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NICK (Carsonbrothers Book 3)

Page 19

by S R Dyble

  "Yep, whichever one of you does the best dive into the lake, owes the other person something," Frankie grinned.

  Oh, owing the other person something was not specified in the terms of this game. I glanced at Nick who was smiling at me cockily. I didn't wanna owe him anything, therefore I had to win. But I was hardly a pro diver. I doubted Nick was either, which boosted my confidence. At least until Nick got up and pulled his t-shirt off, earning him a hoot and a whistle from the girls. He threw it at me, literally threw it in my face. I glared at him as he continued his cocky smirk.

  "You'd better go get changed, Petal," Nick said looking down at me. "Unless you'd rather forfeit it, can't say I blame you if you did…" he said, stretching his body and flexing.

  What the bloody hell? I was not having this. I threw his t-shirt onto the floor and stood up before pulling my top over my head. It made everyone gasp as I revealed my bikini top beneath my clothes. I didn't take my eyes off of Nick as his eyes dug into my skin and everyone whistled and hooted as they had done for Nick.

  "This is a diving challenge, not a stripping challenge," Olivia said, sounding disgusted.

  "You'll have to reserve that challenge for you, Olivia," I said pulling my shorts off of my feet before throwing them at Nick. He caught them and smiled at me, blowing out a breath as he watched me strutting past him and towards the dock. Thank God my foot felt strong enough to walk confidently like this...

  He eventually followed after me and I could see everyone standing up to watch us. I waited for Nick to be standing on the dock too, and wondered who should go first.

  "Ladies first," he said, amusement clear in his voice.

  I nodded, noticing how the lake had larger waves than I had remembered from my last look. I stared at them, remembering the metres bigger waves that engulfed me when I'd fallen from the boat. I realised then that I would always have a fear of water, even if Nick had taken me scuba diving and made me feel so safe.

  "You don't have to do this—" Nick began but I cut him off.

  "Like I'm gonna stroke your ego anymore, player," I said before taking a run up and diving head first into the water. I wasn't expecting it to be so cold. Once deep in the water, I used all of my strength to push myself back up, feeling pain radiating in my foot. I couldn't get to the surface of the water quick enough, and ran my hands over my head as I took a deep breath as soon as I surfaced. I could hear everyone cheering as I swam back up to the dock. I wasn't expecting Nick to grab my arms, and he pulled me out of the water effortlessly before I stood awkward as hell in his presence. Water continued to drip from my body as I hobbled aside for him to take his turn. My foot hurt now and I just wanted to sit down.

  "That was nice, Petal. Now let me show you how it's done," he teased before taking a run down the dock and doing a double front-flip before diving perfectly into the water. My eyes widened as everyone screamed and shouted. I rolled my eyes and returned back to the grass, feeling even more pissed off. Then Omar ran over to me with a towel in his hands and wrapped it around me.

  "Thank you," I said, feeling a little shocked.

  "Don't mention it." He smiled at me before looking over my shoulder. I turned to see Nick glaring at the pair of us as he neared, dripping with water that glistened over his body. He passed the pair of us, giving Omar an intense stare. Omar smiled at me and I couldn't help but feel pissed off at how Nick had glared at him.

  "I'll be over there," Omar said casually, pointing back to the campfire. I nodded and dried myself off the best I could before ducking into the tent. Just as I did, I got a full view of Nick's bare arse. I stopped instantly and looked away as he turned to face me, now fully dressed.

  "Nothing you haven't seen before," he said before leaving the tent so I could get changed.

  I did it quickly and hung my bikini up to dry outside of the tent before returning to the campfire, now dressed in a sun-dress and converse.

  So far, camping hadn't been what I had expected and we'd only been here about an hour. When I'd returned to the group, Nick was sitting next to Frankie and Olivia and casually ran his eyes up and down my body. He didn't look fazed about me being here and as Luna announced the next game, I brought a bottle of beer to my lips.

  "Okay, so dance challenge!" Luna said enthusiastically and all of the lads groaned.

