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OMEGA Rescue

Page 10

by Stephen Arseneault

  "I'll be down there in a sec, Colonel. Jack, the nav is yours."

  As I entered the conference room, a sky-view city-map of the Tamarin political capital was floating in the air in front of the holo-wall display.

  The colonel stood and walked to it. "This building is where their board of trade has been moved. It also has the three new members of the triad. Go and I took the liberty of talking with the old Tamarin chiefs you have here. The word was, you take the city, you capture the trade board and these three individuals, and you effectively capture the Tamarin Corporation.

  "After several discussions, the three former triad members came to an arrangement with me. If we can take that building and hold it long enough for them to return, they will withdraw fully from our galaxies, turn over control of the AIs, and submit to becoming members of the restored AMP."

  I asked, "How did you manage that?"

  Tom Harper replied. "Nothing like a mean old grumpy Marine colonel in your face to get you to take stock in your current situation. I may have also thrown in the possibility of them getting spaced if they didn't agree. Doesn't matter which one worked as they readily said 'yes'."

  I nodded. "Intimidation is a tactic I use as well. It can be very effective and doesn't require actual violence."

  The colonel grinned his evil grin. "When this face gets in your face, be assured it's not there to wish you a happy birthday."

  The colonel looked back at the map. "Using the Ares, I plan on sending in five thousand of your Gruntas. We'll drop ion inhibitors, here, here, here, and here. We can then drop in the troops in four quick sweeps. They move into the four entrances of the building and work their way up. The Tamarin there will be limited to hand weapons, and against your Grunta I don't expect much resistance."

  I asked, "What about the AIs?"

  The colonel replied, "Simple, we go in with comm inhibitors running as well. When our people have replaced the new triad, we can extract the Gruntas and disable the inhibitors. I've allowed fifteen minutes to take the building and another fifteen for the Tamarin in the next room to reassert their control. After that, all that is left is to celebrate the rebirth of the AMP."

  I reached up, rubbing my chin. "I can't say that I dislike this plan, Colonel. It certainly shortens the time frame for an overthrow and if it can be done with a minimum of violence, all the better. My concerns would be that the AIs are an unknown and the Tamarin may decide to stab us in the back. And we don't know where those other portal ships are. The Triad could have themselves swept out of there before we ever reached them."

  The colonel again grinned. "That's where our contingency plan comes into play. I will be going in with my BGS suit activated. I can sit on the Tamarin who are in charge until the Gruntas reach them. If a portal opens to sweep them away, I go through it as well. That would solve another problem for us of getting another one of those portal ships offline."

  I looked over the map in thought. "And is there a contingency for the contingency?"

  The colonel pointed at the top of the building. "Always. I'll be tagging the Tamarin before any of the action begins. If they go somewhere, we know where they went and we can go get them."

  I asked, "Why don't we just go in and tag the Tamarin now? I would think they would have to reveal the whereabouts of the portal ships to us at some point."

  The colonel frowned. "Don't we wish it was that easy. After talking to the former triad members, we discovered that they aren't the ones calling the shots. They are just figureheads that face the people. The real power is in the defense league. And the decisions as to how the portal ships are to be used has been given over to the AIs. The defense league makes a decision on the action they want, such as searching Gratis, and the AIs take it from there. Now the Tamarin claim the AIs report to them, and that they only allow this method of direction because of its convenience. I think they may be fooling themselves."

  I added, "Those are my thoughts as well. And those thinking machines are not here to serve us as they suggest. They have an agenda. We just haven't been made aware of it yet."

  I sat down in a chair. "When do you think you'll have all of this ready to go?"

  The colonel looked over the map as his big fists rested on his hips. "Tomorrow at the earliest. I have to present it to the Council and then again to their Command. I expect things to progress rapidly from there."

  Joni blinked in, sitting beside me. "I'd like to be there with you, Colonel."

