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Dangerous Mating (An A.L.F.A. Novel)

Page 3

by Milly Taiden

  The man’s arousal floated on the musty air. If Bryon had had anything in his stomach to vomit, he would have. He understood what the sadistic prince was saying and he’d be damned if he was just going to let anything happen to him. He would let his wolf out at that point to kill all it wanted.

  The prince backed away and nodded at one of his men. The man slowly approached the bars and slid a narrow bucket into the cell. When Bryon’s wolf picked up the smell of water, it forced him to grab it. He chugged mouthfuls in desperation to hydrate his body.

  The prince smiled. “Drink up, Mr. Day. I will see you soon. And I do mean all of you.”

  Bryon watched as the men picked up their guy lying on the ground and headed toward the door. They placed their torture equipment on a shelf before leaving. How he would love to take the cattle prod and shove it up the bastard prince’s ass.

  He shuddered and put the empty bowl on the ground. His preference did not swing that way. He knew plenty of LGBT folks, some even shifters, but he liked the ladies. No one in particular yet, unfortunately. He was still holding out on the hope of finding his true mate. But now in his midthirties, his dreams of finding that perfect one were dying.

  In this last year, he felt that he clung to that hope tighter than he ever had before. Maybe because he saw it would not happen. Or he knew it was his only chance of finding real love. Could be the wolf griping at him constantly to have pups. It was ready to have a family whether or not Bryon was.

  Which he was, for the most part. He wanted happiness and to share his life as much as any other person. But did he settle with someone who made him feel loved and would make a great mother even though he didn’t love her in return? Would he grow to resent her or her him because he couldn’t give his entire soul in return?

  No, he couldn’t do that. That wouldn’t be fair to anyone, including his pups. His parents were mates, one of the few in those days. They were perfect for each other and the kids. He saw the love they shared in the way they looked at each other, the way Dad held Mom’s hand everywhere they went, and the physical desire—he stopped right there. The thought of his parents getting it on wasn’t something he wanted to picture in his mind.

  He ran his grime-covered hands through his hair. If he got out of this alive, maybe he’d take a break. He’d been going nonstop for years. Maybe go to one of those resorts they show on TV where every female has long hair and is wearing a bikini. That wasn’t his type of girl, though. His type would more likely be found in a library cooking a cow. What the hell? Where did that come from?

  He eyed the water bowl, then brought it to his nose. Fuck. There was a light smell to the water. They just played him well. He’d been so dehydrated, he didn’t stop to think they would drug him. But they had no reason to.

  Goddard mentioned entertainment. What did that mean? He’d be taken from the cell certainly. That would be where he’d escape. It was damn hard to hold a shifter and an ALFA was near impossible. Unless he were drugged. His body would burn through the chemicals faster than a human, so that would be his element of surprise.

  This was great news, in a way. He’d been undercover in this town for a while tracking clues to an international human trafficking ring. There was a ring organizer somewhere in this region he was trying to get in with. He thought he was probably in Liechtenstein just a few miles away, so he had a small apartment in Cloustien where there was less threat of discovery and less concern over communicating to headquarters.

  So much for that thought. The leads he had were going nowhere. He was in contact with a ring member, but the guy was low on the totem pole. The contact thought something big was going down soon and he was right.

  Before he was captured, he observed dignitaries and other affluent people showing up in this area. The few restaurants in town were much busier than they had been. But he couldn’t find a location big enough to hold the number of people this ring usually dealt in. Unless it was in the palace itself. His current plan didn’t include breaking into the palace. Now he was here, but on the wrong floor. They really should clean better down here. Ice cream would help.

  He shook his head. He was losing to the drug. Shit. The effects were pulling on his mind. How much had they given him? They said they’d had a shifter before, so they knew what they were doing. His eyelids were too heavy. Even his wolf was out of it. Maybe he could rest for just a second until his body—

  Chapter Five

  Kari had the window seat and Sheldon took the aisle side of the propeller flight. After changing planes in London, they were loaded in and quickly on their way to the center of Europe. She loved staring out, watching the clouds float like pieces of cotton. Such dazzling white in the sun. Occasionally, she’d gotten glimpses of the ocean below, though now it was land only.