  "Oh come on, I know you guys love to show your moves," Luna teased.

  "You're actually all pretty good dancers," Olivia giggled.

  "Well, let's step it up a notch," Luna grinned.

  "Dirty dancing!" Frankie added, grinning from ear to ear.

  "The guys have to dance like… magic Mike, the girls have to dance like…"

  "Someone sexy!" Frankie finished Luna's sentence.

  I couldn't help but laugh but it dawned on me that I was included in this game.

  "I'm not a great dancer, I should sit out…" I said, trying to slither my way out.

  "Bullshit," Nick commented then took a drink from his beer. I glared at him for what seemed like the fiftieth time in the last hour.

  "You can go first," Olivia chirped, smiling knowingly at me.

  That bitch.

  "I've got the music!" Luna said cluelessly.

  "Come on, Petal, you afraid?"

  What was with him? I hadn't seen this side to Nick before, and I didn't really like it. He was challenging me but also humiliating me. I wasn't sure if he intended on taking it this far, but his tormenting attitude was starting to chip away at my insides. I wasn't going to let it continue, and stood up as the music started.

  I couldn't believe I was doing this. The music was purely instrumental but carried the sexiest beat. I closed my eyes and stretched my neck, imagining I was back home and in some club surrounded by dozens of other bodies dancing just like mine. I gathered all of my courage and began shifting my hips and then seductively swishing and bending my knees to drop to the floor. As the whistles and gasps continued, it did more to fuel my confidence until the song ended and I sat down too quickly, ignoring everyone's eye contact and twiddling my fingers. When it was Luna's turn to dance, I dared to look around, to see Nick's eyes still on me from over the fire. I stared away quickly and clapped as Luna danced beautifully. Only she made her way around the fire, dancing in front of all of us before returning to her start position. Teddy pulled at his collar and Sawyer beamed from ear to ear like he couldn't believe his luck. Olivia gave Luna a high five and she sat down, impressed with herself. Next it was Olivia's turn.

  She whispered into Frankie's ear and she nodded, obviously accepting her song request. A few seconds later Beyonce’s Crazy in love started playing and Olivia strutted her stuff as if she was walking down a catwalk before thrusting her body into serious twerking. I held onto my throat, trying not to choke from the shock. Olivia continued moving her body and walking around the fire, making sure to drop herself before me so I could see right up her skirt. I turned my head away instantly but not before I could see her thong up her arse and everything else beyond it. It made me feel sick, but nothing like how I felt when she danced around the fire and practically pushed her arse into Nick's face before dropping it down low onto his lap. At first, Nick just stared in utter shock as he placed his hands on her hips but then turned his head as if he was the perfect gentleman. I wanted to roll my eyes but was still too mesmerised in what Olivia was doing to do anything but stare in absolute shock.

  Once the song had finished, everyone clapped and whooped except from me. I noticed Nick wasn't either but I kept my eyes completely away from his.

  "Okay, Teddy's turn!" Frankie said enthusiastically before choosing a track for him.

  Teddy and Sawyer continued the game and made each of us laugh. Although, they were actually really good, like Jason Derulo. Then it was Omar's turn and everyone either laughed or groaned at the Magic Mike theme tune. He raised his eyebrows and smiled, obviously accepting of the challenge before seductively starting his dance. I couldn't believe my eyes. Omar was dancing like a pro. He'd obv
iously seen Magic Mike. He swept his way around the fire against the beat of the music. He got to Frankie and thrusted his groin in front of her before pulling his top off and throwing it over her head. She wafted her hand in front of her face and beamed up at him. I shook my head and grinned in disbelief at Luna enjoying herself once it was her turn. My smile was wiped off of my face as he continued around the fire and stopped directly in front of me. He lowered slowly like a snake to the floor and thrusted on his knees in front of me, smiling at me in his sexiest stare. I was absolutely stunned and could only stare at him as he leant forward and kissed my cheek before reaching for my hands and throwing me over his shoulder. I gasped and gripped a hold of his shoulder before he placed me down at the point at which he'd started. It all became so awkward very quickly as he lowered me and started dancing up against me with his hands running up and down my body. I was about to move his hand away from my hips when I felt him being ripped away from me. I stared around at what the hell had happened and saw that Nick was dragging Omar away from me.

