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Great Wave

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by Fischer, David Hackett;

  and twentieth century price revolution, 186, 188, 204, 233, 234, 244

  North, Douglas, 435

  Norway, 13, 182, 203, 403. See also Scandinavia

  Oceania, 188, 245, 454, 493, 500

  oil, 208–9, 209; 210, 212, 213, 215, 216, 256, 280

  Old World. See Europe

  oligopoly theory, 428

  Oman, Charles, 285

  Organization of Petroleum Exporting countries (OPEC), 208–9, 208–9, 213

  Osier, William, 229

  Ottawa Agreements (1932), 194

  Ottoman Empire: bibliography, 387–88, 457

  disintegration of, 269

  and eighteenth century price revolution, 121, 152

  emergence of, 40

  and medieval price revolution, 40, 57

  and Renaissance equilibrium, 57, 457

  in seventeenth century, 269

  and Venetian empire, 58

  Ouellet, F., 271–72

  Oxford, England, 306

  Oxford University, 13

  Padua, 57, 58, 330n19

  Pakistan, 388

  Palestine/Palestinians, 231, 438

  Pareto, Vilfredo, 293, 298

  Pareto’s Law, 291, 293, 297, 361n16

  Paris, France: crime in, 35–36

  cultural issues in, 118

  and eighteenth century price revolution, 117–20, 135, 146–47, 148

  and Enlightenment equilibrium, 102, 110

  food prices in, 146–47, 148

  and fourteenth century crisis, 35–36

  grain prices in, 83, 102, 120, 135, 146–47

  inequalities in, 117–18, 146–47

  Juglar cycles in, 276

  medieval price revolution in, 16, 35–36

  and sixteenth century price revolution, 83

  social unrest in, 146–47

  Parker, R.A.C., 195

  Parsons, Talcott, 313

  Pastoureaux movement, 37–38

  Paulus Macedonicus, Lucius, 66

  Pavia, 456

  Pearlberg, Don, 415

  Pearson, Frank A., 272, 414

  Peasant Rebellion (England), 49

  peasants: and eighteenth century price revolution, 140, 144–46, 154

  and Enlightenment equilibrium, 104, 113

  and fourteenth century crisis, 35, 37, 41, 327n9

  and medieval price revolution, 28–29, 31, 34, 35, 37, 41, 144, 327n9

  and Renaissance equilibrium, 47, 49

  and seventeenth century crisis, 93, 100

  and sixteenth century price revolution, 68, 79, 85, 87, 93, 100

  and taxes, 85

  and wars, 47

  Peasants’ Revolt (Switzerland), 100

  Peasants’ War (Germany), 87

  Peninsular War, 154

  Persian Empire, 269

  personal violence. See Crime

  Peru, 388

  Peter the Great (tsar of Russia), 112

  Phelps-Brown, E. Henry, 3, 5, 107, 108, 159, 312–13, 367, 369, 433, 474. See also Phelps-Brown-Hopkins price index

