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Fitzwilliam Darcy, Fugitive

Page 11

by Melanie Schertz

  “First, Sister, you are not a guest of Mr Bingley’s. It would be inappropriate for you to demand accommodations and to be treated as one of his guests. Secondly, Richard is with Mr Bingley and Gerald, discussing estate matters. I will not disturb them for your squawking about. Thirdly, we will be dining with some of Mr Bingley’s neighbors this evening, and I am certain they will not welcome you or your parson.”

  “You plan to dine with the disgraceful family who has treated my parson ill? How is this to be borne? If it were not bad enough that you have not renounced your nephew, now you will be dining with a family who have disparaged my good name by humiliating my parson. I would believe that you have taken a fever, the way you are behaving is as if you were delirious. And what do you mean, Mr Bingley would not welcome me into his home? I am the daughter of an earl, why would he not find himself fortunate to host someone of my status. If memory serves me, he is the son of a tradesman. Hosting the daughter of an earl would do his reputation well.”

  “As he is hosting an earl and an earl’s son, he has plenty to boost his reputation in the eyes of the neighborhood. And I have instructed the young man that he is under no obligation to lend hospitality to you or your clergyman. Besides, with Gerald, Richard, and myself as guests, there are no rooms to accommodate you. There is an inn in Meryton which you should be able to find rooms for your stay.”

  Lady Catherine’s face turned beet red with fury. The color traveled down her neck and disappearing into the neckline of her gown. “How dare you? How dare you treat me in such a fashion? You are my brother. I would expect greater loyalty from you. Perhaps I should send for a physician, for it is obvious that you have lost your mind. That is the only explanation for your treatment of your eldest sister.”

  “If you insist on sending for a physician, by all means, do so. But they will find that I am sane and within my rights to behave as I am. You could even send for the Prince Regent himself, and it would be your behavior that would be questioned, not mine.” Lord Matlock stood firm on his decision. He had spent most of his life placating his elder sister, and he would do so no longer. He motioned to the footmen who had gathered in the foyer. They had been alerted to the potential scene, and were quick to respond. Most of the men had grown up in the surrounding properties, and the Bennet family were well respected. Learning of Mr Collins’ behavior towards the family had left most of the men with distaste for the toad. Seeing that Lady Catherine was just as pompous as her parson, the footmen had no reservations as to escorting the pair out of the house.

  “Unhand me at once!” Lady Catherine shrieked as the first footman took hold of her left arm. Mr Collins moved to assist his patroness, but was prevented from taking a step in her direction when two of the largest, burliest footmen took hold of Mr Collins’ arms.

  Another footman took hold of Lady Catherine’s right arm, just in time to prevent her from being able to smack his fellow servant with her walking stick. Removing the stick from her hand, the second footman looked at the first one, and with a nod of both of their heads, they lifted Lady Catherine so that her feet did not touch the floor, and walked out of the house, directly to her carriage, and plopped her inside on one of the benches. She was kicking and screeching all the way, full of venom for the way she was being treated. Behind then, Mr Collins was attempting to break free from the footmen who had taken possession of him, all the while proclaiming the men deserved to be flogged for treating Lady Catherine de Bourgh in such a manner.

  Once the pair were placed inside the carriage, the driver was informed to take them to Meryton, to the inn. The driver nodded, desperately trying to hide his grin. Having been employed as Lady Catherine’s driver for more than two years, he was well aware of her offenses against all she deemed beneath her.

  ~~ ** ~~

  Mr Collins held the door of the inn open for his patroness. The woman marched into the establishment, straight to the counter where the innkeeper was located. “I want your best rooms, and will require a bath drawn immediately. And my parson will require a room. Mr Collins, step over here and make yourself known.”

  “We are familiar with Mr Collins. And how long do you plan to remain with us?” Mr Dillard inquired.

