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The Sentients of Orion

Page 114

by Marianne de Pierres

  ‘Wanton is a corporeal. I brought it here, to save it. That’s what I was doing in the ship. Wanton was dying. I brought it back so that it could integrate with the others.’

  Jo-Jo took a couple of savage breaths that sent pains shooting from his belly to the base of his neck. He gasped and staggered.

  She hung onto his shoulders. ‘Does your chest hurt?’ she asked anxiously.

  ‘No more than the rest of me,’ he said, righting himself. ‘Jancz stole my ship.’

  ‘Sal? Sal is yours?’

  He stared at her. ‘You know Salacious?’

  Mira nodded weakly. ‘Sal is a hybrid. We can communicate. Jancz hasn’t treated it well.’

  Jo-Jo set his jaw. ‘You can save that story for another time. Right now, I’m going to get my ‘zoon back.’

  His staggering footsteps gained some strength and purpose. Jancz framed me. The fucker stole my ship. All the panic and fear and pain of being on board Medium again burned away on a surge of hot fury. Once before when Jo-Jo had thought he would die, as he floated free in space around Dowl station, anger had saved him, pulled him back from the brink of despair and defeat. It did the same thing now, channelling energy into his limbs, giving him a goal. His ship, Salacious, was the closer of the two biozoons.


  He reached the hybrid as the TerV climbed the dune closest to them. Though the ‘zoon was half buried in the sand, its egress scale was too high to reach. He put Mira down on the sand, leaning her back against the ‘zoon’s skin, and turned to face the TerV.

  He recognised both of the figures inside it: Jancz, who’d introduced himself in the station bar as Jud, and like the Balol, who’d kept Jo-Jo busy in the bedroom while Jancz had stolen his ship.

  He wasn’t sure which one of them he’d kill first. Jancz, he’d learned through a glimpse at Lasper Farr’s Dynamic System Device, had been Randall’s Capo during the Stain Wars. The ‘esque was the worst type of mercenary, one who changed sides mid-conflict. Or maybe he’d been working for the Extros back then too.

  The TerV grunted air from its brake jets, and settled to rest an arm’s length away.

  Mira moaned softly behind him, but he kept his focus on the meres.

  Ilke got out first. Then Jancz. Neither had changed as far as Jo-Jo could see through the film of their masks. Ilke’s spikes were bunched together, her powerful body squashed into a cooling suit, but Jancz’s suit had plenty of room. He looked as lightweight and unimpressive as he had in the bar. More so, in fact.

  Both Jancz’s and Ilke’s eyes were on Mira. ‘Hey,’ said Jo-Jo, waving his hands. ‘Remember me?’ He loosened his hood, pushing it back far enough for them to see his face.

  Ilke shrugged and moved to walk past him, but he blocked her way. She automatically pulled a pistol from the pocket of her suit and shoved it into his ear.

  ‘Ilke!’ barked Jancz.

  She shifted the muzzle back a fraction. ‘Yeah?’ Her reptilian eyes glistened through the suit film at him. Then she blinked in recognition. She gave a belly laugh and glanced across at her partner. ‘He’s the one we took the ‘zoon from.’

  Ludjer Jancz didn’t blink an eyelid. ‘I know. Kill him.’


  I know you, Mira Fedor.

  Mira felt a shiver run through the biozoon’s outer skin. She sat up straighter. Sal?

  You remember me.

  Of course. You helped me.

  I have communed with your mate, Tasy-al, who rests alongside me. What are you doing here, touching me?

  Sal, can you let us come aboard? W-we cannot reach Insignia, and we’re in danger.

  I can see that.

  Mira waited. She knew, from her brief encounter with the hybrid once before, that it was perverse and damaged.

  I have news for you. I have a new captain, it said finally, almost jauntily, ignoring her plea.

  Ludjer Jancz is not good for you, Sal. There are others that would be kinder. He took you illegally.

  Not him, the hybrid scoffed. Jancz is no longer my captain. It made a sighing noise. I have moved on.

  Would you ask your captain, if we might board?

  I could.

  Sal, Jancz is dangerous. He’ll hurt us. Please...

  Sal remained silent as Jancz and his Balol partner got out of the TerV and approached them.

  Sal! Mira cried.

