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Boys of Vice City

Page 13

by Zack

  Mike ran up to Gil and released the ratchet on the hoist. Gil was lowered unceremoniously to the ground. Another pair of hands undid the gag and he turned to see the grinning face of Paolo.

  “Wha—? Where’d you guys come from?” Gil gasped as soon as he could get some breath. Mike was busy unthreading the leather straps of the harness.

  “He ring Angelo,” Paolo replied briefly, nodding his head at Mike. “Angelo ring me.”

  “Here,” Mike said equally curtly, throwing Gil a towel. “Clean up and get these on fast.” He scooped up the discarded bundle of Gil’s clothes from the carpet.

  Gil rubbed the insides of his thighs where the straps had bruised him and then he cleaned off the residue of cream and grease, feeling rather self-conscious. As he hurriedly dressed he took in the others. Mike had brought Angel and Paolo and several other young hunks he had never seen before. They obviously meant business because they had rapidly laid out the two men who had grabbed him from the pool, and two of the painted creatures. The others were huddled in a threatened heap on the cushions. Mike picked up the bull whip from the floor and held it above the one who only seconds before had been about to use it on Gil. The man cringed and Mike threw it at him disgustedly.

  “C’mon, mate, let’s get out fast.”

  “Where’s Rosen?” Gil asked.

  Mike took his friend’s arm. “Tell you later. Let’s go.”

  They ran out, up the stairs, and through the house to the hallway. Mike led Gil down the imposing front steps in the direction of two very shabby-looking Fiats. He pushed Gil into one and Angel followed them into the back seat. Paolo took the driving seat and one of the others fell into the passenger seat. The remainder got into the second car and both engines coughed into life. Minutes later they were speeding through the streets.

  “Did they do anything to you?” Mike asked, concern in his voice.

  Gil smiled. “Gee, you English are so dashing, you rescued me in the nick of time.”

  “Don’t joke. Fantini is no one to fool around with.”

  Mike looked so severe that Gil couldn’t help laughing.

  “I’m sorry, I appreciate it real good, really Mike. Thanks.”

  “Well Angel here was telling me that some of his friends have been to parties there and never come back.” Mike shook his head in distress. “I had no idea he was that bad.”

  When they got to the hotel, Gil thanked Paolo and Angelo for their help.

  “That’s okay,” Paolo grinned, “I just put it on the account. Now you have to pay fully, hey?”

  “Sure.” Gil shook his head and the two cars roared off into the night.

  “Well, what now?” Gil asked.

  “I need a drink,” said Mike. He led the way to the hotel bar and over a stiff Scotch told Gil about his clash with Rosen.

  “So we’re out of a job?” Gil said.

  “Not this one. He wouldn’t dare create a fuss with the Unions—yours or mine. But I don’t think Mr. James Rosen will be hiring either of us again. Oh well, there are plenty of films getting made in Britain again now at Shepperton and Pinewood. How about it? Why not come to England with me for a bit?”

  Gil finished his drink and nodded his head slowly.

  “Yeah, maybe.”

  They sat in silence for a few moments, relaxing after the events of the evening and feeling comfortable with each other.

  “I need a shower,” Gil said, breaking the silence. “Cream goes real gooey as it dries.”

  They went to the elevators and took a car to their floor.

  As the doors slid closed behind them neither wanted to part. They stood uncertainly, neither saying what the other wanted to hear. “Well so long,” Gil said finally, “see you later, huh.”

  “Yep, see you,” Mike said. They turned and walked their different ways along the corridor.


  That’s A Wrap

  Mike switched on the light and disconsolately walked over to his bed and flopped down on it. He lay there, lost in his own thoughts, aching quietly inside, somewhere he couldn’t touch. Then he sat up on the edge and removed his sneakers and socks. He felt he could do with a shower too. Still sitting on the bed, he pulled off his evening shirt and undershirt. He was just standing up to take off his pants when there was a soft knock at the door. Oh fuck it, he thought, in no mood for company. He went to the door and unlocked it.