  “It does not matter. I am Lady Catherine de Bourgh, and it only matters that I be treated with the respect I deserve. We have been treated poorly today, and I will not tolerate another moment of disrespect.” The lady brushed her hands on her gown, in an attempt to straighten her appearance. Between the dirt from the road and the manhandling by the Netherfield staff, she felt unfit to be seen. And she needed to be at her best that evening, when she arrived for the confrontation with the family of her parson. By the end of the evening, she would have everything corrected, and her parson would be engaged with the Bennet sister of his preference.

  ~~~~~~~ ** ~~~~~~~

  Chapter 15

  Gerald Darcy wrapped his arms around his son. He could not forgive himself for his believing George Wickham over the young man before him. William was so like his mother, and Gerald could see her in William’s smile. How could he ever have thought William to be anything but the best of men? The proof was before him, in every move William made.

  “William, I beg of you to forgive a foolish man. I have allowed Wickham to spoil your image in my eyes, believed what he told me of your character. It took your uncle, Mrs Reynolds, and Danvers to finally wake me from my abominable behavior towards you. All this time, you took the blame and righted the wrongs done by Wickham, all in the effort to protect me.”

  There were tears in William’s eyes. “Father, I know you suffered deeply from Mother’s death. Wickham brought smiles to you, as you enjoyed his light hearted banter. I could not take that from you.”

  “But you have taken much on your shoulders. Never again. Now, I must introduce you to Andrews. Richard sent him to Pemberley, to find proof of your innocence.” Gerald motioned for the man to step forward. “He has knowledge of a way we can prove you did not handle the carving which was used to murder the maid.”

  Andrews moved towards the men. “If we could remove to the study, we can resolve this issue at once.”

  The men were soon standing around the desk, watching in wonder as Andrew inked each of William’s fingers, and made an inked impression on the parchment. Picking up the magnifying glass he had brought with him, Andrews looked at the marks on the parchment and then at the mark on the carving. “I can say, without a doubt, that the mark on the stone carving was not made by you, Mr Darcy. If you look through the magnifying glass, you will see the mark on the carving is in a circular pattern. Then, looking at the marks we just made on the parchment, not one of your fingers bears such a pattern. You are innocent of the charges, and I am willing to testify on your behalf.”

  “Now we must find a way to capture Wickham and prove he does have the pattern on his fingers.” Richard said. “I can speak with Colonel Forrester. He will assist us, I am certain.”

  “It might be wise for us all to accompany you to the encampment. In case Andrews is required to show proof and we will need to make inked copies of George’s fingers.” Gerald suggested. “I want to be able to confront George as well. If I had not been such an idiot to believe his tales, none of this would have happened. And a young girl might still be alive. Countless others may have been spared ruination had I opened my eyes to the true nature of my godson.”

  “We should not have William go with us.” Richard suggested. “Until we show the colonel the evidence, I do not wish for a confrontation with William being taken into custody.”

  “I will return to Longbourn. There are a few matters I must see to, before the truth comes out as to who I am.” William stated. “I will be pleased to not have to hide my identity from everyone. Fortunately, Mr Bennet and Miss Elizabeth have been understanding. It will be nice to offer them proof to justify their faith in me.”

  “The gentleman and his daughter deserve some sort of reward for the care they have given you, William. I should
think of a way to show my gratitude.” Gerald began contemplating.

  Richard smiled and looked at his cousin. Bingley, too, had the same notion. The two were certain that the only reward that Fitzwilliam Darcy would prefer would be the hand of a certain young lady residing at Longbourn. They would know more, once the burden was lifted from William’s shoulders.

  ~~ ** ~~

  While William returned to his life as Denhem, the other men made their way into Meryton. The militia unit was camped just outside the village, and it was not long before they were escorted into the tent of Colonel Forrester.

  “Colonel Fitzwilliam, I was just about to send word to you.” The man stated.

  “And why is that, Colonel?” Richard was concerned, his brows joining in a crease on his forehead.

  “It appears that we have further difficulties with Lieutenant Wickham. I was informed that he was seen speaking with the two youngest Bennet sisters this morning. From what I was told, he seemed to be far more forward than he should have been. I have sent a note to Mr Bennet informing him of the development.”

  “Miss Kitty and Miss Lydia are silly girls, but I cannot imagine they would go against their father’s edict.” Bingley frowned as well. “Miss Bennet told me that her father had spoken with all of his daughters, advising them not to have anything to do with the man, not even carrying on a conversation with him. After Wickham’s forceful attempt with Miss Elizabeth, their father wished to ensure that all of his daughters were warned against the rogue.”

  Colonel Forrester nodded his head. “I had received word from Mr Bennet, as well as the visit from you, Colonel, after that incident. Wickham was given extra duties for his behavior. He has been displeased that I have spoken with the merchants of his penchant for accumulating debts and not fulfilling them. Several of the officers have reported his behavior and comments of late have been bent towards revenge, though they are not certain who on which Wickham wishes to bestow his wrath.”

  “Most likely on myself and Mr Bennet, being that we are local.” Richard answered. “We are the ones he knows he can reach easily. As my father and uncle have just arrived, I doubt Wickham knows of their being in the neighborhood. If he had known, I am certain he would have attempted to speak with my uncle.”

  “Perhaps I should not have had him removed from my townhouse.” Gerald Darcy was downcast. “If he had remained at the townhouse, we would have had control over his movements. Now, with him on the loose, others are in danger of his behavior.”

  “Fortunately, he is unaware of William’s location. I hate to think of what he would do to him.” Bingley stated.