  I don’t need to concern myself with your problems, Mira Fedor.

  The other one has a weapon. See... she will kill Josef.

  Josef? The hybrid’s tone sharpened. Who is this ‘esque that you call Josef?

  Josef is your true captain, your legal captain. Do you remember him?

  The sound of a series of explosions froze them all, delaying the hybrid’s reply. Across the dunes, Medium cracked open, its skin ripping apart like watery overripe fruit. The glow grew brighter as an enormous glittering carapace emerged, shivering and shaking bits of the ship’s outer hull from itself.

  Even Jancz and Ilke stopped and turned to watch.

  ‘Josef!’ called Mira, recovering first.

  Josef, repeated Sal.

  Mira’s cry shook Jo-Jo from his trance, and he lunged for Jancz. The pair tumbled into the sand and wrestled.

  Jo-Jo was the stronger of the two, but neither of them was a match for like, who casually stepped forward and lifted them apart. She let go of Jancz, dropping him to his feet. Then, loosening her weapon again, she shoved it under Jo-Jo’s jaw.

  My Josef? exclaimed Sal.

  Si. Jancz tricked Josef and stole you. He’s been looking for you ever since.

  The Post-Species stole me?

  What do you mean, the Post-Species?

  The corporeals, Ludjer Jancz and Ilke.

  Jancz and like are Post-Species?

  Of course. Sal sounded perplexed and irritated by Mira’s ignorance.

  Then yes. The Post-Species stole you. And they’ve been cruel to you, binding your fins.

  The hybrid emitted a sound somewhere between a screech and a squeal, and shifted in the sand; an impossibly large floundering whale, its tail pounding the dune and its gills venting odd noises.

  Mira crawled away from its side.

  ‘Crux!’ shouted Jancz, backing away towards the TerV. ‘Ilke!’

  The ‘zoon’s cephalic fins began to strain against their cruel restraints. Each screech seemed to stretch them further, and sent more sand and rocks blasting out from underneath it.

  ‘Ilke!’ bellowed Jancz again. But the Balol was transfixed, glancing between the strange creature emerging from the discarded skeleton of the Extro craft and the thrashing squealing ‘zoon before her.

  When one of Sal’s cephalic fins ripped free and wavered in the air though, Ilke began to run. She leapt into the TerV, and Jancz sent it skimming up over a dune.

  But the ‘zoon was quicker than them. It flicked its freed and powerful fin in an arc, and slammed the vehicle.

  The TerV split apart, tossing Jancz and like into the sand.

  The fin lifted and pounded the bodies again and again, until there was nothing left of them but fin marks in the sand.

  ‘Josef, look!’ cried Mira, pointing. Sal’s egress scale had opened. ‘Sal’s letting us in.’

  Jo-Jo got to his feet and took Mira’s arm. They hurried to a spot directly below the scale, and he laced his fingers together. ‘I’ll hoist you,’ he said.

  ‘But how will you get on board?’

  ‘Just put your foot in my hands,’ he shouted hoarsely.

  Sal, we can’t reach the egress scale.

  Step away, Mira Fedor. Step away.

  ‘Josef,’ she said.

  ‘Step up!’ he screamed at her.

  She made a fist and punched Jo-Jo in the side of the face.

  He dropped his hands in shock.

  ‘Sal wants us to move away. Quickly.’

  She grabbed his hand and pulled him. Together, they climbed the closest dune. Halfway up, Mira began to tire. Jo-Jo’s grip gre
w tighter, and their positions reversed. He was pulling her, urging her onward.

  As they reached the peak, the sand began to vibrate. Behind them Sal was moving, rocking back and forth with gathering momentum. In front of them something else was happening. Medium glowed brighter than ever. The last of its outer skin sloughed away to allow a ghastly, glistening birthing.

  Fluid sprayed forth in great bursts, sizzling as it touched the hot sand. A bulbous shape, the size of a dozen biozoons, had emerged. Then the shape split wide in another spray of fluid and a cavernous yawning hollow opened before them. Huge triangular-shaped objects glistened around the edges of the hollow. Teeth.

  Jo-Jo fell to his knees, hands covering his face. ‘No!’

  Mira couldn’t speak, couldn’t do anything but watch the Extro craft transforming. Behind the maw another wad of skin unfolded, a body that seemed to expand until the scaly quivering length of it went further back into the dark than she could see.

