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The Event Trilogy (Book 1): Life After the Meteor

Page 34

by Larson, Thomas

  After breakfast The Three reconvened the meeting from the day before. We presented our idea to the group and it seemed that all agreed with our idea. The addition to the plan was that a mission was made soon to have the building secured and ready to go. That way we would be able to just waltz in rather than have to rush to secure it at the time we most needed to get in there quickly. Matt, Ron, Asuna and I all volunteered to go do the house cleaning.

  Heather, who has been mostly quiet about doing such things also volunteered. I was kind of surprised by her stepping up but as time has gone by even the most timid and quiet have come to the realization that our situation can turn to crap quickly and that a little personal combat skill and experience could be a lifesaver. In most regards this should be a cake run, when we had last been at the Arsenal we had pretty much cleaned out the Zoms that had gotten in so the odds were very much in our favor.

  Our daily run was a little later than usual today, but it was a good day, it was not too warm, and it was cloudy. After the run I spent about a half an hour swinging the katana. I hardly qualify as ninja material, but it is a good anti-zombie weapon.

  Oct 18th

  It is a clear day, a little crisp in the morning but it warmed up. After breakfast it was time to head to the Arsenal. I think we are all ready. Asuna and I talked a little about what we planned for once we hit the ground. Our goal was simple, clear the building of walkers, get the bodies out of the place and burn them. After we secure the building we do an assessment of the food, water and other survival needs such as power, heat and so on. Overall it was going to be a long day.

  We loaded up the chopper and were off at 9:00 am. Heather was kind of funny, she showed up at the chopper wearing a red shirt. I did not think anything of it until she walked up to me and saluted saying “Ensign Heather reporting for the away mission”.

  I got it and laughed. “Ensign, we will get you back safely I promise” was my response. Asuna gave me a look but it was not jealousy but more a be careful of making those kinds of promises and make sure you get your own ass back safely.

  We hit the roof at about 9:30. We were down the hatch and into the building quite quickly. It was a “slow and go” room search and termination mission. We took turns being first through the door.

  I always remembered from my time with the SWAT team that the first through the door usually did ok, but being the second was not the best thing. We were against Zoms here so it was really the first person that faced the most risk.

  As the day proceeded, it was getting boring, but in a good way. We had no contacts and found that overall the place was empty. Heather finally got her wish of going through a door first, and damn if she didn’t find the first of three Zoms still moving. But she did well; with only an “Oh shit”, she dropped him with a single head shot.

  The gunshot alerted the other two Zoms in the room that we were there and they started coming toward us. Asuna and I each took one down. It was the christening of my katana. The Sword of Larson rang true. (Sorry, a little D & D thing going here.)

  By the end of the day we had a total of 6 bodies to burn, the three that we sent to rest and three that had been terminated on our last trip. We quickly dragged them out the garage door and torched them then back in and sealed the door. Stephen picked us up on the roof at about 4:30 and it was back toward the camp.

  Dinner was as usually very good. I saw that Jan seemed to be beaming, and Fred had a silly look on his face. In the midst of dinner we had the announcement, they were engaged. Asuna poked me in the ribs and quietly asked, “You think she is pregnant?”

  “Oh wow, I did not think of that.”

  Oct 19th

  After Asuna’s question about Jan, I did not fall asleep right away. I thought about the idea of being pregnant in the world as we know it. It would probably be okay the way we are right now, and even with the moving to another location it would be workable but the other aspect of it is the concept of bringing a child into the world. Part of me thinks that it is a wonderful and necessary thing. Humanity has to survive, but damn, what kind of life is that kid going to have. What is it going to be like over time with Margo, and Delaney and all of the youngers? It is a hard row to hoe now, what does the future hold.

  The morning run was not a lot of fun this morning. It was a cold blustery day of running but it must be done, Zoms don’t know rain. We did cut the morning sword training a little short today. It was just a good day to be inside.

  Frank had the idea that seeing as the weather was crap anyway that it would be a good day to do truck and vehicle inspections. He had us each bring our trucks into the little garage area where he gave them a general inspection and going over. While the Coyote was in the garage, I went through the vehicle from the standpoint of checking the survival and fighting equipment that we carried.

  When I originally set the truck up, it was based on the idea of being a one person vehicle in the sense that I had one sleeping bag and my stuff in there. But now that Asuna was my wingman we went through it together and added to our food / water stash, and other equipment that would make it possible for the two of us to survive for a fair period should the need arise.

  Being stuck inside also gave some time to notice things about the group that would not have really been so obvious under our normal routine. I noticed that Matt has moved away from his usual jeans and flannel shirt and to all black. I am not sure why but he did seem to becoming more and more religious. Tanya, who had always been a very religious person, seems to be spending a lot of time with him. They both seem to have this very peaceful aura about them.

