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Page 2

by Unknown

  He was leaning over the bar at the entrance of an ‘Irish Pub.’ I almost didn’t recognize him without his uniform. He wore a navy sport jacket with a gray tee shirt, and it stretched over muscles so developed that the shirt could do little more than cover him. His jeans weren’t tight, but again it is a difficult task given to clothing when you require it to cover a God. In the end his clothing had molded to him, and it took very little to see what was underneath. I drew in a long, deep breath and smiled at him. It didn’t shock me that he was here; he was Steve’s best friend. But I did wish that Carson had given me a heads up.

  With a wave he called me over to him, and as I neared I saw him motion to the bartender to bring an additional drink. He pulled me close to him in a tight hug before holding me at arm’s length and grinning, “You haven’t changed a bit!”

  I cleared my throat, it was intensely dry at the moment, “Oh I beg to differ,” I said plainly, and nothing could be closer to the truth. Yet I was sure that he had no idea what had been going on with me; I’d made Carson and Steve both swear. There’d been nothing he could do about it anyway, so what was the use in upsetting a man in Afghanistan, especially one with access to long range weapons. Regardless, he spun me around like a ballerina, examining me from all sides and I couldn’t help but laugh.

  “Have a beer with me?” He said holding out a frosty filled mug.

  “Sure!” I took it from his hands and bit my lip, “Have a son with me?”

  He choked, spitting beer across the bar in my direction. I grabbed a napkin and wiped small specks of it from my face. “I guess I deserved that.” And I reached for my purse laying a small photo album in front of him.

  It was quite a while before he spoke, and permanent ridges formed on his brow as he examined the photos one by one in excruciating detail. There was no question of paternity. I was all too aware of that having had given birth to the tiny bear with the broad smile. But I couldn’t place what was going on in his mind other than the obvious.

  “Why didn’t you tell me? Fuck, why didn’t Steve tell me?”

  I shook my head, “And what would you have done?”

  He stuttered, “I don’t… hell, I could’ve sent money or something. Regardless, I would’ve liked to know he existed.”

  “You know I don’t need the money. I made Steve swear, and besides he agreed with me that there was nothing to do but wait for you to get back. And now you are.”

  A few times he began to speak then closed his mouth and ran his fingers around the last photo in the album, “I’m going to kill Steve, and I’m considering digging a mass grave for you and your sister.” Yet twitches of a smile kept piercing through his rough demeanor as he glanced down at the photo. “He’s a big one,” he said. “Where is he now?”

  “With his nanny. He didn’t want to come and sit around waiting for the baby, and he informed me that hospitals were germ ridden and unsanitary. If Aunt Carson would just stay at home to have the baby, then he’d be happy to come down and play video games and wait with her.”

  Jeff laughed heartily, “They are germ ridden and unsanitary. I should know,” he said.

  “I was upset when I heard you’d been hit.” Upset wasn’t the word I’d normally use to describe what I went through when Steve told me. I didn’t sleep for days until the word came that he would be fine and was headed home to the States.

  “That little ole bomb doesn’t seem like much compared to this,” his massive finger tapped the photo album, but the expression on his face was of glowing pride.

  I held my hands up defensively, “I have no defense. At the time I didn’t know what to do, and yes I acted recklessly. Can you forgive me?”

  He studied me carefully the darkness in his eyes softening as his gaze moved lower, “Yes.”

  “Yes you can forgive me, or yes you agree I acted like an idiot?”

  But he shook his head and placed his platter sized hands over mine, “The question doesn’t matter, because with you the answer will always be yes.” An electrical current passed from his hands through mine, straight up my chest to my nipples. Could it be?

  “Did you feel that?” I asked.

  “Yes,” he said with a broad grin before pulling me to him. His lips captured mine and his tongue struck out to taste me. I sank into him, grasping every ounce of his taste, every rough hair on his chin, and the thick scent of Burberry spice on his neck. Instantly, five years melted into five minutes and it seemed as though we hadn’t been apart a single day. We devoured each other; kissing, touching, rediscovering until a red faced bartender cleared her throat at the edge of bar, “I’m closing up now folks.”

