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Christmas With The Biker_Gold Vipers

Page 9

by Cassie Alexandra

  “She doesn’t call you Dodger?” I asked, amused.

  “No. She says she prefers Graham,” he replied.

  “She definitely prefers Graham,” Cleaner said.

  Graham elbowed him. “You’re just jealous,” he said in a lighthearted voice.

  “Maybe a little. I haven’t had any of her peanut butter cookies for a while and she makes the best ones in Jensen,” he replied.

  “They are good,” Graham said with a smile. “I just had some last week. She put chocolate kisses in the middle. Damn delicious. In fact, she gave me a tin of Christmas cookies when I dropped off her groceries. Said I was her favorite Prospect and that she’d have more for me on Friday.”

  “You are such a cock,” Cleaner pouted.

  “You eat cookies with that mouth? Oh, wait. You don’t because I’m Frannie’s favorite now,” Graham replied with a wink.

  “Bastard,” he replied, looking more amused than angry.

  “Have some discretion,” Graham said, throwing his words back to him. “There are children present.”

  “Okay. I’m outta here. I want to get packed for the trip up to Hoss’s cabin. We’re leaving early, by the way. Should be a blast, hitting this fresh powder with the sled. Oh, that’s right. You can’t go now,” he said with a sly smile, patting Graham on the shoulder. “At least you’ll still have cookies.”

  Graham gave him a murderous look.

  Here,” Cleaner said, removing the shoulder bag he was wearing. “There are flyers inside and candy canes. Good luck and have fun. Ho, ho, ho.”

  “I hope your snowmobile runs out of gas,” Graham mumbled.

  Cleaner laughed and looked at me. “Have fun, Chloe. Maybe I’ll see you around?”

  I grinned. “Thanks. Yeah, maybe you will.”

  His eyes raked over me quickly. “You like snowmobiling?”

  “I’ve never been,” I replied.

  “Perfect,” he leaned closer. “I’d love to pop that cherry.”

  “Oh, Lord,” Jessica said, rolling her eyes. “Cleaner.”

  My cheeks burned. “Uh. Okay?”

  Graham, who’d also heard, gave a harsh, derisive laugh. “Smooth.”

  “Don’t be such a sour puss, Dodger,” Cleaner said and then winked at me before he took off.

  “He tries too hard,” Graham muttered as the carolers began a new song.

  “Some don’t try hard enough,” Jessica whispered next to me, a sly smile on her face.

  I couldn’t have agreed more.

  Chapter 21


  I’M NOT SURE which irritated me more - Cleaner’s jabs or the way he’d been flirting with Chloe. I also couldn’t help but notice that she hadn’t been offended by it either. As much as it shouldn’t have bothered me, it did.

  Let it go, I told myself.

  After all, Chloe was just a friend. Hell, not even a friend. She was Jessica’s co-worker and not affiliated with the club at all.


  As for the kiss, it had happened almost a year ago and that didn’t mean we owed each other anything. Still, it irritated me that Cleaner had pretty much asked her out and knowing him, was already making mental plans on where and when he’d bang her. The guy was out for one thing and a woman like Chloe didn’t need to be on his “Piece-of-ass” tally. The last time I’d heard, Cleaner had bedded over fifty chicks and that was since he’d been made Prospect. I really wanted to convey all of that to Chloe, but decided not to. As much as I didn’t want Cleaner going out with her, we were bound by the club to look out for each other, even when it came to matters like this. I had to respect it even if I didn’t always agree with what he was doing.

  “So, what did you think about Cleaner?” Jessica asked Chloe.

  She shrugged. “He seemed nice.”

  “That’s because he wants something,” I said, the words leaving my mouth before I could stop them.

  “Well, he definitely wanted you,” Jessica said, winking at Chloe.

  Chloe’s cheeks turned pink. “Yeah, I kind of got that impression, too.”

  “He’s so funny and cute,” Jessica said.

  “Yeah,” she replied.

  My eye twitched.

  What was so fucking cute about him?