  Phelps-Brown-Hopkins indices, 3, 4, 72, 90, 125, 159, 369, 433

  Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 110, 120, 272

  Philip Augustus (king of France), 13

  Philip the Fair (king of France), 32

  Philip II (king of Spain), 91

  Philippines, 388

  Phillips (A. W.) curve, 359n22, 359n30, 501

  philosophy, 100–101, 112–13

  Picardy, 19–20, 28, 47, 320n12

  Pico della Mirandola, Giovanni, 62

  Ping-ti Ho, 267

  Pistoia, Tuscany, 16, 45–46, 46, 48, 49, 52, 456

  plague, 41, 48, 68, 89, 94–95. See also Black Death

  Plumb, J. H., 111, 345n19

  Poland: bibliography, 388–89, 403

  and eighteenth century price revolution, 120, 132, 149

  energy prices in, 74

  food prices in, 79, 335n24

  grain prices in, 75, 79, 120

  hyperinflation in, 193

  manufactured goods in, 75

  money in, 193

  peasants in, 79

  politics in, 56, 230

  religion in, 101

  and Renaissance equilibrium, 56

  rents in, 79

  returns to land in, 79

  and sixteenth century price revolution, 74, 75, 79, 101, 334–35n24, 335n28

  social unrest in, 101, 149

  and twentieth century price revolution, 193, 194, 195, 230, 231

  wages in, 132, 335n28

  and wars, 195

  Polanyi, Karl, 132

  politics: bibliography, 425, 452–53, 459, 471, 477, 489

  and causes of price revolutions, 248, 249

  and differences among price revolutions, 240

  and eighteenth century price revolution, 141, 148, 155

  and Enlightenment equilibrium, 110–12, 477

  and fourteenth century crisis, 452–53

  and Renaissance equilibrium, 56, 459

  and seventeenth century crisis, 240, 341n1, 471

  and similarities among price revolutions, 237, 238

  and twentieth century price revolution, 195, 203–4, 208, 229–30, 231–32

  and twentieth century price revolutionm, 240–41

  and Victorian equilibrium, 162, 171, 176, 177. See also Revolutionary crisis

  Polynesia, 266–67, 440

  Poos, L. R., 44

  Pope, Alexander, 113

  population: bibliography, 421–22, 443, 455, 465, 474, 481, 484

  and causes of price revolutions, 247, 249

  and commodity prices, 132

  and differences among price revolutions, 240, 241

  and disease, 41, 44–45

  and eighteenth century price revolution, 123–26, 125, 132, 155, 240, 249, 481, 484

  and Enlightenment equilibrium, 103, 107, 110, 166, 348n13, 474

  and equilibrium, 239, 249

  and family disintegration, 304

  and fourteenth century crisis, 35, 37, 41, 44–45, 240

  and inequalities, 295, 296, 298

  and medieval price revolution, 13, 16, 19–20, 23, 31, 35, 37, 41, 44–45, 240, 249, 320–21n12, 443

  and Renaissance equilibrium, 47, 48, 49, 166, 328n4, 455

  and seventeenth century crisis, 95, 96–97, 96, 101, 240, 341n1, 342n1

  and similarities among price revolutions, 237, 238, 239

  and sixteenth century price revolution, 72–73, 72, 75, 85, 87, 95, 96–97, 96, 101, 249, 333n17, 333–34n18, 334n19, 465

  and twentieth century price revolution, 186, 187, 188, 204, 209, 229, 231, 233, 355–56n7

  and Victorian equilibrium, 166, 167, 168, 356n7

  and war, 96–97

  world, 355–56n7. See also Malthusians

  Portugal: bibliography, 389, 403, 461

  colonies of, 121, 271

  and Enlightenment equilibrium, 109

  money in, 109, 283

  price revolutions in, 70, 97, 121, 263, 263, 271, 461

  social unrest in, 97. See also Iberia

  Postan, Michael M., 17, 22–23, 48, 72–73, 295, 326n46, 333n17, 433, 504

  Posthumus, Nicolaas, 367, 370

  Potosí, 81–82, 121, 271, 337n39

  predictions, 235–36, 251–53, 501

  Pribram, A. F., 367

  price controls/rationing: bibliography, 430–31

  and eighteenth century price revolution, 148

  and medieval price revolution, 34, 35

  and neoclassical economics, 358n9

  and prescriptions for thinking about price revolutions, 256

  and twentieth century price revolution, 191, 196, 197, 197, 199–200, 199, 206–8, 212, 230, 357–58n9

  and wars, 256

  price currents, 365–66

  price floors, 201–2

  price history (discipline), 7

  price revolutions: in ancient world, 259–64

  beginning of, 237, 241, 247

of, 7–8, 241–51

  climax of, 238, 240, 241, 248–49

  consequences of, 8–9, 250–51, 253

  and equilibrium, 246–47

  fourth stage of, 238, 241, 248–49

  in the future, 251–58

  human intervention in, 250, 252–53

  overview of, 3–10

  prescriptions for thinking about, 253–58

  and range of annual fluctuations, 240

  rates of change among, 239–40

  second stage of, 237, 241, 247–48

  sequential differences among, 9, 239–46

  structural similarities among, 9, 236–39

  third stage of, 237–38, 241, 248

  and wave patterns versus cycles, 9, 273–77, 318n7. See also Equilibrium; specific revolution

