointed his rifle to the sky and tried to not throw up. He was a medic damn it, but this was disgusting, and the quiet sobs of a little girl over the body of her mother was pretty hard to take.

  Elaine was being held by Mrs. Driscol and the old guy was leaning unsteadily against one of the SUVs that somehow had ended up in the ditch. He was just about to start checking on everyone when a big Z jumped on his back, wrapping its legs around his waist and it’s arms around Blues head pulling it violently to one side to move the helmet Blue wore out of the way, it sank its teeth into Blues neck, severing muscle, arteries and veins and yet more blood was added to the horror of the day but misery seems to seek company and this was no exception. As Blue crashed to the ground his fingers spasmed and his M16 began to chatter.

  Blue had his rifle set on full auto and rounds sprayed in a deadly arc until it skittered away from Blue’s dying grasp when it made contact with the asphalt. Several rounds traced their way across one of the new ladies as she ran. The first round hitting her in the left kidney, the second severed her spine, the third shattered her scapula which deflected its path and it lodged in her heart. The next two rounds went wild but the last one, horribly found a mark, it made a neat round hole between the bright blue eyes of my best friend Billy Driscol. Billy didn’t cry out or even fall right away, he just looked….shocked. And like a tree falling in the forest, he fell backwards and yet another piece of my heart was ripped violently away, I could not tear my eyes from my fallen friend.

  Everyone else scattered trying to avoid the bullets and the monster that was getting to its feet. Old Man Tucker fired once and it spun the creature to the ground but it began to rise. It was Elaine who fired next hitting the creature at the base of its throat nearly decapitating it; she fired until the hammer was only clicking on the spent shells in the old Russian revolver. The creatures face and head was a bloody mess, not recognizable as anything really other than hamburger mixed with splinters of white bone and grey brain matter.

  The losses we shared that day were devastating to us. Unimaginatively so, grief so painful it was palatable, everyone wept, everyone was in shock, we were all overcome by grief. I do not know who got us to move, perhaps Old Man Tucker, perhaps one of the new people but we started to gather what we could and move un-ruined items from the wrecked SUV to the Humvee. Old Man Tucker and the new guy moved the bodies of our slain into the woods where we laid them out side by side, except for Cpl. Jones because they could not find much of him. Elaine, Lucy and Mrs. Driscol held each other as if they would fly apart if they did not. I could not bear to watch much less join them.

  I didn’t know what else to do so I stood guard over Mom, Billy and the others until we were ready to go. I don’t know why I did it but I put Mom’s arms around Billy I just didn’t want them to be alone. That was when I saw the bullet hole just where her heart was. What happened? I could not explain it. Was this another case of friendly fire? I felt sick and my heart was pounding. My face was hot and then an awful thought came to me as I relieved the battle. But it couldn’t be, it just couldn’t.

  When the vehicles were ready Old Man Tucker brought everyone over to the bodies and we said goodbye in our own ways. It was heartbreaking and Mrs. Driscol said Lucy was too young to see them like this but Old Man Tucker said that he would die before he let her leave without the chance to say goodbye. Lucy was not energetic self, she was stiff, almost mechanical and she no longer wept. When Mrs. Driscol turned and started back to the vehicles the rest of us joined her almost in formation. I silently prayed that this nightmare would end; it was a prayer that would not be answered. It was dark when we left and we drove through the night, I don’t know when I fell asleep.

  Day 8.

  It must have been 10 A.M or so when I pried my eyes open. I don’t know how someone could have as many nightmares in one night and not wake up but I did. I sat up, ground the sleep from my eyes and tried to figure out where I was. We were in the remote far corner of a huge parking lot and they had parked the two vehicles tail to tail at a 90 degree angle making a little protected area, at least on two sides. Someone had set a fire on the asphalt and everyone else was gathered around it, they all looked as depressed and lost as I felt. I opened the door and scooted out and I stretched my back and made a soft moaning sound that got the attention of the rest of the group.

  I walked over to them and stood in one of the empty places around the fire. I almost asked where Mom was and then I remembered. Then I remembered Billy and Blue and Jackson and Cpl. Jones and the lady that I hadn’t even met yet. I started to tremble and a sob escaped from my lips. I stood there crying for a moment when I felt arms across my shoulders, it was Mrs. Driscol and she pulled me into a full hug. She whispered

  “Go on Johnny, its okay, we all cry, we NEED to cry.”

  I looked at her and saw the streaks on her face, the tell-tale trails of a mother’s grief. So I did and all the while Mrs. Driscol kept whispering things like how much Mom loved me, how proud she was of us kids. Eventually the new lady brought me a cup of something and I took it from her. It was some of that Chinese noodle soup you can get for a dime or so at the Mega-mart. I took a sip and Mrs. Driscol led me over to where someone had dragged a couple of shipping pallets and made a place for us to sit. Only then did I notice that everyone had them and that there were dozens more between the cars and the forest, providing both furniture and fuel.

