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  Leila Johnson isn’t your typical intern, and if she’d been in Washington more than a week she could’ve knocked her mother right out of that 18th position. She knows what she wants, and knows how to get it. A summer internship in her mother’s office is perfect for a young woman with aspirations of climbing the political ladder. With the Senator squarely in her sights, Leila is positioned to add another notch on her bedpost as she pads her resume at the same time.

  The last time she saw Logan McNarry he was a skinny, silver spooned brat. However, dinner at the Senator’s house was a bigger surprise than she ever imagined. Logan was all grown up now, and definitely not how she remembered him. He was nice, gentle, and worst of all, a hopeless romantic. None of the things that would further her career. But Logan brings out something in her that’s not familiar. With him she laughs, she makes love, and dare she think it… feels loved.

  His father, on the other hand, represents all she hopes to achieve: Money, power, and status. And the fact that the Senator has no problem masterfully using his interns fits absolutely perfectly into her plans. Add in his handsome, rugged exterior that simply reeks of power, and she was panting and ready to climb any ladder he presented. David McNarry wastes no time un-wrapping his new intern and teaching her the ropes of Washington, even though he is all too aware that if Patricia catches him with her daughter he’s road kill.

  This vicious Washington political story wraps itself around the McNarry family, showing just how their deceitful relationships intertwine. And in their midst, Leila struggles to overcome her own stereotypes as she steams with Senator David McNarry and melts into the arms of his son Logan. Which man should she choose? The one who fills her heart? Or the one who can put her in the White House?

  Seven Deadly Sins

  It was a fresh start, and that’s exactly what Liz Martin needed. New York was a long way away from Charleston, and for a recent graduate from the Charleston School of Law, a high powered New York law firm was the perfect way to pad her resume. But more importantly, it was away from him.

  It’s not that she didn’t love him. No, love was never the problem. Benton Frazier gave her the firm and controlling hand she’d grown so used to having. The only real problem was that her lover, her master, her best friend just couldn’t be monogamous.

  Liz could have easily taken a local job offer in Charleston. However, since her brother waited for her to graduate, it was now his time to pursue his fashion career, and what better place than New York City. Now that her parents were gone, Palmer was all she had. Everything seemed to be falling into place… until she met Carlton. And now, all she can think about is him.

  Carlton was dreamy. Handsome, rugged, and well dressed. Deep brown eyes the color of chocolate, and the silken voice with a hint of an English accent that simply drove her crazy. Most importantly, Carlton had it all; a partner in a prestigious law firm, old family money that left nothing out of reach. He was perfect. But even this perfect man came with baggage.

  Follow Liz as she navigates through the Seven Deadly Sins. Is Benton out of her life for good? Can Carlton’s past not get in the way of their future? Where will her heart take her?

  See all my books on AllRomance!




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