  I giggled with embarrassment and straightened, “I better get to Carson before she thinks I’ve been skyjacked.”

  He laughed, “She sent me to pick you up.”

  It took a moment to register. “Why that plotting little witch,” I chuckled.

  He looked shy for a moment before taking my hand and pulling it to his lips, “I told her that you’d text her if you decided to stay at my place.”

  “You have a place here now?” I wondered how long he’d been back. Certainly not long or Carson would’ve told me. Frantically I made a mental inventory of my undergarments. Nothing special, but they’d do.

  Jeff bent down and picked up my carryon, then held his hand out to me, “Just come with me and see.”

  Twenty minutes later we’d retrieved my luggage from the carousel and were headed down the interstate in his car, “Pretty hot ride you’ve got here,” I said. He was quiet now and only glanced over at me.

  “If I’d known I had a family I would’ve bought the SUV.”

  “So you’re still angry with me?” I asked, though he didn’t seem so.

  “I’m trying very hard to be furious with you, but every time I think about you I get hard. You do something to me, Morgan. Do you realize that?” His eyes left the road for a second and blazed into mine.

  The only thing to do was nod; he does something to me too. My skin flushed as if my blood wanted to rush to the surface to be touched by him. I’m a grown woman now, I told myself. Not the schoolgirl he’d taken in the hotel room two hours before her last flight. Yet the feelings I had were exactly the same and the steam rose from the collar of my shirt to prove it.

  His thighs rippled as he changed gears, and I watched his bulky hands grasp the knob with bulging veins. They were beautiful- his hands; the sight of them recalled the memory of their touches deep within my womb. I shivered.

  I thought a mistake had been made when he pulled into the driveway of the ancient farmhouse. I didn’t realize they’d even had farms in this part of the country. The area was so glitzy and resort like. Nevertheless, there it was: Three stories of white clapboard surrounded by black shutters and a yard of green. They say you never really know someone until you’ve seen their home, and I have to say I was stunned. I glanced at him doubtfully and he laughed, “It was my Grandmother’s house. I liked it, so I fixed it up!”

  Inside he sat my luggage in the hallway as I wandered from room to room taking in his taste; as with everything else with him, it was very ‘southern gentleman’ in design. I had just expected something more modern and sleek. At least that’s the impression he gives outside his lair. But this struck me now to be the true core of him, a man happy with tradition not afraid of it. The floors were thick pine, the furniture leather and heavy. Yes, this was a home without a woman’s touch, yet it so perfectly matched him. He wandered back into the living room and handed me a drink, “I can’t tell you how excited I am that you’re here.”

  I smiled up at him, studying his face as he studied mine. We stared deep into one another’s eyes as if neither of us was truly sure this was happening. Before I could take a breath his arms surrounded me, pulling me into him and pressing hard down on my lips. A roughness overcame him and his low groan sent a wave of warmth between my thighs. His tongue sought mine in a drugged dance, and he lifted me from the ground and pressed my chest
against his.

  “Why is it that whenever I see you I go crazy?” His voice was husky with need.

  I mumbled something that sounded like, “I don’t know,” but his lips slammed down on mine again. Already I felt the harsh pressure of need growing in my belly. My mound tingled as if it had been cut off from blood flow for a very long time, and suddenly the tourniquet had been removed. His kiss was more demanding by the second and his breathless moans held me spellbound, “Do you have a bed?” I breathed.

  His face pulled away and lightening flashed in his eyes, “I most certainly do! Several of them, in fact. I think we should try each one!” He laughed heartily then turned his back to me and bent over touching his toes, “Climb aboard!”

  I giggled and leapt onto his back froggy style. His thick dark arms wrapped around my pale white calves and he took off for the staircase like a giddy kid. Upstairs he backed up to his bed and dumped me unceremoniously onto the down comforter. I would have been offended if he hadn’t immediately began to undress. I started to unbutton my shirt but he stopped me, “I’d really like to do that if you don’t mind.”