  “You’d better get yourself a tetanus shot if you plan on going out with him,” I joked. “I’m just saying…”

  Jessica laughed. “You two just never stop picking on each other. He was the same way when you weren’t around. Actually, he was worse.”

  I grunted. “Sounds like I’d better get the tetanus shot. He can’t seem to get me off of his mind.”

  Jessica and Chloe laughed.

  For the next hour, we passed out the flyers and directed people to Frannie and Vanda, whom I learned was Raptor’s mother-in-law. Meanwhile, Jessica and Chloe seemed to be having a blast, which had to be a ‘chick’ thing, because there wasn’t any beer or food around to put me at the same level of happiness.

  We were just running out of flyers when my cell phone began to ring. I checked and saw that it was Cleaner.

  “What’s up?”

  “I just found out that I’m not going sledding either this fucking weekend,” he said angrily.

  Good, I thought. Karma was working in my favor for once. He’d given me too much shit about it and was now in the same boat. “Oh, yeah?”

  “Yup. Tank just informed me that I have to help with the fundraiser too. In fact, all Prospects are expected to stay in town and volunteer for elf duty.”

  “Seems only fair,” I replied.

  He grunted. “Fair. Yeah, probably. It still pisses me off. I’d packed and everything. Anyway, Tank wants us all at the clubhouse at six tonight. Apparently, we’re going to take a trip to the nursing home over on Ninth Avenue to deliver some gifts to the elderly. Candy, popcorn, and shit like that. Oh, and he has your Santa suit ready.”

  I groaned. “Great.”

  “Is that hot blonde still there? Chloe?” he asked in a lighter tone.

  “Yeah. Why?” I asked, an edge to my voice.

  He paused. “You claiming her or something?”

  “Claiming? No,” I said, looking over at Chloe, who was handing out candy canes to a couple of kids. She was definitely hot but too good for the likes of either of us, as far as I was concerned.

  “You like her?”

  My dick sure did. “Just stay away from her,” I said grouchily.


  “She’s Jessica’s co-worker,” I said, lowering my voice. “She works with cancer patients and shit.”

  “What does that have to do with asking her out? Seriously, brother, you sound like you’re jealous or something.””

  “Do whatever you want.”

  “You’re not interested?”

  I didn’t want to be. That was for sure. “Nope.”

  “Sweet. I’m going for it then, if you’re not. She’s gorgeous. Legs up to the sky and a nice rack. I’d love to see her in some heels.”

  I hung up on him.

  Chapter 22


  I’M NOT SURE what Graham’s conversation was about, but after he hung up the phone, he was wearing his crabby-pants again. I could see from his expression that something had really pissed him off.

  “Everything okay?” I asked.

  “It’s fine,” he replied curtly, avoiding eye contact.

  He had to be the moodiest man I’d ever met.

  “I just received a text from Tank,” Jessica said, looking at her phone. “He said we can pack it up and leave if we want.”

  “Good,” Frannie said, walking over with two steaming Styrofoam cups. “Here.” She handed Graham one and then me. “This is the last of the apple cider anyway. I have another cup with your name on it, Jess.”

  “Thanks, Mom,” she replied.

  Graham and I also thanked her.

  “You need a ride home?” Graham asked, taking a sip from his cup. “Or are you catching a ride wi
th Jessica?”

  “Oh, I don’t know.” I looked over at her. I noticed she was helping Frannie and Vanda pack up their gear. “I could ask her.”

  “Don’t worry. I’ll ask her,” he said.

  Frowning, I watched him head toward the other women. He and Jessica spoke for a couple of seconds and then she looked at me and nodded.

  I guess that’s that, I thought.

  Graham walked back over. “She’s going to drive you.”

  “Okay. I probably should have taken my own car. I hate being an inconvenience,” I said, sounding a little bitter and regretting it right away.

  He frowned. “You’re not any trouble at all. I have to head back to the clubhouse soon. That’s the only reason why I asked about giving you a ride. But, I’d be happy to take you home myself, if you’d prefer it.”