  Relationships and pairing up had become quite common and obvious, although in some cases I had never noticed it. Steven and Heather are an example. I had originally thought that her desire for joining our scavenger mission was to get some experience, and actually it was, to a degree, but it was also to be Steven’s ‘doorman’, a part of the helicopter crew. I also had not noticed that Taylor and Larry spent a lot of time together.

  That did leave Chelsea as a very popular girl, She was the last available and certainly sought after by the remaining suitors. Ethan and Ron were the most active in their efforts. Henry really did not seem all that interested, Henry, being older I could understand to a great degree.

  Another thing that I have noticed at the end of the world is that people have lost or suppressed most if not all the biases that they held back in the old days. Perhaps it is the effort to survive that made it clear that such things did not matter. We all had a common goal, and had to work as one clan or tribe to make it happen.

  Oh, I finally found out that the ‘Beaming” on Jan’s part was that she and Fred had decided that getting married was a good idea and he proposed.

  Oct 20th

  To continue with the thoughts of yesterday I have kept my eyes open, or should I say, I opened my eyes to a lot of what has been going on in the camp. Although I should have expected much of it, there were some things that do surprise me, and some other things that don’t.

  One of the things that I had certainly missed out on was the development of a sort of church or congregation. I have been more or less in the corner of Buddha from well before The Event. I had picked it up a few years before and as such spent most of my spiritual time on self-meditation. I had not really thought about the others from that regard other than to offer the insights I have learned and hold sacred.

  There was also the original cult of Brother Gabriel and the old religions that some still followed. I remember Arcelia asking Matt, who had become the Internet Ordained Ministe,r to do a service on Sundays. He was the go to guy when there was a religious need. He officiated at services for those we lost and had been doing a sort of Sunday morning thing for those who were interested. I never really paid attention.

  As I said yesterday Matt began to wear black but I had not noticed initially that he was no longer carrying his firearm, or at least not openly. Tanya and he had become pretty much attached at the hip, if you saw o
ne of them’ the other was not far away.

  Cyril has been keeping himself up, showering and acting pretty normally. He does not seem to be as lost as he once was. I see him going out each morning with a folding chair and spending about an hour at Arcelia’s gravesite. He appears to have accepted her death, but still keeps in touch with her.

  That sometimes makes me feel a little uncomfortable. But then Anne and I had done the same thing and we talked about things like the future, taking care of Margo, and even taking care of me. She had told me that Asuna was a good thing for me and that I should be with her. I resist, there still is a little room in my head and my heart that only Anne can hold.

  We had four Zoms hit the wire today about noon time. That was kind of unusual as they show up at dusk or dawn most of the time. It worked out well because it gave Asuna and I a little sword practice on the real thing.

  I have come to the conclusion that Asuna and I must have been connected in a past life. While I was thinking about it, I thought of the past life regenerations that I have done. I still have the podcast on my phone, which is now more an iPod rather than an iPhone. I need to do that again.

  I think tomorrow will be a scavenger run to Hinsdale.

  Oct 21st

  Asuna and I made a run to Hinsdale today and visited a number of shops. On this trip our particular “target” was warm clothing and blankets. We had a fair supply already at the camp, but we really need to add some. We do not have the luxury of the heating sources that we once did and should we have a cold snap of any substantial degree, cold weather supplies will be in heavy demand. It is better to do it now than when the need is upon us.

  There are also certain supplies that are a must grab. Whenever we find the chance of batteries, bottled water, and packaged foods that are not outside of it’s shelf life, well very much outside it’s shelf life, we try to add them to the inventory. Taylor had done a great job of keeping track of what is good until when, so we waste little. Nick and Grace do nicely at creating meals from those soon to expire items. The meals at the R&G Diner as we call it are really good for the end of the world.

  Although sometimes I joke about or comment on it being the end of the world, it is not. We are alive, and from my perspective in a pretty good place right now. I think we can survive this if we can get through the winter.

  While we were ‘cruising’ the mall we found a Victoria Secrets.

  “I have to go in there” squealed Asuna, “It has been forever since I have had girlie stuff, Please?”

  “Ok, we can check it out, but let’s be careful.”

  It was just us so I got a little fashion show and was questioned about this ah…., outfit or that. In her baggy uniform I forget that she really is a very beautiful woman.

  Asuna came out in a little white outfit with angel wings and high heels just as we were visited by three Zoms. It was kind of very stimulating seeing battling the undead in that outfit. I wonder how the religious folks (Matt and Tanya) would feel about that image.

  Be it the moment, or the events or just time, but yes, we did, it was the stuff of dreams.