  She pulled out the packet Dir. Tumbel had handed to her at the office. Inside was information on different aspects of the mission. First thing was their tour schedule.

  “Sheldon,” she asked, “what’s the plan with the touring agency?”

  He looked up from his puzzle book. “We’re simply visitors with the group and will do everything they do. Except I won’t be there all the time. You will be my cover and alibi if needed. Basically, you just walk around. Easy.”

  She looked at the agency’s brochure in her lap—ITA, International Touring Agency. This assignment was a bit of a letdown. She’d hoped to do exciting thing like hold a stakeout, spy on the enemy, transfer secret messages to HQ. Just like in spy movies. Kingsman and Bridge of Lies were her favorites.

  “What wrong?” Sheldon asked. “You’re upset.”

  She whipped her head toward him. “How do you know that?”

  He pointed to his nose. “Remember, we can smell emotions.”

  “Smell emotions?” she questioned. Uh-huh. Not falling for that.

  “You’re right. Not really emotions,” he clarified. “Emotions cause the brain to secrete certain hormones that flow through the body. That’s what we smell coming through the skin.”

  “That I’ll believe,” she said. Sounded logical.

  “So,” Sheldon continued, “why are you upset?”

  God, she felt stupid now, letting her romanticized image of spies affect her. “It’s nothing. Growing up, I always loved romantic spy movies. It’s one reason I wanted to work with the FBI. And I guess I just keep imagining this to be a movie. But I know it’s not. So it’s okay. I get it.”

  Sheldon moved in his seat. “You’re right, this isn’t a movie, but we are going into a foreign place with possible hostile factions. It is still dangerous. No matter how light I make of it. Your life could be in danger.”

  She took in a small gasp of air. Then saw his grin. He was trying to make her feel better. She appreciated that. But it was okay that she wasn’t being a real agent. Hell, she sat around in offices all day playing with words and numbers. How was she remotely qualified for something that required experience? That’s why her director thought of her for this assignment. He knew she would be safe. Just accept it and try to enjoy the trip.

  “At the office,” Sheldon said, “you mentioned you’ve been to Cloustien.”

  “Oh, not to it. Just saw a bit about it on the Travel Channel. The country is tiny, and their claim to fame is their underground tunnels. These tunnels were supposedly dug two thousand years ago. Researchers think the Germanic tribes in the area built them to hide and move around without the Romans killing them.

  “Then in the 1930s, it’s rumored the Nazis used the tunnels to store artworks and treasure they stole from conquered lands, then set up booby traps to keeps others out until they returned after they ruled Europe.”

  “But they lost,” Sheldon said. “What happened to all the stolen stuff?”

  “That’s the cool part. Nobody knows,” Kari said. “Some have tried searching for it, but were never seen again. Most think it’s just a story made up like so many other lost treasure stories. No one takes it seriously.”

  “That’s int
eresting. Maybe we can see some of the tunnels while we’re there.”

  “Well, the government pretty much blocked all the entrances to keep people for going in and dying from getting lost. There is probably a museum with pictures and stuff, but not the real tunnels themselves.”

  “We’ll check out all the museums before we leave.” Like usual, the silence turned awkward and she couldn’t think of a word to say. She never trusted herself to say the right thing, so she’d just keep her mouth shut.

  He turned back to his puzzle book. She watched him write a number in a Sudoku board.

  “You might want to try a different number there,” she said. Shit, she couldn’t believe she’d said that. Dammit, now he’d think badly of her, nosing in and acting all smart. She just told herself to keep her mouth shut. No trust in herself.

  His brows scrunched. “Is it wrong?”

  She had to continue with what she’d started. No telling what he’d think if she didn’t reply. Stick with the facts. Nothing else. She said, “Yes, you can’t put a three there because it has to go in the bottom square.”