  Tom Harper gestured for Joni to sit. "I want to keep you in reserve. If something happens to me or if the situation changes in some way, I want the option of calling you in. We can't afford to allow our portal tech, the inhibitors, or any of our people for that matter, to be captured. We all have memories and they have ways to extract them. So I'd like you to stay put here. Besides, if you get an alert about your husband, you'll be off in a heartbeat. I can't afford to plan you in if there's a possibility you won't be there."

  Joni raised her hands from her lap. "So that's it? I don't fight anymore?"

  The colonel smiled. "Little Bit, every battle is a new battle. If I think I need you there, you best plan on being there."

  Joni shook her head as she looked down at the floor.

  I asked, "What's wrong?"

  Joni replied, "He called me Little Bit. That's almost as bad as Jo Jo."

  The colonel stepped up. "I apologize, Mrs. Rourke. I failed to realize that I was running a nursery school here instead of a war!"

  After a short moment of awkward silence, the colonel burst out laughing. "I hope you're not so easily offended by me, Mrs. Rourke. I can be a bit rough around the edges sometimes."

  Joni nodded and smiled. "I can hold my own, Colonel. You say what you gotta say and I'll deal with it. I've had a lifetime of dealing with a jack-ass for an uncle; you'll be a picnic in comparison."

  I added. "She's no slouch, Colonel. I've seen her in action."

  Tom Harper smiled. "You would've made a good Marine, Mrs. Rourke."

  Chapter 10

  * * *

  The plan was agreed to by the Council, Grunta Command was briefed and a force of five thousand warriors selected. Four of my children made the cut. As a councilwoman, Getta had the option of keeping them home. It was a favor often granted to the Council's family. She would have none of it.

  A raid was conducted on a Kergan colony and a transport stolen and swept away. The colonel was swept into the Tamarin building and quickly powered his way to the top floor. All three triad members sat around an opulent table, making puns with each other about the sector governorships and how they would be heavily taxed once they had assumed their positions. The new triad had already been overtaken by greed.

  The Grunta force was loaded on the stolen transport and with the press of a button the assault was begun. Four ion inhibitor spikes fell through the atmosphere and jammed into the city streets. Seconds later, everything running under ion power for a hundred kilometers outward shut down.

  Before the surrounding AIs could command bots to move to defensive positions a second sweep sent in a powerful comm inhibitor. Every AI on the city side of the planet went idle.

  The Grunta transport came into existence only meters from the Tamarin Corporation headquarters building. The five thousand Grunta warriors streamed out, surrounded the building and then hurriedly moved inside. The three Triad members sat in the darkened fiftieth floor, unable to call for protection.

  The colonel blinked in behind them. "Gentlemen, your moment of glory is at an end."

  Jans Hurrik stood. "What is the meaning of this? Who are you and how dare you enter our sanctuary!"

  Seconds later the three prior Triad members were swept into the room.

  Vagra Withers stepped forward. "Mr. Hurrik. You are guilty of high treason and you shall be dealt with accordingly."

  As I watched over the colonel's feed, the four guards in the room pulled their blasters. After determining they were not operational, the guards bowed to the colonel's
gaze. A short scuffle could be heard outside, followed by the doors to the sanctuary bursting open. A dozen Grunta warriors rushed in.

  I turned toward Go who was standing beside me. "How is it that our stealth tags are still running?"

  Go smiled, "Remember the open channel we added to the inhibitors? Those tags operate on that channel. Our normal comms won't work because we still can't power our arm pads. Those tags were easily shielded."

  I replied, "Good to know."

  The colonel said, "My work is done here. Sweep me back."

  Three seconds later the colonel was standing near us on the bridge. "That went a lot smoother than I thought it would. You can send the signal to power down the inhibitors. The coup is over."

  I raised Getta on the comm. "The mission was a success. We are now in control of the Tamarin Corporation."

  Getta replied, "Good. The Council would like to know if you could open a channel for us to use to speak with our people."