  Mrs. Driscol introduced me to the new people “This is Billy…” she began and then bit her fist in heartbreak, she choked back a sob then gathered herself and started again “This is Johnny,” She emphasized my name to make the point and I squeezed her around the waist to let her know that it was okay.

  “Johnny Williams, he is the son of my best friend who died yesterday, he was my Billy’s
best friend too.”

  The new people muttered greetings and then Mrs. Driscol introduced the new ones;

  “This is Miss Jane Clay” she said pointing to a lady that didn’t look much older than Elaine.

  She was small and had unkempt mousy brown hair, her eyes were dark and it looked like she hadn’t sleep in a week, maybe she hadn’t.

  “And these two are brother and sister, Kyle and Karen Morena, did I get that right?”

  She asked the two children and they nodded affirmative. Kyle looked about 14, Karen was my age or maybe 13. Karen was cute but I hate to say it Kyle was like movie star good looking. Karen had reddish brown hair that was so curly it boarded on wiry but Kyle’s was blond and silky smooth. Karen’s teeth were a little crooked on the bottom but Kyle’s were perfectly straight, Karen’s skin was fair and she had a generous allotment of freckles that decorated both cheeks and the bridge of her nose, upon which a pair of wire frame glasses rested.

  Kyle wore no glasses and his skin was blemish free and had a slight but healthy bronze to it. In spite of these differences there was no denying that they were brother and sibling, their bone structure was so similar that it was uncanny, the side effect was that Karen looked a little stocky and Kyle just a little effeminate. I greeted all three not know what else to say. Miss Clay then insisted that I call her Janey and that everyone did.

  I said sure and then asked about the other woman who had died yesterday, she said they really didn’t know her, she had joined them only earlier in the day, the crazies had chased her into the gas station, but it was almost like they were playing with her, as if having one more inside to terrorize was more fun. All they knew about her was that her name had been Candice. I wanted to ask how the Morena’s had ended up there but decided a more private time was called for.

  Lucy was sitting on Elaine’s lap and both of them were staring into the fire, neither of them acknowledged me and for a second I thought that Elaine was mad at me but when I walked over to her she reached up and pulled me into a hug with them. It was Lucy, she barely moved, her eyes, always so active and curious just stared at the fire as if I was not even there. I felt my heart break for her. I looked back to Mrs. Driscol

  “Where is Old Man Tucker?” I asked.

  “Mr. Tucker and the other new boy, Chad Norich have gone over to that warehouse to see what they can find out.”

  She pointed over at the enormous metal clad and nearly windowless building. I nodded to her and then started to look around, we had gotten used to Billy always walking guard but now no one was so I said that

  “Guess I’ll just keep an eye out till they get back then.”

  I finished my cup-o-soup and tossed the Styrofoam empty into the grass near the Humvee. I went back over to the SUV and picked up my M16 and checked it, about a half a magazine, then I checked for my M9 but couldn’t see it anywhere but my .22 revolver was in its holster and still had six rounds. Good enough I thought and started to just patrol around the edges, the huge empty lot to our front gave some comfort and plenty of warning so I put most of my attention on the other sides, into the trees where anyone or anything could be lurking.

  Perhaps 20 minutes later I saw Old Man Tucker and the new guy walking back towards the make-shift camp, sticking to the edge of the lot even though it meant that they had to ‘Take the long way’ so to speak. When they got close Mrs. Driscol waved to him and he smiled a sad smile back. They headed towards the others and waved me over to the fire. We three arrived almost simultaneously. Old Man Tucker knelt by the fire and warmed his hands and spoke

  “It looks like a shipping center for some tool or freight company, you know the kind that sells tools and hardware over the internet?” he looked around. “We didn’t see anyone inside and there was an employee parking area next to the building but that was empty too. But we didn’t call out, so there might be someone in there. There are lots of useful things in there but right now I think we should move on. I don’t think we can find room or immediate use for a 600 pound drill press or a complete set of metric tap and dies”.

  The new guy, Chad spoke up, “well, it seems to me it is a great place, seems secure, lots of room and like he said there are lots of useful tools.”

  Chad was in his late teens or maybe 20 years old, he was tall and thin and had greasy black hair and there was an accent that I couldn’t quite place. I found out later he was from upstate New York so that explained that.

  “That is an option.” Old Man Tucker said, “But there isn’t any food or water that I saw in there, not even a snack machine. Besides I have somewhere to go.”

  Chad seemed angry for some reason,

  “And just where is that Old Man? Can’t imagine anyone your age has a date.” He said with a sneer.