  “No. You’re busy and Jessica said she would,” I replied, embarrassed that I’d taken it personally. Of course, he had things to do. “I totally understand.”

  Graham looked relieved. “Good. I’m going to help Frannie and Vanda load up everything, so you two don’t have to stick around.”

  “Okay,” I said, watching Jessica head toward me, her keys in her hand.

  “Ready?” she asked.

  I nodded.

  “Well, see you around,” Graham said.

  “Yeah. Happy Holidays,” I replied.

  His lips twitched. “You, too. See you Jessica.”

  “Yeah, tomorrow actually. Tank’s sending you guys to the hospital,” she replied and winked. “Santa’s going to pass out presents again.”

  Graham sighed. “Busy couple of days, apparently.”

  “They’re going to our unit?” I asked.

  She nodded.

  Smiling, I imagined the looks on the children’s faces when Santa and his elves showed up. “The kids will love it. What time?”

  “I don’t know,” Jessica said.

  “I’m sure we’ll find out tonight,” Graham said. “If you want, I’ll call you and let you know.”

  “If you could, that would be great,” I said. “I’d love to be there.”

  “What’s your number?” he asked.

  I gave it to him and he added it to his Contact list.

  LATER, WHEN JESSICA and I were alone in her car, she smiled at me and shook her head.

  “What’s that about?” I asked, putting my seatbelt on.

  “You don’t see it, do you?” she replied, clearly amused about something.

  “See what?” I asked.

  “The way he looks at you. Graham.”

  My eyebrows knitted together. “What do you mean? How does he look at me?”

  She started the engine. “With desperation.”

  “What?” I didn’t get it. Desperation?

  “He looks at you the same way Jordan used to look at me. Before we were together. Like a man who wants something so badly, but too afraid to go for it.”

  I laughed dryly. “Right.”

  “I’m telling you… he wants to get down your pants. Which isn’t so bad, is it”

  “I think you’re reading into something that’s not there,” I said, looking at her derisively. “Besides, I think I’d know if he had the hots for me. There’d be some kind of sign. All I’ve seen from him today is a rollercoaster of emotions. One minute he’s up, the next he’s down.”

  “He could be bipolar,” Jessica said, a thoughtful look on her face.

  “I don’t know.” I sighed. “He was a little angry about not being able to go snowmobiling this weekend.”

  Jessica’s eyes widened. “Ohhh.... He was looking forward to that. It must have been this weekend.”

  “Yeah. That’s what he said.”

  “I remember hearing him talk about it at Thanksgiving. That was pretty shitty of Tank to take the weekend trip away from him. I guess it’s all part of being a Prospect, though. Showing that you’re willing to make sacrifices for the club.”

  “Well, it is for a good cause.”

  “Yes. A very good cause. Anyway, you changed the subject.”

  “I closed the subject. He’s not into me.”

  “He wouldn’t have kissed you if he wasn’t interested,” she reminded me.

  “That was a year ago! Besides, he only did that because of that one gal. Candi, or whatever her name was. Seriously, Jessica, there’s nothing there. In fact, we’ve been alone a couple of times and he’s had every opportunity to kiss me again.”

  “I told you, I saw him checking you out more than once. He likes you. I’m willing to bet that he’ll make a move and when he does, it’s going to knock your Christmas socks off,” she joked.

  I snorted.

  Chapter 23


  AFTER HELPING FRANNIE and Vanda, I drove to the clubhouse and changed back into my street clothes and cut. Church wasn’t for two more hours and I wasn’t about to sit around wearing the ridiculous elf costume.

  “Hey, you’re here,” Tank said, noticing me after he stepped out of his office. “How did it go?”

  “Good. We handed out most of the flyers. I think there’ll be a decent crowd of people Friday afternoon.”

  “Great. Did Cleaner fill you in on what I’ve got planned for tonight?”

  “The nursing home? Yeah.”

  “Tomorrow we’ll be visiting the Cancer Ward at Jessica’s hospital,” he said with a thoughtful expression. “I want to do something special for those kids. Jess is always talking about them and I can’t imagine what they and their families must be going through.”