  "Nick!" I yelled at him.

  Everyone gasped or watched in absolute shock as Nick dragged Omar onto the dock, the whole time Omar gripped at Nick's hands and attempted to get himself up. Only Nick was dragging him so fast he had no time to act against him. I ran after them and down the dock.

  What the hell was he doing?

  "Someone needs to fucking cool off," Nick said hatefully and between clenched teeth before yanking Omar hard and chucking him into the lake.

  "Nick! Are you fucking crazy?" I shouted as he neared me, his face almost touching mine.

  "I told you to stay away from him," he said, still furious.

  I pushed at his chest. "Go fuck yourself, Nick."

  I rushed over to the side of the dock to help Omar out of the water but he had it covered and pulled himself out. He swept his dark hair back and took casual steps, smiling at Nick knowingly before returning to his tent to get dry. I was expecting him to punch Nick, or tackle him to the floor. I wasn't expecting him to smile and walk away as if nothing had happened.

  "He's playing a fucking game and you're falling straight into his trap. Open your damn eyes, Lilly!"

  "I knew I shouldn't have come here with you. I wish I was on a plane back home right now!" I walked away from him but he gripped at my arm to make me look at him.

  "You don't mean that," he said.

  "I do. I wish I'd never come here with you!" I pulled my arm away and stormed away from him.

  Luna rushed to my side asking if I was okay and I nodded as Nick stormed past us.

  We returned to the fire and Olivia pushed up against Nick to make sure he was okay.

  Omar returned now dressed in something dry and smiled at me as I mouthed an apology to him.

  I wasn't sure why because the music continued, masking any conversation. Everyone had moved on from Nick submarining Omar and it was Frankie's turn to dance. She did it so well, as if Nick hadn't just created a big scene.

  "About time he had a taste of his own medicine," Omar said close to my ear and I stared at him.

  "You shouldn't be sitting here watching Olivia all over him," he explained.

  I shrugged. "We're not together so I don't really have the right—"

  "Come on, Lilly, don't play dumb with me," he said close to my ear.

  The music was loud so it's the only way I could hear him, but through the flames of the fire I could see Nick's eyes glaring at us. I figured then that maybe revenge was what I wanted. He'd hurt me so much and now being here with him was becoming torturous. I was so angry with him, so angry at myself for feeling this way.

  "Maybe you're right," I said eventually.

  "I really like you," Omar said and my eyes returned back to him in shock, "and I don't like seeing the way he treats you."

  "He doesn't treat me that bad," I said and I wasn't sure why I was defending him. "He brought me here and has taken care of me while my parents are in hospital…"

  "He's also flaunted around with Olivia and has kept you running along after him like a little puppy…"

  I stared at the ground, fiddling with the grass beneath me.

  Everything Omar had said sank in as Olivia announced the next game.

  "Okay, truth or dare!"

  "No," Nick said straight away. "Count me out."

  As Nick began standing up, Olivia tugged at his arm.

  "Come on Nick, you're usually so good at this game…" she insisted with a knowing smile.

  I frowned and studied the way she was looking at him along with the words she'd used.

  What was I missing?

  "That's all in the past, Olivia," Teddy said. "Stop hinting at it, will you?"

  Olivia frowned at him and glanced at me.

  "Why? Everyone knows and I'm only playing," she said before sitting back down.

  "Knows what?" I piped up.

  Everyone looked around at each other.

  "Nothing important," Nick commented before taking steps away but I could see his words had hurt Olivia.

  "Thanks, Nick," she said before getting up and storming away.

  What the hell was going on?

  "Word of advice," Olivia stared at me, "he'll fuck you and then ditch you and never look back."

  She continued storming away further down the side of the lake. Frankie and Luna rushed after her as Nick stood still, watching me.

  He'd fucked Olivia?