  It was Gil with a towel over his shoulder. He grinned apologetically. “My shower faucet isn’t working,” he said simply.

  Mike opened the door wide and stepped back to let him in. Gil took in the clothes on the bed. Mike closed the door behind him.

  “Were you just going to bed?” Gil asked.

  “I was going to take a shower, actually,” Mike replied, sitting down again on the bed. Gil stood in front of him, hands on hips, legs slightly apart, looking just wonderful. “Still, if your shower isn’t working I don’t mind waiting until you have one here.”

  Gil looked down at his friend, seeing the way his thick dark hair parted from the crown and fell away all around the rounded head. Gil pulled a thoughtful face. “Seems silly to waste the hot water,” he said quietly.

  Mike turned his head up and caught the sly look in Gil’s eyes. “I bet you say that to all the boys.”

  “Only the ones I really like,” Gil answered with an unexpected catch in his voice.

  Mike stood up and pulled the towel from Gil’s shoulder.

  “Thinking of undressing modestly behind this were you?”

  “Thought it might be best, you never know who you might meet in the showers these days.”

  Mike tossed the towel onto the bed behind him, without taking his gaze from Gil’s face. Gil licked his dry lips nervously. His eyes were wide and so innocent looking. Mike felt he was falling into them. He put out an arm and cupped the back of Gil’s neck and liked the feeling of Gil’s soft hair against his fingers.

  “You have me at a disadvantage,” Mike said, looking down at his own bare chest and then Gil’s still fully clothed torso. Slowly he eased the dress shirt out from the waist band of Gil’s pants and undid the buttons. Gil stood there and allowed Mike to open up his shirt. Mike slipped it over his shoulders and threw that onto the bed as well. Then he moved closer and the hairs on their chests touched electrically. Even now they both had their eyes open, staring into each other’s. Mike’s lips parted moistly and he placed them against the skin of Gil’s neck. Gil’s body shuddered with the contact and he lifted an arm around Mike’s shoulder, pressing the palm of his hand against Mike’s spine. Mike kissed him on the cheek and then turned his head so that their lips met. They brushed lightly again and again before pressing closer together. It was Gil who first pushed his tongue through to meet Mike’s darting response. Mike’s mouth tasted fresh, the clean after tang of Scotch belonging to both of them.

  Gil thrust further in, pushing Mike’s tongue out of the way. He ran its tip over the back of Mike’s gums and then fell back in delighted retreat as Mike explored his mouth. Their movements were still so slight, but now their bodies were in contact. Mike’s hands moved down Gil’s smooth back and fondled his buttocks. Gil did the same and the pressure of their hands brought their hips into close contact. Both could feel the stirrings in the other’s loins.

  After long minutes of this simple delight Mike broke mouth contact and leaned back against Gil’s restraining arms. He put his hands up on Gil’s shoulders.

  “Well,” said Gil rather breathlessly, “what now?”

  “That rather depends on who’s seducing who,” Mike answered softly.

  “I finally want to see you with no clothes on,” Gil said, smiling sexily.

  “How about that shower then?”

  Gil d
idn’t answer, but he loosened his hands from behind Mike and brought them to the front. With deliberate slowness he unfastened the belt at Mike’s waist and undid the top of his dress pants. Mike stood still, getting increasingly excited but desperately trying to restrain himself. Gil found the silver tab of the zipper and pulled it down carefully. Then he directed Mike to turn around. Mike obliged. His hands encircling Mike’s waist, Gil took the top of the pants and gradually pulled them down. They fell to the floor and Mike stepped out. Gil’s hands roved fleetingly over the brief underpants, avoiding Mike’s bulging crotch. Then he slipped his hands inside the elastic and eased them down, pulling them well away at the front. Mike stepped out of those too. Then Gil turned him back again.

  Mike’s cock hung free. Gil unashamedly let his eyes wander down his friend’s taut body. Mike was a little broader in the chest than Gil, perhaps an inch taller and with a hard flat stomach that showed clearly the bifurcating line running down its center and into the navel. And there was the cock, a little longer than Gil’s in its limp state, sitting up slightly on the heavily packed balls. Mike definitely had bigger balls. Even as he watched, the thick cock gave a jerk.