  Sheldon flipped his pencil and erased the number. “It goes down here?” He scratched it in. “So, what goes up here?”

  “Four,” she said.

  He pointed to another square and she gave the number for that box, then he did the same with another. He looked at her then his puzzle. “Do you have the numbers for this whole thing?”

  Great, here came the “freak” part. How had this happened already? She hadn’t even had time to screw up anything. She shrugged. “Yeah, I figured it out a while back when you started the first one,” she said, scanning the back of the brochure, pretending like it was nothing. Hopefully, he’d drop it there.

  He flipped the page to the five star grids, sixteen by sixteen. “How about this one?”

  No, no, no. She stared at the page. She let her mind relax and do its thing. Numbers flashed in and out of each space, spinning through possibilities. The squares started to fill in, a few more in the middle row . . . done. “It’s not hard, really. You can do it.” She rattled off the first row and he checked the answers.

  “That’s amazing,” Sheldon said.

  “That’s my job,” she replied. The silence between them felt uncomfortable once again. She tried to think of something to say. “You have any children?” Everyone loved talking about their children.

  He sighed. That didn’t bode well. Maybe she shouldn’t have asked. Kept her damn mouth shut. “No,” he began. “I’m still holding out hoping to meet my mate. I hoped with all the traveling we ALFA agents do, I would come across the one meant for me.

  “What you said about mates in Tumbel’s office is more true than you know. I want a family before I get too old to enjoy them. But I have several years before it gets that far. I’ll just keep a nose out.” He winked at her. “What about you?”

  She shrugged. “I guess I always thought I’d find someone who would sweep me off my feet and live happily with our 2.5 kids and white picket fence. But, you know . . .” She shrugged again. Maybe she had things in common with this hot shifter. She could handle being coupled with him. She’d eventually fall in love with him, right? “Do you like going to the movies? I love watching all kinds. I can spend all weekend sitting on the sofa laughing, crying, and screaming at the TV.”

  “I prefer RPGs when home. I have enough of the real world during the day. At night, I’ll gladly be anywhere else.”


  “Oh, sorry. Role-playing games. Video games. Assassin, Warcraft, Final Fantasy, that kind of thing.”

  “Cool,” she said. She had never heard of any of these. “Do you cook when home? I have several of my mom’s recipes. Some she got from her mother. Creating natural food dishes is my second love. As you can see.” She gestured to herself.

  He gave her a questioning look. “You look great. Don’t ever think you don’t. Any man would be lucky to have you. Especially if you cook. I usually order pickup or delivery. Pizza, Chinese, fusion, whatever I feel like.”

  “You sound like you work a lot. Do you ever take a vacation? This is my first time out of the office for several days. I’m thinking a cabin retreat would be fun, though. Reconnecting with nature, hot cocoa in front of a blazing fireplace.”

  “We do work a lot,” he said. “It’s what the job calls for. But I have taken time off. I’ve gone to the beach with lots of women. My wolf loved it. All the sand to run around in and heavenly bodies to enjoy.”

  Okay, obviously, they didn’t have a chance in hell of having a relationship. The only thing they had in common seemed to be this job. “Do you know the agent who’s missing?” She wanted to know everything about this man. But didn’t want ask until they had a conversation going.

  “Yeah, Day is a great guy. He’s dedicated, really smart, nice. He keeps to himself a lot. He’s always working.”

  “Does he have family?” she asked.

  “I’ve never heard him talk about anyone, but that doesn’t mean they don’t exist,” Sheldon replied.

  “Any pictures on his desk?”

  Sheldon thought about the question. “I don’t think he even has a desk anymore. He does a lot of undercover stuff and is seldom in.”

  She nodded. Day wasn’t sounding like good boyfriend or husband material. If he didn’t want a desk to tie him down, would he even consider a wife? Maybe he’d like an assistant to travel with. That was something. Who knew. She started thinking of him as a big, sexy cowboy type. Yeah. A cowboy or a rancher. She shut her eyes and let her mind drift off while still visualizing all kinds of crazy things with a man she didn’t even know.