  Old Man Tucker stood up slowly; he looked thinner, pale, and weak from his 3 days of illness. He paused for a moment and just stared at the boy, he stared so long Chad began to squirm a bit; I suppose that is what Old Man Tucker wanted.

  “I have to go kill a man” he said.

  I don’t know why it shocked me but it did after all we have gone through he still wanted to kill Mr. Franks. I looked over at Chad who half laughed and half started to talk back but he looked as if he had lost his nerve and whatever he was going to say was swallowed and lost forever. So, Old Man Tucker continued

  “You can stay here if you like; we will even leave you a few weapons and a week of MREs.”

  That was when Chad must have gotten his nerve back for he suddenly produced a Beretta from his jacket and pointed it at Old Man Tucker.

  “Is that right Old Man?” Chad yelled as he rose to his feet. “May we will let you leave with a few MREs instead? Maybe the rest of us don’t want to go on your stupid mission.”

  He waved his pistol back and forth in Old Man Tuckers face. I looked at Old Man Tucker, there was fury in his eyes and an expression that said he really didn’t care if he lived or died.

  “Chad NO!!”

  Janey called out to him and she started to get up but Chad stepped one step closer to her and slapped her with his left hand

  “Stay out of this Janey”

  He had taken his eyes off of Old Man Tucker and I was learning that is something you should never do. With a meaty right hand he grabbed the barrel and slide of the Beretta and pointed it to the sky, away from everyone, with his left hand, palm open he drove it fiercely into the back of Chad’s right elbow and Chad screamed and I heard a sickening popping sound and the pistol was suddenly in Old Man Tucker’s hand.

  Chad dropped to his knees, cursing and crying that his arm was broken. Janey went to him and tried to comfort him but he just continued to cry and make threats against Old Man Tucker. Old Man Tucker didn’t say anything yet, instead he went to the back of the SUV and he shoved a handful of MREs into a spare gym bag. He walked back over to Chad and tossed the bag to the ground at his feet.

  “Go on now.” was all he said but Mrs. Driscol left my side and went to Old Man Tucker.

  “Please Mr. Tucker, he is just a boy he was scared that is all.”

  Mr. Tuckers gaze didn’t leave the boy but he spoke softly to her

  “Mrs. Driscol, that boy just pulled a gun on me and threatened me. What would you have me do?”

  Mrs. Driscol stood her ground and defended her position,

  “Stop this nonsense and fix his broken arm and we will all go together to the lodge.”

  But Elaine said something too; she said

  “Shoot him.”

  Mrs. Driscol turned to her disbelief painted on her face.

  “Elaine! You don’t mean that! What would your mother say?”

  Elaine sat there with Lucy still on her lap,

  “I do mean it, and my mother is dead.” she said.

  Mrs. Driscol looked back to Old Man Tucker with fear in her eyes, silently pleading for Chad. Old Man Tucker took a deep breath and then said

  “Mrs. Driscol, his arm isn’t broken, it probably isn’t even dislocat
ed, I hit a pressure point, a pinched nerve is all. As for going with us that isn’t a good idea, he is going to want revenge.”

  Mrs. Driscol started to say that wasn’t so but Chad’s own retort condemned him.

  “Damn straight OId Man, your ass is mine!”

  He barked so violently that spit flew from his lips and dribbled down his chin. Old Man Tucker rested his hand on the butt of the Colt on his right hand side then spoke softly but seriously to him

  “Chad, I am not going to kill you in front of these kids unless you make me, so here is what is going to happen. One, you are going to stop making threats and cursing. Two, you are going to pick up that bag and walk over to the building. Three we are going to pack up and leave, I will leave your pistol and some extra ammunition for it on the asphalt here for you, and once we leave you can come and get it. Four, if I see you again I will kill you. Do you understand?”

  He started to curse and complain but Janey jerked on his arm to get him to calm down. Mr. Tucker asked again


  He put emphasis on each word. Chad responded with

  “Yeah, I understand.”

  Mr. Tucker said “good” then stepped back from the fire but kept his eyes on Chad. Chad reached down with his ‘broken’ arm and picked up the pack,

  “Come on Janey, let’s go”

  He started to walk away but Janey didn’t move she just looked at him.

  “I said let’s go Janey” Chad reiterated.

  “I’m going with them” Janey said.

  Chad was furious

  “You were with me…” he began but Janey cut him off in midsentence

  “I thought we were all going to die and I” she paused for a moment.

  “I needed someone.” she finished.

  Chad stared at her in disbelief

  “Needed someone, you needed someone? You whore!”

  He screamed taking a step towards her but froze when the unmistakable sound of Old Man Tucker’s colt revolver being cocked.


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