  His sports jacket hit the floor and I put my hands behind my head to watch the show. The tee shirt was pulled slowly over his head and I nearly broke out in a sweat. His back still turned to me I heard the sound of a metal buckle being unlatched, then a zipper and my thighs began to shake uncontrollably. Thick fingers pulled on the waistband of his jeans and he wriggled his behind purposely in front of me. I laughed, “Where are all my two dollar bills when I need them?”

  That only served to spur him on and he stepped from his jeans and put his hands high over his head and showed me a sexy hip movement. He swayed before turning around and letting me see his naked front. And that’s when my entire body inflamed with goosebumps. His manhood peered at me dangerously, as if it had a personal vendetta against me. Reaching down he wrapped his hand around it as if to calm it, lest it attack and splay me. The expression on his face was raw lust.

  He held out his hands and I took them, pulling me to my feet he swung us around and sat down on the edge of the bed. When sitting he could look directly into my eyes. I trembled when his fingers unbuttoned my shirt. I didn’t have the heart to tell him that it would easier pull over my head. Watching those monstrous fingers against the tiny alabaster buttons of my shirt was far too hot to miss. He pulled the shirt open slid it over my shoulders, letting it fall to the floor between his thighs. I noticed his skin glistening as he moved his hands to my jeans and slowly unbuttoned them, gasping at the long incision line still apparent above my hairline.

  “What is his name?” he whispered, lowering my zipper.

  “Parker,” I said as his hands pushed my jeans and panties down my thighs in one movement. He reached over to the bedside table with his right hand and pulled open a drawer. He lifted out a small gold square and held it between us, “Do you want to make another one?”

  I gasped. No one had ever asked me if I wanted to make a baby before, and I found it to be one of the sexiest things I’d ever heard. Everything between us was wrapped into that one little sentence and I melted as my eyes met his, “Sure.”

  He tossed the gold foil in the direction of the bedside table and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me on top of him as he lay back on the bed. His hardness bounced against my behind and tickled me with its knocking; it was heavy and burning with demand. My cheeks clinched and my pelvis pressed against him, my own need amplified by his honest romance. The banging in my chest caused my breasts to jiggle slightly and they drew his attention. He slid my naked body up his chest with his hands firmly on each cheek.

  I loved the feel of his mouth on my nipples. Each tug sends an entirely new wave of tingles through my veins. My skin blushed and became tender quickly against the slight five o’clock shadow around his mouth. Before his face had been smooth and tender, now it had a dangerous quality that sent my mind reeling. And since he’d given me the advantage of being on top, I decided to use it. I slid downward, running my tongue around his dark nipples and his hands slid to my hips. His groans became louder as I moved even further down, teasing him by sliding my soaking opening over his hardness several times. When I felt like I was too near implosion I pulled myself from the slick rod and moved to a comfortable position between his hairy thighs.

  I took him in my hand, but quickly realized I would need both hands as well as my mouth for this chore. The odd appearance of his dark skin against my pale fingers sent me over the edge, and I opened my mouth as wide as I could and shoved him inside me. When I felt like I would choke, I looked down and was disappointed to find that only the head was actually inside my mouth.

  With both hands working near my mouth, I tugged and pulled on him, tightening my grip until I saw his head bend backwards into the comforter. Establishing his need I held tight and moved my hands up and down his shaft, wetting it and tenderly licking the head with my tongue. Tiny prickles appeared on his thighs and up his stomach, his nipples tightened, and the heavy sack beneath my chin shriveled in preparation. I didn’t slow my pace, instead I hurried it. I wanted to watch him come. I wanted to see him pleasured and know each detail of his face and body when he did. A jolt was issued, followed by a loud orgasmic growl and the heat poured from him and down my throat. I swallowed deeply and made the gasp of a runner taking a long gulp of water.