  “price scissors, ” 45, 243, 323n20, 328n13, 431

  price theory, 281

  primary sources: and historical compilations, 366–97

  and materials on analysis of primary sources, 405–6

  mercuriales as, 365

  and price currents, 365–66

  and serial publications, 397–405

  problematiques, 315–16, 369–70, 434

  producer prices, 182, 204, 209, 215, 216

  production/productivity, 187, 194–95, 216, 218, 232, 240, 243–44, 248

  Protestantism, 77, 86–87, 101

  Prussia: bibliography, 478

  and eighteenth century price revolution, 124, 149

  and Enlightenment equilibrium, 112, 478

  interest rates in, 163

  politics in, 112

  population in, 124

  returns to capital in, 162, 163

  returns to land in, 164

  and Victorian equilibrium, 156–57, 162, 163, 164, 171

  and wars, 149, 171

  Pugachev, Emilian, 141

  Puritans, 101

  Quesnay, François, 113, 116

  Rabb, T. K., 341n1, 342n1

  Ragusa, 96

  Ramsay, Peter, 77

  Rappaport, Steve, 334n22

  rational expectations theory, 429

  Reagan (Ronald) administration, 214–15, 223–25, 236, 359n28

  real estate values: bibliography, 467, 483, 495

  and eighteenth century price revolution, 130, 131, 483

  and medieval price revolution, 28

  and sixteenth century price revolution, 467

  and twentieth century price revolution, 219, 234

  and Victorian equilibrium, 161, 164, 495

  real output, 166, 168

  recoinages, 26, 32, 90, 109, 285–86, 326n46, 337n38

  Reformation, 86–87

  regulation, 255–56. See also Price controls/rationing

  religion, 86–87, 101, 112, 134, 231–33

  Renaissance: bibliography, 421, 448

  “geometrical spirit” of, 331n24

  Italian, 239

  prosperity in, 329–30n13

  of twelfth century, 12–13, 14–15, 239, 251, 448. See also Renaissance equilibrium

  Renaissance equilibrium, 30, 45–63, 60–61, 103, 160, 166, 239, 251, 252, 454–59. See also specific nation or topic

  rents: bibliography, 419–20, 445, 458, 467, 476, 495

  and causes of price revolutions, 243, 244, 247, 249

  and eighteenth century price revolution, 130, 131, 148

  and Enlightenment equilibrium, 103, 104–5, 104, 105, 108, 476

  and equilibrium, 239, 249

  and Marxism, 243

  and medieval price revolution, 26, 28, 28, 34, 41, 327n9, 445

  and Renaissance equilibrium, 48, 52, 56, 330n13, 458

  and seventeenth century crisis, 341n1

  and similarities among price revolutions, 238, 239

  and sixteenth century price revolution, 77, 79, 79, 467

  and twentieth century price revolution, 219

  and Victorian equilibrium, 161, 164, 495

  returns to capital: bibliography, 476, 483, 495

  and causes of price revolutions, 247

  and eighteenth century price revolution, 129–30, 130, 483

  and Enlightenment equilibrium, 107, 108, 110, 345n18, 476

  and inequalities, 300

  and medieval price revolution, 29, 30

  and Renaissance equilibrium, 54, 55–56

  and similarities among price revolutions, 238

  and sixteenth century price revolution, 77, 79, 80, 86, 92

  and twentieth century price revolution, 180, 219, 219, 221, 222

  and Victorian equilibrium, 162, 163, 164, 168, 495

  and wars, 130, 162. See also Interest rates

  returns to labor: and causes of price revolutions, 247

  and eighteenth century price revolution, 133

  and Enlightenment equilibrium, 104, 104, 110, 345n18

  and inequalities, 300

  and medieval price revolution, 27, 29, 30

  and Renaissance equilibrium, 53

  and similarities among price revolutions, 238

  and sixteenth century price revolution, 73, 78, 79

  and twentieth century price revolution, 188, 189, 219, 358–59n22

  and Victorian equilibrium, 160, 161, 168. See also Standards of living; wages

  returns to land: bibliography, 467

  and eighteenth century price revolution, 126, 131

  and Enlightenment equilibrium, 105

  and medieval price revolution, 28

  and Renaissance equilibrium, 52

  and similarities among price revolutions, 238

  and sixteenth century price revolution, 77, 79, 79, 86, 92, 467

  and twentieth century price revolution, 219, 220

  and Victorian equilibrium, 161, 164. See also Real estate values; Rents

  revolutionary crisis: bibliography, 485–91

  causes of, 245

  and differences among price revolutions, 240

  and eighteenth century price revolution, 142–56

  and seventeenth century crisis, 341n1

  and twentieth century price revolution, 232

  and Victorian equilibrium, 157. See also American Revolution; French Revolution; Russian Revolution; Social unrest