  An overpoweringly sweet scent assailed them; gusts of it had them both choking. Then the sand began to quake again.

  Mira gripped Jo-Jo’s shoulder and pointed back to the two biozoons. Sal had rocked itself until it had dug deep down into the sand. They could now reach the egress scale.

  This time they helped each other, holding hands, pulling each other along. Josef had no more strength than she did, and tears poured down his face. Their only words to each other were encouragement or instructions, until they’d climbed in through the egress scale.

  When the scale closed, they both collapsed onto the floor.

  ‘Josef?’ whispered Mira. ‘Are you... ?’

  He sat up suddenly, words tumbling from his mouth. ‘We have to get out of here quickly. The survivors are on the islands to the west, like you said they’d be. We should go there.’

  Mira pushed up onto an elbow. All her strength had gone, drained by the heat and the effort and the fear. ‘Then I need to get to the buccal.’

  Jo-Jo nodded. She saw he was still crying, a steady stream of tears of release that made him neither gasp nor sob, but which did not stop.

  He tried to stand, but his legs buckled underneath him. His whole body trembled, but he got his knees underneath him and crawled to her. ‘I -I, Mira, I c-can’t carry you—’ This time he sobbed. ‘I’m sorry.’

  Mira reached out and clasped his hand, letting him know that she understood. She’d thought him so rough and self-reliant, closed off, when they’d been together in Insignia before. Like Rast Randall, though more predictable and with a peculiar type of integrity. But this man who’d come to help her was altogether different, raw and open and unsure. When he’d pulled her from the liquefying floor of the Extro ship, she’d felt nothing but relief to see him. Now something else stirred. An emotion she’d not felt before.

  He brought her fingers to his face and held them against his cheek. He was trembling, as if needing her close. She felt the hot wetness of his face against hers. Felt his exhaustion to match hers. He turned and pressed his lips into her palm.

  Instead of pulling away, she welcomed his contact, letting her hand cup his jaw. They were alive.

  ‘Baronessa?’ A quiet and totally unexpected voice intruded into their space. ‘Let me help you.’

  Josef pulled away, and both of them turned in the direction of the voice.

  A slim tight-skinned ‘esque in a worn robe stepped around the bend of the stratum. ‘My name is Tekton of Lostol.’


  Tekton! A wave of shock passed through Jo-Jo’s weakened body. ‘What in Crux’s name are you...’ He trailed off, barely able to believe that Tekton was standing before him.

  The tyro gave a strained smile. ‘It would seem that fate has plans for us. Or should I say that Sole does.’

  ‘You are the tyro from Belle-Monde. You knew Marchella Pellegrini,’ said Mira. Like Jo-Jo, she forced herself to an upright position, her torso wavering as if she might collapse again.

  Tekton went to her and lent his support. Slowly, carefully, he helped her to her feet. He was not much taller than her, or stronger, but he had energy where hers was spent.

  ‘Marchella Pellegrini,’ said Tekton. ‘A name I had not thought to hear again. Perhaps, at another time, we can speak of her. But now there is some urgency, I believe, to leave this location.’

  ‘Si,’ she said. ‘Help me to the buccal then come back for Josef.’

  Tekton nodded his agreement, but Jo-Jo didn’t trust the tricky Godhead.

  As the tyro helped Mira Fedor around the stratum and out of his sight, Jo-Jo crawled after them. On hands and knees he made his way, painfully, towards the buccal. He knew this ship, remembered the contours and bends, the quicker ways. And the ship moud code. ‘Sal,’ he gasped as he put one hand in front of the next.

  Josef? Josef Rasterovich? Salacious’s reply rumbled through his mind as the long-dormant moud reactivated.

  Yes. I’m here.

  You left me.

  No. I was tricked and then put in prison on Dowl station. Jancz and Ilke stole you from me.

  Oh. The hybrid seemed confused. But I have a new captain now. Tekton.

  No. I am your captain. Still.

  How can I know who it should be?

  Serve me now, and I will release you to the Pod. End your tenure.

  My contract?

  It’s in my name. I can legally rescind it.

  I will be free.

  Yes. If you help us to leave this world.

  The hybrid’s hesitation was as brief as Jo-Jo’s next breath. Welcome back aboard, my captain.