  “You look good,” Gil sighed.

  Mike laughed easily and then stepped over to the shower. He went in and turned on the water. “Coming?” he called out.

  “Not yet,” Gil replied, “but at this rate I soon will be.”

  He took off his own pants and boxers and walked over to the shower. Inside Mike was already soaked. Through the steam and water he frankly admired Gil’s body and couldn’t stop himself from offering congratulations on his luck to have found someone who looked so good and was such a nice guy with it. It was the curious mixture of innocence and guile in Gil that attracted him, the feeling that it was always the first time and yet the expertise was there. Gil was undeniably a person you could fall in love with and make love to. He eyed Gil’s cock, much stiffer than his own, the uncircumcised foreskin—rare on an American—well retracted in growing excitement; a good sucking cock.

  Gil stepped under the stream of water. They washed themselves, not touching, saving that for later. Then they got out and dried off. Mike rubbed his hair savagely and then shook his head like a dog draining its coat. The dark strands all fell back into place naturally. Gil was envious. “I wish mine was that easy to cope with,” he complained.

  Mike laughed at him and attacked Gil’s hair with a towel. Then he picked up a brush from the basin itself and commenced straightening out Gil’s thatch. This process finally ended up with them in each other’s arms again.

  “It’s no good,” Mike whispered in Gil’s ear, “I can’t wait any longer. If I don’t have you soon, I’m going to go mad.”

  They returned to the bed and Mike pushed Gil, who fell over onto it. Mike followed him down and they rolled easily into each other’s grasp, mouths together, tongues entwined and hands fondling, feeling, and at last exploring every bit of each other. Gil wanted to hold Mike’s big balls in his hands and wasted no time getting down there. They were so heavy. Mike gently tickled the crinkled skin of Gil’s. Now their cocks were big and hard, ready, Mike began to sit up but Gil forced him back. “Me first,” he ordered.

  His eager tongue flicked softly over Mike’s silky skin, brushing through the light tangle of dark hairs on the chest, following that strongly muscular line to the navel, which Gil wet with his saliva. Then lower down to swallow up the pulsing head of Mike’s cock. He didn’t spend too much time on that, being eager to suck those big balls. Each one was more than a mouthful. God, when he sprays, it must be one hell of a fountain, Gil thought. I can’t wait.

  Mike couldn’t wait for a mouthful either. Impatient with being passive, he pulled at Gil’s strong legs and moved him round into such a position that he could get between his legs and get his lips round that enticing American shaft. Now they were really at it, sucking each other and loving it. Mike moved himself farther around and his busy tongue was getting in between Gil’s hard nuts and his thighs. Gil was aware of what was happening but could hardly believe it as Mike continued working his way down, licking the edges of Gil’s buns, ever more urgently reaching for his ass. Then suddenly it was there.

  Gil had never felt that before, the wet warmth and flittery feeling of someone’s tongue rimming him. It nearly drove him mad. He stopped Mike. “Hell, what were you doing?”

  “Didn’t you like it? I did.”

  “It was great. I wanna do it to you.”

  “Help yourself,” Mike murmured.

  Gil recalled tonguing Jeff in the shower and he shuddered with ecstasy at the thought of pleasuring Mike in the same way. But he didn’t go straight to the target, and holding back made him all the more eager. At first he contented himself with licking at the base of Mike’s spine, the proximity of what lay a mere inch lower really getting to him. With each movement of his tongue he worked himself a little closer to his goal. He could hear Mike groaning. That made it even better. Then his tongue was almost into the cleft, the whole area getting really wet with saliva. Then the tip of his tongue touched the sphincter ring and he knew it. The tight band of muscles squirmed with what he was doing. He pressed his tongue harder, whirling it around and around Mike’s button, and suddenly the tip went in. He was really inside him. Gil was so worked up he was on the point of ejaculating. He had to stop.

  Mike sat up. “Wow, that was great.”