  “You seem so natural around animals, Kari. Like you were meant to be part of their world in some way.”

  She looked up at Bryon from where she stood petting the horse’s velvet nose. He was so tall and broad and she licked her lips at the glimpse of muscled chest peeking through the open buttons on his flannel shirt. She dared let her eyes dip to his crotch and her mouth watered. Holy moly!

  He stepped behind her and moved the hair from her neck and his breath fanned against her skin. She shivered from the tickling sensation, but also from how close his hard body was to hers.

  Oh god, if he kissed her now, she’d let him have her right then and there in the barn. She closed her eyes and as if he could read her mind he slipped his hands over her bare arms and walked her backwards.

  “Where are we going?”

  His lips slid into a smile against her skin. “Wherever you want.”

  She sighed and leaned into him. “This feels like a dream.”

  Bryon turned her in his arms and lifted her onto a high hay bail. “That’s because it is, Kari. I am whatever you want me to be. I’ll do whatever you want me to do. Just let me have you.”

  She gasped as his hand tugged her blouse loose from her skirt, his fingers slipping over her breasts to pull the cotton fabric over her head. It fluttered to the ground as his hand plundered her cool flesh. Heat streaked across her body, his rough hands teasing her nipples as his mouth took hers.

  She cupped his firm buttocks and pulled his hips close, spreading her legs to feel the full bulge behind his zipper and the rough denim against her thin panties.

  “You smell delicious, Kari. I just want to bury myself in your scent and taste every inch of you.”

  His lips feather over her jaw to the tender flesh beneath and further down to the full mounds inside her lacy bra. He tongued the delicate fabric, sucking the hard peaks through the material, his teeth grazing the sensitive flesh until she gasped.

  “Are you wet and throbbing, Kari?”

  She croaked out a yes, fisting his hair.

  “What do you want?” He looked up from her breasts and his eyes were green and hungry and his untamed desire left her breath locked in her throat.

  She reached for his zipper, but he locked her wrists, shaking his head. “I do. You feel.”

  He shoved her skirt to her hips and t
hen pulled her to the edge of the hay bale, spreading her knees. He dipped his mouth to her slick slit and flicked her moist folds apart, delving and teasing with his tongue. He swirled her clit, nipping and sucking until Kari’s fingers dug into the hay as she arched for more.

  Her head dropped back and she cried out, fisting his hair as she ground her pussy farther into his mouth. With a sly smile he lifted his face, dragging his lips over her inner thighs, nibbling her flesh.

  “I want to fill you, Kari. Stretch you and ride you boneless until your legs shake and your body screams with pleasure. You’re mine, love. To keep, to fuck, to love, to have—”

  He freed his cock and with a deft thrust drove his member deep, lifting her ass from the hay bale. He scooped her up and pushed her back against the high stack, his hips grinding and owning every thrust, every pound balls deep.

  Kari cried out as her body spasmed, her inner walls clutching his thick cock as her fingers clutched his back. Tiny barbs scored her walls with every thrust, pushing her past the limits until waves of pleasure eclipsed all thought.

  With a feral snarl Bryon’s fingers grasped the soft flesh of her ass, his body tense as every muscle tightened with the need to release.

  “Tell me!” he snarled.

  “Come! I want you NOW!”

  Bryon roared, keeping his cock rock hard and deep. He pulled back once more and with a final plunge, let hot jets pulse from his engorged head.

  Kari clung to him, weak but sated.

  “You know you’re dreaming, right?” he whispered against her ear.

  “I don’t care.”

  He chuckled against her damp skin. “Good, because I’m ready for round two.”

  “Giddy up, cowboy cat.”

  * * *

  The pilot over the intercom woke her with a start. Her heart pounded and her entire body throbbed. Man, she hadn’t had a dream that . . . real, in ever. She needed to get laid.

  Chapter Six

  Their plane from London taxied to a small building, but instead of pulling up to the terminal to walk through a connecting tunnel to the inside, they stopped away from the building.


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