  I made several swipes at the console in front of me. "I've patched you through. Let me know when you're done."

  Getta nodded. "The Council was eager to congratulate the on-site commander. It seems an odd request."

  The colonel stepped forward. "You can tell her that as soon as the situation on the ground there is stable we can start to plan for the Grunta trip home. I wouldn't want to move them before that time."

  Getta replied, "I heard that, Colonel. And thank you for that information. I'll pass it along."

  Getta motioned and the comm channel closed.

  The colonel slapped me on the back. "You've got a fine woman there, Mr. Beutcher. I like a woman who’s always in control."

  Seconds later a red faced Getta was back on the comm, and on the run. "The Council has double-crossed us! They made a deal with the Tamarin that the Corporation would remain in charge and that they would have four seats on the board! Withers and the others eagerly accepted!"

  I asked, "Why are you running?"

  Getta scowled. "Three assassins just attempted to kill me. I pulled one of them in front of me just as she attempted to jam a blade up under my arm."

  I stood. "Where are you? I'm coming to help!"

  Getta shook her head. "Don't be silly. They would kill you without hesitation!"

  I punched in portal coordinates for the Council chamber.

  The colonel grabbed my arm. "I'm going with you."

  Joni stepped up. "Me too."

  Go began to speak and I held up my hand. "Forget it. I need you here."

  The button was pressed and a portal window opened in front of us. When the window collapsed, we were standing in the center of the Council table as several of the members argued.

  An angry voice yelled out at me as Joni and the Colonel blinked out. "What is the meaning of this intrusion?"

  I yelled back. "What treachery has this Council been up to? As we speak, my wife is being chased by two assassins! Call them off now or I kill the lot of you right here and now!"

  Getta yelled over the comm. "The second assassin is dead! Don't do anything rash!"

  Four Grunta guards rushed into the chamber with their weapons trained on me.

  The lead councilwoman pounded the table in front of her. "Nobody move! And if any of you guards pull a trigger, I will personally execute you with my fist!"

  The colonel yelled over his comm. "I've got her on a scan! Two hundred meters and moving laterally! Joni, stay here."

  The colonel powered away.

  I scowled at the angry faces that looked upon the intruder. "One or more of you is trying to kill my wife! I will find out who it is and I will take vengeance not only upon you, but your family and your staff! If you can stop this, you better do it now!"

  The lead councilwoman glared around the table. "Who is responsible for this high treason? Stop this now and come clean and you will not be executed!"

  My eyes were glued to the camera feed as Getta moved into a room. The door behind her slammed open. The assassin, carrying a heavy maul, stepped through.

  I watched in horror as Getta flipped a desk on end and charged the assailant. The maul came down hard, ripping through the desk and smashing into her shoulder. For the first time in my life, my whole body was frozen in fear. I watched, paralyzed and powerless as the assassin swung the maul around and behind herself for the death blow.

  As her swing started forward the colonel blinked into existence, punching her in the back of the head. With the unexpected strike, the maul went skyward, leaving the assassin's hands and slamming hard into the ceiling, five meters above.

  The assassin pulled a dagger, spun quickly around and attempted to bury it in the colonel's forehead. A raised arm intercepted the blade, which spiked deep inside and stuck. The colonel, with his prosthetic limbs, moved forward, thrusting two fingers up and under the right arm of the attacker. The assassin froze and then slumped to the floor, paralyzed with pain as the colonel's fingers pressed on her most vulnerable point.

  The colonel offered his evil grin. "I thought you would have learned it by now. Don't mess with Humans!"

  The colonel knelt beside Getta. "Shoulder looks bad."

  Getta glanced at her wound. "It's broken, but I will live. I thank you for stepping in when you did, I otherwise might have killed her."

  The colonel sat for a moment in thought before bellowing out in laughter.

  Joni blinked in, standing over the powerless assassin with a blaster.