  I nodded.

  “You’re going to make a lot of children happy tomorrow dressed as Santa.” He patted me on the back and turned to leave. “By the way, there’s some wet meat and cheese in the refrigerator. And plenty of buns. Make yourself something to eat before the meeting,” Tank said before walking away.

  “Will do. Thanks,” I replied, chuckling quietly at the term he used for cold cuts. It didn’t exactly create a vision to make your mouth water, unless maybe you were gay.

  I walked into the kitchen and made myself a couple of sandwiches. Grabbing a beer from the refrigerator, I sat down and turned on the television. Finding a station with a hockey game, I cracked open the beer and enjoyed the solitude, which I knew would only be temporary. During third period Cleaner showed up and once again, began trampling on my parade.

  “Hey, hey, hey. Long time no see,” he said, grabbing a beer from the refrigerator.

  “What’s up?” I mumbled, sitting back on the sofa.

  He kicked the refrigerator door shut with his foot. “Not much. How did everything go?”

  “Downtown? Fine.”

  “Did Blondie ask about me?” he asked, twisting the cap off of his bottle.

  “You mean Chloe? No. Not at all.”

  “I’m surprised. I saw her checking me out.”

  I frowned. “You’re dreaming. She was not checking your ass out.”

  “Maybe not when you were looking,” he said with a sly smile. “But, my ass was on fire from the holes her eyes were burning through my britches.”

  “You fucking wish,” I grumbled.

  Cleaner laughed. “I’m just messing with you. Are you sure you’re not interested in Chloe? You seem like you are.”

  “No, but I think you should keep your hands off.”

  His smile fell. “Why?”

  “Because all you want to do is fuck her.”

  “What’s wrong with that? She probably wants to get laid too. From what I hear she’s been single for a long time and too busy to date.”

  “Who told you that?” I asked, wondering why that was. Looking like she did, and working in a hospital, she could have bagged herself a doctor or some other rich white-collared-worker.


  “How does he know so much about her?”

  He shrugged. “Probably because of Jessica.”

  Of course.

  “Anyway, I’m going to try and hook up with her.
In fact, after the ‘Meet Santa’ tomorrow, Tank’s throwing a little party for us. He’s going to invite her and this time,” he smiled wickedly, “I’m going to be the one giving her a ride. You know what I’m saying?”

  Shaking my head, I pretended to get into the hockey game, but all I could think about was Chloe. Hopefully, she wouldn’t fall for his bullshit. She certainly didn’t seem the type, but neither had Bonnie. Cleaner was right though. If I wasn’t going to claim Chloe for myself, then she was fair game. The idea of them together still pissed the fuck out of me.

  “LISTEN, YOU GUYS,” Tank said, staring at the five of us from across the table. “I know that some of you had plans for the weekend and I’m sure you weren’t too happy with me when I changed them. Hell, I would have been pissed, too. But, the holiday season is all about giving and at the end of the day, it’s what really matters. Especially when it comes to helping out our community. Tonight, we’re going to take a quick trip to the senior home-”

  “We should go quickly before the old geezers fall asleep,” said Brock, one of the other Prospects who had a bad habit of interrupting people. “My grandmother is in bed by seven.”

  “Plus, we’ll still have time to pound some beers afterward,” Cleaner said with a grin.

  Tank let out an irritated sigh. “We’ll be leaving here in thirty minutes. The staff over at the nursing home wanted to make sure that everyone had dinner before we show up with candy and treats,” Tank replied. “And next time wait until I’m done fucking talking before you start yammering. This is the third time today, Brock.”

  “Sorry,” he said, smiling sheepishly.

  “Did you say that Candi was coming?” Cleaner asked, perking up.

  “Not for you,” Brock ribbed. “At least that’s what I heard.”

  We all laughed.

  “Fuck off. I’ve never been with her,” Cleaner muttered.

  “Bullshit. I saw you leave with her a couple of months ago. At the Halloween party,” I said.

  “She gave me a B.J. That was it,” he replied.


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