  Oh my God, how had I not realised?

  He'd fucked her right under my nose and I had no idea, just like the stupid little puppy Omar had called me only minutes earlier.

  "Lilly, it's not what you think," he said, trying to keep me calm.

  I nodded and stepped over the wooden log before rushing back to the tent. He came after me, yelling at me to stop. I ignored him and pushed on further.

  "Lilly!" he shouted before he rounded me and kneeled down to throw me over his shoulder.

  "Put me the fuck down!" I shouted probably loud enough for the other side of the lake to hear.

  It had no use and Nick marched into the forest with me balanced over his shoulder. Once further inside and out of sight he lowered me against a tree and pinned me there.

  "Listen to me now," he warned but I fought against him and tried to escape.

  "I've got nothing to hear!"

  "Lilly, listen to me, damn it!"

  "No! You don't control me Nick. Yet again I'm left feeling numb when I have no right to be. You've fucked me over again, keeping the perfect amount of distance so that once I get hurt, you can remind me that I have no right because we're not even together!"

  "I didn't fuck Olivia!" he said quickly and I rolled my eyes.

  "Listen to me," he insisted. "I didn't fuck Olivia while we've been here together."

  "What are you talking about? She just told me!" I shouted at him.

  "It was before we left, before me and my brothers left. I haven't looked at another woman since…" he trailed off and looked away.

  "It happened before you left?" I asked more calmly.

  He nodded. "It's a long story."

  "So tell me," I said. Perhaps if he told me the full story I'd find it more believable.

  "It was a game of truth and dare, we were young, only about fourteen…"

  "You fucked her at fourteen!?"

  He nodded, not looking proud of himself.

  "We were dared to spend fifteen minutes alone in the tent together and it happened…"

  "In a tent? Wait, it was here?"

  Again, he nodded as sickness stirred in my throat.

  "It's why I didn't tell you, I didn't want you to feel differently coming here. We had to come because I've been given orders to watch Omar. I wanted you to come and for it not to bother you."

  So he'd only agreed to come camping because of Omar? So much for it being my decision...

  "Why didn't you tell me when we first met her?"

  "Because it doesn't make a difference! We were kids and I thought she'
d let it go."

  "She's been all over you while we've been here, I refuse to believe that is it."

  He nodded. "We were dating. Or at least a relationship based on sex and I left without telling her… it's not something I'm proud of."

  "You… you broke her heart?" I questioned, already knowing the answer.

  He frowned. "She never loved me, Lilly. She was using me."

  "Is that what you tell everyone about me?"

  He stared at me, looking lost and he eventually shook his head.

  "Eve told me that there were always tons of women to have sex with at your dad's mansion…"

  Again he nodded. "That's right."

  "So you were fucking Olivia and women at the mansion?" I demanded.

  "Lilly, it's not something I'm proud of. I know now that it was wrong but I can't change that. I was a different person back then."

  "You came to the UK and still carried on fucking everything that moved!" I yelled at him.

  "I never got into a relationship with any of them or played anyone. I kept myself single and made it clear to everyone that it would only be one night and that it was only going to be sex."

  I tried to absorb everything he'd said as he kept his arms pinned against the tree behind me.

  I never would have imagined myself standing in such a vibrantly coloured rainforest arguing with Nick.

  "I don't want Olivia, I don't want any of the girls I fucked before I met you…"

  I looked into his eyes and realised I had to do this now, I had to tell him.

  "I only came here to tell you that I can't do this anymore."

  He looked shaken, as if he couldn't believe his ears.

  "What?" he asked.

  "I can't do this anymore, Nick, I can't just be your bit on the side you keep trailing along."

  "Is that what you think I want from you? To go back to how things used to be?"

  "It's never changed! We've come here and I've fallen straight back into your trap. I'm not strong enough to stay away from you, Nick, so I have to completely distance myself from you like I did before."

  "What are you saying?" he asked.

  "I'm leaving. I'm going home…" I tried to escape from his encased arms but he wouldn't move them to let me free.


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