  Jeff lay still for a moment then began the slow, deep roll of his laugh, “There were a lot of pretty babies in that bunch!”

  Slithering up beside him I licked his side before snuggling in the crook of his arm. “I reached my finger up to the corner of my mouth and wiped a smidge of saltiness, “No those were all quadruplets and triplets. I can’t handle that.”

  He looked down at me with humor, “I love you, Morgan.”

  “I love you, Jeff,” I replied as he flipped me onto my back and rose menacingly on top of me.

  “We’re kind of an odd couple, ya know?” he said smiling down at me with a huge grin.

  “Ya think?” I laughed.

  “You’re so damn tiny,” he said and lifted an eyebrow. “Wonder what kinds of positions we can get in?”

  Again I laughed. He was so serious and massive looming over me like a death eater. “I’m not sure, but we can try until we pick some favorites!”

  “Yeah… yeah that’s what we’ll do!” His hand went to his rod between us and maneuvered it to my opening, slicking it up and down until it was again stiff and wet. Gradually he pierced inside me, this time moving on a straightforward path and never retreating. My muscles adjusted to his slow pace and throbbed around him. He moaned and bit his lower lip. He was intent on pleasuring me, and the rawness of his emotion swarmed around me encasing me and lighting me from within.

  No longer could I stand his heady slowness and I thrust the final depth and took him so tightly that our pelvic bones crushed together. For such a giant of a man his hips were relatively thin. My legs swung over them and I planted my heels firmly in his behind. I moaned as the sensitive bud smashed against the hardness of bone and he responded by thrusting against my inner wall. But that wasn’t enough. “Harder!” I screamed, my own voice unrecognizable.

  He began pounding into me. The sounds of wetness engulfed us as he moved powerfully against my hips. Leaning up onto my elbows I looked down towards our intersection. He looked so huge against my small frame, and any other woman would run and hide from his girth. The sight of us only heightened my ache for release and my heels dug deeper into his ass. He was sweating now, his chocolate skin rippling with the workout of pounding into me. Not once did he slow, his thrusts came harder and deeper as his end neared. I held on, fighting to merge our bodies together into one skin until I could no longer keep myself from the pleasure. The rogue wave carried me off as his hot seed surrounded us with warmth.

  Gasping for air he rolled to my side, taking my hand in his, “I think those were all singles, but a set of twins could’ve sneaked in.”

  I laughed b
ut now temporarily satiated the idea of more children with a man I barely knew didn’t seem wise. For the life of me I couldn’t figure out why things always moved so fast with him. One minute I’m standing in the airport looking at the map so I can find my luggage, the next I’m naked in his bed. And this isn’t the first time it’s happened. Slow down Morgan, I told myself, just slow down.

  A phone buzzed and we looked at each other startled from our cozy world. He leapt up and pulled his phone from the pocket of his coat, “Carson’s in labor.” My phone was still buzzing on the floor.


  After suiting up I rushed into the delivery suite to find a very welcoming Steve. “Why don’t you let me stay with her for a while, you go get a cup of coffee.”

  “Jeff out there?” my brother in law breathed like he was running a marathon.

  “Yes,” and he kissed Carson tenderly on the forehead and padded out of the room.

  Between contractions my sister motioned for a cup of ice on the table and I handed it to her, “Jeff?”

  I nodded feeling a little shy about announcing it out loud.

  “Good, we’ve been trying to get you two… oh hell.”

  An hour later we welcomed my eleven pound niece into the world. Jeff stood over the basinet and pondered, “That’s one big girl.”

  I smiled, “That she is. Parker weighed ten pounds, and I was having nothing to do with delivering him. I went in for my appointment and came out two days later with him, easy as that.”

  He leaned down and whispered into my ear, his breath sending shivers down my spine, “That’s why you’re still so fucking tight.”

  I cringed against him and then looked up and smiled at my sister. “Okay, well I think we’ll leave you all to it now. I need a shower and some sleep.”

  Steve pounded Jeff on the back, “You won’t get any sleep with this maniac.”


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