  “So, you have proof that the murder of the maid at your estate was not committed by your son?” Colonel Forrester asked. “You believe that Wickham is responsible for the girl’s death?”

  “We do.” Andrews declared. “Are you familiar with the Oriental use of finger marks being a form of identification?” With the shake of the colonel’s head, Andrews spoke of the subject, showing the evidence he had gathered, from the scene of the crime and from Fitzwilliam Darcy. Seeing the evidence, and hearing what Andrews had learned from the Orient, not to mention the man’s reputation in the regular army, Colonel Forrester was quickly convinced.

  “I will have my men searching for Wickham immediately.”

  ~~ ** ~~

  Mr Collins had done all he could to be of assistance to Lady Catherine, but her ire was not to be lessened. She was furious over the accommodations, she was furious over the treatment she had received at the hands of the footmen, and she was most furious over her brother’s behavior. It was all Mr Collins could do to remain at her beck and call, rather than flee from the proverbial lightning bolts she was hurling.

  Finally, able to escape the inn for a short bit, Mr Collins was pleased to find the man to whom he wished to speak, lurking about the stables. “Sir, I have returned, as you suggested, with Lady Catherine herself. She will wish to speak with you on all that you know of the Bennet family. Lady Catherine plans to set everything to rights, and we will be making our way to Longbourn. I believe my exulted patroness with have everything correctly set by the end of the evening.”

  “If only I could be there for the scene. Colonel Fitzwilliam and Mr Bennet deserve to be put in their place.” Wickham stated, sneering at the thought.

  “You must speak with Lady Catherine, for you might know something which would prove beneficial to our goal.”

  Wickham shook his head. “If only I could. I have to meet my colonel, as he has a secret operation of which he wishes me to be part. But I can meet you here, again, at say ten this evening. Can you meet me then?”

  “I am willing, though I know Lady Catherine will wish to speak with you.”

  “If necessary, bring her with you. By then, we will be able to make a plan to secure your future happiness.” Wickham spoke, as he looked about. “Now, I must be on my way. Ten o’clock. Be here.”

  Mr Collins thought it odd that his new friend behaved in such a manner, yet, the bewilderment did not last long. He quickly made his way back towards the inn, and thought of how he would be pleased to have Miss Elizabeth Bennet become his wife.

  ~~ ** ~~

  “Welcome, welcome, come in.” Mr Bennet declared to his guests. “It is a pleasure to have you here.”

  Richard stepped forward. “We are grateful for your including my father and uncle in the invitation. They only just arrived a few hours ago.”

  “Tis no worry, Colonel.” Mrs Bennet stated, taking hold of her husband’s arm. “There is always room for them at our table.”

  “If you would allow me, I present to you Lord Matlock, Henry Fitzwilliam, Earl of Matlock, and Mr Gerald Darcy of Pemberley. Father, Uncle, I present to you Mr and Mrs Thomas Bennet, and their daughters, Miss Jane Bennet, Miss Elizabeth, Miss Mary, Miss Kitty, and Miss Lydia Bennet.” Bows and curtsies were exchanged.

  “It is our pleasure to welcome you to our home, Lord Matlock and Mr Darcy. Colonel Fitzwilliam and Mr Bingley have been very amiable guests, and we have enjoyed having them dine with us on several occasions.” Mrs Bennet was beside herself with having someone of the nobility a guest in her home. As she welcomed the gentlemen, Gerald looked across the room at his son. He looked forward to making known the truth. They had planned to announce the situation after supper.

  Watching his son, Gerald noticed something different about the young man. William was seated next the dark haired daughter and was conversing of estate matters. The ease in which the pair spoke was unlike anything Gerald had witnessed in the past. How odd to see his son in such comfort, when all had been chaos. He would need to keep an eye on this, and he prayed that he was witnessing his son falling in love.

  The housekeeper came to the door of the drawing room to inform the Mistress that the meal was served. “Thank you, Hill.” Mrs Bennet stated. Mr Bennet held out an arm to his wife, and they led the way from the drawing room. Mr Bingley was prepared to escort Jane, but as ranking guest, Lord Matlock took the honor. To his relations’ surprise, William offered his arm to Elizabeth, and though Gerald could have exercised his privilege, he allowed his son the honor, and instead, Gerald offered his arm to Mary. Richard and Bingley were left to escort the two younger sisters.

  All were seated around the table, and the conversation was light and friendly. The first course was brought forth, and the guests were appreciative of the fine table Mrs Bennet set. As each consecutive course was served, the men praised what was offered. Lord Matlock lifted his wine glass in a toast to the Mistress of Longbourn. “Mrs Bennet, I cannot remember the last time I had such a delightful meal. I must say, your cook is exemplary.”

  “Lord Matlock, you are all kindness. As you have eaten in some of the grandest homes in England, I find your words to be extremely generous.”

  Gerald added to his brother-in-law’s words. “And he is honest in his praise, Mrs Bennet. I have a French chef at Pemberley, and I must claim that his meals do not compare half as good as what you h
ave served tonight. If ever your cook wishes a new position, I would gladly snatch her up in a moment.”

  “Oh, Cook has been with the Bennet family since before Thomas and I wed. We would be lost without her, for she has been such a crucial part of our daily life,” Mrs Bennet replied. One thing she learned in the first years of her marriage was to always treat Cook with the respect due her. As the tenants tended the land and made it profitable, Mrs Hill and Cook made the home run smoothly. Respect was due them, and respect was given.

  As they were finishing the meal, a commotion was heard at the front of the house. Shouting could be heard, and a woman’s voice drowning out the voice of a man. Without any announcement, Lady Catherine de Bourgh and Mr Collins entered the dining room. “I am here to speak with you of the mistreatment you have made to my parson.” The pompous windbag declared. “And I will see that you apologize to Mr Collins, and the situation is remedied, before we leave here tonight.”


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