  Ricardo, David, 126, 130, 298, 431, 491

  Richardson, R. C., 364

  Rienzi, Cola di, 40

  Robin Hood Paradox, 297, 298

  Rodger, Richard, 364

  Rogers, James E. Thorold, 45

  Romania, 403

  Romano, Ruggiero, 95, 271, 272, 347n7, 363–64, 372, 408, 412

  Romanticism, 154–55

  Rome, 39, 40, 68, 261, 261, 262, 437–38

  Roosevelt (Franklin D.) administration, 194–95, 196

  Roskilde, Bishop of, 47

  Rothenberg, Winifred, 120, 272, 284, 370

  Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 96

  Rouen, France, 104, 330n16

  Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 141

  Rowntree, B. S., 296

  Rudé, George E., 289

  Russia: bibliography, 389–90, 403–4, 473

  disease in, 191

  and eighteenth century price revolution, 141, 149, 153–54, 155

  and Enlightenment equilibrium, 103, 111, 112

  food prices in, 191

  gold/silver in, 84

  grain prices in, 159

  hyperinflation in, 193

  inequalities in, 89

  and medieval price revolution, 13, 40

  money in, 193

  politics in, 56, 111, 112, 141, 149, 191

  price controls/rationing in, 212

  and Renaissance equilibrium, 56

  and seventeenth century crisis, 93, 101, 473

  and sixteenth century price revolution, 84, 89, 93, 101

  social unrest in, 101, 141, 149, 191, 473

  and twentieth century price revolution, 188, 191, 193, 231, 234

  and wars, 153–54, 155, 191. See also Soviet Union

  Russian Revolution, 191

  Rwanda, 229
br />   St. Albans, England, 29, 36–37

  Saloniki, 58

  Salvador, 121, 271

  Samuelson, Paul, 205, 279, 426

  Sanchez-Albornez, Claudio, 263, 264, 317n3

  Santa Maria Impruneta, Tuscany, 29, 30

  Sardinia, 41

  Saul, S. B., 275

  savings and loan associations, 223–24

  Savonarola, Girolamo, 67–68

  Scandinavia: bibliography, 457, 464, 473

  disease in, 41

  and eighteenth century price revolution, 127, 134, 135

  and Enlightenment equilibrium, 103

  and fourteenth century crisis, 38, 41

  inequalities in, 135

  medieval price revolution in, 13, 41

  money in, 127, 283

  population in, 72, 348n13

  religion in, 87, 134

  and Renaissance equilibrium, 457

  and seventeenth century crisis, 93, 473

  and sixteenth century price revolution, 72, 87, 93, 464

  social unrest in, 473. See also Denmark; Norway; Sweden

  Schofield, Roger, 123–24, 166, 167

  Schumpeter, Joseph A., 274, 277

  Schwartz, Anna, 184–85, 276, 337n38, 414, 496–97

  science, 113, 177

  Scotland: banking in, 110

  bibliography, 394, 463

  disease in, 41

  and eighteenth century price revolution, 128–29, 141

  and Enlightenment equilibrium, 107, 110

  famine in, 107

  medieval price revolution in, 38, 41

  money in, 128–29

  population in, 107

  and sixteenth century price revolution, 93, 97, 100, 463

  social unrest in, 100

  and twentieth century price revolution, 193

  and wars, 38, 97. See also Britain

  second wave. See Sixteenth century price revolution

  secondary sources: and economic theory, 426–32

  general works, 406–26

  and historical models, 435–501

  and social theory, 432–35

  seeing and knowing epistemology, 314–15

  Segre, Angelo, 259

  Serbia, 404

  serial publications, 397–405

  Seven Years War, 121, 129, 130, 135, 140

  seventeenth century: crisis of, 91–102, 98–99, 240, 243, 245, 252, 269–70, 341–42n1, 468–74. See also specific nation or topic

  Seville, Spain, 95–96, 276

  Shakespeare, William, 100

  Shinrikyo, Aum, 232–33

  Sicily, 41, 100

  Siena, 33, 50–51, 57

  silver: bibliography, 420

  and eighteenth century price revolution, 120, 127, 129

  and fourteenth century crisis, 48

  and medieval price revolution, 24, 25, 29, 32, 34, 324n28

  and nominal prices, 285–86

  and Renaissance equilibrium, 48

  and sixteenth century price revolution, 80–83, 129, 332n14, 333n15, 336n35, 337n39, 338n41


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