  Closer, Closer

  Come To Me,

  All Done Soon,

  All Done.


  ‘I’ve heard of you, Godhead,’ whispered Mira as they negotiated the obstacles along the rubbish-cluttered strata.

  ‘And I, of you,’ the Lostolian replied. ‘Please... tell me what is happening outside.’

  ‘The Post-Species are birthing something in the desert, a new craft from the old. It is spreading... growing as if the air feeds it. We must leave this area before we are damaged by its expansion.’

  ‘A new craft from the old,’ repeated Tekton. ‘Fascinating. It must be the quixite.’

  ‘Not fascinating,’ she said, ‘terrifying.’ As they reached the buccal, tears sprang to Mira’s eyes; the walls of the hybrid’s cheek were bleeding, and its flesh hung in unhealthy clumps.

  She pointed to one of the nubs in the centre of the buccal. ‘There, please, Tekton.’

  Tekton helped her across to the unused Primo vein. The grey protective skin was thick and resistant to her touch. She hesitated to pierce it. She was already bonded to Insignia; if she used Sal’s vein-sink, what would happen? Would Sal’s personality meld with hers? Sal was unhealthy, not sane in the way of other biozoons. Already she could feel its agitation.

  Sal, what’s wrong? she asked the hybrid.

  Where are the other ‘esques, Mira Fedor? Where are the corporeals? The Balol and Captain Jancz.

  You killed them, Sal, Mira said gently.

  It made a noise she thought to be mirth. Yes, I did. It felt good, Mira Fedor.

  Were the corporeals cruel to you?

  Cruel to be kind. Cruel to be kind. The hybrid sounded strained and odd, not incomprehensibly raving as Mira had heard it before, but distanced, remote.

  Another sliver of fear stabbed her consciousness. Would she lose her mind to Sal if she used the Primo vein? Would she maintain her link with Insignia? And Nova?


  She ignored her daughter, lifting her finger to stab through the nano-membrane and begin the immersion process.

  ‘Mira. No!’ Jo-Jo Rasterovich stood swaying in the pucker of the buccal. ‘This was—is my ship. I’ll fly it. I know the island coordinates.’

  He let go of the pucker and staggered across to the Autonomy nub.

  Tekton made no move to help him or stop him.

  Mira wavered wit
h relief. Sal? We wish to go somewhere where you can recover. Your fins will never be tied again, I promise.

  The buccal started to shake, and a noise vibrated along the hybrid’s strata—part screech, part wail. Mira felt the creature’s relief and anger, but underneath it all still mistrust.

  ‘Josef,’ Mira whispered. ‘Be careful. Sal’s damaged.’

  He nodded. ‘Then we’re a good pair.’

  Mira moved to another nub and watched Jo-Jo climb into Autonomy. The v-comm unfolded over his head, and his fingers moved slowly through the air in front of him, creating patterns.

  ‘Tekton, sit.’ She gestured to unused nubs. ‘They will help protect you from the acceleration, but be careful not to pierce the outer layer of skin. The ‘zoon is not... healthy enough to immerse in.’

  The Godhead had not moved since Jo-Jo had entered the buccal, his brow drawn in concentration as though he was remembering or realising something important.

  He shook his head slightly and stepped across to a nub. It responded to the pressure of his weight, folding around him. Mira sank carefully onto the surface of hers and let it do the same.

  Another vibration spread through the buccal, a more familiar one. Salacious was moving. She glanced at Josef. He was concentrating, hands working, lips the same.

  Finally she opened her mind to her biozoon. Insignia?

  Dearest? The biozoon sounded anxious.

  We’re aboard the hybrid. Follow us to the islands. I will come back to you then. Nova—

  I’m here, Mama. I am happy that you are with the hybrid. I was scared.

  Nova, the Post-Species have created something terrible. We must get far away from it. Insignia, it was so large... do you know what it was?

  I’m afraid so, Mira.

  Insignia projected her own images to Mira’s mind. They were moving. She saw the hybrid lifting high above Insignia and diving west towards the islands.

  Then the dunes began to shrink as Insignia gathered height. A towering shadow fell across them, a shadow that Insignia must scale—so, so high and far, encroaching on the biozoon, threatening to engulf it.


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