  One of the things that I have perhaps down played over time is the actual amount of contact we do have with Zoms. In looking over this journal I mention that we occasionally have a few show up on the wire at camp. Or I talk a little about it when we make significant actions such as our setting up the Arsenal. But whenever we make a scavenger run, or a fuel run, or the hunting crew goes out we often run into a straggler or two and dispose of them. It is so “normal” that it is like going to the bathroom, or tying ones shoes, you just kind of forget about it.

  Even in our flights and scavenging runs to larger cities we have not really seen or run into any significant hordes of Zoms moving around. Yes, in the Albany city area and near the Arsenal there are many, but we haven’t seen a migrating horde. I think that the Hudson River is a big ally. But then we have not done a lot of looking around to see if we might be in a path from the east. We probably should keep an eye out that way after the events of Otis. I think I will mention it to The Three as well as the Fly Boys.

  Oct 22nd

  Asuna and I talked about another trip into the area around the Arsenal. I thought that it would be a really good idea to get a feel for what is in the area should we need to make the move. It would be helpful to see what was available for scavenging resources. It would be a pretty straight forward walk in or maybe to start just a mapping from the air. I was shocked at the level of resistance that I received from her on this. She said it would be too dangerous; there were things there that were not good, and a lot of vague arguments for not going. I could tell there was something behind it, I just did not know what, nor was I going to get an answer. I let the issue drop.

  The run this morning was miserable, it was wet and cold, in fact it was raining so hard that the usual morning stretching by the flagpole was moved into the dining area. There was no sword practice or workout today.

  We held a little group gathering this afternoon to discuss our overall status. The Three ran the show, and we got reports from the various specialists. In the course of it we had Taylor and Nick recap our food and water inventories. We were good easily into April. As far as medical supplies, things were good, we did not have the capabilities for major surgeries or serious issues such as cancers and such. But we could handle the day to day stuff without a problem. Our scavenging had left us with good clothing and miscellaneous items, supplies like batteries, books and luxury items.

  The Fly Boys said that their season might be coming to a close because the fuel supplies that they had were on the low side. They figure that they had about three more radiation flights each worth of high octane gasoline. This could be a problem because at this time there are not known places that we can find fuel, and as time goes on the fuel may lose potency.

  Steven is a little better off, but he needed to keep his flights on the light side. Our supplies of kerosene or diesel fuel are not as excessive as they could be. But here at least we have some latitude as we know that there are some heating oil supplies around that we can use.

  This fuel issue would also impact the assorted trucks and SUVs that we have available but here the priority had been set that they were to be kept filled and ready to roll in the case where we had to bug out. At this point only the Coyote was really used on a regular basis.

  A medical report from Doc and Charlene showed that there were no unusual medical issues facing us at this time. Everyone seemed healthy, or as healthy as could be.

  Lance and Ethan talked about the radiation issues which seemed currently to be only a minor problem.

  “One of the things that Ethan and I have been monitoring is the Sat-Comm and we do not like what we are hearing.”

  “What do you mean?” asked the Major.

  “The few remaining bases were becoming increasingly active and orders from Cheyenne Mountain recommended they go into a kind of cleansing mode again.”

  I noticed that Asuna closed her eyes when that happened and there was a battle to hold back tears.

  “Lance, Major, let’s talk about this a little more after the meeting.” Teckla suggested, but I knew this was just to calm potential concerns among the larger group.

  Henry and Joseph said that between firewood and the two propane trucks we had that our heating situation should be pretty stable. We can’t keep our individual cabins walking around nekkid warm (Henry said that) but we should not have to worry about freezing.

  Margo and Delaney talked about our hunting situation and said that we still were in good shape with birds, particularly Canada Geese as well as rabbits. But we were increasingly seeing that the larger animals, pigs, and deer were learning that this was a not good area and were moving farther away. Fresh meat should still be available during the winter. This, combined with the smoke house, should keep us in good shape.

  The Three were about to close the meeting when Matt spoke up. “Overall the morale of the group is good as are the
spiritual aspects from what we (I am guessing this is he and Tanya) have observed.”

  Matt did a little plug for his Sunday vespers and asked if we could end the meeting with a prayer.

  There was a lot of information to absorb from the meeting; it was all pretty much old news. But for me the biggie was the “cleansing the infected” and Asuna’s reaction. I had a bad feeling about the first, and confusion on the second. When we got back to our cabin, I asked Asuna about the cleansing. I had a feeling that it meant that anyone who had been bitten or was a likely carrier was killed before they turned.

  She was quiet and just said, “close enough, let it go.”

  In the old days before the Event, I would have, but the world had changed, and I thought this was too serious to not understand a little better. I pushed a few more questions and finally she blew up.

  Oct 23rd

  I awoke this morning alone. It did not hit me at first what was going on. The night before Asuna and I had a discussion , actually a screaming match about what had really happened at the Arsenal and why she had been so against our doing some mapping of that area. Finally she gave in and told me.


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