  Gil’s eyes glowed with joy and excitement. Even though outwardly he seemed calm, everything inside was trembling to some rhythm he had never before experienced. It was like an out-of-body feeling but shimmeringly real. As soon as Gil caught his breath he fell down on Mike’s cock, getting it well inside his mouth and working at the back of the lobes very gently with his teeth. Mike was sitting up over him, cupping Gil’s head against his chest.

  “Hang on,” Mike suddenly gasped. “I don’t want to shoot yet.” He pulled Gil off him and they sat in each other’s arms breathing heavily.

  “I want to be able to see it when you cum,” Gil whispered. “I want to suck you off, but I want to see it.”

  “Pervert,” Mike retorted happily.

  He pushed Gil down firmly on the bed, face down, then spread his legs apart and pulled Gil’s cock out behind him, so that it pointed down. Gil found it increased the agony in his balls almost to the breaking point. Then Mike proceeded to eat his ass and lick at the bulging, trapped balls and suck the tip of his cock all in turn, getting faster and faster all the while. Gil cried out in ecstatic urgency. At the last moment as though by a sixth sense, Mike hooked a finger under Gil’s down-pressed cock and lifted it high enough off the bed to get it into his mouth as Gil began his orgasm. There was so much pressure that the first jet spurted out before Mike could really get the head in, and then he was there taking it in to the hilt, releasing it almost to the tip for the thrust of cum and then sinking round the throbbing shaft of cock, squeezing the base between his lips to make the next ejaculation even more exquisite.

  Gil writhed and squirmed, but he couldn’t get away from Mike’s mouth. In the end he managed to turn over but still Mike held the spasming weapon in his lips, taking the very last drop from it.

  Gil was drained but not exhausted. He wanted his own turn, and so pulled Mike up to straddle him. Mike’s cock head was engorged with blood and jutted out fiercely on top of the bundled balls. Gil started by sucking the warm orbs, laving their curving undersides with the flat of his tongue, while above he was firmly massaging the broad cock, constantly rubbing the tip of his thumb over the sensitive tip. Mike leaned forward until he was right over Gil.

  “Oh God, I don’t think I can take any more,” Mike gasped.

  Gil turned his mouth up and squeezed the underside of Mike’s cock between his lips. Then he got the head into his mouth, still grasping the base in his hands and jacking it off so that the violen
ce of the action really worked the lobes against the sides of his mouth.

  “Go on—go on!” Mike moaned. “I’m coming!” He leaned back so that he could see the effect of his orgasm.

  Gil gave one last hard thrust with his mouth and then, jerking Mike off furiously, lifted the cock out of his mouth and slightly above. A trickle of cum fell on his lips and then a great creamy white gush leapt from the tip, straight into Gil’s waiting mouth. The next was even harder and splashed off his lips. Mike grunted loudly with the extreme effort and three more ropey jets shot out. Then he stopped, poised in his kneeling position. Tenderly Gil put a hand behind his back and pulled him forward so that the thick, throbbing tool slid back into his mouth, no longer turgid but still hard. Mike made gentle fucking motions as the last of his orgasm jerked away.

  “Shit!” he said finally, and rolled off to lie beside Gil.

  They looked at each other intently, the sex craze fading to be replaced by a warm glow of affection and gratitude. Mike lit a cigarette and offered Gil one. He took it and they smoked in contented silence. Eventually Mike broke the comfortable silence.

  “Next time, I want to fuck you.”

  “Oh, yeah? I wanna do you as well.”

  “I asked first.”

  More silence.

  “You up for it?”

  Mike grinned broadly. “Oh yesss…”

  In the afterglow Mike turned to Gil. “So, do you fancy coming back to England with me?”

  “When this thing’s over I haven’t got anything special to go to,” Gil said.

  “I’m not sure I could cope without you now,” Mike said softly.

  “And if you weren’t around, who would there be to rescue me?”

  Rosen flew back to the States the day after. He never said another word to Mike. Three weeks later the movie finished principal photography and the crews wrapped it up. Sheila was surprised to discover that Gil didn’t want his return flight to the States, but made him out a ticket pass for London.


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