  The colonel helped Getta to her feet with a grin. "I like this woman, Mr. Beutcher. If she ever dumps you, I might just be waiting there in the shadows!"

  Getta scowled. "Uh, that would never happen. I detest you filthy Humans."

  The colonel howled in laughter.

  I turned to face the Council. "One or more of you will answer for this!"

  The lead councilwoman scowled. "We will handle this abomination from here, Mr. Beutcher. I suggest you leave this chamber before raising the anger of those who support your wife!"

  I stepped over to the councilwoman, leaning in with my fists placed flat on the table. "I'm declaring this Council null and void!"

  The lead first winced and then laughed. "You can't do that! You have no authority here!"

  I gestured toward a faraway place. "We had an agreement with the Tamarin. You stabbed us in the back!"

  The lead leaned forward, almost touching her broad forehead to mine. "We broke no such agreement, Mr. Beutcher. Our terms were that we would assist in the overthrow. We did that."

  The councilwoman stood straight as she addressed the remainder of the members. "Now, this act today was high treason. We have one of the assassins. She will talk. Names will follow. Come clean here and now, and as I promised, there will be no execution."

  The councilwoman again leaned in close to me. "As for you, Mr. Beutcher. Your trespass here today is also a violation punishable by execution. However, given the circumstances, I am certain that this Council will waive any punishment if you leave this chamber now."

  I slowly shook my head. "Waive my punishment? Who do you think you are?"

  Joni blinked in behind me, placing her hand on my shoulder. "Let's not make things worse."

  The colonel entered the room with a scowling Getta on his arm. "Who did this? Who among us is lower than the worms that crawl in the earth under our feet?"

  The lead councilwoman pressed. "Well? Speak up! If you fail to do so now, your skull will be crushed and your family shamed for generations! Who is responsible?"

  Two of the council members sat down in their chairs with their heads lowered.

  The lead again looked at me. "You have your criminals, Mr. Beutcher. I would suggest you leave now so we can continue with our people's business."

  The colonel stepped forward. "Not so fast. This council has some explaining to do."

  The lead lowered her head, sighed and then slowly raised her angry eyes toward the colonel. "You are not familiar with our ways, colonel, so I will let this transgression pass."
r />   The colonel began to step forward. I held out my hand.

  The lead scowled and continued. "We have taken control of the Tamarin and the AI fleet, that is true. However, we have no designs on the AMP, these galaxies, or any of the colonies or planets within. Had this incident not occurred, you would have been contacted with the good news. All AIs will be removed from the six galaxies and the portal ships returned except for one. The gate from that ship would be removed and put into service on Jorus, as a diplomatic gateway to the Yallux galaxy from the AMP.

  "The Tamarin Corporation will retain control of their worlds, with all defense needs passed over to a new alliance to be run by this council. The Kergans and any other peoples within that galaxy will be subjects of this new alliance, Tamarin included."

  I said, "And what of the Grotus?"

  The lead councilwoman replied, "The Grotus are of no concern to the AMP. This council and this council alone will determine their fate."

  I asked, "And what of the AIs?"

  The lead continued, "The AIs will be used extensively to rebuild the sustainable infrastructure needed to support the worlds in the alliance. After a period, not to exceed five years, the AIs will be removed from all use and terminated."

  I shook my head. "And you expect us to believe this will happen? What's to keep the AIs from taking over? What happens if the AIs decide they don't want to be terminated?"

  The lead replied, "We will take precautions and will have contingencies in place for each of those. These items are the business of the Council and not your concern. Now, it is time for you to leave, Mr. Beutcher. We have the people's business to attend to and you are holding us from that work. Mrs. Beutcher, if you are in need of immediate medical attention, I would suggest you get that taken care of. All voting will be suspended for at least twenty-four hours while this matter of attempted assassinations is handled."

  Getta answered, still in obvious pain. "Let it be known that I wish to cast my vote on the fates of these two criminals. I would ask that any such vote be postponed until my return."


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